1951-10-08 Regular Meeting29? Meeting of October 1, 1951, continned. . ' Upon motior_ of Mr. Daviss seconded by D4r. Love, County bi1_2s No. 6453 to 6725 were approved for payment. . . fio objections were raised to the applicatior. of Edr:a Jvlae Merrick for a State permit to ? seil beer at 408 S. 7Y.h Street. The meeting then adjourned; ??ryN le- >4 - - ?? Cierk. . ' ? ? . Wilmington, N. C.? October 8, 1951. T he reguiar week'+y meeting of the Board was held at 10:00 o'ciock A. M. Presetit: Addfson Hew'lett9 Chairman, 3as. M. HalI, Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love and County Attorney Marsden Be1-la.my, Copies of the mir,utes of Septeniber 4, i03 1.7? 24 and OctoUer is having beei. furnished the members of the Board, the reading of the same was therefore dispensed with. A petition signed by 169 residents anfl members of the East Wiimingtor, Home Demonstratior. Clubs, urgin@ that a three-way traffic light be instalied at the intersection of the RFarket Street road (US 1 _7) aYid Kerr AvenuF, ori account of the heavy traffic goirig to and from ? Wi'mii.gton to Camp Lejeune ai,d Bluethenthal Airport it, addition to normal traffic, which is a coi.stant hazaxd.to pedestrains and vehicier traificf was presented to the Board by Mrs. C.M.Yarborough, Presidet,t of the East V"?ilmingtoti 5en3.or Dernoristration Ciub, tdrs. J.T. Carroli and ivirs. E.H.Cheshire,'ar.d upoYi motion af bir. Davis, secortded by Mr. I,ove, was approved and referred to the State HigYirvay and Pub'+ic Yr'orks Cornmission. Mr. W. L. Anderson represeiitinp the 7,ioi:s Ciub, appeared to a.sk that stePs Ue takeli to utiiize the land between the'highivayfand;river P,ear'the_oid Porth",East.Gape F.ear river bridge at Castie'Hayne used as pici.ic grounds, ivhich par'Q of highway..117 wil1 become a ? dead-er,d road when the o1.q bridge is c'tosed, and equip the same for use as a picr.ic and recreationai, park simi?ar as Hugh MacRae Park, was izpon motion of I?r. 0'Shie7ds, seconded " by 14r. Love ordered t8ker up with the State?Hi?hway Commission of the owners of the ?and to that end and if successful pursue the matter`further with the State Farks Commission. ? Mr. G. C. McIr:tire appeared at- the irivitati.oi. 'of the Board to explain his claim for payment of i:'J5.00 fee for appearitig in the Superior andSupreme courts on the f?rst appeai made in the• case of suit• against I,izzi-e VuriFht tvie"rrick, et a? for coliection of tax_es, and after _ discussion the same was upon motior. of nrir. 0'Shie'+:ds; seconded by Mr. Davis, referred to the Tax CoTlector for re commenda t ions on adviselof the Cour.ty Attorney. ? &Ir. D. D. Baggett, Farni Demonstration Agent presented his report for September u?hich was received aid fiied. The niatter of complete failure of the fire truck pump was brought to the attention of the ?l' Board, and replacement at a cost of frorr? $500.00 to $600.00 was discussed. With iimited ?v?r-? funds avaiiable for mainteizance of the truck the Cour.ty Auditor wouid not recommend the purchase of a new p`ump.•Aftei? discussiox, the matter was referred to a committee of the Board to investigate the troubie witn the Hoizsing Authority Officials, from whom the truck was recer.tly purchased, with tne view of obtaii>ing some relief through that source. Mr. Davis then recommended the sale oP a uz.it of-Coui.ty owred property and ear-mark Lhe proceeds for the iise of the fire department expense, purchase of equipment, mairtenance etc.? and to that end moved that the Board be furnished with alist and statement of the Coutity's reutai propertq. His motior; aas seconded by Mir. Hall and carried. Upon motion, duiy seconded, abatements to correct errors and discrepar.cies iri the fo7lovring ?_/RX tax lists were authorized:for the year 1951: _ 13'" Chas. F. Jones, 6L Lake Forest, raember of the tviarines, abated Po„ Taxes. R.R.Dr3ggers, Harr:ett township, abated not 'li=ted penalty charged against lots 14,34,35959 Montgomery Pia.ce, and 20 acres part Harriss No.2, and taxes on a vaTUatiori of $400.00 personai property inciudpd ir, regular iisting. Double r,harge. Tclrs,._iN..e_L. Jackson? 918 S. 5th St., aLated taxes on a valuation of $10.00 due to dub?e listing. John_J._LeGwiri 501 Park Terrace, abatemetit of taxes on a valuatior; or $3,450.00 on iots 81 9, ar,d 7Ul ?Sunset Park accouiit of doubie charge ar:d error. Same listed by Luther J. Lanier. _ J. and L. Trai:sport, 306 Northern Blvd., $b500.00 oci Studebaker Truck charged in error. G. W.._ Co?_kittt?i92 Pinecrest Parkway $100.00 on piario .3is?tea above its vaiue. vernon G.,StokesI 2118 Creasy Ave., ?100.00 refrigerator 1.isted above its value. P1. R,_Ro.eers, a non-resident charged with $100.00 on automobiie ir, error,owned by ar,other persoY, by the same iiame. J.M.Bov?an, Rt. 11 Rocky Point, complair,t on house assessmenr,,'lot 5, EdgevJater,HarT.ett Torrnship, received for investigation. M.,B_.Barefoot, 2922 Harrison Street? biock 38, lot 14 Sunset Park, taxes on a valuation of $1,630.00 error in assessment. house Heien F. Lindner, 21.12 Pender P.ve., $2,750.00 doubie charge/on iots 14 and 17, in b'vock 16 . CaroiiYia-Piace listed by Johii G. T.indner. F.T.Turner., a resident of Masonboro Township abated city taxes on a valuation of $925.00 and po17 charged in error. G.R.McIiBnzie, Hariiett township, abated tax oci a valuation of $300.00 oci iot 218 Pineywuods account ol doutaie charge. Same listed by W.C.N1cli:tire, for tne years 1948 through 1951• Bank of Wilmington, iot south side of Ocear. Terrace Hotel, UJrightsviiie Beach, used as a , pubiic street, was or, recommendation of t.he Courity Ati:orney ordered cancel'ted, and taxes abated. A motion offered by P;ir. Davis to iook into the possibi'+ity of having the City erter:d its _11??water service to the Cour:ty Home was seconded by P,ir. I.ove and carried. I 292 Meeting of October 8, 1951, continued. A report of the Back Tax Collector shovjir,g that $4,464.41 was coilected for the City and ? ??0?? $5,726.80 for the Cour?ty, makirig a totai of $10T191.27. back taxes coliected for the month ? of Septeniber, vras received and filed.' 61;wl A report of the Bureau of ldentiiication for Sei;ten;ber was received and fi-led. The following analysis of the ef,ectiveress of the Legion Stadium footbail field f"ood iighting system wac received from the Tide Vdater Pewer Company: New Hanover Courity, "October 2, 1951• Board of Commissioners, l /" • Court House 1Yii mington, ;+ . C. " Attention: Commissioner Claud 0'Shields: Gentl emen: As requested by new Hai.over County Board of Corimissioners ar: analpsis of the effectiveness of the Legion Stadium Footbali Field f1_ood iighting system has beer, made by this Departmer,t and the resuits are iisted as £oliovrs: 1. The iilwninatior. values, measured at pre-determined spots on the piaying fieid, are withir: one or two footcandles as measured at the same location iast season. 2. Re-et.ergizing the two banks of luminaires on east side of the fieid wili be ber;eficial to r.either spectators i.or piayers. 3. Ad justing or refocusir.g existing fi oodi ighting ur.its will r.ot increase seeing conditions on playing fieip as peak distributiot, of illumir.ation has a7ready been reached. I hope this ar,alysis wili be hetpful to the Commissioners and if in the future any ma3or changes are made to the -lighting system, this department wi'l be most happy to prepare and pre_sent a full and complete footUal1 field lighting recommendation to the County at no cost. Yours very tru`y, s/s Clyde E. 'r:ii,g Iightir.g, Engineer." The Chairman told the Board that he had ca"ed Touies-Cline to bid on paving the Court House parking iot, but had heard ncthinp from 'Ukiem. Therefnre opei ing of a bid received fronL ` ? Nr. L. R. Atmstrong was deferred uc.tii, r,ext ineetii,g. ,?° The matter of moving the ilag pole from the Lirport east gate to,the administration ? Q buiidir;g suggested by Mr. Davis, was received fer investipation. ' TJir. 0'Shieids recommei.ded the abar;doning the custom or system of appoir.ting a three-man Committees of Commissioners to deai with the seve.ral ii.stitutions of the County which, C? in his opinior, creates a cor;f' ict of aut},ority resui ting in confusiori. ai_d ali fui?ctions - be har.dled by the entire Board and its wishes te carried out by the Chairman of the Board with departrner,t heads, and moved to that effect. His motion was seconded by Mr. Love and a discussion foilovred, idr. Heuilett expressed himself as feeiing that the question was of sufficiatit importance to warrarit further study before taking actior: and also expressed himsei.f a.s being reiuctant to cast a desidirig vote in case of a tie. iJir. Hall felt that the thnee-mancsystem was satisfactory. However the motion fail.ed on tiie negative vote of Mr. Hal1 and 1dir. Davis, the Chairman not voting. • A: reces's` w,as"ther,' t?ken ui.Zi1 11 .:G0 0' ci ock ti.n4. , Tuseday,,;Octdb6r.9t 1951 i C1 e rk . Wilmis,ftoxi, N. C., Octobe r 9, 1951• 0 Pursuantlto recess,taken Mot.day, October 3,.19579 ?the Board met at 11:00 o'clock A.M., to hear a request of i.avy Officers to lease Biuethei,thal rield for -the Departiuent of Lhe iuavy as an auxiliary landii.g field to Lhe Iviarine Corps Air 5tation at Cherry Point, N. U. ' Preser,t: Coui;ty Commissioners: Aodisoz. i3ewlett, Chairman, Jas. 14. Hall, Ciaud 0'Shields, Thurstor. C. Davis and Coui,ty Attori,ey Marsdei. Be„amy. Narine=: Coi. Jonri S. E. Young, Mjz•. R.G.Howie, Njr. J.F.Ferguson, Comdr. John :4lberts, IJ[r. johi, 0. Frye and E. E. Beaty. ' c Nationai Guard: iv[jr. Wi' iard R. Bioxton, :djr. H. V. Heid and Capt. R. E. Sheidon. CAA: Mr. Joseph Norvaood at.d Ivir. H. F. Garrison. New fianover County &oard of Education: Nr. M. H. Roiand. - Coionel john S. E. Young of the Cnerry Point Base read aiid presented to the Board,a ietter from IJijr. Gei,eral V. E. Megee, USL4C Commander, Gnerry Poiiit, outiining the details ?of bhe proposed lease and useaee of the field by the Navy, the contet,ts of the ietter being restricted by the-Navy, was received for discizssion and filed for future reference. Mr. E. E. Beaty representing the 6th Iaaval District, Charleston, S.C., expiairied the - necessity of immediate action on the iease, stating Tdovember ist, 1951, had beeii set by the i@avy as the date of occupation. Ir, the discussio;. St was Urought out that the ei.tire fiei d with certain buildings wou' d be riee6ed with tYe excepti on of certaii; faci? itie terminal buiiding etc., Commercial set-up woulo be permitted to cor,tinue, cor.trnl tower to continue operatian under CAA, but private interests and iight planes would tave to go. iuir. Beaty said the navy wou"d coT.sider buyii,g the Fieid, and suggested the Cornmissioners give that' coi.sideration ai.d ii.dicate a pri.ce they wou'd take. Unon motioi, of nir. Davis, . seconded b IJr. 0'ShieTds the Board took the n,atter ui.der coi.sideration and the meeting was recessed untii 11:00 o'clocY., H. &S., Thursday, October 11, 1951. %fyih /!. 44,v-s4.- C' e rk . - 0