1951-10-16 Regular MeetingF? 29? ? Neeting of October i5, 1951, coiitinued. Upon rnotion of N,r. Davis, seconded by Nr. ,*,ovel 5t. Ar.drevrs-Cover,ant Presbyterian Church -jpX was granted an abatemeni; of taxes on a vaiuatios; of $4,075.00 for the year 1949, charged - in the name of Perry A. Dawson oii property in block 487 sold to the church on contract _ agreement prior to January i,, 1949, as per affidavit furnished the Board by the Trustees of the Church. ' Nr. 0'Shieids read a revised copy of the proposed airport iease which is cheduied for ??consideration 11:00 o'clock A.tu;. Tuesda??, Octobel• i6th, and asked tnat Co7onel Young Qti?fof Cherry Point be requested to/p?tesent at thai; meeting, aid that the fu'iest possi.ble \ Vh??,V) actionl is take i e b} e he Boarde i?t a the bsuggestioi e of u the cCouaty iiiterested the s?evisedoi ease was referred to Iv;r. H.E.Boyd,Jr. , Airpci•t A;at.ag.er for study. 1 C?? Bids for paving the Court Eouse parkin€ lot were received from l?ir. L.R.Armstrong at.d Tow1es-Cline Construction Compai:y and too €reat a dif; erence appearing in the two bids as to the area to be paved, was referred to the Chairman for checking. 1 The question of issuing School Bond Nnt.icipatioYi ivotes ii_ lieu of W40 000.00 mf bonds -?Y??"?- authorized to be issued, suggested 'uy l?,r. 1^J.E.Fasterling, Secretary ol the Tocai Goverr,ment Commission, was referred to the Cour.ty Auditor. _ ?NSveC-'? A report of the Cowity Flectrical Inspector for August was received and filed. A statement was received frorri the State Board of Public V,.`ei_fare advisir:g that t,46,444.87 „ SS was ser.* to this county for September for Oid Age Assistance, Aid to Depeudent Children, Kid to the Permanei.tly and totaliy Disabied and Administration. A ciaim of Mr. J. A. Yopp for $15.00,damages to his Packard Automobiie at Legion Stadium rn,( Farmers Day, October 28, 1951, by Coui.ty truck backing into the front bumper, was upon T motio,. of Iv1r. Tove, secot,ded by Mr. Davis, referred to the Chairman and County Attorney for investigatioi, and payme7.t approved if found in order. - Upor, motion of WIr. Davis, seconded by Nr. 0'Shieids, James Edward Perry, physically disabled, 65 years old citizei,, was granted temporary admission to the Cour_ty Home ? W oi.?recommendation of the Supt., of Pubiic Weifare. ?. . Mn Jpon m6tion of IJIr. I.ovej seconded by 14ir. Cj'Shields, nayment of $:500.00 appropriatioi. aut of ?t???the adver'tising fui;d to the !';ilminptoi. Chamber of Commerce for Induetrial Promotior., iyhich ' ?CpM'? it. the opinioi, of the Board wou'd be bei.efici.al ir advertisiiq, the resources and advar.tages . of the County, was apnroved. p ? A comrr?utiication vias received from nir. J.ti.fiei:sor., City Mac;a,ger, advisinF that he and iViayor '+Jhite thought it wouid be ur.wise to coi,si.der the appn5,iitn;et,t, of n7r. IvI.F.Register, i ? Sheriff, as Director of Civil Deiec:se, recor,imended by this hoard, for the reason heads of ' law er..forcement, Chief of fire acid water denartrnents ar.d other d?rectly, responsibie for services and others who rei.ders a i.ecessary pizhlic service, as these men in time of emergency would be cal-en upon to render an exactir,g service, ai.d to attempt to divide their time between their regular dut9.es and civi• deier.se would iike'ty seriousiy hai.dicap Uoth. The matter lrras i;herefere referred to,tihe coi,mittee to conti.i,ue to hand'e. Jpon motior. of Iuir. O'Stiields,.seconded by Mr. Davis, ccur.ty b].lls A'o..6726 to 6953 were ? approved for paymer;t. ? A recess was ther, takei, until 1 1 :00 o'cl ock A.M., Tuesday, October 16, 1951 . • i?1y'elClerk. • ' 0 Yli-lmi.ngton, iv . C., October 16, 1951. Pursuant to recess taken N.ouday, October 15? '951 , the Board niet at I 1 :00 o'c'ock I..M? to furthei- coiisider the County-itiavy eirnort •ease. . Present: Addison Hewaett, Chairman, Jas. 14. Hal1, Claud 0'Shieids, ihur.ston C. Dav=s Hal J. Love and County 9ttcrney Marsder. 3e'lamy. y+._ • Mr. Joe Norwood, li]strict Fi.gic,eer,Civil P_eroi.autics Adn,ir,istz•atioi . ? Ivir. E. E. Beaty, 6th D3sti•ict i\aval kepreser,tative, Ghar'eston,S.C. the people. After further considerabi.e discussion, upon motioi_ of bir. 0'Shields, seconded by iir. Eai1, •? a recess was taken uutii 3:00 o'ciock P.Ni., and a comriittee composev of Coi. R.S.McCieiiand, Donal.d Blake, Joe Norwood? R. B. Page, ai VJootter, and dohn ColucciqJr.j were named to meet wit , the Eoard at that time to further discuss the matter. Cpl. A. C. Koonce ax,d I,Ijr. L.E.Ferguson, Chei-ry Point Id:arine Ease. Local ic.terested citizens: R.B.Page, Jr.' j.E.Browri, Donaid Aiake, John Coiuccil Jr., w Bili Dum_, Hugii MacRae,III, James Pei.nii.pton, Ker,neth tilootten, ar,d others. The delegation of citizexis appeared to urge tha Comm?ssioners t.ot to sign the lease unless some provisioii is tt,ade to taxe care of private flyir:g, ai,d that more time be given for further study of the iease at,d opportunity to 'ocate another £ieid for private pianes if necessary. It, hewever, appeared to be the conser,sus of the de?egatiori as expresse(3 by Il4r. Iiugh IviacRae, to iet the ivavy have the ai_rport us.der lease by the Cour.ty, provided another fieid can be ? provided for private fiyir,g. ihe Cour,ty Attort,ey theYi ruied that ai. airpor.t r.ot being a • ' i:ecessary county experise, caiiiot be acquired ar,d operated witn tax mariey except by vote of M 295 ?I4eeting of October 16, 195i? coi:tinued. ` ,U? 3:00 o'clock P.iv`?. Pvlr. Davis discussed t'r,e matter of the ?cavy purchasing the airport, ?pt4with iu:r. Beaty, who su@@ested i:he Commissioners think it over ai.d sutmit a price in , a week or two. T he terms of the iease was then discussed) and Mr. 0'Shieids moved and it was seconded ?by IJtr. HalT arid ur,animously carried that the lease be revised bYcnangYng? p?aragraph ?•- J a? No.4,.?•.iri the-said 1.ease_td,readithat this iease wiil be reiegotiated beginning sixty days prior to ,iune.30, 1952, and the resultant lease may, at the optiori of the goveri.ment, be renewed froni year to year upon the terms and conditions therein speciiied, provided t?otice be given in writing to the Lessor at least thirty days before the renegotiated lease or any renewal thereof would other wise expire; provided that no renewai thereof shail extend] the period of occuparicy of the premises beyor,d the thirtieth day of June 1956. That paragraph nirie be dereted, and in Tieu thereof insert the folTOwing: It is agreed that use of the faciiities of the airport by loiv speed aircraft ai:d the pia.ots thereof shail . be subject to surh restrictions, Timitations and coiiditions as may be i.mposed by the Civi7 Aeronautics Administrationr That the said ?eased he rewri.tten and submitted to the Board 3:00 o'ciock P.Li., VJednesday, October 17, 1951', The Board ther. took a recess. - r- _ r?... _ . - -?? Viil ininr•ton ? N. -C. , October 17, 1951 . j Fursuant to rece;=s takec: october l6th 1951 1 the Eoard n,ei at 3•00 o'ciock P.M. Preser.t: 9ddisar, Hev:iei,t, Chairmati, das. Y. Ha'l , Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, , and Cou.,ty tittorney letsrsder Be„arny. ? R. B. Pape, Jr,, and ivir. E.E.Beaty, oth District tiavai Representative. 0 The z?avy-Coui,tv T,ease agreemei.t for Bluethenttial Airport, revised ar,d rewritten as Op? directed at meeting of Octobe_r 16, 1 95', was preser.ted to the Board by Mr. riat.ry Boyd?Jr.I -? A irport iv;anager. ? Nr. Beaty, ther. ai,noui,ced tfiat he had trarisn;itted the changes in tne lease to the Navy Dtpartment who deiitiateiy wouid not go along wii;h the new proposai. That paragraph four and niiie must stand as first written. Mr. 0'Shields ther, raised the quest3on of the iimited r,otice given the Board for the use of the fi61,d by the Navy. . Tuir. Beaty,after expiaining his positJ.or,, made his departure) and it was agreed by the -- Board to postpone further coi.sideratior_ of the iease ui.1:il Ivionday, October 22S 1951. The followiiig writter, statement was presented by Iulr. Ha7i, arid Mias upon motion of Nr. 0'Shieicis, seconded by ivir. Davis, adopted: tODuring one of our budget sessions ba4 in he had figured out a pian that he fElt vJOU1U ? the couuty as a whoi e. His plan vaas that we give him a fu"' time and the oolici.tor. 'riis principal duties to bP ca.ses, alin,oriies , court costs; etc. Juiy, Recorder 5TUith drop?ed in on and said vork wonders for his court as well as for mai. to work directiy under t:b.e fiecorder the fo''owing up of aelinquent s:on-support At that tima we were lead to believe thai the job wou7d not on?y be self sustaining, but wouid a'so snow us an it_come iar in er.cess of what vre have heretofore recei.ved in the fiecorders Court. After much ciiscussiou vae agreed to give tv;r. Smith's plan a work-out for a peri.od oP . six months,vaith the tu,derstanding that if it was not -a PaYing investment the speciai court job wouid be terminated. The sum of 0,600.00 was added to Recorders Court budget to cover aii expenses coi.nected with the job. -- The Recorder toip us of a man he thought would admirab]_y fili the place, AMr.Yuiiiiamson, a City Folice Sergeant2 that he hed had some taik with re?ative to the duties of the nevr , job. Ilir. Smith was given pern;ission to put Mr. Wi'liamson to work. But by the tin;e tvir. Smith got aroiind to finai arrangements, fuir. R'illiamson had decided that he didr.'t choose to taxe the job. And the vaay it iooks now it would seem that it is we''l for the cour.ty that l?ir. Williamson did not come with us--aYid for these reasons: ? Mr. Beliamy, our Cour.ty Attorr.ey, says that uuless some legl.slative act is passed a uthoriring the Reeorders court to pay ior the services of such an officer, the County wouid have to pay for this service and receive no monetary gains. ' Therefore, I wish to make a motion that since there is no visib'te profit to be made by the Cotu,ty, that we revoke ar.d r.ullify our action to create such an action. Upon motion of Mr. Ha'i , seconaed by Mr. Davis, Mrs. Ethel Aiier. $rowt, and Mrs. 2.etha Dixor,l'valker, emp'oyees in the oifices of the Clerie of Superior Court ar.d Recotder.s Courtt respectiveiy, were granted ar i.i.crease i.n :alar•y by 4,10.00 each per month as of October 1$i?S i 5th 1951, and impioyces in the tVeliare Departrer.t v,hose salary was not increased Juiy 1? ? 1951, were also grat:ted $10.00 per moi.th increase, provided sufficient funds are availabie ii. the F1e.T.fate Budget to meet this expei.se w:i.thout exceedirip* the uudget. ; iv;r. Davis brought to the attec_tioci oi the noard that the County Home was without an assustatit Superii.l;ec.dEr.t ai.d recommended that Mr. RivenUark, cour,ty home empioyee, be made the assistant. It voas a'so suggested tYiat ir, 'ieu thereof, he be put in charge of prisoners and nade a deputy sherifr. The matter was discussedlat ler.g;th, buu no action was taken. ' The meeting then adjourned. e572e? ,i_,se _ Clerk. 'A