1951-12-10 Regular Meeting? 3 )7 Pr'iiuiti.-I+on, IV' . C . , December '0 9 -1 950 . The reguiar vreek'!y meeting of the Board was helci st 10:00 o'oiock A.iri. ri•esent: Ac9dison Hernstt, Chairman, Jas. M. Hali, Claud 0'Shie"ds, Thurstoii G. Davis . and Hal J. T,ove. , - Upon motion oS iv4r. Uavis, secondPd by iJir. I,ove s ai? aApropriatio,. of ?'1,C00.00 was granted --- out of the eniergenc- fund tur;ard expense ol Government eros-ion survey at Carolina Beach tu determine a metkiod to combat b?-,dch erosi.on, preseiited and requested by Rane3y fiami'rtion, City Tulat:ager of Caroliiia 5each.-ihe fiodra dlso voted to request the Uniteci States District Engineer to eytec,u the survey to nurz and Poit r'isher Berches zt the same i,ime if practica-,. A request of the 17ilmington T,Fons f'loor of the Cour•i 'riouse to coiist connec'?ioi, wi.tr I,iieir plau ui aid Mr: Y.ove, granted ai,d rE;ferred to C'ub nresenied by ii1r. 'r;u F;ard, for space ac:d"priWiieg.e ori firs ^t.ct, a:tand vo be operated by a L'.iiid person; i:. t.C ?liE jJ'lli(X9 'JraS UP07i 1T70{'.1Uli Of Iv1T. r2.V].S, s2C071U@Cl by -the Chazrn,an to se'ect a suitabie lUC2.t10I1. lipoi. n;otion ai ;JJr. Davis, secoi.ded by P+:r. Tove, Giluert Fvaiis 5 Ct.Y-, Lake Viiiage, i?1 the . svy j?.i,?.ta.?y ', 195' , :',a5 €?laiiiec ai. abai;e;,ier:t; oi poll Lares foi, the yea: 1951 • ? IJ,r. A. ',:?. BlaKe ovas gra7itea a., ai,atere:,t of {;ayes oi:L lot ir, rear• of lots 39 arid 43, Broolrweod, .r )o` foi• tre years lG44 tii.•uugh -195, , charged in error. It appeared that the same r;as sold to J.7.Itiui•ray who listed t'rie sa;,-Ie fcc• tne sald years. Annie i+i. Hardwick, 2830 S. Front St,reet, vuhcse tiusbat,d da.ed in 1 ;!91 v,as gi•anted an abatemeni of liis pol' taxes charged agail st her property, lot 4, iri block 1 , Bor3eaw: DivSsinr, ior the, year 195' in error. D ard E. tised Car ExcY;ar,ge was granted an abateruerit of taxes or, a valuatioi. of 6,700.00 personal property account of doubls charge and nct. listPc penalty cnarged against LuilGing o?. the SW 1%6 6, in block 556 for the year 195' It aPPeared tha,t he I isted persot.al properi,y thinking the 7•ea' estate vras iricluded, ar_d $3,700. persoi;al ivas brought iorward ;rom a previous 'listing aiid charged against the reai esta.ce iii error as not lisied for I 'rie ;ear 195, ? C_?t v', x report of the activities of the Bureau of_Identiiicatiori for I?ovember was received and .?v filed. A petition of property owi,ers requesticig jrupi,ovements to a road runt.ing from i4,ilii:ary P,oac3 200 y.ards across the b^idge of Big Brai,ch on the YacwnUer Station Yoad to Penibroke ??1y Park, in Harnei;t Towiiship, vras rer.e5.ved ai;a upot, motioi, of -k"r. Daviss seconded by idr.0'Shields, ? was approved and referreu to _wr: A. '.;'ilt,ar Curk, 1'h?rd liivision ;,tate fii;hvray Co^!missi.oner at Fayetteville for co,isideratioi.. A petitioil of 16 property owners to pave Jacksonvi."e Street vjhich ruiZS from Frar,klin Avenue to the P.ilar,tic Ooast Tine fiaiiroad, a di.sta„ce cf a?,nroy,-ia;ately 700 feet, and d secvnd? ? pet-itio.n of 19 pro,per'.,, owners to pave rrar,k'i,, i;vei.ue_ which runs frem i.err Avenue to , ?d-?Lul.iwdter Dri.ve, a distar.ce of approain,ately 1,700, feet, were npon moti.on of iv;r. 0'Shields seconded 'oy iv:r. La,vis, atiprovad ai.d x•eierred to Wr. A. 11;ilhur Ciarki Tniro Livision State HiFhway Coi?missionex• for coiisideratio?.. ? The ai,i,ual report of ;oir. Foster Edwards, Cla?k of tiie Loperior Cour+. of putlic flznds in his haiids ;:s of Pecen,bei• 1, '951, together v,ith tl??e ai t ual rEjiort of ? Liie iate A. T. ieieyiar:d Sormer Clcrk of the Superior Coui•ti, o= ?ubjic flzr,d?. i:. iii:. nands as of December ?Q50, were received ar,d urioii motior, vle: e referi•ed to a cnmmitl,ee af the 3oard for check_ing, a,nq copits ui the sdn,e u,:•l_'?c•cd pub'ished ii tr:e isrrsnaper and the originals fiiad with the fie??s;?r ol Deeds as t!:e lbv; directs. - iJPOI] rip";101 Oi LlP. 11a V1S I SeCC:,UeU i.,,M13 . 0 13 rie'Us I t}"1B i0i I OY'1Y1€ were? G Oli^ PE'COIDIIiELd8t10Y1 Of t'tia Couitty.audii;oc, &ppoii.ied 7ay T3 sters for the iol lowir,g 1'ON'I,ships for *'tie year 1952? ?ai.c; the Coui,ty ALlCj7.tOl WdS authoi•9zEr to appoint a tax lister for riarrsv-r;c townsilip i,io.i; and ? to rcake such fur-tner appoii.tn,ei._.s r:ecPSSary iii c.i.se oi e, v3c:ailCy: Capa Fear Towiiship I,,z•s. Geo. W. VJi'xins. i?arneti, rvo.i '" • iia:flett " 2 Y° i;lr5. Sa,'+ie F. Pierce. ' Riasonboro . '?• T!-irs. Ieila M. ilerile. recaer2l Poitit " V'I2l'aCN Ntran. Viil mitifrton " J. fi. Wombi e. _ it ?? - W.P.Toon, Jr. ' le 11 :? . E . Bsker. lipon motioi, of 1Rr. F.all , saconded Uy iv:r. *ove, the Board directed tnat a ieiter be written to W. A.-Simon cc Son, Iiic., Gei.eral Contractors, rea,uesting tnat they have a i•apresentative of the'Company who furi.ished the inc3i.erator for the John C. VdQSsell Iuberculosis Sar;atorium, come to Ulilmir,gtontand do what is tieceseary to make the sa.mp, work satisfactory. The Board r PPpl1ng this would be the best method to proceed to correct the troubie we have had with the • iz,cinPrator since it. was instal'ed. - Upor, moi,ion of iv1r. 0'Shields, seconded Uy ;,Zr. Ha"t authority was giveY, to c?ose the Couiity ? CC 0=iices from 5:00 o'clock E.M., Friuay, Dec?ri.uar 2ist uiitil 8:30 17ednesday, Decemher 25th 19511-in observat.c:e oi the Chris{.;ras iio' idnys. "-' TJnon n,otior. o^ I,ir. Davi;, secor.:iLd b?, P+ii•. 0'S;1ie-,ds, S8rah i?ovrard Siiapsoti a pnysi.cally ?V?-disab,eo 78 year old colorea ii,rieent v,oman, at.u Irde' T bicY:oy T ofton 70 year old nolured ? C?u?ac;? indigent, v-ere oi? recomcn?tlddt:oi. ,, he Supt., of Puhlic We'+fare, adm?.tted to the ? C oul.ty Home . 5 r ST?,TFIJt;,T 1l'115 Fi;wCEIVEL F'k01ri if'F State Board of Fubiftc V;'elfare advisit•o tliat $ 41v308.i2 was ser.t to this'Cour.ty for Oid Kge Assistaiid, xid i,o De?,erident Cnildren, !:iu t.o the Permai.entiy aud Tota'iy Lisabled at.d Administration for ti,e month of i,ovemuer. J ??Q? Ivieeting oi December ?0?•iO5', con±iiiued. ? Upoi. ;r.ot.iot. of ii"r. Davis , secor,ded by Mr. T ove , authority was given to _advertise c?olurbi,? -airoort uhti?,?OtGO m oi'? bk ti De cPmoer y 24 ? z? '+95? i, or d at ?an 1 adjourned l meetiet .thereof} wheri they will b2 puL•liciy openeci ai,d read. The County Co;,!nissior,ers reserving the right to x•eject ar.y and all b4_3s, ur to acce;ot any bid that ma,y appear to the best iriterest oi the Co utit,y . ,W_question. raiseci.by 1vr2, Bel, iy;uDoiiald as to wrtlv is iri a.uthority to operate the Cape rear rti11 ery Bu?'ciir.g, 812 :??iarkat atreet. Cliarges raaor- £or its use and who grts the funds, supported by whon:,ai.d oL;;ections for ;iavii,e to plead witn any private ciiizeii t,u secure ? its use. Plas upon motioii oi ??r. ;ove. Geconded by DZr. Davis, reierred t:u the Chairman, 4 County Auditor, Covnty Pttori:ey and ilir. H;:,1l; to invesi:ig2te the matter with the City Gfficie.ls. ` Mr.•0'Shields broi?Uht to the atl:ention o.f the Bor,.-] the i.eed of a voltage regulator . service. li,stallation* and • ao "Dhefiff's Coui;ty system. `?ea?ate calis i:i for help to iighE a fire, ir„mediate cor.,ta.ct c?n be had w?th the County P'iren;an wYiic;i viii, provide closer cooperation for a better service, a),d moved that the improvemer,ts be made. His motion v,,as seconded by Yr. I.cve ar.d carried. The meeting tYien adjourned. l, Y4_ C le rk . ? ' ? 111iln1ii.ator.5 iq. C., December tj, 19j1, _ Tne regular raeeKiy meetii.p of the roe:e was ilt,ry at 10:00 o'clock A. t.,. Presei.t: ArdiGor. Hewl eit, Cndinrat., Jas. ;tT. ria,C, azd 0'Shiel ds9 Thurston' C. Davis? Hal J. Love and County Att,orney biarsder. Bellamy. - Iti7rs, Gerna Belle I.owery, 'riome Deicnstrat,icr, Agent, prf--?er,tied Miss Sar,imie Lee Jones, reSider.t of Eew iIanover Counl:y aiid former employe of the Bank of Wiimir.gCoc,, as assistat,t Home ' Demoxistration Ageiit, to succeed Miss He, et, nugeiiia Srnith? resigned. Upon Moti.or. of Id?r. i3a71? seconded by ivir. Love Lhe appointment of ?;"iss iomes was accFpted and approved by tiie IIoard. " ihis being the day_and hour set by the Bohrd to receive bids for furnishing beiiches ar,d tables for the ternii-nal building at the airuert as advertised. ihe foltoviing sea9Ed bid `- was receiveq frcm the Carolina hiillwork Company to furnish: . . IiE1ui ' QUt1NTIli' UvIT Di::CRIPTi.Uh 'cr4i`1 PRICE TOTi1L 1 12 Ea. Mair, Lobby Benches #125.00 ?1,500.00 _ 2 2 Ea.. s's,a'l 'Urit5nf- i'ab, es 35.00 70.00 3 4 Ea. on.ali ti'vritir.e Denciies e0.00 240.00 To+al Y,iu 1813.G0 • `'. Upon motio._ of ::r. Love, secoi.dCd uy 1s. Davis, the furegoinp t•ia to iurni.sh'the bei.cizes a,-id tables indicated ii, accordance v+ith thr ?rer.ifications prepared by Les].ie N. Boney, Hrchitec;t, dt and foi t'tle swii of ?,i .8lG.00 aas accepted. Paymett to be -, n;sdP apoit completioll of i:h_e co.,tract aiic approved 'uy 'tk!e t1LCiliteCt. UaUI. nlOt].OTi CE N.I'. TJaJiS, SeCOTidEC: b;- I."r. Pe'l, i',?.3TlUn.l F08ter9 5io QUFP.ri Gt., wc1S grar-tBCi ? an abatement of Lar.es on a Valll8t101. OI S21000.00 01, 1ot 25 and house Sur,set ;Pk.7 charged ir. erroi ror the yedr 1951 . The same was sold to ai:d listeo by John 0. Fierce for sdid year. ihomas ian3en oii a va1_ua.tiun of ?1645.00 pe:sor.3l property 4116 ub?i accoaxit of ciouble iistiing Ivtdsonboro township, J. W. UeaaFS, Hai•r:ett tovr,ship, c,!as €rant.ed ai, ai)at.eicei,t of taxes or, a v2iuatiw, (,f $ 41600.00 73 a.cres Baymead assessed at $587•00 ar.d listeu in error at F ietter was received frorr, Mr. George E. Eoss, Directar, Deparii,sent of Conservatio« and Deve?opmer.t, advising that Mr. Ril'ey of the r?epartmeut, wi'+i conie: v;9.th us soar? coi;cerning . -? tliP beach erosioiL at rort I'isher. Upon rriotior, of Njr. Love? seco,iued by Itir. U'lSnie'ds, the Boai•d dccPpted a bid of Ivewman Biothers, 660-670 W. 4th_ St. , Gincini:atil Ohio, to furt,isn a hi•ai,ze piaque tiitYi a piain'raised bo'rderj size 24" X 30'? con,plete with the expansior, boits ai,d rosettes, as a memoriai to ihd 'ate Hugh !viac.Hae,ab a, costrof $216.001. ta.Ue p?sdced at Hucii. u.e-c]Rae Park, was acceptedj Tne oni,y other bid recFived was '.' from° Tiie Baxle,y? CorPary, GJilr.u..?-ton, ,. C., size 24 X,,0 ?ouble-faced $ 493•00. Sir,gle-faced $;314.00. iS" : 24-1L, deuble-facefi 321 .00; single-ia.ced $203.00. Al1 Prices fob Wilmit.eton, i+. C. . ina Diocese were ° Jpor. ?neticr_ of T.;r. '_ove, sacoi,ded by L-r. Davisj tiie 7.ruetecs of East Carol g:ai?i,eu di? abaierei:t of taxa.`. J). & va1uatio.. ui „?r,JiO•00? d'+,t"ing and lot-=?---of Cuuntry , Club Pities "rr,ensior. I J:'iI :ninf tor. i.u??,.s'r,i?. J:or t:?E 5'ear 1JS1 , and the sanie ordered piaced oi_ the taz f':ee list fo° the :easo,, tt.e same is owi,ed iy t'llu Trustees of the DioceSe_oi'East Carul ina , occupieu ar,d used e„cl?isiva' y roi• cl.t.rc: purl>oses Uy the fieverend D.?? .ti'? en, ar. ordained minister? employed Uy Lhe L?os?se in t'iie Canacity oi: Exec:a;,ive Secretai•y. His duties require nis er.ti^e time ii. cilu--cn bi:sit;ess. Pv'.r. 0`Snie?ds r. H.S.i„cGirt and T3r. D. A. Herring UUOCl 1„Ot1OYt ui ;ir. Da'v75? 36CUiiCed t?J + year 1952• Hr,d upon motion of, !P'?. Ni?re appo?nteu ia.x Assassors for i,ev? iiano??er Cour.ty ?'or the P+ir. 0'0.i7ields5 seconded by ivir. Iova; l?.?disaL Hei+?'ett Cilairn,r.r, of tiie-Board was appointed Tay Suoervisor for iae?v Fiailove: Cot,.c.?.y for t.':P year '952• 4'rith ref.erei,c:t io the u,-,e of t?e Cane Fe,ir i?ri,illFi•}• 3uildirlg? E12 Market 3treet for USO pu:poses. Hccor.di,,€r t.o i.iia opinioi oi the Ci.ty ar,u i;,?arty yttor?neys, the City and Coui7ty are r.ot iii a oositior, Lo LakF• immedi-a?e possrssior, of t'ci:= ni-emises ar_d re_let sarte to the li00 ? for +ne raason, :.ii,? lease -ss ma,:F te CrA,I11(-., Sor the use by Headquarters Batiery 252 CA (^1D) - a:,r3 its successor tiriits £or rnilitsry purposes so long a.s said pren,ises n;ay be required for said pui•puses, ariu the same has T?ot loae, ahandonea aici st5.'I rf-:,?ins in the possees?on oP headquarters Battery or i.ts cuccessors since it has beei yuvbluntarily called iiito mi'il:a.^y service. L-