1951-11-12 Regular Meeting301 Wiimir.gton, N. C., November 12, 1951• - ? T he regular weekiy meeti.nr of the Board was held at 10:00 o'ciock A. M. ' setit: Addisor. Hewtett, Chaix•mai., Jas. 14i. Ha'l, Claud 0'Shieids, Thurston C. Davis, .?1"`; Ha1 J. T,ove ai.d County Attorr,ey idarsdex. Bellasy. -0,1-701'Reports of the activities of the Home Demotiscratioi. Agerit, Colored Home Agent, rarm A,_'t-C,Den,or.stration Agerit, Courtty rireman, rureau of ldentificaL;oi and Cour.ty Electricai w? Ir.spector for Oc'tooer were received ai•d filed. Dr. Fred H. Coleman who was appointed Coroner of ;?ev: fizt.over County at meeting of October 29, 1951, to serve-out the ui.expired terrr, of Dr. 7S.Fred Barefoot?resigned, ___?,pyle47?'preser:ted his official bond in the amoui.t of ;;2,000.00 with the as surety, v:hich said bond was approved as to form and er.ecution hy the Cotu-ity Attorney ar.d upon motion of Iuir. 0'Shiel3s, seconde3 by Mr. Davis, a,cceptec3 by the Board. A request ci the Colored Iibrary tnat the Conimissioners take such actiori necessary to ,,?,binmeet requirements to;ei.aUle its employees to quaiify for Sociai Secizrity benefits, was referred to the Cow.?y Attorneyfor opinion dnd report at the next meetii.g. Upoii motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Ivir. 0'Shieids, the heirs of J.S.VJilliams were granted an abatemei.t of taxes on a vai uatior. of $1,000.00 oi-i i ots. I through 61 iz. _)°? biock D, Y?illiams Division, Wiiminpton Towr?ship, account of doubie cnarge ai.d error, for the years 1947 through 1951. It appeared that the said property is owned and listed by Adessa Page and R.P.fiuffham for the said years. Upon motioi. of tvSr. Love, seconded by Ivir. 0'Shieicis, the Board-reconrended that the Town of Carolina Beach authorities abate the Town taxes charged against Y1r.VJ.E.Powe>>$Jr.1 • oti a valuation of $1,285.00 personal property iocatea ir. Federal Point Township out- 4X side City limits of Carolir,a Beach, c'r_arged in error. T. N. Snow tivas granted ai. abatement oTi a vaiuation of $2,600.00, iot 40 ii. biock 5 Udoodlawn, for 1950 and 1951 account of double Charge. The same is owi,ed by T. W. Davis, aild v+as charged against Mir. Snow ir, error. rred B. Granam, Trustee, was g:ailted aii abatement of Caxes on a vaiuati.or, of $2,450.00 '. accoutit of doubi e charge agair.st lot }2 ir. oi ocx 32, 6w.se u Park for the yea.rs i 950 and ' 957 > T'he same is owned and iisted for said years by Thos.C.Meyl and. ;virs. iSathesiue E. Vollers was grd,.i,Ed a reiui.d .-?f Y.axes for the yedrs 1949 titrougn 1951 paid oc: $145.00 assessment ciiarged a?ainst her on 29•59 acres oi, land, Adj. tiler.at.der, Harr,ett Towr.ship, whir,h was ir.cluded in iii the sale of 350 acres to the Iriteri.ationai Paper Company P.prii 7G7 194E. ' A conimiuiication was received from :V?. E. SiinorL , Ii,c., Cor,tractors, enc, osing a copy of a ietter t.hey wrote the Caro'ina 5teel ai;d Iroi. Cornpany of Greensbor'o? concerning correction of the inefficierit operatior, o^ the ii.cii.ezator ai,d burner tney it-istalied at the Johi: C. Niesse'i Tubercuiosis Sanatorium. The Coui.t,Attorney advised that Vv.A.Simon, Ii,c., the General Contractors havinE agreed to it:sta" the uiiit ii. accordance vrith 6iZr p?aris and speciTications, we, therefore, look to them 1;o make the correctior, ar.d not the lufanu£acturers. '• -n,?' Cor,firmation of the sa-le of w."•40,000 ?,evr Nariover Cottx.ty Scliool Bond Piiticipation i?!otes to ;'+acnovia Ear.k and Trust Gompany. Winston-Salem? at 1 .25% plus premium of $43.48, was received ' f rom the Locai. Gove1 nment Commission. A statement was received from the State Board of Public VTeifare advis:ir,g that $48,640.63 ?_ • S was sent to this County for the month of October for Old Age Assistarice, Aid to Aependent ,,• ?? Chi-ldren, Aid to Fermanentiy ar.d Totally Disabied, Adthinistration and Special allotmer,t • ior hospitalization. ' The matter of re-locatior, of the oid termina? tui.lding at the airport just as soon as the ?ni-litary plans have taken such shape to allow a definil;e delir,ea.tion of the boundries of the mii itary area ) ar,d to request the Civii Aeronautics 4dmiriistration to amend the grant • J agreement by deieting "relocate..o?d terminal builoing" in order that the cor;tract may be closed out ds soon as the various contractors have completed their vrork, was contiiiued for further study by the Airport Committee until next meeting. Unor, motion of bir. Davis, secorided by ivir. Hall, Nr. A. K. TuIa'lard, State Highvlay N.ainter.ance 5.upervisqr? was requested to improve the shoulders aiotig the highviay at Legior. Stadium. No objections were raised to the application of Victor Thompson and T.A.Shepard to secure ? 1YY_a state permit to se'i beer at Anchor Ir.n, Rt.1 , ar,d 416 N. rront Street, respectiveiy. ' Upon motion of Iviir. Davis, secozided by Mr. Ha„, instructior;s were giveii to reouest the ''•`I " Saieway Trar,sit Company to iuprove it= schedule over the old Yurightsvilie Fiighvaay to the f ??91 dohn C. Wesseli Tuberculosis Sai.atoriwn for the ber.efit of its i.nmates ar,d persons visiting there as weli a i.ur,;her o£ residents in that area. . ihe lease agreement between the Cow.ty and iu;r. F. i3ai:son covering the lease of four "?. .?1Pks barnes and/or horse stabies, together with the use of the orie-heif miie track, toiiets .? . ? ar:d shower rooms at Legioi, Stadium was presei,ted ar.d upon motioia of hir. 0'Shields, seconued - by Pair. Davis, was approved. '^• ?'Jo9'tipon motior. of i4ir. Davis, Mr. Claud U'Shields was xiamed as ?`f' on the Azalea Fastival Cornrnittee. C. B. Davis, Cout.ty riea.'th Ufficer, was requesl.ed to a /??on ai, in=pection tour of tiie saTiitary cni.ditioris at Tegioi, Upon motd?or. of iair. Davis, secec,ued by KJ . IovE, tihe CouiLty .'441 protect the Coui,ty's ii.ierest ii, the suit brought by Ja.mes • concernii.g aunropriai;ions ai.d payn!ei.ts ior the care of the the Cour.ty's represei,tative ::compacty the i.ommissioriers Si:adiw;. Friday mori.ing g 9: j0. .,t.to! 1.ey }•+as instructed to 4';a'Y.er iuemorial Hospital ir,di@er:t sick of the County. -A F- 3U2 iJIeetinp of Noveinber 12, '195l, coi; tiriued . ?i. John H. Farreii, Executive "eczeta,ry oi i;he Jiilni. 6i;o,: Chatab?r of Coi;imerce ??apnear red to requesi; Lhe uoa?•d to C_ve cor.sideratiei, to pas=age of at. Act at the v i.eyt se=sior, o, the T egis' ature i oiequirE t}!e seci.zrir.g of a: pe.rmit for the 00 coi.struct.ion o£ new buildii.?s ii. ?:he Gouu.ty out:side the Cit,y limits of incor- Porated munic3-oalities. That matter havinf- beel »reviously cliscussed by the noard, r.o action FJ35 taker . Mr. 0'Shields renorted oi. a recer.t confere<<ce with bdr. A. 11:i,bur Clark, lhird ' Uivisioi, State Isighvaay Con,missioi., t.old the Board tha.t Ieir. C'ark said work oii highway 427,shoi°t cut via rlemiiqton Village to the orth Fasi, Cape Fear river J bridge nas been resumed a.fter some deiay, p-lai s for widei.itig Beach hignway was still ot. the drariz.p_ table, but should be started Nl1tYllTi 40 or 45 days. Ztiidei.ing of the Carol ir,a Beach roap from R?io?ikey ,lui?etionft to the iriiand v,aterv!ay wo?iiu p.roUau.ly , be deferred witil next £isca'+ year, and t}iat the Commi.ssioners would 'ue advised •within the next few days to make preparations with Pender County Por the forn;al opening of thP r eiv Cape reax• River bridge at Castle Hayiie cor,riectirig the two counties, and completion '..of the right of way and grading of the hichway from U5 17 to Wrightsvilie Souiid. The meetirig thel adjourned. Clerk. Plilntington, Id. ' C., AovemUer 19, 1951. The reguiar weelcly meetitig of the Board vaa.s heid at 10:00 o'clock A.ivi. Fresei.t: Addison Hewiett, Chaisinan, Jas. tvi. Hai1, Claud 0'Shields, Lhurstori C. Davis, Hai ,! . Love and Gouiity Attorneg IvIarsdei. Belldmy. Putiss Helan E. Smith, Assistant• Countg Iiome Demoi.stration Agent suUmi.tteo fier resigxiation _ -_N*? to become eifective Decenber 15, 1951, was upon motion oi I,Ir. Uavis, seconded by ivir.0'Shields, accepted with regret. . p1 y request of Wil?ie 24ixon Por repairs to a' bridge and iViii itar5? road i;hrcugh Big Gum Branch, rt back of Rogersvi'1 P. , Harnett towr.ship, was ii.stru.cted to preser:t his petitiox? on State ^0_?,?` _?? Form r.equired by the Highway Commission. ` iuir. Louis T. Pvioore, Chairrcan of the Neva :?ariover Historical Commission, ar.d h`.r.W.A.YcGirt? apneared to ask that Che Couz.ty bear i?:e experise for providing and erecting a piaque at i?_?7 the entrance cf Hugh Iu:ack=,e Park in n!emor,y of the late Nugh b;acRae its donor and outstanding 1 and'be]oved citizeu of our CouY.ty. Upon motioii of irIr. Lavis, secorided by Mr. T,ove, the ' request was grar;teu out of the tldVATtisj.np iurd, and refe'rred -to the Chairman of the Board, R4r. Louis T. ivIoore ar:d Mir. Vi.W.Storrr, for se?ection of appropriate wordir.g to appear upon the same. . IVIr. E. C. lli_xon appeared to ask for improvements to Oak Street ii Fast Wilmirigtoti ? and instaliation of draixiage pipe under the road which serves five or six farnities ' ? which said road hecomes impassabie durizig, wet vieatner, was g_ven a state iorm on which to pre;pare his request for State maintei-iaiice. ' !he iollowing resolutien nvas offereci by Wr. jas.I,i.Ea,i ;ai:d seconded by Mr. Thurstoi, C. J, Davis ar.d uaanitr.ously adopted: WHEREAS, che Coui.ty Conimissioriers oi A.ew FTanover Coiuii.y iri reguiar session • assembied l;his day, went oi. record with ar. expressior Lheir• thaciY.s, commendation - ar.d appreciation of the action taken by the Carolir,a Iight ar.d Power Company of Raleigh, id. C., ana The Tide tNIater Power Compaziy of this Gity and CounLy to combine > their uiil?ties for a Uetter Southeastern ivorth Carolina service, and , VJHEREAS, v,e feel this is a great step forward for i;he economie weifare of our community as well as'Southeastern North Carolina to stimulate industries to locate in the terriiory that will be served " . ZHE:tEF'ORE,we taY.e this opportur,ity to give public recogniticn of their actior. which vae believe wiii be agreai economicz.l benefit to this comrnur;ity. , ? A quarterly report of Associated Gharities, and report of the ?'lilmiiigton Pizbiic -? \.?. i Librar} for October were z•ec!?.,ived and iiled. 191 An audit repcrt of *_re Cot,soliasted City-County iax OYi'ice for the year 7950, prepared by - J. B. McCabe x Ccmpar.y, ir+as rece?ved and referred to the Covi.ty Auditor. , , Upon moiic:, of i:=r. llavis, secoi.ded 'cy ie?r. I.ove, the fo"o[ving resolution was ur.ar.imously adopted:- ne it her•eby rescivec' that Royce S. iv'?cG'e"ar,d, oi idew iianover Coui-ityg ivorth Caro'??na., is herehy appoir:ted Co?u.t5r Lirector oi Civii Lefense, and that he or his successor in ofiice, is hereby enipowered, in case of a disa,sierI subversive action, or enemy actiou, to use ai.y of the county equipment of any kind or 6escrS.ption, and that he may call t:por, any or a" en,p'oyees of ?Jetv Hanover Couiity to a°sist him, particularly those i.i? charge of tPee:!nai.nter.as?ce and operat9.oz. of said equipment? and that ne futu:e authority is hereby rea,uired for said Director of Civil Defense to act. ^1 he fo? ? uwing resolutioT, was upon mction of Ivir. Davi.s 5 seconded bY iJr. Love, a3opted (/ ?e a.t tne request of District Sol i,citor Ci ifton L. IJioore:. iF'hEtcF:AS, there are two murder cuses aai,d i;wo rape ca.ses'on the crimiiial decket of the Superior Court of riew Hanover Cow,ty for trial that wi-ii require zbout a week to dispose of, and P1HEkEAS, ihere are a r.umber of additional cases docketed for triai in the Superior Court of said Cousity on the crimina'i caiendar, and l";HERF,AS, a Specia't Term of the Superior Court for the trial of criminal cases for the week of December 17, ]9)1, Wii' enable the Court t.o cltar the docket in January of the sraaii cases now on the docket for triai iu New Hanover Cout,{:y. ?