1951-10-22 Regular Meeting, 246 Wiimir.Fton, N. C.) OcLober 22, 1952, The reguiar weekiy meeting, o£ the 3oard vras ne-ld at 10:00 o'ciock A.M. ' r Present: kdd3.son Hewlett, C},zirman; Jas.P,i.Haiii Ciaud 0'3hie'Ips, Thurston C. Davisi ? Ha J. Love and Cour.ty Attorneq i?,arsden Beilamy. ' Mrs. Iuiary Kotier, 60i Castle bl.reet, was upor, n,otion of Mr. 0'Shieids5 seconddd by / IJr. Love, grai.ten ar, abatemer:t of taxes on a va?uation of $1,500.00 Goods, Wares arid ? Nierchar.dise charged agair:st her in error fcr the year i951t It appeared that she instructed the list taker to er;ter the same value as the preceding year ii?asmuch as the stock was not il.creased, bixt the same was charped in error at $3,000.00. - Upoti motSor. of Mr. Davis, seconried by ifr. G'Shields, dudge John J. Burney was granted aii abatemer,t of not listed peiia7 ty charged against i ot at Villa View Harnett tovmshi for the year 1951.• Fie iisted other property for that year thinkinh the same was ii.cluded. birs. r.D.Poisson, 1919 Market Street, waG grarlted ar, abatement of taxes orl a vaiuation of 67?200.00 hausehoTd goo@? account of double charge. Piilmirig-ton Presbytery on a vaiuation I of ?2,100.00, Track 8, iot 3, B.Iv1.Vdilson Farms, b,iasonboro township, church nianse used ar:d ?r occupied prior to Jznuary 71 1951. Queen City Coach Company,oi a vaiuation of 61?000.00 /J kJ Back-bFianiliner Bus listed in error for 1951. Arkansas ruei Oii Company, City taxes ori]y on a valuatioii ot' $37,610.00 personal property located in biasonboro tounship charged with City taxes iti error. Wm.H.Guy,Jr., it. the havy, on a vaiuation of $290.00 automobile kept by his wife at 4934 Pine Street, Hnrnett tovmship= charged with City taxes in error for the- year 1951. A commui;ication was received from the State Highway and Pubiic Vtorks Commicsion advising that ? J?Cf at its meeting held on September 28? 1951, approvep the additior, to our County highway - system, road which Uegins at Ceritr•al Boulevard from its intersectim with 3urnett Bouievard, to Fo1k Street, thence tiorthwardiy with Polk Street to i?orthern Boulevard in Sunset Park. ayment of $259.06 to the City of Viilmiiigtom cotu.ty's haif part of eypense for es:tertaining _YnPCamp Lejeune Gfficers at burf Ciub, Wri,-htsvi,le Beach, 5eptember 5> 1951, was approved. , S¢,C?/Certificates of 9i.spection of Stear,: Boilers at the County Home ar,d Court House and permits =?r? to operate the same was received from the 5tai:e llepari.ment of Iabor. '40A report of the tirilmii.gtor. Public ?iLrary aid Bookmobile for September was received aiid fiied. A z•equest of Ilirs. Nellie Durham Iane t.hat the $1 $ 500.00 assessment reduction a' I owed by a committee of the Board September 26, '1951 , on buildii-ig ori 'lots at Brookwood fnr the year / 19511to be made retroactive ii. effect foi the year '1950, was presented to the Board.and or. advise of the CouL.ty Atterney that assessmeni;s made for the four year period 1re supposed to stand ai,d we have rio •'ri€iit to re9uce the same dtiring that period except for ers•or or extraord.iriary circumstances, no action was taker,. No objections were indicated by the Aoard to the Uriited States District Engiueer ?graxiting iV[r. A.C.Ponds of Vli'+mington, 1\ . C., permissioit to coi,struct a wharf ir? the iniand water way at Porters Neck Plaritation,.approximateiy five miTes north of the highway bridge at Wrightsville Souzid. • ? Inasmuch as a difference ir. the area yardage is showi, it, the bids submitted by Nr.Armstrong and Towles-Cline Coi=struction Company to pave the court house parking iot. htr. Iove moved .?G and it was seconded by Vir. Hallg and carx•ied,that Mr. Prmstr•ong be requested to recheck his measurements and clarify the type of surface treatment proposed to be used. Mrs. Eti2abeth Shufe'tt Yiayer, 78 year oid courity resident, suffering from a mental disorder, and who the Superintendent of Pub'+ ic VVei fare stated was brought to the Cour,ty Iiome from State Hospitai as they wouTd c;ot keep her ar,y longer, and her guardian n4r, Gardie rergison wi'i pay $30.00 per month for her board untii she caci be admitted to the Masonic Home, was upoiz motion of 1uir. Davis, seconded by IDir. Iove, approved. A copy of aletter written by Lir. Lesl.ie N. Boriey*, Architect, to Godley-Hinnarit, Inc:, ? General Contractors for the Termirial buildiz:g, Biuethenthal Field, stating that due to the -Q? proionged delay in comoletion bf the terminav buiiding, it has become necessary that the ? owner partia"ly occupy the facility starting 22 October. The owner assumes obligation for repair and maintenance ac.d ger.eral wear aiid tear in the occupied area, but does not commit i.tsa7'f to fir.a'+ acceptance of ar-y ereas or workmanship or materials w.tii comp'+eted in accordance with the p'tans ar.d sepcifications, was received and fi'led. A pet7tion signed by 48 p•roperty,_owj ? Highway and Publ.ic Works Commission Cape Fear Towr.ship, rui.ning from li5 and being .7 0£ a miie ir, iength or, seconded by Iu:r. Uavis, anprovad ar.d for cor.sideratioi.. ,iers:.requesting the,'_Commis8ioners._to nequest the State to hard surface a road kr,ovri. as Wrightsboro Acres in 117 at t"iriFhtsboz•o Schooi back to same point at highway which ir, houses are Uuiit, was upon moti.on of A4r.0'Snields, referred to the State Hi€hway and Public Gdorks Commission ./? Surety bonds for &.J.lli'?on and JOhL 0'Beirne as Justices of the Peace, iu the amount of d'?$'! ?000.00 with tiie . atioi:al Surety Corporst9,on as sw~ety, the said amount fixed by law ? coenthe tedbonds approved as to form and eyecution by the Cowity Attorney, were upon n?otion a Nr. Hall reported that Oak Grove Cemetery is in fine shape, but the new road to same ' needs top dressii.g. Mr. 0'Shields advi.sed tt-iac he, had beert trying to get the State Highwaq Commission put a nar, rock surface or. the road but hir. Clark didr,'t think the State would take over the road for improvements. Thereupon Yir. Iiai l moved and it was seconded by iAr. Davis aT:d carried that ?200.00 be appropriated toward providing a top ipari surface for the road. 2 9 , 6 tVleeting of October 22, 19519 continued. ' ° It is the coilsensus of the Board to issue $40,000.00 School-Bond Anticipation N otes ? to mature annuaiiy on October 15, ?72',000;00'1952-?andv$14,000.00 1953 and 1954, in iieu of Schoo't Botids, at.d the Cout,ty Attorney was instructed to proceed with the Bond Attorneys on that basis. A r.equest of Mr. W.K.Rhodes attorney for Ptir. Fleasand Batson to renew his iease to stabTe horses at Tegion Stadium tolrether vaith the use of portion of race tr`acks? current for , i ights to be ii, his name, was contir.ued to i.ext meeting pendir_g preparation of the i ease . , ?This being the day aiid hour, 11:00 0' clock A.ti., set at meeting of OCtober i 7th,, 1951; _._??? to further consider the matter of leasir;g the ilirport to the i,avy, the Chairman asked if aryor,e viished to be heard. _.,ReA The foiiowing reso-lution adopted by the Aviatior. Committee of the Piiimington Chdmber of Commerce was read and'pTesented to the Board by Mr. John H. Farrell, Executive Secretary: "By'motion unanimousiy approved, the Aviation Cor,unittee leaves the matter of signing a iease witn the i?avy Departmei:t for the use of Bluetherithal Air Field to the better judgment oP the Couiiy Cojomissioners; but recommends that the Commissioners coiisider the possiUilitie= of an outripht sale of Biuethenthal Fie1d to the Navy, if such sa're is consamated, these iunds to be held in reserve to be avai'+able to constr•uct an aiternate fi.eid. ??" . . .? s i.? s/s Johti H. Farreil, Secretary s/s Eurh IviacRae, Chairman Aviai;ion Committee. Mr. James Pennington said he appreciated the probiem of making a decision in the matter, but like some consideratiori be given the students in training who will have to mave and ? go out of business a= weii as himseif. ftir. 0'Shields asked what legal right we have to provide lai,ding strips. ihe Cour.ty Attorney advised oniy from avaiiabi.e ur,a,opropriated fur.ds othet than tar. money, ur:less authorized by a vote of the peopie. Aiter further discussion the following resoiution was adoptedq authorizing execution of the mo@ified leasa: ftespectfuliy submitted, Upon motiozi of Conunissioner 0'Shieids, seconded by Commissioner Love, the Chairman ? and the C7.erk of the Board were authorized and directed to execute, on behaif of the"Couiity, ? a iease agreement prepared Uy the Yuavy Uepartment grar,ting to the tIniteri States of Americag a?'? acting through the navy Department, the right to operate its aircraft at, and to occupy certaliz Uuildings on bew Hanover Coui,ty P.irport. The Chairman of the Board was instructed to request the L'nited States of Americal through the fiavy Department, to submit a price to the County for the purchase ol the airport by the I?avy. Upon motion of Nr. Ea'T? secocided by A'ir. Davis, the use of iegion stadium was granted for ? Uonkey Basebali Comedy, Poiice vs Fireman, for the benefit of the Poiice and Firemen's recreation fur.d. Upon rriotion of Nr. Love, seconded by Plir. Hail, Cow.ty bi"s Iio. 6954 to 6980 Were approved lor payment. -??? Upon motion, duly seconded, instructiocis wez?e giveri tnat appropria.te resoiutions be prepared or, the death of our belovee citizeri Hugh lfiacRae. iNVi?ihe followiiig good and 'avrful persons were drawn to serve as jw•ors in the Superior Court for the triai of criminal cases for the tvro weelcs term beginning I,ovember 5, 1951s D.J.Fulcner, 310 Ivorthern Aouievard. W.A.Carter? Ct.9-ll,2,ake Forest. Geo.T.Davis, D-2, Oieander Apts. . W.1.P1est ? j12 Dzwson St., - L.L.Porter, Ht.1, F1.emirigton Section. John L. Shaw, 213 Grace St. Hei,ry Harrel7,Jr., 407 PJrightsvili e Ave. _ Lance E. Sai.d).in, 903 N. 3rd, St. C .S ,Sai.derson , 17 Wood'!awn Ave. B.W.Sams, Sr., 7910 Ant. 8t. tJfarion DeBose, P.O.Box 7552• Gardner D. Greer, 208 S.C.Bou?eva.x•d. Bet. E. r.dge, 249 Davie Drive Tutaffitt Vil. J.E.Mir.tz, Sr., 12.09 S. 2nd St. Pau7 W. VJright, 2669-C jefferson. ' Fia?ter A. Russ, 1616 Dock St., J.E.Crowell, 312 S. 1;th St. • R.A.Yoppq Jr., 115 S. ijth St. G.4u.Coi kitt , 192 Piiiecrest Fark:way. G i er.wood Yopp, 1091 KEa tori Ave. ' D:C.Wripht, 2417 Chestnut St. T..N,.Sumneri P.O.Box 1346. A ndrew D. Rat:thos, 411 Central Eoulevard. Harold L. Cag1.e, 2938 Tefferson St. E .S .Wrec;ch, .72 Spoffor•d Mills. • E.R.Brownie, Castle Hayne, iit.i. Second week- . - - l.D.Blake, 520 Castle St. C.iJ.Ciaz•k, 702 i4. 4th St. - Wilma 2ebeiin, 108 Wrightsville Ave. Ernest W. Johnson, Rt.i . O.L.Matpass, Rt.l1 Box '732. Demitrias Lucas, 401.Iv. 211d St. W.L.Dixon, l16 S. 4th St. Thos.D.Brown, 417 N. 4th St. Geo.D.Davis, 113 N. ']th St. R.L.Barnhili, 2719 Van Burer, St. Johsi F. Russell, 128 Pinecresz Farkway. C.S.Swann, Rt.2. T.C.Christian, 615 Dock St. C.E.Clar•k, 1708 Orange St. jas.1: Sar,derson} 159 I:ake Forest Parkway. Rooei•t A. Downing, Rt.2T Box 310-A. R.C.Lucas, 412 Paorthern Boulevard. A.A.Saifo, 249 1?;. rront; St. T.G.Fopej Piilrriir.?ton Hotei. R.;vi.71il'iams, a46 Lake Forest Parkway. 0len Selle rs , 168 Sp'oi forci Tv1ili s. ?.B.Zuiick, Jr., 25 1Vood!awn Ave. T.aurence C. Cook, 22 Spoffoz•d Mii_is. d.T.Yelvertou Jr.? 806 Dock St. B.C?.ieamari, il$ Finecrest Parkway. Loui s M. Corso, 20 S. 3rd St. L.L.Jvyatt, 619 Orange St., fioUt S. Young, 20 JacYson Drive. Clyde E. Young, 201, Creasy Ave, C.J.Souther, and, Rt.3. C. C. Vince116? 3-11 Grace St. Ciaretice Sharp, 707 S. 2nd St. J.A.StricY.iand, 160 Spoffoi•d iu:ills. Orland Dale, 220 N. 2nd 5t. J.N1.Batsong Jr., Box 33, V,irightsvilie Beach. Junius J. Goodwin, 307 Chestnut St. 298/ Neeting of October 22, '1951 , continued. K.C.Ciark, 2213 Chestnut ;t. VJ.W.Cazroi19 1305 S. 13th St. G-.enrvood Bi ominG`"20t 3 Ferry Ave. S.I..Botes, 'Ji 8 Che stnut St. N .VJ.Bond , 2529 Adams 6t . H.T_.Fiander; Rt, 3. F.L.btint2, Sr., 605 S. i_6th St. Thurston I. Watkins, 1502. ivun St. Edward B. Jot]r.soi,, 75 Pinecrest Parkway, iQar-r!ie Keiiy, Sur.set Park. Emmett P. Crovi, Rt.2, Eox 164. L.R.King, Rt.i, Eox '90. E.D.Umstead, Jr., 19 S. 6th Si. VJ .r .King , 707 S. r rorit St. T.C.Jones, 528 Mercer Hve. I.D.Shepard,Rt.]_, L.P.Mintz, 703 S. Frent 5t. John D. Campheil, 65 5pofford uiills,. Ut`.T.Dempsey, 316 Dqvis ilrive. Robert W. Green, 2113 Plaza Di-ive. 1he meeti.r,g theii adjourned. C, erk. J.P.hewton,Jr., Rt.1. C.Y;.Blomme, 602 Centrai Boulevard. D.T.Boyd, 24 Norniri$side Drive. Durbon L. Blanton, 614 P:Tercer Ave. Lacy Blanton, 10 N. Tyier St. K.I.Knox, Rt.3. E.H.Kiz,gI 706 S. 5th St. Joe Oliver, 508 VVooster St. j.O.Sharp, Rt.?, Box 63. L.vi.Keliy, 1509 Castle St. Robert L. Watkins, Rt.1. J.r .Coli ey, 208 Dawsor. flt. - L.D.Suggs, 21E B. Fr'illiamson Drive. d.A.Fady, 202 ivieares SL. n.A.tivilliams Jr., i Ct.V, Lake rorest. n.Ii.KenarA, i?i1 Coioniai Vi„age. A.h.S.Davis, Rt. 2, Box 205. E.T.Whitehurst, Rt.3, Box 267AA. H.G.Stokiey, Rt.2, Boa 1£39. ti'7m.ii.Culverhouse, 333 4°7iiliamson Drive M.V. , Wii mii.gton , I? . C., October 29, 1951. The r•egular weekly meetitip- of the fioard was he'td at 10:00 o'clock A. Iur. Present: Addisor, Hewiett, Chairnaii, Jas. M. rie", Claud v'Sni.elds, Thurston C. D2vis, Hai J. Love and Cow ty kttori.ey Tcarsne,. Fse' I amy. ?y Upon motioti of Tv:r. Davis; seconded by ivIr. I,ove, the Board approved the purchase of a. 150 poucid• pressure pu'rupiiig u,it for the Coui.ty' s iire truck to replace the worri-out unit, at a cost of y;iJS.OG. Upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields, ?-econded by iu"r. I.ove, the actior, of t;he Board at meeting oy ? September 4, 19517 fixil,p tite gate receipts tu Ue naid tn the Cout??ty for school eVer,ts at Q Legior. Stadium at 10% instead of o% as formeriy, to eiab'e the Couuty to allocate 4% oi - such gate receipts to the i\ew Haaover High Schuol UrJ.form rund for the purchase of new ui.iforms ar.d iiicii.dentals not provided for ii, the school budget, was amer.ded Uy d:idecting payment of the 4% to be derived from the proceeds of the gate receipts, to the Treasurer of tne ba.nd Boosters Ciub. A copy of the winutes of the meeting of t'iie Tr•ustees of Community Hospi?ai of August I 5th 1951 , vras Teceived ar.d filed. Upon u,otioi. of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, ir,structions were givel to advertise ?y for seaied bids for paving the Court House parking iot, to be received and publiciy opened ?? ai.d read at the regular meeting to be heid at 10;:00 o'clock A.IrI.9 Drioiiday, Paovember 12, 1951 • ? ..? .?? ?;. ..::?. ,;,.. . .i; . ? ;, ? : . ? 5urety bonds for• J. C. Long ar.d j. J. Tayior as ,lustices of the Peace, ir. the penaity of r $1,000.00 each with the i,ational Surety Corporatior, as surety, the said amount fixed by iaw and the bonds approved as to foi•m ar,d executi.oi. by the County Attort ey, were upon motion of iJr. Davis, seconded Uy TvTr. Iove, accepted. , ?, A statement of road bond ezpenditures for ivew Hanover Coui.ty as ?? received from Nir. A. tililbur Clark, Third Division Sta,te Highvuay Totai Oost Rrojects Qomnleted ai.ci Ui:der Gonstruc `Iotal Boxd Hllotment to Aeva Hanover Coui.ty, . Estimat(-d Overrun, Equaiization Fund, ' . Overdraft, of August 31 ; 1951 , was Commissioner, showing: ti.on E.,,5539987•92 1 )216 ,800.00 337,,87.92 • 202;636. 9 r r?The resiguatioi. of Da?. ?iY. Fred narefoot as Coroner of hew Eer.over Coua,ty to become:effectiive o?° ivovember 1',„195' , Was received ai;d upon motioi. of 14r. Davis, seconded by P.ir. 0'Shi.elds, was ? accepted. ?.,lJpon o1otion of PJ1r. Hal 1 , seconded Uy i+'?r. Davis, Lr. Fred H. Coieman was appoir,ted Coroner .--?b'?'9" of kew Hanover Cour.ty for the un-expired tern oi Dr. V4.Fred Barefoot, resigned. Jpon n,otion of b;r. Love, seconded by A4r. Dpvis, i?fir. G. D. Rpbor, was grar.ted a refund of 1949 and 1950 taxes paid oii a vaiuation oi $500.00 on house fasmex7y iocated or. 2.38 acres of iand ii. Federal Point Towi.ship burned ir. -1948, and taxes charged against it in error. Payment of $127.80 for miieage made by Sheriff's Officers for trar.sporting prisoners and ii:sane oersot.s to State IT1Si,1tUt1017S j to be credited to the salary furid, and $51,.28 OVP. X 3Dr1?.-, ? incurred in transporting the same, was upon motion of Iu,r. Davis, seconded by Iuir. ? p T'OVed Upon motiu,_ of fJlr., 0'Shiel_ds, seconded by Yr. Davis, The iNiimingtot. Productive Credit Association, V+iimington township, was Fraiited ar. abatement o: taxes on a valuati,or, of $E50.00 Office, Furniture and Fixtures listed in eiror by its Secretarq for the year 1951,? Heirs of James H. Biackledge Federal Point township ui. a valuatior, of f'100.00 on 60.2 acres of I and assessed for $1 ,050.00 ai,d charged ir. error at $.1 1150.00, and G.R.McJienzie, Hart.ett township, on a vaiuatson of $300.00 lot 218, in block C, Piney V:oods, charged izl error. The same trarisierred to and 'isted by ;..C.IvIcli,tire for 1951 • y, L-