1951-08-27 Regular Meeting283 Wil.mington, N. C., August 22, 7.951. Pursuant to recess taken Monday., August 20, 1951, the Board met at 10:00 o'c].ock A.M.? to receive bids for the purchase of two electric kitehen ranges for the County Home " as advertised. Present: Addison Hewiett Chairman, Jas. M. Ha71, Claud 0'Shields, Hai J. Love and County Auditor C. F. Smith. . ?_O" - e ,. I only bid received was submitted by the Tide VJater Company as fo'lows: "I Two Ao.'lll HRG7A 361" Heavy Duty Hotpoint Conmercia]_ Eiectric Ranges finished with Permalucent which are 36" high, 36" wide, and 36" deep. Each range wi17. have three 12" x 24" cast iron top sections with Calrod heating ur.its. Each top section is equipped with independent automatic controls which wili ai?ow the cook to select any temperature r.ecessary for top surface cooking. Each of these units wi1.1 carry a temperature from 2500 to 850° Fahrenheit for cooking. There are also no hotspots ir, any section of the cooking top of these ranges. It has the same temperature on the outer edge of the unit as it has in the center of the unit." '0 Each range has an oven depth 26J"9 wide 221", height 12j". They are also ii?sulated with a heavy minerai rock wool which retards the waste of heat from the oven. They car, be furnished as shown by the descriptive.foider attached, with legs for setting on cor:crete base or with four 411' high legs." " The F.O.B. price of the 111 HRG7A range is $771.40. Two of these,-ranges would be $1,542.50 less Federa] Tax $80.40 totaling $7.,462.10, less 15% discount $?219•32• Total price delivered to the County Home wi1J. be $1.,242.'78". The matter of moving the present kitchen to a location to be provided in the dining room and divorcing the present cooking arrangements for both inmates and prisoners and settirig- up separate cooking facilities and dir.ing room for prisoners in the prison building, was discussed. Therefore the question of purchasing one or two ranges arose. Thereupon Mr. Love moved and it was seconded by Mr. 0'Shields and carried, that action on awarding the bid be held in abeyance pending a decission of the matter. The, meeting then adjourned. JC•a??-r Wilmington, N. C., August 27, 1_951. The regular weekly meeting of the Board wa.s held at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: Jas. M. Hall Vice Chairman, Claud 0'Shields? Thurston C. Davis, Ha2. J. Loveg Eoc3nty Attorney Marsden Bel.lamy and C.F.Smith County Auditor. Copies of the minutes of August 20th and 22nd tiaving been previausly given to each member of the Board, and-iio_, coTrections indicated, reading of the same was therefore dispensed with. Mr. C. R. Morse? City-County Tax Coll.ector appeared to complain of the termination / of the services of a clerk in'the back tax department, and cailed atter:tion to the operation of his department with the same nurnber of clerks since 1942, and due to the ir.crease in business, the department would be handicapped if the force is curtailed. T herefore, on a motior; offered by Mr. T:ove and seconded by Mr. Davis, the Board voted its approval to continue the services of the clerk in question, if the City so desires* the Countv's Fireman,reoorted Mr. Burroughs/on a fire at Winter Park Sunday night, August 26th, that destroyed the home --- ??? of Mr.Wil7.iam Dyke, and stated that response to the fire was delayed due to failure in getting the ca11 through to his department promptly. Upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, it was agreeable to the Commissioners to have the stecial term of civil court convene or. October 22, instead of September 24, requested by the Bar Association, which change vras occasioned by the inability to provide a judge to hold the special, term September 24. \ A letter was received from bfajor T. G. 0'fieal, Director of Civil Defense, advising that his contract with the City of Wiimington as Director of Public Safety,, will expire August .? RkS 31, ar.d upon cessatior of his duties desires to be relieved of the duties and responsibilities of Director of Civi] Lefer,se, and requested the City and Couxity to inver.tory and take over property now under the jurisdiction of the Wiimington-Nevr Harover County Civil Defer.se Administration. Thereupon Mr. 0_!5bte].ds was, upon motioi_ of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr.Love' appointed to inventory the property with a representative of the City. A communication was received from &Ir. A..Wiibur C1ark, Third Division State Highway Commissioner, advising that the State Highway GeL3era1 Counsel has been instructed to draw up the necessary agreement between the City, County and State Highway Commission for the lighting of the north East River bridge, to be forwarded to this body for approval and execution. Upon motior, of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, the Board approved the appointment of Messrs George W. Trask and E. M. Butler to succeed themselves$ and E.Raynor P111son to replace Mr. Harriss Newman,rexiFed, as members of the Board of Trustees of Commurlity Hospital for a three year term begir:ning July 1, 1951, on nomination of the Board of T rustees in accordance with the by-laws of the institution. -A I 2 8.4 Meeting of August 27, 1951, continued. Notices of intention to app].y for a S,tate permit to seil beer at 1222 S. 3rd, Street, and 822 Orange Street, submitted by Fred Purmort and Andrew Franks, respectively' P611 vuas received and no objections were indicated. by the Board. Q Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, paymer:t of $500.00 budget item authorized by the Board at meeting of April 2, 1951.i to the New Har:over High 5chabls Band Uniform Fund,was approved out of the Advertising fund, which,in the opinion of the Boa_rd, will be beneficial for advertising the advai;tages and resources of the • County. Mr. Ben McDonnald told the Board of a recent intervievi with Mr. Donald B. Charles, ?.? President of the North Carol.ina State Firemen's Association and'Chief Charles L. Burkett _ e a of the Salisbury Fire Departmer,t, coricernic;g the successful operation of fourteen active voliuiteer fire fighting units in Howar. County, Mr. Charles and Mr. Burkett offered to,come'doe:r_ and"expl.ain their'system to the Board if decired. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, county biils Nos. 6019 to 6452 _ -? were approved for payment. Monday, September 3, 1951, being a legal hoiiday ( Labor Day ) and the date of the c/ next regular meeting of the Board, a recess was taken untiJ. 10:00 o!clock A.M., Tuesday, - G Sep'tember 4th, 1951. c5h, i4 kAx- - .--C Clerk. ;Z_? ' Wil.mington,N.C., September 4, 1951. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was heid at 10:00 o'clock A.N. Present: Addisor. Hewlett, Chairman, Jas. M. Hall, Ciaud 0'Shie?ds, Thursto,. C. Davis, •• Hai J. Love and Cout.ty attorney biarsden Be7lamy. .« Copies of the minutes of ineeting of August 27th, 1951, having been furnished the members of the Boardt reading of the same was therefore dispensed with. ? The gate receipt charges for schoo7. events at ?egion Stadium was, upoi, motion of Mr. 0'Shieids, seconded by Mr. Love, increased fron 6% to 10% to ei,abie the aliotment'of 4% of such gate receipts to the New Hat.over High School Bar,d Ur.iform Fund for the purchase of neW^ur:iforms and .incider,ta7s not provided for in the school budget. And the New Hanover County Athletic-... A ssociation be notified to shovi cause why that should not be done. The colored Home Demonstratior, Agent presented a report of the activities of her department for August which was received ar_d fiied. A request of Mr. Nathan Cole, Attorney, £or tax adjustment or, the property of the Golden Lyre Lodge and Free Love Lodge, ( Ruth Hall) block 106, ori the grounds that the same ?.is used excl.usive]_y for lodge and charitab7.e purposes, was upon motion.of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Ha1_1_, referred to the Tax Supervisor, Cour,ty Attorney and County Auditor for investigation. . J Upon motion of Ivlr. Hail, seconded by Mr. Love, an appropriation of $500.00 was granted CJ the Southeastern North Carol.ina Beach Association out of the advertising fur,d, which, in - G the opinion of the Board wii]. be beneficial for advertising the resources and advantages . of the County. . Mr. 0'Shiel.ds presec.ted an invei.tory of the furr.iture, fixtures ? equipment, together with the cabinets containing therein the fiies and office suppl.ies ovrned by the Wilmir.gton- , Ivew Hai_over County Civi1 Defense Administratior., which was turned over to.him and Mr. L. C. Le@win? duly appointed custodians for said property,for the Conhty of New ? UHai.over and the City of Wilmington, respectively, by NaJor T.C.0'1Vea1 the retiring Director, of Civi7. Dgfense, which was received ar.d ordered fii.ed. Ar.d Nr. 0'Shieids moved that Mr. M.B.Register, Sheriff of Tdew Hanover Cour.ty, be appointed Director of Civi1 Defense to succeed Major 0'Nea7 if agreeabie to the City of VJi'mii.gtor., which was seconded by ll4r. Davis and carrled. At the ir:vitation of the Board, Recorder H. Winfieid Smith ar.d Soiicitor Cicero Yow appeared to discuss the ap.pointment of an?nuesZipa-ting-0-f-f-a:cer_Sor?Reeo?de-r-s-Ca?a.Ft-•- Recorder Smith recommended the appointment of either F.Porter Davis, Jr., or Harry L. Dosher ar.d the matter wa.s ther, discnssed at some iez-gth. Mr. Hall moved ar.d it was seconded by Mr. Davis that „- , A?./ Mr. F. Porter Davis, Jr., be appointed to the position. A suhstitute motion was then offered V? by Mr. Love and seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, that in view of remarks made by Recordefi Smith and; Solicitor Yow as to the previous experiex.ce of Mr. Dosher 1. Recorders Court clerical work, that he be:;offered the appointment as Speciai Investigat4r?g Officer for Recorders Court at a salary of $250.00 per mo•r.th plus $25.00 per month automobii.e a'iowance. Mr. Love and Mr. 0'Shie]_ds voted iffirmativel,y on the substitute motion. IGo further vote was taken and upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, thg_ap.pointrq.enk-was deferred timtil meeting of September 24, 1951. Upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by nIr. 0'Shields, an appropriatior.,of,$250.00 was,granted for bhe usd of the Agricultural Committee of the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce and the County Agent for the promotion of agriculture iil connection with the Junior Dairy Cattle Show exhibition at Legion Stadium September 27th and 28th. , Sealed bids for auditing the books and records of the County Officers for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1951, were received from Messrs Harry W. Cherry, J. Neveiand Brand,Jr.9 _-?,,,,(0tVWm.P.Bordeaux and W311iam C. Barfield, CPAs., ai.d aii. bids being equat in the amount bid, Mr. Hail moved and it was seconded by Mr. 0'Shieids and carried, that the contract be awarded to Mr. Harry W. Cherry CPA ori a basis or $35•00 per day for the services of ? certified public accountai.tsx 430.00 per day for ser:ior accountants, $25.00 per day for semi-senior accouritants and ?p20.00 per day for jur=ior accountar:tnd i due m to that h exPnce d this work for the coux?ty ?_ast fiscai. year er.ding Jur.e 30, 1949, a perie . it would be to the county's advar.tage, ic, the opinion of t;he Board, to award the contract to him, other bids being equa?.. -.. ?