1952-01-21 Regular Meeting31;2.f Mesting of Jar.uary 14, 1952, continued. A commui.ication was received from Captaii: W. T. Sixth Ida'vaj.;Ease, Charl2stor., S. C., rea,uesting pertair.ing to the ,.ew Hanover Cout.ty ?.irport: a. '1'he Cour.ty's price for coi.veyance. 'of t whereby i.he airport w;.li not be user, ii. aviatioi... Eckberg, Dist2ict Public Works Officer, - the Board to subntit the fo•lovaii:g; heir jr.vested it. the airport property, coi.r.ect_on v;ith private or corr:mercial ? b. The Coui.ty's pz•i.ce for coi.veyar.ce or thzir vested ii-terest iii the airport ' property; vihei•eby corta:ercia, aviat_on will be cor_tinued at the airport. ,V?The r..zttei v:a= discussed at ,er.Ei,h. The Chairr^ai, advai.ced the thought thai; due to restricted distance withir; vatrich ai.o+her field conld be est.ablished, so rian,y miles, it m,,v best to say vae dori't rar.t to sell, or, perr,;it the navy te cor?e in and raxe such use of the field as { ? necessary. Tne Cow.ty Attorney suFgESted ihat vie have an ezpert airport man n,ake an appraisal of the field. Upon mot.ion of IvIr. Hall, seccnded by TGr. 0'Shields, the Board . voted to secure some one e?igib'+e to make ar: appraisal as to Uihat we shoulci get for it. v Upon motion of P+ir. Ha'l, seconded by PrTr. Dacis, a rec,uest of utr. Foster Edvards, CuC., ? for a7. extra clerk to help catch-up v?ith the statistical work in Heccrders Court was grar.ted i'or a period of sixty days, at a salary in line v.ith that paio other c"erks for similar work. Upor, motior, of kr..Davis, seconded by INr. 0'Shields, the Board adoptcd the appraisal of $1,000.00 each fixed by a corunittee of the UJi-imin€tor. Board of Healtors, as a saies price on lots -1 to 'J inc., Coui.ty owt,ed lar.d part of the 2egioi_ Stadium property, facing oi: ^'?- • Commur.ity Drive at Greenfieid Iake. And ii.structior.s vaere giveri to have 14r. I.i.H.Laiider set up stakes on the property desigi.atir.g the lots, a£ter which the lots are to be advertised for saie. Payment oi $20.00 to the Vdilr.;ir.gton Board of Healtors for services rendered i. apprai.Ging the lots was approved. -?LPUpor. motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by hlr. 0'Shields, ii,structions caere Fiven to write the State Highvaay Com.mission concer•nir.g the lightii.F of the ,.ortki East liiver Bridge ir, accordar,ce with a previous agreemei.t. ? The meeting thei. adjourned. l? bYilutington, Iv . C., January 21, 1952. , -: The regu'+ar weekiy meeting of the Board Nias lield at 10:00 o'clock. A.I.I. Preset:t: Addison Hevalett, Cha_rTan, Jas. is!. Ha„, Claud 0'Shieicis, Thurston C. Dav,ist - arid Cou. ty Attorney ll4arsdei. fie, lamy. A request of Mr. Edv;ain Yopp that the Cout.ty adjust the taxes charged oii buildii.g ii. block #10! , o-ws:ed by the ordFr of ned iSen wni ch tney used e°ci usively for lodge purposes • " from Jar.uary to june ?95, , ar.d reited a?t.er tnat date, was referred to the County Attorney for opinior.. ""The folloti^?ing sealed bidE for the purcYiase of the olu Termina? Buiidin€ T-170 at the airport a.s adverti.sed vJe,•e received ar.d upon mot4_oi. of n;r. Davis, seconded by- Mr•. Haol , pubiiciy d ? - opened'and read ai:a received foi• further consideration: H. E. rualum, $568.50 .. C. W IIefe'+finFer, 501.00 0. R. Parker, 289.00 A check for $501.00 which accompanied the bid of Mr. C. E4. Hefeifinger was ordered returned to him. ? Upon motiori of Mr. Hal-i , secorided by IVir. Davis, Robert Ililei• Kicig '78 years oid crippie, arid no one to care £or him, was on recommendatior_ of the Superiiitendent of.Public VJeifare \?..?admit:ted to the ?aurity tiome as a pay patient at ?S19.00 per month, and also Lyman Frank on C1?'? B?tton 37 year7`'?i'met tubercular patient at the PJorth Carolina Sanatorium, after an operation 2 it was determined that he was no 'onger/ tubercular was on recommeridation admitted to the, Couiity Home for bedrest for a few mor.ths, ther•e being no other place for him {,o got was placed there by the Supt., of Pubiic Welfare. -Pboa report of the Wilinii.g.ton Public Library and Bookmobile for December, vias received and ft'ted. ?-1-` Upon motioi. of Mr. 0'Shieids?secoi,ded b?, Wir. Davis, actioi of t.he Board at meeting of `D January 29, 1951 , authorizin€• the sale of a parcei of City-County ows,ed iand. in block 337 to rred R. Lewis, was aniended by authorizing the sale of said land to Ar.nie Smith a relative of Fred R. Lewis, deceased. tor the surn of ?150.00, aiir.? the Chairman and the Cierk of this Board were authorized at,d directed ± sigi. a deed coriveyir.g t,i1e said lai.d to her on behalf of the Coui.ty. Upon motion of 2,ir. Devis, seconded ny P,.r. 0'Shields, oohn i:or.ete-.s, Wiimington tow?nshipt was ? granted az, abaten;ei.t oi the , y5, taxes oy. a valuation of $i ,?5O.00 pei•sonal property account of double cYiarge, brouFht forvard fr-ou the previous peai• ai,o charged on his real eatate iist ii, exror as not listed. It a.npeared he listed nersot_al propel-ty ii. Harr.Ftt tov?rish?p for the year 1951, EstHer biae. Sai;ders was ai,ated i,ot ' alSted oel.alty charged aginst -lot 31 in b'+ock 16; 4Vest Iviercer Place, for 1951. Ee 'isted nart oi 'ot 4 t.hirikir.t the same vras inclucled.. J. T. Pearson a residei.t oi Cliiil,oi;, i,.C., was abatcd taxes or. d valuation of $250.00 household and kitcnei 'furc,iture charged ir, e7 ror oi. nis rea, estate list for 195' ,3i.C-.Pibtman, Sanford,b. . v:as grareted ai abatemerit o£ taS:es or: !3,:acnss;oFeecew.ar.d 5 acres,Smith, Itlasoziboro Township7 for 1941 ai,d subsequent years account oF the same havinE beeu taken over by the Goverr,ment and j*..: is ii:cluded ir, the P,,'affitt Vi'+iage Housit:g Project. W_j. Fout.tair?, Vlilmis.gton toc:;.skiipj v.as abated taxes or, a val uatior, of $p250.00 part of bl-ocic I9, jtzmmer Hi, 1 9 charged in error ir. the r.ame of W.J.Fountaiti as not listed, which is the same lar.d part o£ block '19, Swnmer Hill owned ar.d listed by n1.J.Four.tain. G.T..Bethea was granted ai_ abatemei t of taxes on a valuation of $575.00 persoila' property charged abover?itsftruehval,ueTfoT;the year 1951• s ? ? , 4? . ? 313 Meetinf, of January 21? ?952, continued. ' , ? A request of ivlr. T..E.vloodbury, , ?,Fent t.iat_ the County sign bond re1 ease vrith the ?yj9?` A n.ericar, Emp, oyees' Insurai.ce Compaiiy, coverinE_ l+-i?i iam Frederick Barefoot as coroner of New Hariover Courity, who zasigned kovembEr 1, 1951, and rep'+aced by Dr. Fred _Coieman by act-ior. of the Bodrd October 29, ?951, to serve out the utiexpired tertn of Dr. Barefoot, v;as on recornmendation of the Coui:ty Attorney cleclined on the grotuids there is no necessity to take such action, as the bond termir:ated on date of his resignation. The meeting thezi adjourned. • Clerk. Wilmi.r.f7ton, ::. C., January 28, 1952• - The regular wee}cly i:.eetii.e oF the Board w:s }iend at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Presei,t: Addisor. F.eh=lett, Chairmari, Jas. B'.. fIa-, Claud 81Shie'+ds, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. I.ove and Cour,t.y Attor•ney 1;?arsc!er. 3e?lamy, lipon motioi, of 1i1r. ;Iali, seconded by T;Tr. ?ove, The Sur.set Park Home Deinoz?stration ? ah?Ciub Deiegation headed by ,?";rs. Sa,iie E. Tevais as spokesmari, was given a reasor.abie time / to ir,spect the Old Termii_alBuildin€ at the Airport ai.d submzt a bid for the purchase of same for their club house, if desired,. The bid hov;,ever v;ould have to Ue rr.ore than 8568.i0 the amoui.t of'bid submitted by Mr. H.B.Ludlur,, Jar.uary 21 51952• " ' A rubUit.g proof oi the proposed plaque to be erected at Hugh PtlacRae Park in n:err.ory of the late Hugtc 1„ae.iae, the dorior, submitted by Paewir.ai, Brothers of Ci.nciisita, Ohio, was upoi. ir,otioz, of r;7r. Hal i, seconded by U;r. Davis, auproved. ' IJIr. JoYn'A. Farrel', r7:ecutive Secretary o£ the l'lilmi;.gton Chan;ber of Conmerce, reported or. the recent trip of Yiimself, Pdr. C.T.Davis ar.d Tt:r. Claud 0'5hields to Viashirifton, D. C.? cor:cernir.g Naval use of Bluethenthal AiJrpott. I,:r. Farre'l stated that Commissioners Davis and 0'Shields rnade a spler.did presentuation of the matter to retain Commercial Airiine operation at the field ir: case the same is takei? over b;% the iaavy and technicai points to be worked-out iater, ai.c1 thought th;eir aisit to 1FJashir.gton was the best thing that couid 'nave ` ? happer,ed in conr.ectioi, rvil;h the matter. u A report of tiie Aack Tax.Co„ector shoaaxr.g that $6,535•8' was collected for the City and 54,600.78 for the Cour,ty, makinE- a total vf ?,'1,136.59 back_taxes collected got the month s of December. .. h ieport of'the activities of the 11'9lmir:Ft,os. Fort i;oLimission coverisig the 2nd, Quarter of the current Siscal year eias receivr:cl ar.d filed. Upoi. motion of ivtr. Davis, seconded b? Yr. Iia" , authority v;as given to pay the expense of operatio,, for Vd.L.Al£crd, 795 Bia(lex. ;;treet, at the State Sanatorium. . Upon moti_or; of bir. Davis, secorided by i<<r. Hal 1 , ?r. fiusse'1 Beilamy, 80 year oid physical"y sabi ed citizen, vvas adinitted to the CountS> iIonie as a pay patient at uj0.00 per mor.th. • A request of S.D.Stanland 7202 Gibsor.Avei_ue, a rnember of the U..ited States Coast Guard, to be releused frorn payment of personal property tax, accouut oi being ici the a'rmed forces, - but a resident of ;aorth Carolina, was on opi;,ion of the Cowity tittorney, decline.d. Upoi_ motion, tAr. Jar,ies G. Henderson was gr2.tited at, abateir.ent of taxes-on a valuatior. ot ?27750.00 13.. part o£ 7ot i, in block 6, Princes Place, aceount of doubie char@e, the same listed by Mrs. Alice G. iCria.pp. It appeared that a aery sma'l portion of the''ot was conveyed in order to straiFhter, the dividisig line uJithout change of a.ssessn,ents. iate bid which v,?as received at 12:00 o'clock rioon, jai.ua_ry 21 , 19525 ii. the an?ount of ,a??y?250.00 subt;iitted by Mr. T. Glod for the purchase of the O-id Termiria, Building at the Aii•port .. was upoTi motion of Iclr. Hal 1 , seconded byrb4r. Iove, ope,ried ui.c read aiid ordered fil_ed. Upon motier, of Mr. Davis, seconded by L;r. 0'Shields, johri arid Edrier WoolPrton, non residents, were granted ar; abatement of not listed penalty charged against west p.art of lot', I in bi ock 32 Suiiset, Park , atid D4r-s-?-ouiee R. VJi1 1 is was a-1 so abated tiot i isted penaI ty charged against her 1 . ots in BrooY.wood for the year l951 , boi;h claiming their property vvas I isted, ar;d list appE'razitiy mispiaced by the office.. , ?-}px 6 request of i:r. H. A. Shevr for re.fur:d..of,.taxes" pa3,ds on part oP lot 411 South 0leander used for street and requESt for a reduction. of assessment ot. lot 81-1 Oieander wAs-r.eceived • , £or investigation, and vuith powar to act. • • A commwiicat.io, vJas r<ceived fron is:r. U. V.i'ir,f-Je,d Smit.Yi,. Recorder, authoi•iziiig the County • .-?C___ Commissioriers to 1'CIllI1d 10.00 fir.e iMpoeed oi; Esty F. Davis, Jr., in Recptders Court or, _, or; a chdrge of sr,eediii€. In the opi.nioi. of the Coiu.ty Corr:missioners this Deceiiiber '14, 19.?1 matter should re hat.d,ed bi the Baaid of L'cucation to which:bodysit-was.upon:motion referre-dy ??iembers of the Board of I:ducatiori iticludin?? Dr. John T. IIopgard, Chairman? i3.n4.Rolar,dq ?- Supt.; df Schoois ai,d members J.C.Hoe, F.k.2aney, J.S.Craig, L.T.Lander,, J.VJ.Crise5 ksst., oupt oS Schoo7.s, Q'. 0: lutarshall, BuFiness ?+.anager and Cyrus D. Hogue, Attorney appeared and Dx•. Johii T. Iiopgax•d sneakinF for the Board of Fducation toid the.County Conunissioners that- 120_iievr..e?assr6oms ivii' be i.eeded by'?960.tind preserit ne&ds for?60 white arid 28 negro c-lassrooms -1 3 cafeterias altered, renovated or rebuilt . 3 Assenibiy or gymnasiwns • ' Equipment for dll'schools and f Purchase of schooi grounds - where most needed, and to that end asked for a bor.d issue ?to meet the expense for improvements and additioizs to the scnoo7 systetn, in an,amount.to be.. . determined- after invFStigatior, and study of the matter has been made, and if authorized. by a vote of the peopie at ari election to be held, it was suggested that the bonds only be i?.sued as needed. It ti^;as therefore a.greed ozi motior_ of Iu;r. G'Shields, that the ei.tire Board members investiga.te the mai;ter with the Board- of Bducation oi, aii inspectiori tour of y the schooTS at the conver,ience of the Board of Education, and recider its decision later. I