1952-01-07 Regular MeetingI :31:0 Meetii,g of December 31 , 1 95l 1 contir.ued. and statement of County owned rei.tai property. s Upon rr.otior: of ?:r. Davis, seco,ided by fair. Love, payr:ent of G?'7a.00 to French Radio- Compariy for furnishing and ir.stalling tvlo_ microphones in the F,ecorders Court; v?as approved. yA te?egram frore the Assistant Secretary of ti?e lavy tor Air, V'ashir.gton, D. C., in answer to %Ui a telegram sent to him by 1sIayor E.T G9hite to c'arify plans for Bluethentfial Field and the Air Faci.lity at Beaufort, S. C., as quoted bc the Charlotte Observer v'Tashii;gtor_ dateiii?e 18 December, that I,avy viii, establish las.diz.g field, Beaufort,S.C. for Liarine aviators as expat.sion necessary to support iacilities for aircraft based at Cherry.Hoint?Id.C., Advised FY-52 Budget$3,898.000. vras authorized and appropriated for the development of B'+uether.thal Field -subject to long term ar.quisition oi field faciii.ties by the Tavy ?+thich vrould ?var7ai;t suc}i at: e?:penditure of Goverriment Futids. Beaufort,S.C. is the sat?e program for $ 40'79000.00 subject to the same cot,ditioi.s. n4r. Davis recomrnende.d for study, the use of eburthousd lot oi the ea5t dide of t;he Court House ?C Anr,ex for a parkirig lot for h2aith ABC Officers and Lava Enforsenent OfTers. l'+hich the Board agreed to investigate after the meetir.g. P;ir. Davis further asked to be furnished rrith a list Mr. Ben n4cDoria?d, on beha?f of the Aza?ea Teen-ages Committee, extended the C ow.ty Coinmissioner ?:d ir, the near future at or:e of the rec?eatios.a an iiivitation to sit-in on their meetirg to be he , bui?diY.gs. ?rAThe £ollowii.g good and 'awful persor.s vvere drawt. to serve as jur•ors in the Stzperi.or Court for the trial of Crimiz.al cases for t:ie oiie vaFel: term i,egi, r.ii.g 14 January 1952: / Luciar-, Cameroril 2116 Gibsor. Ave. A.T.Gideon, Rt.39 Box 237A. J.H.Curtis, 809 S. 5th bt. T .G.Sn.i.th, 21E, Ker.wood Ave,. L.D.Latta, harbor Isla;.d. Allen H. Ketcnwni, 15J T,ake Forest Pari:vay. A.It:.Davis, 218 Pir.ecrest Parkr:ay. H=mpton C. Sutton, -1902 Church 5;,. D.C.north, 23"D vletts Ave. H.Vr'.Collir.s, 2-10 Bordei Ave. i.i..White? 112 Orar.ge Si,. W.O.S. Southeriand, 208 S. 3rd St. A1ton Vi. Ketchum. 2417 Jeffersor, St. Jas.L.Pope, 81.9 S. 5th St. C.T.Vick, 909 S. Front St. W.H.Grai.t, 2733B Jeffersori St. C.S.Griffith, l8?2 Caroiii,a Ave. W.H.English, 1221 S. 4th St. D.B.I,elson? 228 Davie Drive, hiaffitt Vil. Ovaet. R. Brinson , 2,124 Brai.dori Road. herta J. Hunt, 106 N. l6th St. D.tu;.Bornenan, 1506 S. 4th St, J.R.Ashiey, 1906 S. Front St. C.E.Iv4i,lir.or, Rt.3, Box 145• Mrs. Jei:ette R"nite ; Brookwood. E.C.High, 2821 Adams St. O.B.Levtis, 108`14'. Ylonroe St. Ralph Hewett, 14 Y, Take Vi"age. Robert Budd, 21_, 'a. 6th St. Alvis House, 507 1°lrightsvil'+e Ave. j.P.Burriss, „10 South 3rd St. C.I.L:hite, 121 Forest Hi'ls DS'ive. Vi.rCi' H. Joc.es, 404 S. 16th St. jas. I,. Dev;, 1105 S. 3rd St. John DuYose 525 I.ercer Ave. 3es=e A. Croor.., Box 114 Carolina Beach. B.F.Yridder, Cape Feax Apts. Archie Johz.sor., 1"13 Castle 5t. S.C.Svveer:ey, i3ox 26 Wri. Beach. Vd.T.Glass,Jr., 205 5.51:Yi EY,. iierbert Tee Allen, 93 Iake Dr9.ve, Lake Forest. Alex R. Bordeatix, 802 Creenfield St. David W. Lev-i.s, ?Y15 Var, Buren St. ti.I,.Lambeth, 616 Greesifi.eld St. T.D.Sellers, 132 Columbia Ave. . l"i.K.Gaylcr, , 208 - l3th St. ' Alaii T. Erown, ;{1, Piries St. Plinter Par•k. E.E.Kir,g, % Sou.Beli Tel. Co., J.B.Talb-t, 112 Colonial Vil'+age. Hov;ard Penton, 102 Mimosa Place. Boyd P. Beall Jr. 18 hiorriii:gside Drive. Hei.:y F. Simot., 20 Su:.-iit Vlalk. J.It'i.JP.Y:kins, 516 P+. 4th St. 17.C.Godwii,, P.O.Eox 1050. Car, F1. Voss? 10 W. Queei. St. I3arr?- W. Clark, 105 Te;:nessee Ave. 3.? .Vor.cai.or., J? 2 S. 4tfi St. R1orr9.s IEi. Lov+eiittisi ) 12 S. 5th St. ? Wi-I mit.1-ton ji•. C I Janua ry 7,' 952 • The reguiar vreeY,ly meeti:.g o° the Board v.as held at 10:00 o'c"ock A.M. Preser.t: Addison Hewlett, Chairman, Claud U'Shiel;;s? Thurstor, C. Davis, Hal J. Love and Cour.ty Attorney u:arsdei_ Beilamy. ?Pv1rs. Verna IIe-, le Lowery, Home Derior,stratioi. Agez.t, P.;r. D. D. Liaf ge?t County Farm Af-ent and Rebecca L. Ha1colored agent subiTilti,EG,.tpeir re?>orts for December v?+hich rvere received and filed. -?,vAA repmrt of the activities cf' tYie Bureau of Ideiitification for llecer;ber v:,as received and filed. • " A commur.icatioi, vaas received froic City i?ai.agrer J'.it.Ber.son, eT.closing a copy of a re=clutioii s ?{c`' of the City Cotuici-i requestilr,LF the paving moad locatec' im.mediateiy south of the Yltiodlavan ? Developmer,t Y,o reiieve traffic congestion at Iegior. St.adium, was received and fiied for future?. - reference. - report of the Veterans Service Oificer and the County F'ireman for December were received and fi'led, _l,seA report of the Cout.ty Plectrica" Inspector for December v!as receiv2d ai?d fi-led. otyA letter was received iroru T.he VJelsbach Corporation concerning - High Intensity Runway ?o`'2-? Lighting System, ivevJ IIanover County P.irport. I:. t11e opin5.cn of the Board, infi•ingement of any patent rights c'aimed in co,.nectiot. with the iiLstallatioi, or use of the system, is a matter betweeii the Coutractors v;ho i,.sta-ed the same ai.d The Tfe?shach Corporation. Ar.d the Clerk. was iiistructed to'writ;e Keliixii and Humphrey, Atiys for• the C'ontractors who ii,stalled the syster.i to that eJ'fect ai.d to mai'+ conies of the 'etter received from the U,'e'vsbach Company to riellum ai.d Humphrey, the 3oi:dir.g Coir:pGi.y and the ii.C.Bryant Electric Company, Contractors. red by II2on motioi. of 'Mr. Davis, secunded by I;ir. Love, the 3oard apnroved a resoiution prepa7 the City Ai;torney, approving the uee of the Cape FearArti'lery Armory at 812 Mfarket Street, for USO purposes. Sc-e resolutioi. attached, achedu`e-310-A. _ f?a't. Upor, motio: of Prlr. Davisl secoc,ded b} lair. 0'Shields, Mr. R. F. Lee, Vcilmii.gton towr,ship, .J \ \ 311 Meeting of Jdi.uary 7, "952, contir.ued. was granted an abetement of taxes on a valuatioi. of $305.00 personal pToperty and dogs listed in error on his reai estate list by another persun by the same r:ame, for the year 1951 • Upon motioL of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, Robert C. Pennirigton, 70, S. l9th St., was gra,nted an abatement of poll taxes for the year 195, , account of beiug ir: the armed service. • Upor, motion of Mr. 0'Shileds, seconded by Mr. Davis, Mrs. E'+en .Kure ar:d Mr. Rudolph Konig, vrere granted an abatement of not listed penalty charged against lots at Ifure Beach fmr the year 1951, vahich have heretofore been listed by their agant I,.C.Kure, but inadverter.tly overlookecl for the year 1951• A request of F0.Ludwig for as, abaten,er.t of poil and personal property taxes for 1951, lax on the grounds that he moved to F'lorida in 1910, ai_d that t.he said property and poll was brou€yt forvard frorr: the previous year and charEed--agaii,st his real Estate in block 207 in error, was asked to furnish a written st;uter.ent snovri.rg the date he moved to Florida. ?CVkAvAri application for 1"!i'lie T. Southerla.s,d ior a:]rrissio;_ i,o the County Home was continued u_ til next r:,eetit.g for a nore complete ii.ve: t.igati.or. renort and jizstification for admission. _??tJpor: moi,ior.A'son ltobbi?:s ti?p?ewnite 59 year old physica'ly disabled indigent citizer., was C ddmitted to t;he (.onrit; hoye o:: recnn,pendatioi of the Supt., of Public VTelfare. Upon motion of Mr. Iove, secor.ded by Mr. U'Shie7ds, the State Department of Conservati.on 'L`?ar.d i?evelopmer.t were perr.itted to use the ur:e?:pended balance of approximateiy $2,620.001 so far as tne couLty is coi,ceri.ed, urhich was left in the Steel Survey Fund, for use for . studies which it is believed vri„ oefer pot;ec.tialities for development in the State, particu'+erly the Southeast, requested by Mr. George R. Hoss, Director. ciUpor. motioi. of Mr. Tavis, seconded b;; Mr. 0'Shields, a request of IvIayor L'Vhite aud ?? Colonel R. S. McCiellar.d, to continue the use of the oifices in the Court House for the Civil Defense Program, vras granted. The date of January 28, 1952, at ?i:00 o'clock A. td!., vras set by the Boar•d for a joint °- SoloDmeeting vaith trie Board of Education reatiested by Mr. H. P.S. Rolar.d, Supt., of Schools) -? to discuss the matter of a; schnol bond issue. ?, ,? to December 3i? - ??J '"0 ??/ A statement of Cou.r.ty owned tenant house rentals receipts for period Ju, 1951, Inc., ai d statement of appropriati.oz.s, and disbursements for Legion 5tadium and Cour.ty N •". . >S Fire.Department for the same period, together with Legion Stadium receipts, requested by Pc;r. Davis, U;as received from the Cow.ty &uditor, and discussed at length. ?-- r fi bid submitted by 14Tr, S. W. Garretit to pai::t i,he Recorders Court i3oom for the sum o£ 400.00 c?C and the Superi.or Cuurt Room ior $.450.00 was received for consideration and study. Mr. Love asked i.hut are ascer tain the r.wnber of cars that couid be parked in the court house iot east of the Ai.nex vrithout interiering vaittt the trees axid the cost to fix the driveway. The meetii.g then adjouriled. • ' ? _Clerk. ? UJSln:inEto.., h. C;., January 14, 1952• i'he repu'ar weekly weEtix_g of the Boai•d v;- p he-d at 10:00 0' clock A. M. Frese..t: ;,ddison Hew,ett, Chairr•:ai.-l Jas. m. Hall, Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis and Cour.t.y Fti;orney :.iarsdei, Be,larr,,y.• 1:Irs. I.Clayt.ot, Graat ai.d =;'rs. j.Y.3aj r:err.:ax. represei:t.ir.g the Daughters of Americar. Revolution, appeared to ask The CommisZoiiers to purchase advertisiiig space in the D.A.R's Magazine which will be published ix, March 1952 devoted to A:orth Carolina Ir.t•erests. 9'he Board feeliiig that sucr aa advertisement would be to the best interest of the Connty foradvertising its advantages and resources, izpor, motioc, of Mr. 0'Shields, sFCOnded by Mr. Davis, agbeed to purchase half page space at a cost of 160.00 ar.d designated Mr. John H. Farrell, Executive Secretary of the ChaMher of Commerce to prepare the adverti.seme:.t to be submitted to the Board for approval. The Board further agreed that in the event shou2d_the.'City..of,i2_ VJilmington come in with the County for a fun, page advertisemer.t at a cost of $100.00 the County vJOU' d pay its half plrtG•.o cost - , . Upon motiar, of Mr. Davis, secox;ded by Mr. 0'Shie,ds, Mr. W_E. Free, 4402 1",?rightsvi'le Avei.ue, Hartiett tovrr.ship, was.grai.ted ai, a.batemeit of City taxes oi..ly, on a valuatior. of ~ „Ael 1105.00 personal property ii. Harnett township and poll charger' with City taxes in error. Evai.s, Rt.3, i3arnett towriship, abatemer.t of City taxes on a valuation of $$90.00 • - persor,a'+ and poli charged in error. P_1os_ Hughes 520 Oak Street, fiarr_ett township, borned TSarch '0, 1872, pol, taxes charged in error abated. Dr. W.J.Wilson was released from payment of not listed peralty charged apainst property in block 79 he purchased fron; Georee W. Al'+er.; thiz.king the sarge was ir.cluded with other propezty he liGied for 951. I'lorer,ce Shenard, x:ot listed pe;alty block 167 abated, account o£ oversight of agent w}!o _ had beer, listii.E same for her iT. pasi; years, hut fai' ed to do so for 1951. A copy of the minute5 0f che noard of TrustFes of Cor.muriity Hospital of October '7, 1951? ^Wul r•;as i-eceived ar-d filed. . ? o object?.ons v,?ere raised `y i:r?e noard to t:he Ui.ited States Dist1•ict Er:gii?eer gras.ting `g°?permissior. to i,ne Ir.te7i.ationa, i.icke, Corpar.y to exterd its wharf at Harbor Island an additio:.al fifteen i'eet char.Lel,eard. -A