1951-09-04 Regular MeetingI 2 8.4 Meeting of August 27, 1951, continued. Notices of intention to app].y for a S,tate permit to seil beer at 1222 S. 3rd, Street, and 822 Orange Street, submitted by Fred Purmort and Andrew Franks, respectively' P611 vuas received and no objections were indicated. by the Board. Q Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, paymer:t of $500.00 budget item authorized by the Board at meeting of April 2, 1951.i to the New Har:over High 5chabls Band Uniform Fund,was approved out of the Advertising fund, which,in the opinion of the Boa_rd, will be beneficial for advertising the advai;tages and resources of the • County. Mr. Ben McDonnald told the Board of a recent intervievi with Mr. Donald B. Charles, ?.? President of the North Carol.ina State Firemen's Association and'Chief Charles L. Burkett _ e a of the Salisbury Fire Departmer,t, coricernic;g the successful operation of fourteen active voliuiteer fire fighting units in Howar. County, Mr. Charles and Mr. Burkett offered to,come'doe:r_ and"expl.ain their'system to the Board if decired. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, county biils Nos. 6019 to 6452 _ -? were approved for payment. Monday, September 3, 1951, being a legal hoiiday ( Labor Day ) and the date of the c/ next regular meeting of the Board, a recess was taken untiJ. 10:00 o!clock A.M., Tuesday, - G Sep'tember 4th, 1951. c5h, i4 kAx- - .--C Clerk. ;Z_? ' Wil.mington,N.C., September 4, 1951. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was heid at 10:00 o'clock A.N. Present: Addisor. Hewlett, Chairman, Jas. M. Hall, Ciaud 0'Shie?ds, Thursto,. C. Davis, •• Hai J. Love and Cout.ty attorney biarsden Be7lamy. .« Copies of the minutes of ineeting of August 27th, 1951, having been furnished the members of the Boardt reading of the same was therefore dispensed with. ? The gate receipt charges for schoo7. events at ?egion Stadium was, upoi, motion of Mr. 0'Shieids, seconded by Mr. Love, increased fron 6% to 10% to ei,abie the aliotment'of 4% of such gate receipts to the New Hat.over High School Bar,d Ur.iform Fund for the purchase of neW^ur:iforms and .incider,ta7s not provided for in the school budget. And the New Hanover County Athletic-... A ssociation be notified to shovi cause why that should not be done. The colored Home Demonstratior, Agent presented a report of the activities of her department for August which was received ar_d fiied. A request of Mr. Nathan Cole, Attorney, £or tax adjustment or, the property of the Golden Lyre Lodge and Free Love Lodge, ( Ruth Hall) block 106, ori the grounds that the same ?.is used excl.usive]_y for lodge and charitab7.e purposes, was upon motion.of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Ha1_1_, referred to the Tax Supervisor, Cour,ty Attorney and County Auditor for investigation. . J Upon motion of Ivlr. Hail, seconded by Mr. Love, an appropriation of $500.00 was granted CJ the Southeastern North Carol.ina Beach Association out of the advertising fur,d, which, in - G the opinion of the Board wii]. be beneficial for advertising the resources and advantages . of the County. . Mr. 0'Shiel.ds presec.ted an invei.tory of the furr.iture, fixtures ? equipment, together with the cabinets containing therein the fiies and office suppl.ies ovrned by the Wilmir.gton- , Ivew Hai_over County Civi1 Defense Administratior., which was turned over to.him and Mr. L. C. Le@win? duly appointed custodians for said property,for the Conhty of New ? UHai.over and the City of Wilmington, respectively, by NaJor T.C.0'1Vea1 the retiring Director, of Civi7. Dgfense, which was received ar.d ordered fii.ed. Ar.d Nr. 0'Shieids moved that Mr. M.B.Register, Sheriff of Tdew Hanover Cour.ty, be appointed Director of Civi1 Defense to succeed Major 0'Nea7 if agreeabie to the City of VJi'mii.gtor., which was seconded by ll4r. Davis and carrled. At the ir:vitation of the Board, Recorder H. Winfieid Smith ar.d Soiicitor Cicero Yow appeared to discuss the ap.pointment of an?nuesZipa-ting-0-f-f-a:cer_Sor?Reeo?de-r-s-Ca?a.Ft-•- Recorder Smith recommended the appointment of either F.Porter Davis, Jr., or Harry L. Dosher ar.d the matter wa.s ther, discnssed at some iez-gth. Mr. Hall moved ar.d it was seconded by Mr. Davis that „- , A?./ Mr. F. Porter Davis, Jr., be appointed to the position. A suhstitute motion was then offered V? by Mr. Love and seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, that in view of remarks made by Recordefi Smith and; Solicitor Yow as to the previous experiex.ce of Mr. Dosher 1. Recorders Court clerical work, that he be:;offered the appointment as Speciai Investigat4r?g Officer for Recorders Court at a salary of $250.00 per mo•r.th plus $25.00 per month automobii.e a'iowance. Mr. Love and Mr. 0'Shie]_ds voted iffirmativel,y on the substitute motion. IGo further vote was taken and upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, thg_ap.pointrq.enk-was deferred timtil meeting of September 24, 1951. Upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by nIr. 0'Shields, an appropriatior.,of,$250.00 was,granted for bhe usd of the Agricultural Committee of the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce and the County Agent for the promotion of agriculture iil connection with the Junior Dairy Cattle Show exhibition at Legion Stadium September 27th and 28th. , Sealed bids for auditing the books and records of the County Officers for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1951, were received from Messrs Harry W. Cherry, J. Neveiand Brand,Jr.9 _-?,,,,(0tVWm.P.Bordeaux and W311iam C. Barfield, CPAs., ai.d aii. bids being equat in the amount bid, Mr. Hail moved and it was seconded by Mr. 0'Shieids and carried, that the contract be awarded to Mr. Harry W. Cherry CPA ori a basis or $35•00 per day for the services of ? certified public accountai.tsx 430.00 per day for ser:ior accountants, $25.00 per day for semi-senior accouritants and ?p20.00 per day for jur=ior accountar:tnd i due m to that h exPnce d this work for the coux?ty ?_ast fiscai. year er.ding Jur.e 30, 1949, a perie . it would be to the county's advar.tage, ic, the opinion of t;he Board, to award the contract to him, other bids being equa?.. -.. ? ??? Y? , r»- ? Meeting of Septeu,ter 4th 1951, continued. ,The i'o1'lowing extracts from the minutes of the County Board of Education of Newiliarover County,o£ its -meetir,g oE August 31, 1952 t were received %'• - '` - l-????` "Mr. E. A. Laney introduced the foliowing reso2ution and move8 for its adoption: WHEREAS, the Cour.ty Board of Educatior, of New Hanover Coui:ty is of the opinion that the school facili'ties,ii: the New Hanover County Sehool Administratiye.. Unit are not adequate for.the maintenarice of public schools within said 9chool Administrative Unit ar,d that the additional facii.ities hereinafter described must be provided; N OW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Education of New Hanover Cour.ty that said Board has ascertained, and hereby determines, that it is necessary to provide additional school plant facilities by erecti?:g additions to or a7tering or reconstructing school buiidings ?maintained by the County Board of Education, aiid by acquiring and installir_g equipment required for such school buildings, in order that the Coui:ty of New Hanover, as an , administrative agency of the pubtic school system of the State of North Caro't.inat may s.aintain public schools in said Cour;ty Por the six months term required by the Constitution of North Carolina, and that it wilI be r,ecessary to expend for such purpose.not 1ess than $40,000.00 in addition to other moneys made avaitabie therefor. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of said Courity be and it hereby is requested to raise the n,oney required to £inance such p.urpose by the issuance of bonds of said Com.ty, pursuant to the County Fiiance Actl FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Cour.ty Board of Education be and he liereby is directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to said Board of Commissioners. The motion was seconded by Mrs. C. L. Meister and was ur,animously adopted. Votia,g'Ayes:- Hoggard; Lar..eyl Aoe? -IvIeister, Craig ai,d'1anden. Absent: None. Nosi - ? None. •: , The C1erk preser,ted to the Board a copy of the reso7.ution adopted by the County Board of Education August 31, 1951, requesting the Board of Commissioners to raise the sum of $40,000.00 for schoo.l plant facilities by the issuance of bonds of the County of NeWr Hanover and the same was considered by the Board and the foilowing proceedings were had: TvIr. Ha1,J. Love introduced the fo?lowing bond order which was read at iength: , $OND ORDER AIITHORIZIP+G THE ISSUANCE OF $409000 SCHOOL BONDS OF THE COU1'sTY OF NEW HAn OVER. WHEREAS, the Coiu.ty Board of Education of INew Nanover 6our.ty has determined that it is necessary to provide additional schooi piant facilities in the New Hanover Cour,ty School Administrative Unit, described in this bond order, so that the public schools in the Cout_ty of ;?ew Har;over may be maii.tained, as a part of the system of pub7ic school.s of the 5tate of Paorth Carolina, for the term rsquired by the Cor.stitution of North Caro7.ina? and that it wil? be necessary to expend for such school plant faciiities in such unit the sum hereinafter appropriated thereto, iti addition to ot;her moneys avaiiable therefor; NOW, THFFtEFORE, BE IT ORDEi3ED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as foliows: Section 1. Bonds of the County of Tdew Fauover are hereby authorized and shaii. be issued pursuant to The County Fir;ance Act of horth Ca roiina to finance the cost of the school plant faciiities described in Section 2 of this bond order. The maximum a?gregate principal amount of said bonds shall be Forty Thousand Dollars ($40'000). Section 2. The school faciiities to be financed by the issuar.ce of said bonds shall • consist of erecting additions to or a1tering or reconstructl.ng school bizildir.gs maiiitained by the County Board of Education, and acquiri.ng and instail.ing equipment required for such ^ school buildings. Section 3. The Board of Commissioners has ascertained ar:d hereby determines that it is ., necessary to provide such additioraal school piar.t facilities described in this bond order so that said @our.ty may mairitain pub7ic school.s in said County, as an administrative ager.cy of the public school system of the 5tate of North Carolina, for the term required by tne Cor;stitutior, of horth Carotina? and that it wiil Ue necessary to exper.d for such school P1ant facii.ities ? in said unitthe sum hereinbefore appropriated thereto, in addition to other moneys available • . therefor. Section 4. A tax sufficient to pay the prii:cipal. of and ir_terest on said borids wher. due shall be ai,nually ievied and coliected. Section 5. A statement ef the CouL.ty debt of the Coui.ty of I.ew Har.over has been filed with the C7.erk of the Board of Commissioners of said County and is opened to pub].ic inspection. Section 6. No debt shal1 be contracted during ariy fiscal year bg the issuance of bouds pursuant to this tond order if the ,mour.t of such debt and of aii other debt contracted during such fiscal qear shaii. exceed two-thirds of the amount by which the outstanding ir,debtedi:ess of said Cow:ty shall have been reduced during the next preceding fisca' year, unless the ir:curring of such debt shai! be submitted to a vote of the peopie of said County ' and std11 be approved by a majority of those who vote thereon. Section 'J. This bond order shalt take effect thirty days aftex its first pub7.ication after fir.al passage, unl.ess,ici the meantime, a petitior, of its submission to the voters is filed uuder the County Finance Act, and in sucti ever.t, it shal,l take effect wher, approved by the voters o£ said County at an eJ.ection as provide8 in said Act. Mr. Claud 0'Shields moved that the bond order be approved ar.d that a pub].ic hearing thereon sha11 be held on the 17th day of September, 7.951, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon at the regul.ai• meetir.g rc3om:sof the 8oard of Commissioners at the Court House in Wilmington, North Carolina, and that the Clerk of, the Board of Commissioners be directed to pub]ish the bond order with a r:otice of hearing in the form prescribed by taw. ?2?, The motion was seconded by Mr. Jas, M. Hail and was unat.imously adopted. ? 2"86 ? . Meetii_g of September 4, 1951, continued. Letters of appreciation were received from Rear Admiral Thomas S. Combs, Chisf of the Bureau of Aeronautics, and J.P.H.Perry, Chief Officer of Faciiities and Services of the Munitions Board, Vdashirigton, D. C., for the joint ;_PsAyutS.on of the Board of Commissior.ers, City of Wilmington arid VTitmir.gton Chamber of Comn,erce, offering facii.ities in the Wilmington Area a vai?abie to the Armad Services ai.d fuii support ac,d cooperatiori. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shieids5 the Board accepted the offer of the Richmond Fie1d 0ffice of the Pubiic flousing Administration5 through Mr. B.H.Narsha11j3r.9 Executive Director of the Housing Authority of the City of Wiimir, ton, to seil, the Coui:ty the Naffitt Vill.age Fire truck ar.d equipment at a total price of E50.00 incl.uding the use of the garage, rent free, dweiiir.g ur.it for the firemar, and Family, rer.t free, instail.ation of duel rear wheels on the truck and additional axe etc., in accordance with agreement dated august 27, 1951. , A statement was received f rom the State Board of Public Vdelfare advising that $46,416.37 _ 5,S was sent to this Coui.ty in August for Old Age Assistance, Aid to Deperident Children, Aid to the Permanently and Totaily Disabled and for AdminiGtration. A report of the Veterar;s' Service Officer for August was received and fi7_ed. ?A color schedule for painting the Terminal Building at the Airport was received from ^00Nr. Les7.ie n. Boney, Architect and referred to the Board for coi.sideration on the premises gt the Airport Thursday morning September 6th at 9:30. , ivotices of ir?tention to apply £or a State Fermit to seil beer were received from Richard Capps? Hei.ry Sherman Hall, E.S.Jackson and Gilbert M. Savage. Ivo objections were indYcated by the Board: Upon motion of L4r. Davis, seconded by L4r. 0'Shieids, Mi7.es Gavins, 78 years o7.d b11nd and ? otherwise disabled indigent citizer;, was on recommendation of the Supt., of P.uUlic Welfare -? admitted to the County Home as ar. ir;mate. The meeting thei: adjourned. __9„ Cierk. ? Gdilmington, N. C., September 10, 1951. The'regular weekly meeting of the Board was hel.d at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: Addison Hew7ett, Chairman, Jas. M. Ha?]., Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis az;d County Attorney D6arsden Bel7amy. A request of Mr. Allen Jones for the use of the 5tadium only for the Azalea Festival March 27th through the 30th, 1952, was upon motior, of Mr. 0'ghields, seconded by Mr. Davis, granted subject to ai:y existing contracts. Miss Verna Be1_le Lowery, Home Demonstration Agent and Mr. D. D. Baggett, Cow_ty Farm Agent, presented reports of the activities of their departments for the &Ionth of August, which -?vU were received and filed. Notice of'intention to appl.y for a State Permit to seil beer at 16th and Queen Streets, 4t?" was received from Willie D. Ford, and no objections iidicated ity the Hoard. ? A report of the County Electrical Inspector for Ju1y was received and filed. A letter of appreciation and thanks was received from Coionel R.C.Brown, Ui.ited States District Er,gineer, for the splendid reception and dirsier given by the City, County and ?,I' D"uerchants Association at the Surf C.lub, Wriphtsviiie Beach, dn Wednesday evening, September 5th, ir. honor of the Commandin@ Ger.erals at,d Staff of tne Marine Corps stationed at Camp Lejeune. : y ido action was taker. by the Board or, a request of Goldeu Lyre and Free Love Lodge to refund taxes paid on its property in block 106 for the years 1940, 1941 ar:d 1942, and 1943 through 1949, claiming the same was used for iodge ar.d charitable purposes or,iy. n A request to move the sirer, from Mr. R. V. Hogers store on the Seagate loop road to Seagate for use of the Seagate Fire Department for both fire ar;d civil defense was approved. A report of the Bureau of Ider,tification for August was received and filed. ?.? A report was received from the Back Tax Coliector showirig that $1,695.88 was collected for l the City and $2,970.29 for the County, making a total_ of $4,666.17 back taxes coltected for the month of August. . C The following letter was received from the New Hanover Aistorical Commission: T he Board of Commissioners VJiIminEton,ivorth Caroiir.a-September 89 1951. New Hai.over County - Ikar. Addison Hewiett, Chairman Wilmington, NorEh Carolina. Gentlemen: We deem it a special privilege arid civic obligation to cail to your attention a we11 deserved recognition of the capable and intel ?_igent service rendered the County by Mr. Thos.K.Woody, Clerk to your Board. , On 5unday,_September 2, in his usual broadcast, Mr. Ber. McDonald, radio commentator, was unusually gracious in his reference to ;t:r. Woody. The tribute paid was timely and very :. _ much in order. We think it was received with distinct approval by the radio audiez.ce, here ?. and throughout the area. We agree fully with Mr. McDonnald in his ger.eral observations that among ait officials of the City and County there is r,o one who out-rar.ks Mr. Woody in his fine characteristics of patier.cej courtesy, cooperation, ar.d intetligent, wii.ling serviee to the publ.ic. L-