HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-01-14 Regular Meeting\
Meeting of Jdi.uary 7, "952, contir.ued.
was granted an abetement of taxes on a valuatioi. of $305.00 personal pToperty and dogs
listed in error on his reai estate list by another persun by the same r:ame, for the year
1951 •
Upon motioL of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, Robert C. Pennirigton, 70, S. l9th St.,
was gra,nted an abatement of poll taxes for the year 195, , account of beiug ir: the armed
• Upor, motion of Mr. 0'Shileds, seconded by Mr. Davis, Mrs. E'+en .Kure ar:d Mr. Rudolph Konig,
vrere granted an abatement of not listed penalty charged against lots at Ifure Beach fmr
the year 1951, vahich have heretofore been listed by their agant I,.C.Kure, but inadverter.tly
overlookecl for the year 1951•
A request of F0.Ludwig for as, abaten,er.t of poil and personal property taxes for 1951,
lax on the grounds that he moved to F'lorida in 1910, ai_d that t.he said property and poll was
brou€yt forvard frorr: the previous year and charEed--agaii,st his real Estate in block 207
in error, was asked to furnish a written st;uter.ent snovri.rg the date he moved to Florida.
?CVkAvAri application for 1"!i'lie T. Southerla.s,d ior a:]rrissio;_ i,o the County Home was continued
u_ til next r:,eetit.g for a nore complete ii.ve: t.igati.or. renort and jizstification for admission.
_??tJpor: moi,ior.A'son ltobbi?:s ti?p?ewnite 59 year old physica'ly disabled indigent citizer., was
C ddmitted to t;he (.onrit; hoye o:: recnn,pendatioi of the Supt., of Public VTelfare.
Upon motion of Mr. Iove, secor.ded by Mr. U'Shie7ds, the State Department of Conservati.on
'L`?ar.d i?evelopmer.t were perr.itted to use the ur:e?:pended balance of approximateiy $2,620.001
so far as tne couLty is coi,ceri.ed, urhich was left in the Steel Survey Fund, for use for
. studies which it is believed vri„ oefer pot;ec.tialities for development in the State,
particu'+erly the Southeast, requested by Mr. George R. Hoss, Director.
ciUpor. motioi. of Mr. Tavis, seconded b;; Mr. 0'Shields, a request of IvIayor L'Vhite aud
?? Colonel R. S. McCiellar.d, to continue the use of the oifices in the Court House for
the Civil Defense Program, vras granted.
The date of January 28, 1952, at ?i:00 o'clock A. td!., vras set by the Boar•d for a joint
°- SoloDmeeting vaith trie Board of Education reatiested by Mr. H. P.S. Rolar.d, Supt., of Schools)
-? to discuss the matter of a; schnol bond issue.
?, ,? to December 3i?
- ??J '"0 ??/ A statement of Cou.r.ty owned tenant house rentals receipts for period Ju,
1951, Inc., ai d statement of appropriati.oz.s, and disbursements for Legion 5tadium and Cour.ty
N •". . >S Fire.Department for the same period, together with Legion Stadium receipts, requested by
Pc;r. Davis, U;as received from the Cow.ty &uditor, and discussed at length.
?-- r fi bid submitted by 14Tr, S. W. Garretit to pai::t i,he Recorders Court i3oom for the sum o£ 400.00
c?C and the Superi.or Cuurt Room ior $.450.00 was received for consideration and study.
Mr. Love asked i.hut are ascer tain the r.wnber of cars that couid be parked in the court house
iot east of the Ai.nex vrithout interiering vaittt the trees axid the cost to fix the driveway.
The meetii.g then adjouriled. • '
? UJSln:inEto.., h. C;., January 14, 1952•
i'he repu'ar weekly weEtix_g of the Boai•d v;- p he-d at 10:00 0' clock A. M.
Frese..t: ;,ddison Hew,ett, Chairr•:ai.-l Jas. m. Hall, Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis and
Cour.t.y Fti;orney :.iarsdei, Be,larr,,y.•
1:Irs. I.Clayt.ot, Graat ai.d =;'rs. j.Y.3aj r:err.:ax. represei:t.ir.g the Daughters of Americar. Revolution,
appeared to ask The CommisZoiiers to purchase advertisiiig space in the D.A.R's Magazine
which will be published ix, March 1952 devoted to A:orth Carolina Ir.t•erests. 9'he Board
feeliiig that sucr aa advertisement would be to the best interest of the Connty foradvertising
its advantages and resources, izpor, motioc, of Mr. 0'Shields, sFCOnded by Mr. Davis, agbeed
to purchase half page space at a cost of 160.00 ar.d designated Mr. John H. Farrell, Executive
Secretary of the ChaMher of Commerce to prepare the adverti.seme:.t to be submitted to the
Board for approval. The Board further agreed that in the event shou2d_the.'City..of,i2_
VJilmington come in with the County for a fun, page advertisemer.t at a cost of $100.00 the
County vJOU' d pay its half plrtG•.o cost -
, . Upon motiar, of Mr. Davis, secox;ded by Mr. 0'Shie,ds, Mr. W_E. Free, 4402 1",?rightsvi'le
Avei.ue, Hartiett tovrr.ship, was.grai.ted ai, a.batemeit of City taxes oi..ly, on a valuatior. of
~ „Ael 1105.00 personal property ii. Harnett township and poll charger' with City taxes in error.
Evai.s, Rt.3, i3arnett towriship, abatemer.t of City taxes on a valuation of $$90.00
• - persor,a'+ and poli charged in error. P_1os_ Hughes 520 Oak Street, fiarr_ett township, borned
TSarch '0, 1872, pol, taxes charged in error abated. Dr. W.J.Wilson was released from
payment of not listed peralty charged apainst property in block 79 he purchased fron;
Georee W. Al'+er.; thiz.king the sarge was ir.cluded with other propezty he liGied for 951.
I'lorer,ce Shenard, x:ot listed pe;alty block 167 abated, account o£ oversight of agent w}!o
_ had beer, listii.E same for her iT. pasi; years, hut fai' ed to do so for 1951.
A copy of the minute5 0f che noard of TrustFes of Cor.muriity Hospital of October '7, 1951?
^Wul r•;as i-eceived ar-d filed. .
? o object?.ons v,?ere raised `y i:r?e noard to t:he Ui.ited States Dist1•ict Er:gii?eer gras.ting
`g°?permissior. to i,ne Ir.te7i.ationa, i.icke, Corpar.y to exterd its wharf at Harbor Island an
additio:.al fifteen i'eet char.Lel,eard.
Mesting of Jar.uary 14, 1952, continued.
A commui.ication was received from Captaii: W. T.
Sixth Ida'vaj.;Ease, Charl2stor., S. C., rea,uesting
pertair.ing to the ,.ew Hanover Cout.ty ?.irport:
a. '1'he Cour.ty's price for coi.veyance. 'of t
whereby i.he airport w;.li not be user, ii.
Eckberg, Dist2ict Public Works Officer, -
the Board to subntit the fo•lovaii:g;
heir jr.vested it. the airport property,
coi.r.ect_on v;ith private or corr:mercial
b. The Coui.ty's pz•i.ce for coi.veyar.ce or thzir vested ii-terest iii the airport '
property; vihei•eby corta:ercia, aviat_on will be cor_tinued at the airport.
,V?The r..zttei v:a= discussed at ,er.Ei,h. The Chairr^ai, advai.ced the thought thai; due to restricted
distance withir; vatrich ai.o+her field conld be est.ablished, so rian,y miles, it m,,v best to say
vae dori't rar.t to sell, or, perr,;it the navy te cor?e in and raxe such use of the field as {
? necessary. Tne Cow.ty Attorney suFgESted ihat vie have an ezpert airport man n,ake an
appraisal of the field. Upon mot.ion of IvIr. Hall, seccnded by TGr. 0'Shields, the Board .
voted to secure some one e?igib'+e to make ar: appraisal as to Uihat we shoulci get for it.
v Upon motion of P+ir. Ha'l, seconded by PrTr. Dacis, a rec,uest of utr. Foster Edvards, CuC.,
? for a7. extra clerk to help catch-up v?ith the statistical work in Heccrders Court was
grar.ted i'or a period of sixty days, at a salary in line v.ith that paio other c"erks
for similar work.
Upor, motior, of kr..Davis, seconded by INr. 0'Shields, the Board adoptcd the appraisal of
$1,000.00 each fixed by a corunittee of the UJi-imin€tor. Board of Healtors, as a saies price
on lots -1 to 'J inc., Coui.ty owt,ed lar.d part of the 2egioi_ Stadium property, facing oi:
^'?- • Commur.ity Drive at Greenfieid Iake. And ii.structior.s vaere giveri to have 14r. I.i.H.Laiider
set up stakes on the property desigi.atir.g the lots, a£ter which the lots are to be
advertised for saie. Payment oi $20.00 to the Vdilr.;ir.gton Board of Healtors for services
rendered i. apprai.Ging the lots was approved.
-?LPUpor. motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by hlr. 0'Shields, ii,structions caere Fiven to write the State Highvaay Com.mission concer•nir.g the lightii.F of the ,.ortki East liiver Bridge
ir, accordar,ce with a previous agreemei.t. ?
The meeting thei. adjourned.
bYilutington, Iv . C., January 21, 1952. , -:
The regu'+ar weekiy meeting of the Board Nias lield at 10:00 o'clock. A.I.I.
Preset:t: Addison Hevalett, Cha_rTan, Jas. is!. Ha„, Claud 0'Shieicis, Thurston C. Dav,ist -
arid Cou. ty Attorney ll4arsdei. fie, lamy.
A request of Mr. Edv;ain Yopp that the Cout.ty adjust the taxes charged oii buildii.g ii.
block #10! , o-ws:ed by the ordFr of ned iSen wni ch tney used e°ci usively for lodge purposes •
" from Jar.uary to june ?95, , ar.d reited a?t.er tnat date, was referred to the County Attorney
for opinior.. ""The folloti^?ing sealed bidE for the purcYiase of the olu Termina? Buiidin€ T-170 at the airport
a.s adverti.sed vJe,•e received ar.d upon mot4_oi. of n;r. Davis, seconded by- Mr•. Haol , pubiiciy d
- opened'and read ai:a received foi• further consideration:
H. E. rualum, $568.50 ..
C. W IIefe'+finFer, 501.00
0. R. Parker, 289.00
A check for $501.00 which accompanied the bid of Mr. C. E4. Hefeifinger was ordered returned
to him. ?
Upon motiori of Mr. Hal-i , secorided by IVir. Davis, Robert Ililei• Kicig '78 years oid crippie,
arid no one to care £or him, was on recommendatior_ of the Superiiitendent of.Public VJeifare
\?..?admit:ted to the ?aurity tiome as a pay patient at ?S19.00 per month, and also Lyman Frank
C1?'? B?tton 37 year7`'?i'met tubercular patient at the PJorth Carolina Sanatorium, after an operation
2 it was determined that he was no 'onger/ tubercular was on recommeridation admitted to the,
Couiity Home for bedrest for a few mor.ths, ther•e being no other place for him {,o got was placed
there by the Supt., of Pubiic Welfare.
-Pboa report of the Wilinii.g.ton Public Library and Bookmobile for December, vias received and ft'ted.
?-1-` Upon motioi. of Mr. 0'Shieids?secoi,ded b?, Wir. Davis, actioi of t.he Board at meeting of
`D January 29, 1951 , authorizinۥ the sale of a parcei of City-County ows,ed iand. in block 337
to rred R. Lewis, was aniended by authorizing the sale of said land to Ar.nie Smith a
relative of Fred R. Lewis, deceased. tor the surn of ?150.00, aiir.? the Chairman and the Cierk
of this Board were authorized at,d directed ± sigi. a deed coriveyir.g t,i1e said lai.d to her on
behalf of the Coui.ty.
Upon motion of 2,ir. Devis, seconded ny P,.r. 0'Shields, oohn i:or.ete-.s, Wiimington tow?nshipt was
? granted az, abaten;ei.t oi the , y5, taxes oy. a valuation of $i ,?5O.00 pei•sonal property account
of double cYiarge, brouFht forvard fr-ou the previous peai• ai,o charged on his real eatate iist
ii, exror as not listed. It a.npeared he listed nersot_al propel-ty ii. Harr.Ftt tov?rish?p for the
year 1951, EstHer biae. Sai;ders was ai,ated i,ot ' alSted oel.alty charged aginst -lot 31 in b'+ock
16; 4Vest Iviercer Place, for 1951. Ee 'isted nart oi 'ot 4 t.hirikir.t the same vras inclucled..
J. T. Pearson a residei.t oi Cliiil,oi;, i,.C., was abatcd taxes or. d valuation of $250.00 household
and kitcnei 'furc,iture charged ir, e7 ror oi. nis rea, estate list for 195' ,3i.C-.Pibtman, Sanford,b. .
v:as grareted ai abatemerit o£ taS:es or: !3,:acnss;oFeecew.ar.d 5 acres,Smith, Itlasoziboro Township7
for 1941 ai,d subsequent years account oF the same havinE beeu taken over by the Goverr,ment and j*..:
is ii:cluded ir, the P,,'affitt Vi'+iage Housit:g Project. W_j. Fout.tair?, Vlilmis.gton toc:;.skiipj
v.as abated taxes or, a val uatior, of $p250.00 part of bl-ocic I9, jtzmmer Hi, 1 9 charged in error
ir. the r.ame of W.J.Fountaiti as not listed, which is the same lar.d part o£ block '19, Swnmer Hill
owned ar.d listed by n1.J.Four.tain. G.T..Bethea was granted ai_ abatemei t of taxes on a valuation of
$575.00 persoila' property charged abover?itsftruehval,ueTfoT;the year 1951•
? ? , 4? .