1951-10-11 Regular Meeting,G 9 e. GJiimington, N:C., OcVober i i,-1951. ? Fur•suant to recess taken Tuesday, OctoUer 9tn i951., the Board met at 11:00 o'clock A.M, to give further. consideratior, to a request.of the Iravy to lease Bluethet.thal l:irport. County Commissionerc Present: Addison Hewiett, Chai.rman, das. M. HatT? CTaud 0'Shields, Thurstoii C. D2vis and Coui,ty Attormey IJiarsden Bel'+amy,, and Kirport Ivtanager Hes.ry E.Boyd,Jr. } Co-lonei John &. E. Young of Cherry Foint aa.d Nr. E.E.Beaty i•epresenting the 6th I4avai Uistrict. ' A nurnber of interested citizens were presei.t among whom were ivir. D. Boe:t, Fresident of the Ivorth Carolina. buio G.rowers tissociation, James Feniiir.gton, Operator of peni.ingtons Flying *• Service at Bluether,thal Field, aohn H. Farre'i, E>-ecutive Cecz•etary of the Wiiming,ton Charnber of Commerce, R. B. 2age, Jr., of the l•'diimii,pton Star-iiews. ; The Chairnar. ai.r.auncEd that, the nieetinp vaas recesced from Tuesday October 9th? to give - opportunity to ai.y one ir.terested to oe presei.t, and asRed if any one,Wot1].a _1 ike' to' be rieard. Mi'. D. Boet urged continued uninterrupted oneration of commerciai planes and non-scheduled freight plaries. At this poi.nt Mr. Page asked that the -lease be read. At the request of the Eavy Officers seading of the lease was postnoned unti' the Navy and County Commissioners had reached some agz°eemei,t. Mir. Pennii.,vton vias r.ot in favor of the bavy taking over the field to the prejudice of orivate ii:l;erests. Nr. Page said private planes shouid not be made to ' vacate the field except iii case of an all-out er.ierpency. Tuir. Boyd then explained the type • ? of operation un?ler the proposed lease, lergt,hening the SE NV1 rurway to 8000 feet, and the _,;??\? ger:eral effect ocr, the present.operation of the field. In ansv,rer to a question asked by IJir. john A. Farreli, he vras totd by iJtr. Boyd that some residents in the area woula have to be moved ai.d re-iocatioz; of the pre=er:t highway. Coionel Young who previousiy withdrew from the meeting to give a free and open discu§sion of the matter lietween the represei.tative citizend and the Board, returned to the meeting, not to ar.swer questions, but to explain that the use of the fi.e?d by° the i•+avy woulo be on a temporar•y basis for the use as a iariding base for planes from Cherry Point, (exciuding, jet planes,) plar,es would xeturn to Cherry Point each ever.ing. If it, ca.se of emergency and the fieid v,ould have to be taxen over on a permar.ent basis, certain buiidingswouid be taker, over oii thirty days notice to the Coui.ty who icl turn couid give thirty days notice to teiiaiits of said buildings to move. Commerciai planes which wouid be desired to provide quick transpor•t.atiozi for mer. and materiais would continue to operate, ever: ir, case of ali-out emergency. I13r. Page thought it advisabie Y.o enter into ai. agreemer.t simi?ar to the ,receht._5outhern Pine i4aneuvers at the fieicir. The delegation of citizer,s thet, retired frem the meetiiig ar,d the discussion cor,tinued wA'th the Navy Officers ar.d the Board,after which the proposed lease, after' sfiinerchariges' wPre`m8de--ar8'iag5cedd' npdnl ' vdas ord2red re-Niritten for furtfier 8Vrit3deratimn by the BoaTd" at? ; 1:00 0' ci ock' A.IJI. , Tues?ay, Oc?ober 14th 1951• i?344.z-=4 - Clerk. 4Jiimil.ptor,l is. C., October 15tn, 1957 • l? The reguiar weekiy meetipg of the Board was heid at 10:00 o'clocic A. M. Presei.t: ias.M.Hal't ?--Vice CYiairman, C'aud 0'Shie?ds, Thtlrsten C. Davis, Ha' J.Love and Cow.ty ti{;torney Lla..rsder: BellaMy. Mr. C. R. Morse, 'iay Collector atd trIr. j. E. Canady, Back Tar Collector, ppeared at the invitation of the Board to discuss the matter of $75.00 fee claimed ty Mr. G.C.McIt.tire, A ttorney, for services rendered the Coui,ty ir.. the tax suit a€ainst Lizzie 4Vright Yierrick or: appea-1_ to the Supreme Court. Pfr. iu";orse expiained tnat It;r. tdcIntire, havit:g been instructed by the City and County to fo "ow through wi_th the case ir, the Supreme Court, approved payment of the fee and the City had paid its haif part, amounting- to $75•00. Therefore upon motion of b;r. Davis, secor.ded by Nr. Tove, the Board directeq and authorized pa,yment of $75.00 to Mr. tvicIntire, on recor.imendation of the Cour.ty Attoriiey that the matter 6f'fijl?ng._tYie. - fee and appointment of Attorneys in back ta.x suits is a responsibility of the Tax Coliector and not the BoardSt. Nir. 0'Shie'tds asked why back taxes were oermitted to acetlmuiate over a period of years in som,e cases afid'suits brought ir, other cases for tvro years. It was eyp'ained that when effort was made to collect current bacY taxes ai.d a controversv arose as to payment of the next ? preceding year, suit was brought to brir:g the matter to a head. In other cases oppvrtunity is • g iven ilhe tax payer to pay off the aceumuiated taxes.iTn`'some •caset;-sma1] items are barred Uy statute. i,i 4Yillie V. Car,a@y a resident of this county, iti the i?avy ten;pmrary stationed at Norfolk) Va., asked for ari abatement of taxes or; a'950 StudeUaker car he had with him in Norfolk January J lst 19519 was requested to show receipt for tazes paid ot, the car in Virginia. A reauest of VJi'miiigtan Todge i;o. 343, Moose, preser.ted by Mr. John C. l'Jesseli.Jr., Attorney, that its property iL, block 192 be declared tax iree ar:d the taxes for the years 1950 and '951 be abated or. accout.t of its beiT:g a chalataole orgar,izatior. ai,d property usec7 for Lodge . purposes, was upori r.iot:ioi. of Xr. Davis, secoiided Uy l?ar. Love, referred to the County Attorney for opiniot:. Upoi. motiox; , Mr. ;viarx J. PieuwSsth v+as graniEd ar. abatemer,t of po' I taxes accour.tf*6 f double charge for the year 1951 . ?d J. R. Hobbs, 1316 Castle Street, ?vas g1?ar?ted an abatertient of taxes oi, a valuatioz, of s? w?. $1_7,307.00 account of error ii: chargii-g him with stock at el9,230.00 'isted for ?i,923.00. ?a Aibert E. Baker, Wrightsvii've Beach, w2s granted an abatemer.t of taxes ori a valuatior, of ?y, $ 250.00 Househoid ar.d riitcheT rurs,iture er.err,ptioi_ r,ot ciaimed elsewhere. The Board having found that the Pontiac automobii.e owi,ed by the Reverend Thouias J. Roche is located ij. r'edera'! Poimt Tovrnship outside of the city iimits of Carclina Beach, but charged --??` with Carolina Beaeh taxes in error, recommended tbcthe Town of Carolina Beach that the T95fi taxes on same be abated. A request of the Atiantie Coast Line Rai?road Company for an abatemer,t of taxes on a valuation of $200.00 on 2.88 acres of iand, River Road, Masonboro Township, inciuded ir; right of way for track serving the Esso Standard Oii Company reported to the State Board of Assessrnent, was referred to the County Auditor with power to act. J