1951-12-03 Regular MeetingI 306- Viilmitlf-tor., b. C., December j? 1951;. Tne reguiar weekly meeting of tkie voard was held at 10:00 o'ciock A.M. - Px-esent: AddJsoi. iiewiett, Cii_:irinar., Jas. ;vi. H-nl, Claud G'Shielas, Thurston C. Davis, fiai j. I,ove ';z.d Cow.ty at;torne,y ;aarsdei Bellamy. The terff, of the Chairr!ian oi the i70aI'd havirig expired {:his day arid this being the G10)11? meeting at vahich a citairnan is to be elected. L,r. Davis mvved ti7at Mr. Addison Hewiett t,e re-elected' Chairman. riis motioi. was seconded by IvIr. 0'Shields and Mr. Hevaietit was ui.animously elected Chairman of i.he Board for a term of otie y.ear. Ard or. tne same motion ;fr. Hali,was re-eiected Vice Cnairman aA.d authorized to sigs, warrants or, the County Auditor for CounLy expenses in the absence of the Chairman. Nir. IJfarsdei nellamy was : e- elected Cour.ty Atiorney anq Thomas K. Woody Clerk o: the 3oard. Mrs. Verna Be' le Iowery Home Demoi_stration Agent ar.d Rebecca L. I??11 , colored Agec.t, presented their reports for November togel,ner witn their ai.nual report of the activities of their Departments, which were received at.d fileu. Mr. D. D. Ba ett Cou?it Farin A ent and the Cotu?t ? Firemaii Pg ? Y ? , } presented their repor{:s for -IN 1? lvovemter whicn were received and filed. ,,r^Upon motion of IVIr. 0'Shields, seconded by ;,4r. icve, James Ivl.Haii was named to represent ?'`"? the County on the Doard of Directors of the Oid Red Cross Sanatorium. Upon motiot, oS ivir. 0'ahields, seconded by irir. Hall, the Tide Water Power Company was granted permission to ruri a no-ver iirie over Cout.ty lar,d located on the right naild Gide of the road fron Winter Far?: to the Carolir_a Beach Hoad, crossinp tYat par.?; of i?ugh I?iacRae Park / or, the v!rest side of the said road, as i.i,dicaLed ori a ri,a.p preselited and a'-tached to said agreement, ai.d the Cnairiian vaas autiioi-ized ai,ca directPd l.o ?ign aii agrzement wit? the Tide ' 47ater Forrer Company to thet el'fect. ti report ciias recei.ved froi:, LYte Back 7'ax Co'iector skiowing that u4,973•99 vias col-lected for the City ar,d 0,886.40 for ti-ie Cour,ty, n,a'::ii.p a tota" of 8,860.39 back tazes collected fc° the nioi?.t'ti of i,ovemUer. p lipon motior. of ;vIr. Davis, sece^ieI t5 i..r, 0'Snie,cs, tiiP ooard authorizen the paymer.t of exper,ses for te.. ya?,r old josie i!llae Stulies i,uunty natient in the Sanatori.um, for Fi.ew:onectomy oper.atior? at iluke Hospital at u"0.00 per da5 for two weeks. . Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by i,:Ir. G'5nields, TvIr. Samuei Seigier, sick and }?elp-less _C County Cii,izen, unable to feen himself, was ori recommendatior_ of the Supt., of Pubiic Welfare, aqmitted to the CouT.ty Home a.s ai, emergency case. upon motior. of Yir. Davis, secoiided by Mr. Hall, Mr. H. N. Shew, ii;asonboro iownship, was : p? grar;ted ar. abatement oi taxes on a va+uatioii of $0 9 730 .00 persoilai ai;d poi l accoucit of ?.? double charge for the year ?951• It appeared tnat he iisted 'yersonai aiid poii on both personal and reai estate 1ist. A request of tlir. W.ial.King, 307 iv. l6th St.,, a resident of thi.s Cour,ty, servirig in the ? Navy, for ai, abatemeut of taxes on automobiie located in this County tnas deciined on _ = opinio:. of the CouT.ty Attorney that he beii.g a xesi.dei,t of t'r:is County and the auton:obile ' kept here, would be taxable. Mr. Ai ton A . Le; not, appeared t;o a=k for a.refuiid of tar.es paid by TNiartha J. F,vans on the pencer acid ltazesc paia f b? bothreahe rl titee said appearing r to be s it , the eaame of tiharshe tna a JaEvanse S who reco:ded her deed approximateiy three n;or.ths prior to judge Speucer's deed. The matter vras discussed at ler.gth ar.d it anpearing 'u-hat that the pro;:erty has beet. foreciose&, the Cour.ty kttorney wou-id recommend the abatemer.t of the not listed petialty, but not the personai tay wiies= it Kas paid b,y the other party. r. Davis brought {,o the attention the bad erosion condition at Fort Fisher which destroyed ?',' the highway theri: severa? years ago, and is no?v eridangering the present iiighway and moved that the matter be tdken up with the State Departniei,t of Conservati.on and Devei opmes.t to the ! er,d tnat something be dot.e dbout it to stop the cot.ditioii. Ftis motion was secondea uy Tvir.Haii and carried. ' ,?,'rTne Board again gave instru.ctions to adv°rtise ior bids for ioca'+ made benches ar:d tabies for the Airport Termir.al nu5ldiiig. T he meetirig i,hei, ad j ouri.ed . CI erk. ? - O ?