1951-12-17 Regular Meeting??Q? Ivieeting oi December ?0?•iO5', con±iiiued. ? Upoi. ;r.ot.iot. of ii"r. Davis , secor,ded by Mr. T ove , authority was given to _advertise c?olurbi,? -airoort uhti?,?OtGO m oi'? bk ti De cPmoer y 24 ? z? '+95? i, or d at ?an 1 adjourned l meetiet .thereof} wheri they will b2 puL•liciy openeci ai,d read. The County Co;,!nissior,ers reserving the right to x•eject ar.y and all b4_3s, ur to acce;ot any bid that ma,y appear to the best iriterest oi the Co utit,y . ,W_question. raiseci.by 1vr2, Bel, iy;uDoiiald as to wrtlv is iri a.uthority to operate the Cape rear rti11 ery Bu?'ciir.g, 812 :??iarkat atreet. Cliarges raaor- £or its use and who grts the funds, supported by whon:,ai.d oL;;ections for ;iavii,e to plead witn any private ciiizeii t,u secure ? its use. Plas upon motioii oi ??r. ;ove. Geconded by DZr. Davis, reierred t:u the Chairman, 4 County Auditor, Covnty Pttori:ey and ilir. H;:,1l; to invesi:ig2te the matter with the City Gfficie.ls. ` Mr.•0'Shields broi?Uht to the atl:ention o.f the Bor,.-] the i.eed of a voltage regulator . service. li,stallation* and • ao "Dhefiff's Coui;ty system. `?ea?ate calis i:i for help to iighE a fire, ir„mediate cor.,ta.ct c?n be had w?th the County P'iren;an wYiic;i viii, provide closer cooperation for a better service, a),d moved that the improvemer,ts be made. His motion v,,as seconded by Yr. I.cve ar.d carried. The meeting tYien adjourned. l, Y4_ C le rk . ? ' ? 111iln1ii.ator.5 iq. C., December tj, 19j1, _ Tne regular raeeKiy meetii.p of the roe:e was ilt,ry at 10:00 o'clock A. t.,. Presei.t: ArdiGor. Hewl eit, Cndinrat., Jas. ;tT. ria,C, azd 0'Shiel ds9 Thurston' C. Davis? Hal J. Love and County Att,orney biarsder. Bellamy. - Iti7rs, Gerna Belle I.owery, 'riome Deicnstrat,icr, Agent, prf--?er,tied Miss Sar,imie Lee Jones, reSider.t of Eew iIanover Counl:y aiid former employe of the Bank of Wiimir.gCoc,, as assistat,t Home ' Demoxistration Ageiit, to succeed Miss He, et, nugeiiia Srnith? resigned. Upon Moti.or. of Id?r. i3a71? seconded by ivir. Love Lhe appointment of ?;"iss iomes was accFpted and approved by tiie IIoard. " ihis being the day_and hour set by the Bohrd to receive bids for furnishing beiiches ar,d tables for the ternii-nal building at the airuert as advertised. ihe foltoviing sea9Ed bid `- was receiveq frcm the Carolina hiillwork Company to furnish: . . IiE1ui ' QUt1NTIli' UvIT Di::CRIPTi.Uh 'cr4i`1 PRICE TOTi1L 1 12 Ea. Mair, Lobby Benches #125.00 ?1,500.00 _ 2 2 Ea.. s's,a'l 'Urit5nf- i'ab, es 35.00 70.00 3 4 Ea. on.ali ti'vritir.e Denciies e0.00 240.00 To+al Y,iu 1813.G0 • `'. Upon motio._ of ::r. Love, secoi.dCd uy 1s. Davis, the furegoinp t•ia to iurni.sh'the bei.cizes a,-id tables indicated ii, accordance v+ith thr ?rer.ifications prepared by Les].ie N. Boney, Hrchitec;t, dt and foi t'tle swii of ?,i .8lG.00 aas accepted. Paymett to be -, n;sdP apoit completioll of i:h_e co.,tract aiic approved 'uy 'tk!e t1LCiliteCt. UaUI. nlOt].OTi CE N.I'. TJaJiS, SeCOTidEC: b;- I."r. Pe'l, i',?.3TlUn.l F08ter9 5io QUFP.ri Gt., wc1S grar-tBCi ? an abatement of Lar.es on a Valll8t101. OI S21000.00 01, 1ot 25 and house Sur,set ;Pk.7 charged ir. erroi ror the yedr 1951 . The same was sold to ai:d listeo by John 0. Fierce for sdid year. ihomas ian3en oii a va1_ua.tiun of ?1645.00 pe:sor.3l property 4116 ub?i accoaxit of ciouble iistiing Ivtdsonboro township, J. W. UeaaFS, Hai•r:ett tovr,ship, c,!as €rant.ed ai, ai)at.eicei,t of taxes or, a v2iuatiw, (,f $ 41600.00 73 a.cres Baymead assessed at $587•00 ar.d listeu in error at F ietter was received frorr, Mr. George E. Eoss, Directar, Deparii,sent of Conservatio« and Deve?opmer.t, advising that Mr. Ril'ey of the r?epartmeut, wi'+i conie: v;9.th us soar? coi;cerning . -? tliP beach erosioiL at rort I'isher. Upon rriotior, of Njr. Love? seco,iued by Itir. U'lSnie'ds, the Boai•d dccPpted a bid of Ivewman Biothers, 660-670 W. 4th_ St. , Gincini:atil Ohio, to furt,isn a hi•ai,ze piaque tiitYi a piain'raised bo'rderj size 24" X 30'? con,plete with the expansior, boits ai,d rosettes, as a memoriai to ihd 'ate Hugh !viac.Hae,ab a, costrof $216.001. ta.Ue p?sdced at Hucii. u.e-c]Rae Park, was acceptedj Tne oni,y other bid recFived was '.' from° Tiie Baxle,y? CorPary, GJilr.u..?-ton, ,. C., size 24 X,,0 ?ouble-faced $ 493•00. Sir,gle-faced $;314.00. iS" : 24-1L, deuble-facefi 321 .00; single-ia.ced $203.00. Al1 Prices fob Wilmit.eton, i+. C. . ina Diocese were ° Jpor. ?neticr_ of T.;r. '_ove, sacoi,ded by L-r. Davisj tiie 7.ruetecs of East Carol g:ai?i,eu di? abaierei:t of taxa.`. J). & va1uatio.. ui „?r,JiO•00? d'+,t"ing and lot-=?---of Cuuntry , Club Pities "rr,ensior. I J:'iI :ninf tor. i.u??,.s'r,i?. J:or t:?E 5'ear 1JS1 , and the sanie ordered piaced oi_ the taz f':ee list fo° the :easo,, tt.e same is owi,ed iy t'llu Trustees of the DioceSe_oi'East Carul ina , occupieu ar,d used e„cl?isiva' y roi• cl.t.rc: purl>oses Uy the fieverend D.?? .ti'? en, ar. ordained minister? employed Uy Lhe L?os?se in t'iie Canacity oi: Exec:a;,ive Secretai•y. His duties require nis er.ti^e time ii. cilu--cn bi:sit;ess. Pv'.r. 0`Snie?ds r. H.S.i„cGirt and T3r. D. A. Herring UUOCl 1„Ot1OYt ui ;ir. Da'v75? 36CUiiCed t?J + year 1952• Hr,d upon motion of, !P'?. Ni?re appo?nteu ia.x Assassors for i,ev? iiano??er Cour.ty ?'or the P+ir. 0'0.i7ields5 seconded by ivir. Iova; l?.?disaL Hei+?'ett Cilairn,r.r, of tiie-Board was appointed Tay Suoervisor for iae?v Fiailove: Cot,.c.?.y for t.':P year '952• 4'rith ref.erei,c:t io the u,-,e of t?e Cane Fe,ir i?ri,illFi•}• 3uildirlg? E12 Market 3treet for USO pu:poses. Hccor.di,,€r t.o i.iia opinioi oi the Ci.ty ar,u i;,?arty yttor?neys, the City and Coui7ty are r.ot iii a oositior, Lo LakF• immedi-a?e possrssior, of t'ci:= ni-emises ar_d re_let sarte to the li00 ? for +ne raason, :.ii,? lease -ss ma,:F te CrA,I11(-., Sor the use by Headquarters Batiery 252 CA (^1D) - a:,r3 its successor tiriits £or rnilitsry purposes so long a.s said pren,ises n;ay be required for said pui•puses, ariu the same has T?ot loae, ahandonea aici st5.'I rf-:,?ins in the possees?on oP headquarters Battery or i.ts cuccessors since it has beei yuvbluntarily called iiito mi'il:a.^y service. L- '30Z tueetir.g o£ December 17? 1 951 ? cent=•nn.ieo . vQ nesignatioi, of Wirs. ;mma Yf. a.s Liurarfdil of llne !,Ii]L,lflFLUli Fui,iic T.ibrary and Bookmobi i le, e fective as oi .Tar,uary i ? 1 952 was r2ceived aeit; regret. Ana upon rrbtioi, of 1v r 0'Shield . . s, seconded b} iv;r, ?ove) instrucLions were givei. that a;.etter ef anpreciatio? for the maii a s f f y ye r o e :icient aad faithful service rer.dered this community be'"sent to? ? Yirs k a t lili -- . a i c an. _ A suggestlo,. oS iJir. 0'Shields to paint the Con,,,,i.bsioners room wa,is ar,d woudwork green the sau,e as useu in the court house corridors meet v:ith tlia appr•ova, of the $oard. Tne ax.nuai report oi the Colored Hon:e Den;uy? stratior. agent v,as rECeivad ai_d fi'ed. ?. tipon mot.ioxi of T?l,r. Davis, secoi.6ed Y,y ,oIr. 0',?hielos, .the Board resciuded its actioi, oi De?embei 3, 1971 i.n iiaming 114r. Jas.Y.Hall as l2E.al represei,tative of the Cour:ty on the ? Boa;d of Directors of the CT'rL! Red Cross S-nator•iurii, utia narued ieIr. Kal J. 7:ove t.o serve i i ste d f i ri l . . a o s.r. a1 . - - ?-? ?° ?Jpcri rcotion of fi?ir. Davis, secor?ded ljy ivTr, t.ove; Coizr.ty oi-Is [?o. 7285?to '7563 were approved for payment. The n.eeting tkien ddjo!ari?ed. _-4:0V. K:-i` ? ^(;, 2t'N_. ? Wi'mington, N. C., De cember 31, 1951. Ihe regu4ar week-ly :seeting of the Board was held at 10:00 o'clock A. M. . ' Preser.t: Addiso.. Hew"ett, Chairmai,, Jas. :vl. Hall , C'+aud o'sr.ielas Thurston G. Davis , i HaI J. I,ove and Cour.ty Attorney Marsdec, Beilamy. ? A petitior, of ib property owrie:s requestitig the Siate Hif•hway and Public Works Conmission y ?Y-P to pave a road ii. Cape Fear '?owc.shi.p l;i.own as itie SWa7t iioad which runs from US' 17 to Hermitage Farms, a distance of three fou?ths of a mile. 'dihi.ch will serve the Test carm " as vrell as a r.umber of iar,,,ers ax;d other ci.ti.zens, v.as upoi. n,otion o° IGir. Davis, secorided ' by Ivtr. 0 Shields, approved and iorn•arded to Ir. A. VJj,bur Clark Third Division State , Highvaay Coe-missioi.er for cor?zderatioi.. - P.?r. E. B. Bupp appedreri to cornn'aic, uf the ;,55,475 assessme.r.t oti two of his lots on the south side of Lhe WS.lmingtoi. i-Ioi.el in block 204, for which he sai.d he paid $40,000.00 for, , ? X feelinp the sa'es ptice. should be tFiF basis upon vhich it shou'd be assessed."Urged.that the l same be reduc.ed accordingly, notwit:h=1•a,r.dir.g a ru'_.r.F of the Gounty Attorney that the . Co*rmissioners have no lzgal ri€ht to rer'uce tlie aF-sessnet.t and vrould have to stand for the quadrenriiai per•iod_fixed.19; lati^f ar.d not subject to change except fo: error or extra- ordir.ary circumstances that may occur durir.g that period. Upon n;otion of Ivlr. Love, seconded Uy ll?r. Davisg Tair. W. Yeapoiiis was gra:ited an abatement of Q?y taxes on a valuati.on of C3,825.00 personal property, poll ar.d iiot aisted penalty for 1950, ? account of doub7e charge, blocu 263 brought forv+ard irom a previous listing, on the grounds he ?sited parsonal ar,d noll regular with 'vot 5 i.tn, blocY. 22, for the said year. The Chairman reporteci a bid of $928.00 for repairii:g the cracked f'+oor near'^the office of the C;erk of Superior Court. Ao action vias taken. Acknowledgment of the urder for furnishii,g the bronze p-laque for the Hugh TetacHae raemoriai to be erected at the entrance of Ifugh Tv[acRae Park, v<<as receivedl, Srom ;;evamar: Brothers of Cincii.r.ati, Ohi.o. .. tv,r. Haii then suggested that IJr. 0'Shields, Chairr:,anof the utadiuri Coc.mittee, be giver, ' permissior. to start paittit.g Tegioi. Stadiur; ar.d ur.its d?sir.E the va.cation of acti.vities there. Iv.r. Davis, said he was ar;ti-gray so £ar as the Stadiw., is coi.ceri.ed? atid suggested that white paint should be used, rhich eias a.-proved by ;..r. 0'Sh9.elds provided uie have the mor.ey, . {;. ,. statiri€ furt;her that there is r:o use to advertise COP bl.dS if we dont have the rnoney. Then a - heated discxssion followed$ ai.d a n_ot?o,. oifered by ;l.r. G'Shields, vjhich he had r:ade previous?y from tirr.e to tine, that tYiat we discoi.ti.r.ue coirmittees arid operate urider a m2.r:ager form ' of govers.ment ia?ith t:re Chairn:a;: as r?ai,aFer, a?-ai.u faildd of a second. seror.:led by t,.i . Davis; ii:structivrs were giver; to advertise for Upon r.:otior: of l:a-. Hall ? , bids for pair;tii.E the Stadium for i;he purpose af ascer{:air.ing the cost. 1,S ief firemail be put A request of P,,r. Earl 3urroughs, Coti;,t:y L ire Chi ef , that the parL tir?e rel on fu' l time basis, vias receivec for stiudy. Upon mot'on of Mr. Davis, secot,ded by h:r. Hal I , D:r. J. Y, . Chason v:ho I ives ii, a boat, tied-up or, the west side of Cape rear Iiiver, 1::a=or:boro Towr,ship, v;as graiited an abateme,it of City AAY, taxes oniy or: a vaiuat5.or: oS Y:,,050.00 persona? property charged with Citq Taxes ir: error) ? ar.d ?ucil?e P. Duls was granted ar, abatemer.t of $,1.72 tax.es on a$65.00 va, uation of persor.al property and male dog accour.t of doub?e charge. Aletter vias received from Color.el H. C. Brown Unite(;?Stai;es Distr'ct Engir.eer, advisis,g that it may cost at additional w42000.00 to exteLd the proposed Carol ;.a Beach erosioc; sirvey ? to ir.clude Jure a?.d Fort risher beaches? which would make a tota, cost af $35000.00 of vahi.ch local goverr.mental agencies viould have to provide vi7e half of the arnour,t. Hovaever he said ' d be the data given in? his cor,imwlication are for information oriiy atid io official action shou taker. Uased on it. Notice of a pub'+ic hearing on the anplicatiot_ cf.Sam H. Blake of Carolir.a Beach to dredge an is.?et ar.d chai,i ei fron; the F?.t,ai_tic, Oceaz, to the Ii:'a..d L';aterv:ay through 1Fyrtla Grove Sound ax d ed from the District Er.gineer i ? " `-W , a s rece v pproxinatel y three mil es north of Carolii.a Beach v upon motion of b7r. Davis, seco,.dect by i:Gr. Lore, Board vo{:ed to reaf`i:rr. its previous stand and anproval to the ePfect t"nat the Federul Governmes.t take such necessar•y steps toward a solution-)of the problem oi po"tzti.or, oF i:?yrt,e Crove Sotu.d' I