1951-09-17 Regular Meeting? b4eeting of September 10, 1951, continued. VPe are glad to bear witness to the fact that in this particular instance, " a prophet is not without honor save in his own country " is not applicable. This note is ser,t entirely without the knovaiedge or consent of Mr. Woody . and is prompted so7_ely by recogriition of the fact that he is an invaluable asset ' to ttew Hanover County in the conduct of its business affairs. Cordiali_y yours, IvEW HANOVER HLSTUfiICAL COMMISSION LOUIS T. MOORE, CHfeIHMAN t Upori motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields7 Eva Dickerson Jamerson, crippled - ,??and carir.ot wait on herself, was on recommendatior of the Supt., of Pubiic Welfare, admitted.to the Cour.ty Home provided she wiii make provision for,her burial on her insurance policy. ' ?6"" The matter of mounting a sigr. on the apror, Side of the airport terminal buiiding to ?Q(? read " New Fianover County Airport, 4Viimir,gtonl N. C." was received for investigation. Upor, motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by hir. 0'Shields, Nr. L. S. Snipes was granted an abatement of taxes on a va] uatioi. of $150.00 on lots 43,44 ar:d 45 ir: b?.ock 1, Si].ver Lake, iAasonboro toavnship, for the year 1949. It.appeared that the said i.ots were assessed for $150.00 for the years 1950 ar.d 19519 and the same was therefore made rectroactive for the year .1949. T he meeting ther, ad journed . C.F.Smit}i. Ac}j,ng_ Clerk. Wilmington9 N. C.I'September 17, 1951.' The regui.ar weekly meeting of tne Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: Addisoii Hew7.ett,Chairman, Jas. Jvi. Ha?i, Claud 0'Shie1_ds, Thurston C. Davis, Ha1 J. Love ar.d County tittorney Marsden Bei lamy. At the hour of 10:00 0' ci ock A.tri., the C.ha irman called attentior. to the r.otice of hearing pubiished with the bor.d order introduced at the meeting of September 4, 19519 Mr. Thurston C. Davis moved that the Board proceed to hold a public hearing on the bond order. The motior. was seconded by Mr. jas. M. Ha1.Z arid'was ur;ai:imously adopted. The Chairmar: ther: ar.rounced that the Board wou?d proceed with the hearing and at a, his request the Cierk read the bond order eiititled "Bond Order authorizing the issuar:ce of $40,000 Schoot Boc:ds of the Cour:ty of Neni Har.over", and the notice of hearing thereon as published on September E3, 1957. ir. the VPi'!mington'Star-News. No one asked to be heard ' with respect'to the bond order. A motiori made by iMr. Claud 0'Shields and seconded by Mr. Hat J. Love that the hearing be closed, vras thereupon unat.imously adopted. Mr: Thurston C. Davis issuance'of $40t000 School order with notice of its amoved that the bond order entitled "Bond Order authorizing the held on Sep-tember'4, 1951t by Mr. Hal J. Love ar,d aia s Bonds of the Countq of New Hanover", introduced at the meeting be adopted without chac;ge or amendmer:t. The motion was seconded unanimously adopted. The Clerk was directed to pubtish the bond 9option in the form prescribed by law. A petition of fourteen property owners requesting hard surfacing Halbrook Avenue in Masonboro Township, which runs from the Carol.ina Beach Road at a point across from -?S Maffitt Village to a point about three-quarters of a mile east of Carol.ina Beach Road, a distai.ce of approximately 1.928 feet, was received, and upon motion of Mr. Davis, secor.ded by DGr. Love, was approved ar.d referred to the State Highway and Public Works Commission for its'cor:sideration. A repo•rt of the Cour.ty Firemar: for Au€ust was received and filed. A ietter of appreciatiori for the joir.t resoiutior: by the City of Wiimirgton Coulity ? Commissioners and the Vr'iimingtor: Chamber of Conmerce, offering facitities In the GPilmingtoi: area availabl_e to the Army Services; was received from Mr. Phlliip C. Read, Sma11 Busir.ess Adviser, by direction of the Chief of iaval N;aterial. A letter oP thanks on behaif of the Hi€h Schooi Eand and the School. Admiriistration? was received from Mr. Fred J. Bouknight, Band Director ar.d Nir. Dale K. Spencer, High School . 5 Principal_, for the $500.00 appropriation grar:ted for the purchase of new uniforms for the , members of the bas,d, was received ar:d filed. Upon motion of Mr. Aavis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, Mr. Emmett H. Beiiamy was granted ar. ?)Qx abatement of the not iisted penzlty charged against his property in block 139 for the year 1950,'Provided the taxes are paid prompt7.y. It appeared that he listed other property in the City for the year 1950, thibking the same was included. Upon motion of Mr. Hai.?, seconded by Mr. Davis, an appropriation of $250.00 was grar:ted the Southeastern ivorth Carolina Junior Dairy Cattle Show for the promotion of agriculture in connection with the expense for hol.ding ar. exhibition at Legion Stadium September 27-28, in addition to the $250.00 appropriated at aeeting of September 4, 1951. -A I° 288 Meeting of September 17, 1951, continued. T he foi.lowing good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the triai of Criminal_ cases for the one week term beginciing October 1, 1951; for the one week term for the trial of civil cases beginLing October 15, 1951, and for the one week special term for the trial. of civil cases beginning October 22, 1951i respeatively: For the Criminal Term beginr.ing October 1t 1951: Ta1ph,W. Ward, 208 Dawson St. A lfred L. Wheeler, 215 Wright St. Mrs. Catherine Vol.lers, 719 Market P.B.Rhodes, 309 S. 211d St. J. E. Moore, C25, Box 310, R. W. Nitcheil, 77 Lee Drive. S.O.Yopp, 206 Castle St. S.B.Byrd, 1003 Cowan St. H.F.Watters, 215 Queen St. D.M.McIntosh, 315 N. 15th St. W.C.Hatcher, 424 S. 5th St. H. S. Hale, Castle Hayne. H. Elizabeth K1ngi 307 N. 16th St. So1. Hewlett, 71E S. 2nd St. St. hiarion A. Vuarlick, 23 Wrightsvii]e Ave. Don F. Watts, 57 West Drive, Jake Forest. Carter G. Gaines, 2722 Van Burer. St. Ivan Co?'t.ins, i 1°-F, Marrion .Dr. Maffitt V. G.P.McKoy, 2119 Kiein Road. b4.VP.McIr,tire, 303 Wiiiard St. Wiliie Garriss, 4 Beilwiii Ave. ' E.B.York, 211 Castle St. E.F.Stanley, 3 Spofford Mil1s. Chas. E. English, 810 Chestnut St. A shley C. Miils, 113 Iu. bth St. Bit_ly G. Cottle, Rt.l. Basil L. Fur.k, 203 Wrightsviile Ave. W.D.Stokley,:Fct . 3. J.L.Warner, 213 Lake Forest Parkway. S.D.Coi.lins, Rt.2. Gilmer White, 213 Borden Ave. A.T.Yopp, 913 s. 4th St. C.L.Mathews, 135 Forest Hil?.s Drive. John Coston, 721 S. 6th St. Mrs. Nina White, 213 Orange St. Ma ry M. Clemmons, Rt.3 . Zeno Wrotham, 312 iv. 9th St. Mrs. E1.izabeth McGoaughon, 103 E. 15th St. J.GJ.Hawkins, 11 VJrightsvii 1 e Ave. klfred D. Davis, 9i Princess St. Jesse G. Campiieldr 312 Campbeil St. W.D.McKee, 30 Jackson Drive. George Poulos, 816 N. 4th St. John D. Wardt 508 S. 5th St. P.D.Lockamy, 5-C,I-L Lake Forest./ A.R.Donat,5r., Kure Beach. Wiiliam Baldwin 1022 S. 6th St'. C?yde AndersontJ?r., C 25, Box 24D. Joe Evans, 10 Spofford Miil.s. Wm.B.Longl 2003 Brar,don Roadl Scottie Lee Holden, l106 S. 9th St. J.L.iJlcKeown, 2542 Burnett Ave. N.S.Westbrook, 620 Chestnut St. Liliian Ward 1901 Lingo Ave. A.T.Parker, 307 Harnett St. J.W.Wii_liams, 9 Ct.E Lake Forest. Schuyler Stanland; 2102 Gibson Ave. W.F.Brooks, 14 Summitt Walk Lake Forest. For the October Civil Term beginr.ing October 15, 1951: H.L.Moore, 404 Mercer Ave. ' A.M.Lewis, 411 Campbeil St. J.T.Jordar;, 517 S. Front St. PI.H.White, 508 Princess St. Elbert H. Garriss, 1014 Grace St. C.F.Campbe7l, 28330 Adams St. C. Clayton Jones, 2017 Metts Ave. E,L.Mathews, Jr.' 1817 Woolcott. Pickett L. Taylor, 92 Spofford Mii1s. R.M.Wiiliams, 1801 Grace St. W.R.PadrickI C-25 Box 317A. C.J.Carpenter, N S. Front St. Jas.F.Walker, 407 Mercer Ave. L.B.Simrnor.s, 147 Coioniai Viil.age. W.IUi.Mac.n, 202 Castle St. Geo. R. iucKer.zie, 808 Dock St. C. Wi1_son White, 114 Coloniai Village. J.B.Whites 26 Brookwood. ' Jerry Green, Jr., 803 S. 7th St. Geo.D.Mcrayden; 405 S. 16th St. L.E.Woodbury, 1620 Ani: St. ' Jessie M. Weeks,'2002 N[etts Ave. Graham B. Davis, 314 S. 5th St. C.D.Maffitt, H.O. Box 479. R.L.Johnson, 721 S. Front St. Frank W. Browrijr., 1812 Nun St. Jas.D.Wenberg,Jr., 47 Woodlawn Ave. Geo.T.Sternberger, 415 S. 19th St. Johi; G. Barnhardt, 10 Ct:Q, Lake Forest. Leo McDona?.d, 104 Kent St. E.R.blayham, 1810 Cast].e St. S.J.Davis, 2820 ydams St. Eloise G. NIcEachern, 103 Hyrdangea P1ace. J.G.Ivicrieithan, 180 Co] onial Drive. R.C.[Nilliams,Jr., 9 S. Washington St. Jack W. Smith, 5 C.C.Bouievard. J.M.Shii.n, 511_ S. 2nd St. Arthur'B?uethenthall 1704 Ddarket St. Jo Jacksor. Wigg, 235 Kenwood Ave. Pdm.T.Beck, 1.8 West Drive, ?ake Forest. Wm.L.Wiiiiams, 215 ib 22r.d St. Lioyd C. White, 3 N. 9th St. A.L.Jewell., Box 580, Caroliria Beach. J.A.Baynes,Jr., 417 S. 1.9th 5t. Sam Naultsby, 106 N. Monroe St. W.H.McEachern, Jr., 1817 Woolcott Ave. For the Special Civil Term begini,ing October 22, 1951: Richard M. Smith, 714 Greenfie7d. Chas.'S. Grainger, 700 S. 17th St. Garland Wailace, 314 Wright St. O.O.Whitlock, P.O.Box 1102. J.T.Meshaw, 1510 Castl.e St. J.E.Cushing, 8 S. bth St. A.P.Dale, 1207 Grace St. J.F.Parish, 1920 Kleir, Hoad. M.F.Mattocks, 19 N. Jefferson St. 'W.B.McCrary, 2712 Jackson St. Geo. A. Berry, 118 A Nlilliamson Drive. H.R.Fussell, 217 S. 6th St. J.O.Chadwick, Rt.3, Box 31. Jas.M.Crute, 19 N. 7th'St. Foster Dew, 420 Church St. 3.L.Baldwin, 1924 Chestnut St. G.D.Wa].ters, 510 Chestnut St. Leon Mason, 303 S. 6th St. P.S.Dariiels, 109 Border. Ase. D.B.Robinson,Sr., 1809 Perry Ave. W.D.Hewett, 217 N. 17th St. Wm.B.Taylor, 1610 Chestnut St. The meeting then adjourned. Cl.erk. ? Walter F. Wil7iford, ].09 Colocial. Vii.lage. J.J.River,bark, 305 Wi].lard St. Edison L. Watkins, 2i.1 N. 13th St. Ishmel lditchell, Rt.2, Box 246. Chas.J.Cunningham, 7.4 Cape Fear Apts. Wade H. Chestnutr, 816 S. llth St. Richard C. Woods, 2711 Harrison St. J.B.Mailison, 407 Central Boulevard. F.W.Davis, 1107 S. 3rd, St. E.G.Wells, 202 Dawson St. H.W.Yrel1.s'Jr., 204 C.C.Boulevard. H.A.Stilt,Jr.? 1729 Caro1_ina Ave. YJ.V.Hales, 2519 Van Buren St. Henry V. V1ard, 214 N. 6th St. it4rs.Helen Hoggard, i.210 Grace St. Roy S. Weiis, 2730 Van Buren St. C'1.audia Davis, 2406 Market St. iv.Ni.ldcEachern, 214 N. 7th St. J.E.Wenberg, 13$ Colonial Drive. Y1m.T.!Neaks, 83 Pinecrest Parkwky: Z.J.Walker, G25, Box 76. ?