1951-12-31 Regular Meeting'30Z tueetir.g o£ December 17? 1 951 ? cent=•nn.ieo . vQ nesignatioi, of Wirs. ;mma Yf. a.s Liurarfdil of llne !,Ii]L,lflFLUli Fui,iic T.ibrary and Bookmobi i le, e fective as oi .Tar,uary i ? 1 952 was r2ceived aeit; regret. Ana upon rrbtioi, of 1v r 0'Shield . . s, seconded b} iv;r, ?ove) instrucLions were givei. that a;.etter ef anpreciatio? for the maii a s f f y ye r o e :icient aad faithful service rer.dered this community be'"sent to? ? Yirs k a t lili -- . a i c an. _ A suggestlo,. oS iJir. 0'Shields to paint the Con,,,,i.bsioners room wa,is ar,d woudwork green the sau,e as useu in the court house corridors meet v:ith tlia appr•ova, of the $oard. Tne ax.nuai report oi the Colored Hon:e Den;uy? stratior. agent v,as rECeivad ai_d fi'ed. ?. tipon mot.ioxi of T?l,r. Davis, secoi.6ed Y,y ,oIr. 0',?hielos, .the Board resciuded its actioi, oi De?embei 3, 1971 i.n iiaming 114r. Jas.Y.Hall as l2E.al represei,tative of the Cour:ty on the ? Boa;d of Directors of the CT'rL! Red Cross S-nator•iurii, utia narued ieIr. Kal J. 7:ove t.o serve i i ste d f i ri l . . a o s.r. a1 . - - ?-? ?° ?Jpcri rcotion of fi?ir. Davis, secor?ded ljy ivTr, t.ove; Coizr.ty oi-Is [?o. 7285?to '7563 were approved for payment. The n.eeting tkien ddjo!ari?ed. _-4:0V. K:-i` ? ^(;, 2t'N_. ? Wi'mington, N. C., De cember 31, 1951. Ihe regu4ar week-ly :seeting of the Board was held at 10:00 o'clock A. M. . ' Preser.t: Addiso.. Hew"ett, Chairmai,, Jas. :vl. Hall , C'+aud o'sr.ielas Thurston G. Davis , i HaI J. I,ove and Cour.ty Attorney Marsdec, Beilamy. ? A petitior, of ib property owrie:s requestitig the Siate Hif•hway and Public Works Conmission y ?Y-P to pave a road ii. Cape Fear '?owc.shi.p l;i.own as itie SWa7t iioad which runs from US' 17 to Hermitage Farms, a distance of three fou?ths of a mile. 'dihi.ch will serve the Test carm " as vrell as a r.umber of iar,,,ers ax;d other ci.ti.zens, v.as upoi. n,otion o° IGir. Davis, secorided ' by Ivtr. 0 Shields, approved and iorn•arded to Ir. A. VJj,bur Clark Third Division State , Highvaay Coe-missioi.er for cor?zderatioi.. - P.?r. E. B. Bupp appedreri to cornn'aic, uf the ;,55,475 assessme.r.t oti two of his lots on the south side of Lhe WS.lmingtoi. i-Ioi.el in block 204, for which he sai.d he paid $40,000.00 for, , ? X feelinp the sa'es ptice. should be tFiF basis upon vhich it shou'd be assessed."Urged.that the l same be reduc.ed accordingly, notwit:h=1•a,r.dir.g a ru'_.r.F of the Gounty Attorney that the . Co*rmissioners have no lzgal ri€ht to rer'uce tlie aF-sessnet.t and vrould have to stand for the quadrenriiai per•iod_fixed.19; lati^f ar.d not subject to change except fo: error or extra- ordir.ary circumstances that may occur durir.g that period. Upon n;otion of Ivlr. Love, seconded Uy ll?r. Davisg Tair. W. Yeapoiiis was gra:ited an abatement of Q?y taxes on a valuati.on of C3,825.00 personal property, poll ar.d iiot aisted penalty for 1950, ? account of doub7e charge, blocu 263 brought forv+ard irom a previous listing, on the grounds he ?sited parsonal ar,d noll regular with 'vot 5 i.tn, blocY. 22, for the said year. The Chairman reporteci a bid of $928.00 for repairii:g the cracked f'+oor near'^the office of the C;erk of Superior Court. Ao action vias taken. Acknowledgment of the urder for furnishii,g the bronze p-laque for the Hugh TetacHae raemoriai to be erected at the entrance of Ifugh Tv[acRae Park, v<<as receivedl, Srom ;;evamar: Brothers of Cincii.r.ati, Ohi.o. .. tv,r. Haii then suggested that IJr. 0'Shields, Chairr:,anof the utadiuri Coc.mittee, be giver, ' permissior. to start paittit.g Tegioi. Stadiur; ar.d ur.its d?sir.E the va.cation of acti.vities there. Iv.r. Davis, said he was ar;ti-gray so £ar as the Stadiw., is coi.ceri.ed? atid suggested that white paint should be used, rhich eias a.-proved by ;..r. 0'Sh9.elds provided uie have the mor.ey, . {;. ,. statiri€ furt;her that there is r:o use to advertise COP bl.dS if we dont have the rnoney. Then a - heated discxssion followed$ ai.d a n_ot?o,. oifered by ;l.r. G'Shields, vjhich he had r:ade previous?y from tirr.e to tine, that tYiat we discoi.ti.r.ue coirmittees arid operate urider a m2.r:ager form ' of govers.ment ia?ith t:re Chairn:a;: as r?ai,aFer, a?-ai.u faildd of a second. seror.:led by t,.i . Davis; ii:structivrs were giver; to advertise for Upon r.:otior: of l:a-. Hall ? , bids for pair;tii.E the Stadium for i;he purpose af ascer{:air.ing the cost. 1,S ief firemail be put A request of P,,r. Earl 3urroughs, Coti;,t:y L ire Chi ef , that the parL tir?e rel on fu' l time basis, vias receivec for stiudy. Upon mot'on of Mr. Davis, secot,ded by h:r. Hal I , D:r. J. Y, . Chason v:ho I ives ii, a boat, tied-up or, the west side of Cape rear Iiiver, 1::a=or:boro Towr,ship, v;as graiited an abateme,it of City AAY, taxes oniy or: a vaiuat5.or: oS Y:,,050.00 persona? property charged with Citq Taxes ir: error) ? ar.d ?ucil?e P. Duls was granted ar, abatemer.t of $,1.72 tax.es on a$65.00 va, uation of persor.al property and male dog accour.t of doub?e charge. Aletter vias received from Color.el H. C. Brown Unite(;?Stai;es Distr'ct Engir.eer, advisis,g that it may cost at additional w42000.00 to exteLd the proposed Carol ;.a Beach erosioc; sirvey ? to ir.clude Jure a?.d Fort risher beaches? which would make a tota, cost af $35000.00 of vahi.ch local goverr.mental agencies viould have to provide vi7e half of the arnour,t. Hovaever he said ' d be the data given in? his cor,imwlication are for information oriiy atid io official action shou taker. Uased on it. Notice of a pub'+ic hearing on the anplicatiot_ cf.Sam H. Blake of Carolir.a Beach to dredge an is.?et ar.d chai,i ei fron; the F?.t,ai_tic, Oceaz, to the Ii:'a..d L';aterv:ay through 1Fyrtla Grove Sound ax d ed from the District Er.gineer i ? " `-W , a s rece v pproxinatel y three mil es north of Carolii.a Beach v upon motion of b7r. Davis, seco,.dect by i:Gr. Lore, Board vo{:ed to reaf`i:rr. its previous stand and anproval to the ePfect t"nat the Federul Governmes.t take such necessar•y steps toward a solution-)of the problem oi po"tzti.or, oF i:?yrt,e Crove Sotu.d' I I :31:0 Meetii,g of December 31 , 1 95l 1 contir.ued. and statement of County owned rei.tai property. s Upon rr.otior: of ?:r. Davis, seco,ided by fair. Love, payr:ent of G?'7a.00 to French Radio- Compariy for furnishing and ir.stalling tvlo_ microphones in the F,ecorders Court; v?as approved. yA te?egram frore the Assistant Secretary of ti?e lavy tor Air, V'ashir.gton, D. C., in answer to %Ui a telegram sent to him by 1sIayor E.T G9hite to c'arify plans for Bluethentfial Field and the Air Faci.lity at Beaufort, S. C., as quoted bc the Charlotte Observer v'Tashii;gtor_ dateiii?e 18 December, that I,avy viii, establish las.diz.g field, Beaufort,S.C. for Liarine aviators as expat.sion necessary to support iacilities for aircraft based at Cherry.Hoint?Id.C., Advised FY-52 Budget$3,898.000. vras authorized and appropriated for the development of B'+uether.thal Field -subject to long term ar.quisition oi field faciii.ties by the Tavy ?+thich vrould ?var7ai;t suc}i at: e?:penditure of Goverriment Futids. Beaufort,S.C. is the sat?e program for $ 40'79000.00 subject to the same cot,ditioi.s. n4r. Davis recomrnende.d for study, the use of eburthousd lot oi the ea5t dide of t;he Court House ?C Anr,ex for a parkirig lot for h2aith ABC Officers and Lava Enforsenent OfTers. l'+hich the Board agreed to investigate after the meetir.g. P;ir. Davis further asked to be furnished rrith a list Mr. Ben n4cDoria?d, on beha?f of the Aza?ea Teen-ages Committee, extended the C ow.ty Coinmissioner ?:d ir, the near future at or:e of the rec?eatios.a an iiivitation to sit-in on their meetirg to be he , bui?diY.gs. ?rAThe £ollowii.g good and 'awful persor.s vvere drawt. to serve as jur•ors in the Stzperi.or Court for the trial of Crimiz.al cases for t:ie oiie vaFel: term i,egi, r.ii.g 14 January 1952: / Luciar-, Cameroril 2116 Gibsor. Ave. A.T.Gideon, Rt.39 Box 237A. J.H.Curtis, 809 S. 5th bt. T .G.Sn.i.th, 21E, Ker.wood Ave,. L.D.Latta, harbor Isla;.d. Allen H. Ketcnwni, 15J T,ake Forest Pari:vay. A.It:.Davis, 218 Pir.ecrest Parkr:ay. H=mpton C. Sutton, -1902 Church 5;,. D.C.north, 23"D vletts Ave. H.Vr'.Collir.s, 2-10 Bordei Ave. i.i..White? 112 Orar.ge Si,. W.O.S. Southeriand, 208 S. 3rd St. A1ton Vi. Ketchum. 2417 Jeffersor, St. Jas.L.Pope, 81.9 S. 5th St. C.T.Vick, 909 S. Front St. W.H.Grai.t, 2733B Jeffersori St. C.S.Griffith, l8?2 Caroiii,a Ave. W.H.English, 1221 S. 4th St. D.B.I,elson? 228 Davie Drive, hiaffitt Vil. Ovaet. R. Brinson , 2,124 Brai.dori Road. herta J. Hunt, 106 N. l6th St. D.tu;.Bornenan, 1506 S. 4th St, J.R.Ashiey, 1906 S. Front St. C.E.Iv4i,lir.or, Rt.3, Box 145• Mrs. Jei:ette R"nite ; Brookwood. E.C.High, 2821 Adams St. O.B.Levtis, 108`14'. Ylonroe St. Ralph Hewett, 14 Y, Take Vi"age. Robert Budd, 21_, 'a. 6th St. Alvis House, 507 1°lrightsvil'+e Ave. j.P.Burriss, „10 South 3rd St. C.I.L:hite, 121 Forest Hi'ls DS'ive. Vi.rCi' H. Joc.es, 404 S. 16th St. jas. I,. Dev;, 1105 S. 3rd St. John DuYose 525 I.ercer Ave. 3es=e A. Croor.., Box 114 Carolina Beach. B.F.Yridder, Cape Feax Apts. Archie Johz.sor., 1"13 Castle 5t. S.C.Svveer:ey, i3ox 26 Wri. Beach. Vd.T.Glass,Jr., 205 5.51:Yi EY,. iierbert Tee Allen, 93 Iake Dr9.ve, Lake Forest. Alex R. Bordeatix, 802 Creenfield St. David W. Lev-i.s, ?Y15 Var, Buren St. ti.I,.Lambeth, 616 Greesifi.eld St. T.D.Sellers, 132 Columbia Ave. . l"i.K.Gaylcr, , 208 - l3th St. ' Alaii T. Erown, ;{1, Piries St. Plinter Par•k. E.E.Kir,g, % Sou.Beli Tel. Co., J.B.Talb-t, 112 Colonial Vil'+age. Hov;ard Penton, 102 Mimosa Place. Boyd P. Beall Jr. 18 hiorriii:gside Drive. Hei.:y F. Simot., 20 Su:.-iit Vlalk. J.It'i.JP.Y:kins, 516 P+. 4th St. 17.C.Godwii,, P.O.Eox 1050. Car, F1. Voss? 10 W. Queei. St. I3arr?- W. Clark, 105 Te;:nessee Ave. 3.? .Vor.cai.or., J? 2 S. 4tfi St. R1orr9.s IEi. Lov+eiittisi ) 12 S. 5th St. ? Wi-I mit.1-ton ji•. C I Janua ry 7,' 952 • The reguiar vreeY,ly meeti:.g o° the Board v.as held at 10:00 o'c"ock A.M. Preser.t: Addison Hewlett, Chairman, Claud U'Shiel;;s? Thurstor, C. Davis, Hal J. Love and Cour.ty Attorney u:arsdei_ Beilamy. ?Pv1rs. Verna IIe-, le Lowery, Home Derior,stratioi. Agez.t, P.;r. D. D. Liaf ge?t County Farm Af-ent and Rebecca L. Ha1colored agent subiTilti,EG,.tpeir re?>orts for December v?+hich rvere received and filed. -?,vAA repmrt of the activities cf' tYie Bureau of Ideiitification for llecer;ber v:,as received and filed. • " A commur.icatioi, vaas received froic City i?ai.agrer J'.it.Ber.son, eT.closing a copy of a re=clutioii s ?{c`' of the City Cotuici-i requestilr,LF the paving moad locatec' im.mediateiy south of the Yltiodlavan ? Developmer,t Y,o reiieve traffic congestion at Iegior. St.adium, was received and fiied for future?. - reference. - report of the Veterans Service Oificer and the County F'ireman for December were received and fi'led, _l,seA report of the Cout.ty Plectrica" Inspector for December v!as receiv2d ai?d fi-led. otyA letter was received iroru T.he VJelsbach Corporation concerning - High Intensity Runway ?o`'2-? Lighting System, ivevJ IIanover County P.irport. I:. t11e opin5.cn of the Board, infi•ingement of any patent rights c'aimed in co,.nectiot. with the iiLstallatioi, or use of the system, is a matter betweeii the Coutractors v;ho i,.sta-ed the same ai.d The Tfe?shach Corporation. Ar.d the Clerk. was iiistructed to'writ;e Keliixii and Humphrey, Atiys for• the C'ontractors who ii,stalled the syster.i to that eJ'fect ai.d to mai'+ conies of the 'etter received from the U,'e'vsbach Company to riellum ai.d Humphrey, the 3oi:dir.g Coir:pGi.y and the ii.C.Bryant Electric Company, Contractors. red by II2on motioi. of 'Mr. Davis, secunded by I;ir. Love, the 3oard apnroved a resoiution prepa7 the City Ai;torney, approving the uee of the Cape FearArti'lery Armory at 812 Mfarket Street, for USO purposes. Sc-e resolutioi. attached, achedu`e-310-A. _ f?a't. Upor, motio: of Prlr. Davisl secoc,ded b} lair. 0'Shields, Mr. R. F. Lee, Vcilmii.gton towr,ship, .J \