1951-11-26 Regular MeetingI 304 Tvieeting of .:ovember 19, 1951, continued. - - x ?? Tne iollowing poo?] ai.c3 iawful persons were dravari to serve as jurors in the Superior `? Court for the triai of criminav cases for the tw,o v?eeks: aimin3l term begi7:ning I3r.e?, Dec.;? 1951: - Boyd A. Miller, 404 North Carolic;a Ave. Eariee B. Gurgar,ous,2:19 ;?runswick St. . H. Verzaal, 1915 Arm St. J.G.Gurganouss fi23 S. 4th St. J.i.Gorbett, '1709' Ctiestnut St. B.A.Corbett, 214 iJ. 23rd? St. V.G.Avery, P.O.Box 221. Osborne K. GJa"_q, 9 iJornii,gside Drive. Yvm. J. Carrier, 2007 u;ctts P.ve. J.tiJ.E.Smitht nt.i, Box 168AA. Eddie NiilsonI Rt.2I Box '37. F.'v1.Copelar,d? 607 Cevtral isenlevard. E E.S.Saieeby, 409 S. iGtr St. r.G.Yianer, '12 F?ri€hisvi'I e Ave. J.T.Johnsor., 605 Chestnut St. IN.T.Ccoper,Jr., C218 Gibsou Ave. ' Harry C. Spencer, 20 Ct.ivi, i..F. Luther ;ti. Costinl 1516 Cast'1e St. Fi.ti.Cox, 2529 Washii.-tor, st. Chas.B.Uoese9 1002 S. 2nd, St. n.r.&easley, Rt.i- W. n. :odd, 112 1fi7ooster ?7t. L.C.Nusseiwnite, 316 CaI how. Dr. rrai,k P. iiohinsoi;, 1213 Fied CrosG St. ti r'rank J. Lei,ay, Jr.7 114 S. H?rrisoi. Si. 'r?.6'J.Lee, 512 llocx St. Artie C. Lowd2r, ?4o Pinecrest Pka,y. Viutor A. Moore, 3017 idarket SL. Hepr; C. fiovey, i'?6 *.F.PArkway. C. L. i,e=bitt, 202 Ddvie Drive. Jos.d.Tagiierri7 P.U.Boi U.F,Joh, son, Box 317A. Sumn.er Hill. D.H.Sta;vey, 806 Pri.vcFss 3t,. L.it.W].lSOT., P.O.Box 1331• LEY.2"iOX 6. CUUpE'l? 1608 CIIPFtiiU1; St. 1('d(iOT' G'od, Castie H3yri2. 52,COTld W@2K- ?Oth Dec., ?95,: - J ohn A. Yopp , J r., Ht. l, i3ox -142. C' arence Cat,ady, , 14, SpofFord ;rlili s. J.E.Iviartiii, 1905 Perry Ave. ivi.TrGiover, 710 GraCe St. R.T.Rivenbark P.O.Box 30??. L.iv:.DuRant, I?08 Ann St. B. A. Eiark, 2822 S. Front St., R. A. Cromwell III, 516 Parl: Ter. L.B. Nye, 28u1 Adams St. ?:. E. Hewett, 7-D ?ake Viliage. J.:i.Durner? 1-15 S. 17tn St. Jas. S. IU:acris, 1309 Chesti,u'u St. J. J, Rich, 'A02 P+iarstelier St. G. D. rarmer, -,505 P,'iiicess St. C. 5.. SidUury, Box 164 Car: Ech. GeO. A. Ioiallard, 602 S. Fl'vi.i, :it. E. E. Hughes, 107 virginia ave. Boyd .a. Miller, 404 iv.C.Fvenue. Eugesie M. 0'Brien, 179 rake rorest Parkway. JePf D. Fes.nel i, 501 S. 5th St. Jonn A. Hagood, 1?08 Grace St. r1.H.blcCiain, P.0.1?ox 791. E.? .Smit;h? 204 1v. 3rd St. 2,.O.Hevrett, 1205 S. 4th St. Robert-Al7en, Ht.i, Box ?29BE. Henry Oi iver, P.G.Box 378. nachel Q. Llickey; 2014 uJooicott Ave. G?adys F. Bdelisi 110 Southern Bouievard. Fer.der P. Du:ham, 2 Aawthorne Road. R.D.iviooney, 511Z Nizn St. james 4Vashi.i.ttori, 8-19 Castle St. Everett Mc7, L;'ilson, 107 N. 17th 6t. Glasgora i:icks, 108 Wurchison $-idg. ;iiarsnal' E. Clemer.t, 207 P.iaryland Ave. C?tdrli p J'A?'Pe' l , : 0 Spo; ford JJIi' ls. i he meeting the;, ad,; ournnd . Z47 C?erk. Vliimington, h. C., November 26, 1551. Tns reguiar weekly roeeting of the Boarn was hei d at 10:00 0' ci ocx A. Ivi. Present: Addisot. Hewiett, Chairman, Jas. iei. hall, C'aud O'Shields$ Thurstoi. C. Davis, Hai ,i. Love arid Cotu:ty Attorney :vIarsden Bella?ny. 'Ihe questi.oY of movirLg the oid Airpoi-t ^erminai BuS.laii.g was discusseo.with iu;r* Joe :,,I ivoryvood, aA Resider:t Airport Erigineer who ar:swering a question directed by the Cnairman as to the possibility of securiiiF permission i;o move thE oid termi.nal building and if the Gover,-.mei.t wouid bear the expense for moviiig the same, or deiete it £roni the contract so payments on otner con+racts isi which the Goverrirr?er,t is participating, to expedi.te eariier conclusion of the san;e. I,ir. Norviard said due to the urisettled ststus of the Airport as to Ravy- occupation it ma5r or may not be moLed to a satisiactory p-lace' bu'b cat,not Ue moved off the Airpcrt. At this poin't Mr. ?ove suggested that the Chairmau ar.d the Airpoi•t N:anager pick out some iocatior, ot_ tne airpoit in tite area usec3 by Southern Fine ManuevAr. The Coiu.ty Attori.ey i.her- asked ii it was poGsit•le to gei; uermission to tt,ovP the buildiTig Lo any location oif the 9irrlort. i, r. T.tiorwood said Lliat v;as 1 auestior fo.r the Vdar Municians Doard,tai:d as to that he eypressed iijmseif as iiot opti!riistic, but did suggest that ,,;atter be Yiand'ed tni,oug;1 Gherry Point.. Tnereupon ;k:r. Hall moved a.nd it was seconded by Mr. T.uve at.d CaY'r12CI t.hat the n,att.er te taxei. up with the Cherry Point Officials, and ii; was further agreedU'e tiiat Mr. iie,.ry E. Boyd ?jr. , tii.rport Vaiiager make immer3iate prenaratior_s +.o go i.o Cherry roint t;o that ei,d; iiasmuch as the County has e?:ecuted a iease tc the i+avy Departmer,t for t'r_e airpo??t whicnis sti'l per:ding with the P,avy. L'Ir. Les;ie N. Boi.ey, jr., Arci,itect reco.^.!r.:ei.ded the purchase and installatior. of 12 bat;ch seats artci tabies to be made iocall y ioi, the r?eU? Termii?al BuS.ldir.g at a cost oi ?i1610.00 in lieu of upholstered tenches ar,d tables f::rst piar,ned at a cost or $21930.00 ? Tke cost being ?ri eycess of $;.? ?OOO.OU? the Cuui.t? ruied bids for the sarue wouid have to be advertised for. lYiereupoi: A_r. rall moved ai d it was seconded Ly ;vtr. T ove and carried ? tnat r,otice be gicen by advertisemei.t for seaied bids £or furi;i.shir.g the beiiches and tabies azor?said to be-'rAueSvedj publicl;I opened arid read at 10:00 o'c"ock A.M., Monday Dec., 10? 1951. Ou specifications to be prepared by iUir. ?.,\.Boney, Arcnitect. ` The $1,500.00 assessmeiit reductioil on house on iots i98,200 and 202 uroekivood made by the Tax Assessors for the year 1 9ji ; owned by ivirs. Pie" Durnam Tane, and subsequent $1:500.00 additionai reduction allovred by a coc.mittee of tile Board Septemoer 2b, 19513 for the year 1951, was unon n,otiof, of Ivir. *_ove, secot.ded hy Ar. Hal_1, made retroactive in eifect for• the year 1950 on a.ccount of error iti assessment. ^1?e0\?unon motion of P4r. ?ove, seconded ty i+ir. Ha'l, payment of $600.00 budg,et appropriatioii item ? to the INew Hanover Cowity Tuberculosis ar.d Heaith A,?ociation for the year 1 9151 , was authorized ac,d ditected, to be made at Lhis tin:e. ° , 305 Mee ting oi November 26, 1951, coiltintted. H request of ]14r. Tas.F.L.10,fade and istr. 4v.F.Troutrnat,, Secretary oi the 'Wilmington T,odge #343 GrdEr of tvioose, for ai abatemeiii; o_ tYie 1950 ai7id 1951 tdr.es ciZarged against the Lodge • ???? Property ii; block 192, 8-1,11 corner 3rd and C-racP Streets; vaas upon n.oti.on oi IEfr. Davis? , seconded uy bir. Z,ove; graiited oi. the uui dii,g dssessment oi ?yi1,000.00 for the year 1950 and . ^ or. aland ar,d building valuatiot. of j;1c,o0G.00 for• the year 1951 on recommendation of the ; , Couc:ty. Attorney. It appeaied tr?ct coi.structioi. oi (.he was started in reuruary 1950 ar,d no part of the property has yet oeer, used for o'tiie'r t^an lodge purposes. ? Jpar. motion oi I??;:r. Dav'_s, secor.ded by iyr. ?ove, payment oi ?;la0.00 out of school furids a ? i;o Reed, Eoyt dc uiashurn, 9t.torney? 52 INall o*., New sork City, for professi.onal services ' in r,he inatter of the issuauce oi Y 40,000.00 Serial School nond tif_ticipation !votes of the g; Cour.ty oF i,:ew iianover, dated Novei?,Ue 15, 195, , includiiig exami.r.atioii of iarv and record of proceedings, prepara.iion o:` proceedings ai,d opi.nioi approving tiotes, was approved. 1^he fo-Flowing inscriptior. prc:pared by Mr. T.ouis T. i?,ioore for a memorial p'!aque for pldcement at ilugh I4acRae Fark, near Winter Park `%illage, was upon motion of bir. Davis, seconded by J NIr. ;Love approved, and iristructions were given to secure quoi.ations from Paewman Broihers, Cincinnati, Ohi.o,for fui°iiishitiF the san,e. Two othe.r firms were suggested- Stewart Iroi. WorY.s ' Co., Cincixiiiati and LoFai, Comoaiiy) Louisviile, Ky. . nugh ivlacRae I 0M5 1951 Honored Citizen of i?orth Camliiua. He lNas An Economist, Deveioper Of Coloriies, Urban Areas, Agricuitu- ? rai and Tridustria? Projects, Re- sorts and Fuu?ic Utilities. inis Par1- vias Presec,ied By fiim 20 nesidents of iNew i-iar.over f:ouiity To F3e Et,joyed 3y Zhem. b'ellovi Citizens 'r.ave Dedica.ted This Piaque Ir. i„em- ory of K Kir.dly ar.d C:racious Son Of ine Oln Sunth. r, xuait Rejport ol- Lne 3oai•d of i±ealth foi the fiscal yej^ eriding Juiie 30, 1951 . repared Uy HarrSc W. Cherry, C .-4- .h.. wa s rrueived aiid re:er-ied to the Cow.ty Auditor, fvr i study, upon mot.ion of 11ir. Davis, secorided 'oy L1 r. 0'Shields, 'vlright Decelopment Compary was grat.l:ed a), abxi,ement of taxes o,. a valu atioi, of $2,-125.00, iots 5 Pt;.6 Pine Couri-,, account . ?je7\ of duplicate crL:ge. 3t anpeared That t he same was i:icluded in the assessment on acreage ' adjoii.it.g tne Cage Fear Cou;.irv C"vh;. _ A Uiil i.i, the amount of $126.16 receive d from Erui.s?•ick Cou;;ty for the treatmei.t of Smiiey Bracey alegal resident of [,,ew H anover Cour,t?, , wno suffered a gun-shot viound i.zi the o foot in Brui.svr5.cx Courity auci was placed. in hospitai at Southport a.s an erfiergeticy. tis soon as he cou?!3 be moved ne vvas brought to Con;munity Hospita'+ here, where he is still a patient. was referred to the Cow.ty Attorney ior opinior,. ? Tile Boax•d discussed the seiection of ari approoriate color to use for painting the first floor t halls o£ the Court House. Mr. 0'Shields suggested tiv3t an iriterior decorabor or Ivir. noney, lirchitect, be corLsuli:ed. ? upon motiot. of tlir. liavis, seconded by uI r. Love, inst.ructions were gi.veri to write a letter - g to the coaches dr.d 1;eam of ivew Aat,over Iiigh 'Schaoi congral:ulatii.g them upot, ?lirinii.g the State rootbali Championship Friday nigh t, t:ovember 23, '951, at High PoS.nt. ? ' ''i:ie fo"owing good and lawfU7 persor.s w ere drawi, to serve as jurors in the Euperior Court b i D 17 1951: -!-» for the trial of Crimii.al Gases for ihe er ng ecem > December Speciai Terri beFinr. J.E.Bose, 2206 Prit:cess St. I?athac. H. ,iacobi,'I'.O.BoX 90. P.R.i4lason, Rt. i. iierman I. Foviler, 68 Spoff.ord iviiiis. O.H.Bishop, 7 S. 5th Ct. Mirs. Cz.rrie A. Cottle, 115 Gastie St. ;;irs. G. A. Smith, '1920 rii:r St. W. H. Corbeii? .P.O.Boh 1139. Jessie J. iay-luz•, 2113 Ci'lestilui, 6t. 'v+.J.JOUP., 13-Ct.5- JaY.e Giliage, 'vv.V`i.Clardy, 4-S, ihlas :.r,gi.osi St. ncoseve't Eatson, 16-F, rvesbitt Ci;. Johi, 0. fiailey, 10, Ct.'W, Take Forest. Hrthur B. twinsey, 2922 lviarket 5t. E.S.Stone, 800 S. 17th St. E.fi.Goz•e, 8 Sui.iiit VJalk. G.tal.Smith, J r. , 2 Cape Fear Apts. Garlar,d G.'Mosei ey, 215 V'!iltiamson Drive. N i bert T. Gore, 211 Ikieares St. i-ohi: T. Gi isson, 2513z :,icnroe 5t. v7ni. R. Britti, 713 Pc•incess 5t. iienry Ocd'rly, 405 Ce;;tral Bou.ievard. W.T.L'ooper, 8r., 2115 Gi.nsoil xve. Geo.D.Far•row, Rt.2j Box 178. otewax•t Hemoy, Ht.2, Box 310n. P;Irs.l.'.T.01 e!-?mons, bi 3 Aiin St. i?.R. 5tar.iey, 209 N. %th St. A.H.Parker, 1-12 Pei_u St. Maifitt Vi,lage. 919 N. 4th St. john A. zlernon Nirs. It7attie Andrews, 3-103 A-iarket St. , J.Vi.Clark, 110 Davie llT. Iviaffi±t Vil'tage. Cari Hewiett, Rt.2I % Vv..r.Fepper. J. l?'. Farrow, 1620 Orarige St. G.tN.Strawn, Rt.3? Box 6. 'v'.D.Lockamy, Rt.3. R. H. Heva7_ett, 211 Calhoun Dr. iidifitt Viliage. Brace C. Godwin, 2115 nrandon Road. C.M.Stanford, 1204 Castle St. H. G. Sneeden, 19 Pir.ey Grove. ivirs. Florence Parker, 214 S. 9th St. John i?. Alexius,Jr., F.O.Box 1117. T. j. Morris, 107 Wriglltsville Ave. A. B. Cowati, 201 Castle St. D.B.Hackley, Rt.1., Box 29AA. E.L.W.Kiz.g, 71, Castle St. BX.Sams,Jr., 190 xi..i St. R.G,Stokiey, 31, Northern Bouievard. Ceci? T. Sandifer, 8 N. 9{:h St. , Clyde E. Kir:g, 25 I:ake Forest Parkway. Ash7ey T. St.Amand, 120 S. ibth St. T he meeting then ad jouriied . _45:roe ,r Aa__? _ Cierk. ? ? I