1951-11-05 Regular Meeting.? ..: • ;- Meeting of October 29, 1957_? ccr.ti.nued. ? Upon motior, of Mr, i3aii, seconded by Mr, love, the ,'303rd d1Z'@CtPd that the matter of ? the ineificient operatior. oi the ir.cinerator burner at Johr. C. Wesseil Tuberculosis S?t.atorium be taketi up wii;h 47. A. Simoi?, Ir.c., Gerieral Cor.tractors, to the end that the troubie be correctec3 and the same be made to funetioti properiy and ,sfficient]y ir, accordance with their cor.tract. fDIr. George H. Hutaif appeared to enquire of the status of the i?irport by reason of surveys .?id and other activities at the airport. The Board not being informed couid i.ot give him the information. LTpon motioi, of Iulr. 0'Shi.elds, seconded 'oy iu!r. ?ove, the BoaFd voted una,,imously to request the 5tate Hirhway ai,d Pub"ic Vdorks Commission to instali a cautior. light at the Cathoiic EiFmentary School on the Cas0e 33ayne Ftoad ( tiS 117 ) lear Prince George Creek, for the protection of tiie chil dren attendiiig the school..Due to the neavy traffic over the highvaay at tliat poirit makes ii, exceedingiy o.angerous for the schooi childrer.. The meetinp ther. adjourned. 9f Clerx. ? ' Wilrr.ii.€ton, I:. C., P,ovember 5, 195-r. fihe reguTar weeKly meetir.? of the Board was lield at 70:00 o'clock A. b7. Presei t: Addison Hewlett, Chaisnia'i., Claud O'SlLields; Thursi;erl C. Davis, Hal ,; . L.ove ar;d County Attorne,y Karsdei. Beilamy. /? 13r. dame.s C. Jord2.n, 211 'v'ance Stieet, a dS.sabled veteran of V.orla VJar II. was upo:, motion / of iJr. Davis, secor.ded 'oy 1Ir, T,ove, exempi; fron; the payrnei:t; of poil taxes on recommendatior, of the Vetera..ns' Service OPiicer. ?99 - Lir. F. A. ;iasbury aT,peared to ask for lir.unse to operate bir.go in the Coitnt.y outsi.de of ttie City limits was advised by the Coiu.ty Attorney that ttie Colayjt.y Corrunissioners have t:o legai 6 b authority to Frar,t such a privi'ege, and iti?ther advisera that Bir!go is permitted af, Carolina and "cVrigf;tsvi'le Beaches by special act of the 'eg.islature. A proposed I,ease-Agreement betvreen the Couiity arid IvIr. P. Fsatson, viherein the County agrees to ease to Ivtr. Batson for a period of seven ar?d' one-hal f moi,ths ) Uegitini.iig Niovember 1 st 1951, and ending the l5th day of Mia.y 1952, the four barnes ar.d/or horse stables, together with the use of the one-hatf miie tracA situaL-ed east of the Stadium Buiiding, and the use of the otoilets ar,d shovaer:rooms in the Stadium IIuilding, at a rental oi $750.00, payable $375.00 ot. or Uefore Ivovember 15, 1957,, arxd $'375.00 oiL or before the 15th day of Januar3= '1952, was upon motion of DZr. Love, secoiided by T4tr. v'Snields, approved subject to the approvai of the Stadium CommitLee a._d the Cow,ty Attorney. ` UDOT. IC10t1011 of iuir. Davis, seconded by Irr. Love, the Eousing P..uthority of the City of Witmii.gton was granted aii abatement of $;34.28 on persoi.ai property listed iri error for the qear 1950 and 1951. A request of Mr. J. D. McCariey and nir. Jack Iaiorris that the Cour,ty take over the rental expense for te'lephone and extertion in the oifice oi the Froductioi_ivIarketing Administration room 101 Custom House which wou'vo otherwise have to be disco..tinued9 was upon motion of ? 1uIr. Davis_, secor;ded by Ivlr. 2_ove, granted. Air. 4Jilbert Arthur itice 62 year oid disabled coui.t,y cil.izen, was upon niotioii of IJir. Davis, -- ?, seconded by mr. Iove, •admitted T,o the Courity fiorce as apay patient at $;30.00 per nioz,th for board, a.i.d Victoria. Ifimnant 76 i.ear old invi-'ad citizen, oi. recarrLreridatior: of the County , _ Welfare Otficer. • - Upon motioi, of UIr. 0'Snields, secouder b-v Y3r. I.ove, the Aoard agreed to move the feT,ce the y? county erected ai oi.g the east side of the road, ljth Street if extended, at ,?iarsteliez• Stx•eet -5? to the west side; to ?ive the rieveres,d T.F.noe access to his property. The fence was erected at the time the County acquired additiox,a., property tnere to eniarge the County'-s Oak Grove ? Cernetery. ' Iu",r. Henry. Boyd,Jr., i;irport te;ariager ar,d Ivir. Lesl.ie. Bo"riey,Jr., Architect, appeared to recommend a change in the seatii:g 1'urr.iture aiiu arrangen,exits for the new terminal buildii,g f tiy t tne airport by it.stalling 12 4-seat a-1 wood uiiits which could be constructed 1ocallqg p,?^?iinished and varnished to narmonize with the surrounding furi.iture which wouid be more (_: practica? tYiar. the uphouistered Uenches first seiected. ihe Board approved the ger,eral idea of the chac;ge ar:d that prices be °ecurefi. The questiou of occupyiiig the ofSices in the Termian, BuildiL.g before compietion ai.d acceptance without assumirig ai,y liability was discussed arid ieft with the Architect to work out. Mr. Boyd a"so asked what vras the Board's pieasure in handlirig the di•irik concession sta+.,ing he had received one appiication in writing „ and others were pending, and su?gested that the orie who will handle the iood shouid have the drink cor.cession. That matter, however, e!as continued to a generai_ meeting vihen'leaSirig..of..,the coc.cessions will be considered. An Audit repo*t of the ABC Board for the three mont,hs period er.ding September 30 t 1951, '°""_`v?b? prepared by I?.r. J. neveiand 3raiid, CPA., was received and filed. ,I?o objections were raised by the Eoard to the Ji.ited States District Engineer granting .?p,R"??perraission to i?rs. E.A.Harriss to cot.struct a bulkhead oi: the west side of T?tasonUoro Sound ar;d ? to dredge a c?ac;nel from the bulkhead to the ir.land waterl,,ray. ? c Se? A report of the Courtty Eiectrical T.r,s.,ector for 5epterr.ber was received and filed. -T I ?. Meet,il;g o£ i;ovember '951 , coi.tinu-u. Mr. Claud 0'Shi.elds moved that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the bond order hereiciafter described has been finaliy adopted by the board of Commissioners aT,d the_Board of Commissi.oriers desires to borrow money for the purpose for which bonds are authorized by sain bond order as hereir,after provided; . iVOW, TF',EHEFORE, BE IT RESOIVED by the Board of Cornmissioners of the Coui.ty of new Hanover, as follows: (1) The sum of_$40,000 shall be, borrowed in aiitic.ipatioii of the receipts of the proceeds of the saie of the $40,000 of bonds authorized to be issue3 by the bond order entitled "Bond Order authorizirig the issuance of Y401000 Scnuo" Bonds of the County of New Hanover14„ adoptEd by the Board of Commi.ssioners or, the 17th day of September? 1951, for the purpose for which said bonds are autnorized t;o be 9ssued, and negotiable notes of the County of IVew Harioaer shali be issued for sa9d sum so borrowed., (2) Said notes shall be dated ivovember ?5, 1951, and shall consist of one note r;urnbered 1 iu the denomination of 02,000 payable October 15, 1952,; one note iiumbered 2 in the denomination of $14,000 payab"e Octobsr 15, 1953; alld one note numbered 3 in the denomination of W14,000 payable_October 15, 1954. The notes shall bear interest from their date to their respective maturities at a rate which shali not exceed six per centum (6%) per ainwn. Such i.nterest shali be payable on Apri7 15, 1952 ar:d thereafter seni-ar.nually on Hpril 15 ar,d October i 5'th. Each o£ said r.otes shall be signed by the Chairman and Cierk of the Board of Con,missioners of said Cour.ty end the seal of said County sha"i be aff.ixed to each of said notes. Any interest coupons represer:ting the interest thereon sha"'? be signed by said Cierk. (3) The power to fix the rate of interest to be borne by sa3d notes ar.d to 9etermine the place of payment is hereby delegated to the Chairman and Cierk of the Board of Commissioners of said County who are hereby authorized and directed to cause said notes to be prepared and to execute said notes wher. they shalT have been soid by the Local Government Commission of , North Caroiina. Said Loca1. Government Conunissioii of North CarolirGa is hereby requested to seli said notes in the manner prescribed by the T;ocal Government Act of North Carolina. ?,- I Ma. Hai J. Love seconded the motion, and the motion was adopted. Those voting for the motiori rvere 1-'essrs. Addison Hewlett, Claud 0'Shieids, Thuz•ston C. Davis and Hal J. Love, ido one voted against it. . Upon motio, the noard authorized ai.d directed the abatement of t}e 1951 taxes charged against .Mrs. Katherine E. Vollers or. a valuatioi_ of $5i1G0.00 ot, the w3/4 of lots 1,2,3,4-EM 5/6 in biock 53 purch3sed by tile City of Gtii'mington Jar.uary 23,1957 for water tank site pursuant to negotiations staried iii the fall of '1950. • 1,???? lA report of the 'veteraiLs' Service Officer for October vras received and fiied. J " Upoiz motioi, of Nr. Davis, seconded by T,?r. Love, krmistice Day T?ovember 11, 1951, a..legal hoiiday and fa'ling on Sunday? authori.ty vias given to c"ose the Courity Off3ces oi. 7:4onday, _ I?ovember 12th ir; observance thereof. The Coux.ty Commissioners, however, wili hold their reguiar meeting at '10:00 o'c-lock A.M., bIonday, T+ovember 12th,1951 . ' Upon motion of Iv1r. Love, secotided by ivir. Uavis, the Chairman was authorized ar:d directed to . s ign a ielease for the Indemriii:y Ixisurarice Compaciy of Nortih AmerS.ca, cancelling Public _ Oificzai Bonds No. 667306 ano SA144236 coverffng the late F.Porter Davis,a-`s' SheTiff' of iVew ??:? . -• . Hanover County, effective as of date October 29, 19519 subjeci to the anProva? of the County_ xttorney. • A report waG received from the Back Tax Collector showing $7,285.26 coliected Sor the City, and }GI $6,099.25 for the County, rr,aking a tota1 of E13,384•51 back taxes collected for Liie morth yf • October. . ` It was agreeabie with the Board for the Staditun Gommittee to handie a request of Mr. F. Batson + P to maintain a blacksmith shop at ?egion Stadium ir, connection with his interests in stabling horses and condu,cting races as T,essee. A claim of iJir. R. Heriry Knowies througii his attorney bir. H.E.Rodgers for $65.00 for a Co1t . ?s-Xu.tbm3tic Fistol he says was takerl i-•om him by oificers who arrested him for being drutik May 7947, whi.le serving as'Coi,sL-able of HdrnP±t Township' N^iich he ciaims said pistol was ? ziot returned to him and caiinot be founa, was upon motion cieclined on opinion of the County . Attorney that the claim iG more thaY, two ye2rs outstanding. • x request of i?s . Alari ielarshall , Attorney, for abatement, oi taxes charged against the Cape Fear _?UV, Coui.try C?ub on 15.63 acres of ?and, Goif L,?.l,ks, i?fpsonhoro Tov??t,ship, which he ci.aims was sold •d°' - to IJir. Paul Bergeii Septeiiiber 1948, vvas t?poi, motion of Mr. Davis, referred to the Cow.ty Auditor- for ir.vesti@ation and with pov,er to 2ct. : An offer of Ivirs. I3ianche Phili ips to puxcht.se .part of lots 2 a.n3 3, in ui ock 21, to redeem the: -?? property she former?y owned which was bought in by the City and Coui,ty for taxes in 11948? was e was reeeived for further cor.s:ideratien with the City Manager. lipon motion of TJIr. Davisg secozided by Mr. Love, instructions were givei, to secure a, sunply. of maps from the Ui.ited States Soil Cor.servatiou Service without cost to the Cour.ty. tivith reference to advertising for bids for paving the Gourt iiouse ParkiLg Tot, the Chairman told the 3oard that ne had coriferreq vrith tr:r. 'r..A.,ishvrorth, State Highv+ay Resident Engineer, and accoiding to Stateenlghvray specifications ior road cot.structior., wou"d not recommend a hot bitumen ireatment to be applied betv;een September 30th and Apri1 Ist wher, the atmospheric temperature is beiow 60° F. a mix.ed asplialt appiicatiot. with 30% crushed stone would appear to be satisfactor5>. However the matter was cont9.nued for study with the contractors. -, tipon n+otion of P?4r. Love, secanded by Ivir. o'shie'ds, county bii's i?io. 698? to 7047 were `1? approved for payment. The meeting then adjourned. 4::7z iG. Q4-&? Clerk. ? _