1952-01-28 Regular Meeting? 313 Meetinf, of January 21? ?952, continued. ' , ? A request of ivlr. T..E.vloodbury, , ?,Fent t.iat_ the County sign bond re1 ease vrith the ?yj9?` A n.ericar, Emp, oyees' Insurai.ce Compaiiy, coverinE_ l+-i?i iam Frederick Barefoot as coroner of New Hariover Courity, who zasigned kovembEr 1, 1951, and rep'+aced by Dr. Fred _Coieman by act-ior. of the Bodrd October 29, ?951, to serve out the utiexpired tertn of Dr. Barefoot, v;as on recornmendation of the Coui:ty Attorney cleclined on the grotuids there is no necessity to take such action, as the bond termir:ated on date of his resignation. The meeting thezi adjourned. • Clerk. Wilmi.r.f7ton, ::. C., January 28, 1952• - The regular wee}cly i:.eetii.e oF the Board w:s }iend at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Presei,t: Addisor. F.eh=lett, Chairmari, Jas. B'.. fIa-, Claud 81Shie'+ds, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. I.ove and Cour,t.y Attor•ney 1;?arsc!er. 3e?lamy, lipon motioi, of 1i1r. ;Iali, seconded by T;Tr. ?ove, The Sur.set Park Home Deinoz?stration ? ah?Ciub Deiegation headed by ,?";rs. Sa,iie E. Tevais as spokesmari, was given a reasor.abie time / to ir,spect the Old Termii_alBuildin€ at the Airport ai.d submzt a bid for the purchase of same for their club house, if desired,. The bid hov;,ever v;ould have to Ue rr.ore than 8568.i0 the amoui.t of'bid submitted by Mr. H.B.Ludlur,, Jar.uary 21 51952• " ' A rubUit.g proof oi the proposed plaque to be erected at Hugh PtlacRae Park in n:err.ory of the late Hugtc 1„ae.iae, the dorior, submitted by Paewir.ai, Brothers of Ci.nciisita, Ohio, was upoi. ir,otioz, of r;7r. Hal i, seconded by U;r. Davis, auproved. ' IJIr. JoYn'A. Farrel', r7:ecutive Secretary o£ the l'lilmi;.gton Chan;ber of Conmerce, reported or. the recent trip of Yiimself, Pdr. C.T.Davis ar.d Tt:r. Claud 0'5hields to Viashirifton, D. C.? cor:cernir.g Naval use of Bluethenthal AiJrpott. I,:r. Farre'l stated that Commissioners Davis and 0'Shields rnade a spler.did presentuation of the matter to retain Commercial Airiine operation at the field ir: case the same is takei? over b;% the iaavy and technicai points to be worked-out iater, ai.c1 thought th;eir aisit to 1FJashir.gton was the best thing that couid 'nave ` ? happer,ed in conr.ectioi, rvil;h the matter. u A report of tiie Aack Tax.Co„ector shoaaxr.g that $6,535•8' was collected for the City and 54,600.78 for the Cour,ty, makinE- a total vf ?,'1,136.59 back_taxes collected got the month s of December. .. h ieport of'the activities of the 11'9lmir:Ft,os. Fort i;oLimission coverisig the 2nd, Quarter of the current Siscal year eias receivr:cl ar.d filed. Upoi. motion of ivtr. Davis, seconded b? Yr. Iia" , authority v;as given to pay the expense of operatio,, for Vd.L.Al£crd, 795 Bia(lex. ;;treet, at the State Sanatorium. . Upon moti_or; of bir. Davis, secorided by i<<r. Hal 1 , ?r. fiusse'1 Beilamy, 80 year oid physical"y sabi ed citizen, vvas adinitted to the CountS> iIonie as a pay patient at uj0.00 per mor.th. • A request of S.D.Stanland 7202 Gibsor.Avei_ue, a rnember of the U..ited States Coast Guard, to be releused frorn payment of personal property tax, accouut oi being ici the a'rmed forces, - but a resident of ;aorth Carolina, was on opi;,ion of the Cowity tittorney, decline.d. Upoi_ motion, tAr. Jar,ies G. Henderson was gr2.tited at, abateir.ent of taxes-on a valuatior. ot ?27750.00 13.. part o£ 7ot i, in block 6, Princes Place, aceount of doubie char@e, the same listed by Mrs. Alice G. iCria.pp. It appeared that a aery sma'l portion of the''ot was conveyed in order to straiFhter, the dividisig line uJithout change of a.ssessn,ents. iate bid which v,?as received at 12:00 o'clock rioon, jai.ua_ry 21 , 19525 ii. the an?ount of ,a??y?250.00 subt;iitted by Mr. T. Glod for the purchase of the O-id Termiria, Building at the Aii•port .. was upoTi motion of Iclr. Hal 1 , seconded byrb4r. Iove, ope,ried ui.c read aiid ordered fil_ed. Upon motier, of Mr. Davis, seconded by L;r. 0'Shields, johri arid Edrier WoolPrton, non residents, were granted ar; abatement of not listed penalty charged against west p.art of lot', I in bi ock 32 Suiiset, Park , atid D4r-s-?-ouiee R. VJi1 1 is was a-1 so abated tiot i isted penaI ty charged against her 1 . ots in BrooY.wood for the year l951 , boi;h claiming their property vvas I isted, ar;d list appE'razitiy mispiaced by the office.. , ?-}px 6 request of i:r. H. A. Shevr for re.fur:d..of,.taxes" pa3,ds on part oP lot 411 South 0leander used for street and requESt for a reduction. of assessment ot. lot 81-1 Oieander wAs-r.eceived • , £or investigation, and vuith powar to act. • • A commwiicat.io, vJas r<ceived fron is:r. U. V.i'ir,f-Je,d Smit.Yi,. Recorder, authoi•iziiig the County • .-?C___ Commissioriers to 1'CIllI1d 10.00 fir.e iMpoeed oi; Esty F. Davis, Jr., in Recptders Court or, _, or; a chdrge of sr,eediii€. In the opi.nioi. of the Coiu.ty Corr:missioners this Deceiiiber '14, 19.?1 matter should re hat.d,ed bi the Baaid of L'cucation to which:bodysit-was.upon:motion referre-dy ??iembers of the Board of I:ducatiori iticludin?? Dr. John T. IIopgard, Chairman? i3.n4.Rolar,dq ?- Supt.; df Schoois ai,d members J.C.Hoe, F.k.2aney, J.S.Craig, L.T.Lander,, J.VJ.Crise5 ksst., oupt oS Schoo7.s, Q'. 0: lutarshall, BuFiness ?+.anager and Cyrus D. Hogue, Attorney appeared and Dx•. Johii T. Iiopgax•d sneakinF for the Board of Fducation toid the.County Conunissioners that- 120_iievr..e?assr6oms ivii' be i.eeded by'?960.tind preserit ne&ds for?60 white arid 28 negro c-lassrooms -1 3 cafeterias altered, renovated or rebuilt . 3 Assenibiy or gymnasiwns • ' Equipment for dll'schools and f Purchase of schooi grounds - where most needed, and to that end asked for a bor.d issue ?to meet the expense for improvements and additioizs to the scnoo7 systetn, in an,amount.to be.. . determined- after invFStigatior, and study of the matter has been made, and if authorized. by a vote of the peopie at ari election to be held, it was suggested that the bonds only be i?.sued as needed. It ti^;as therefore a.greed ozi motior_ of Iu;r. G'Shields, that the ei.tire Board members investiga.te the mai;ter with the Board- of Bducation oi, aii inspectiori tour of y the schooTS at the conver,ience of the Board of Education, and recider its decision later. I 3 14 MeetirAg of January 28 1 1 952 , continued . Upon motion of Mr. T,ove, secorided by ;vlr. Davis, the F3oard granted a request of the Board of Education to transfer budget allotment of the foi'owing funds riow avaiiable, but / vuhich were iiot on hand July 1 1_195*1 1 subject to the approval and supervision of the County Auditor:' .. ?. T.ransfer from Reserve Fund to Buildiiig Fund yI:'15,000.00. ?T he (? for two 2. Increase Che Capitdl Out'lay Uv ?1071500.00, i1' and when made possibie by receipt oi' additional fui.ds; f:ror^ Federa,,Uoverfimei.tI notcused in estimate of expecteCl receipts fui. regulai- budget. foliowing •good and lavaful persoi,s vJere dxswr; to serve as jurors in the Sugerior Court the tri.al of Civil cases for the one v:eek te;r.1 beginr.ir;g rety 117 1952, and for the weeks Crimir,al terrn begis,i.isig i^eUr7_zary 25, 195?. Civil Term- M. FrEei and, 5" Qusen Strc=et. T.C.Rhod°s, II Church St. F.O.VJilliams, 92-1 n. 5th 5t. _ Edw. Rivenbark, 241? ;doi.roe St. D.J.Taylor, 93 uPofford i'?.4i-ls. ;iirs. D. F. Bordeawc, 314 S. 211d Si. Nrs. Iveter I. Icli"is, "I(, Castle St. Jack Morris, 425 S. 3rd, .G.t• Joei T. Finer1 i416 Castle St. S.L.Bennctt, 12 Ct.-ri, rake Forest. Aarori B. Joiies, 2868 F- JefPersoii St. M.L:.White, 9 5po.fford ttills. Wilbur G. Southeriarid, Rt.2. R.R.Drig@ers, C-25, Box 34-A. J.R.VJheat, 115 S. 3rd St. Ricnard BryaLitT 21 S. l3th St. W. T. Vvi'letts, '1201 S. 5th St. Robt L. Flyn, P.O.Box 371. L.D.Register, 1411 S. 4th St. Ca.rsoii Booiie, 29 Summit Vva'tk. F.J.r1» ender, 20'15 Vu'ooi cott Ave. P.W.ftagan, 1162 5th St. H.M.Congleton, RFD i, Box 360fi. T .N.Duz.ham, P.O.E3ox_ 682. L.K.hi1 '1 172 Colo.iial Village. ti7 .L .Rivei.bark , 1015 j.?nd St. J.F.GrotF!en, 210 i?orthern Bou'evard. H.E..`"ihepardI 2734 S. Fxo:1t Sy. i,. T. Yitche", 603 'iiEd Cross SL. S. H. filullinix, 620 S. 2nd St. V;.J Blackwe' I I 17 Vfiright St. Car, F. Sutphin, Jr., a2 !ee Drive. Cecil S. V7i"iainson, 199 PinPCrest Parkvaay. Rudoiph Shakelford, 19 Hudsoi. Drive. F.Y.McGowat,,Sr., fit.3, Box 152. E.Itl.bleadoNis, 4-5I Court 8t. T,ake Vil'age. f,ucii.e M. Donneli, 2-14,1.un St., W,p,Ha?i, 312 Hai.over 5t. Clayton K. Johs;son, Rt.21 Box ?Oi-B. Mrs. P.iargaret R. Camache, 2120 Barnett Ave. D.J.Levais , 1115 Bordei. A-ve. O.C.Coriiielly, Rt.2, BoY '195A• Chas. J. Carpeiiter, Yiure Beach. C.B. Boggess, -"j Bardes. Ave. A.F.Teague, 206 Calhoun Dr. Tktaf;itt Vil'+age. G.VJ.Gu?ton, 110 Calhoun Dr. I!?laffitt Village. VJ.R.Aller., Jr., P.O.Box 675• H.T..Scoggins, 407 i?.. 5th St. F'or the two weeks Crimina' term bEgit.ni.r:g I'eLruar3' 25, 1952. Sig Goodman, P.O.Box 225. L.Brinson, 307 S. 2nd St. C.L.Gregory , 320-B I Wi„ iamson Dr. A .J .Barnhi„ , 304 iJ. 7th St. R.V7.NIeadows, Iit.3, Box 105. G.Vv.Koonce? Rt.i, Bo>: 169 L1oyd T. Brown, 723 N. 5th 5t. Roy Bli2zard, Rt.3. Mrs. H.A.Core, 114 S. 9th St. R.H.Creech,,?iFi S. jth St. Jas.C.Sni.derson, Box 712, Caruiina Beach. Jas.M.Grepg, 1703 Princess St. Chas.H.I??icCarthyI IOIB, i:Iarion Dr. Johr, T. Braddy, 120 S. Van 3u;ec: St, Louise i";. 'vJa.tkii.s, 302 YlriFhtsvi"e Ave. 4"d .E .Spnoiier, 190-1 Vv'oolcott rlve. Robert Steljes, 2- Orai.ge Vd.T.Croon,, 4-,y ti"+riphtsv;lle r,ve. C.E.Hanirnor,da 2116 Plaza Dr. Robt L. HavrleyI 215 S. £3th St. D.B.Hal 1 , 319 Davis Dr. hla;"?';tt Vi-2.Fe. Louisc Tsantes, 419 S. 3rd St. A .fi. Car7.er, Ht.3. T.C.Cal yihar.I I i9 11. P:'.oi.roe St. ?;ouise B. Fii,bcrg, 2013 Ba.rnett tive. Geo.E.9ritt, 2870 Jeffersot; St. J.i.Lamb, Rt.?. .; 3%,.5alling , 2848 D, JeffersoT: St. E.R.Blake, 222 Yeiiwood Ave. C.F.Ca:ney, 309 ri',zn St. J.Isadc Du."icax., 108 S. Harrison St. 5arah G. Schwing, 1700 Princess Glenn lr1TliSOT1, Rt., I Box_ 23. Second cveek- David L. Boone, 130 Pr•incess ParkvJay. Jake Willetts,Jr., *114 S. 9th St. C.V.Parish, 120 Vance St.' Franlt C. George,Jr., 1'dri€htsvi"e Sound. Robert V. Allen, 20-1 Creasy tivE. LOY,TIiP. G. Wo1feI 409 Queer. St. Geo.Ira Jones, Rt.?_, Boz 200C. M?^s. T,ottie Saiidl.in, "0 Chtjrch St. Bert Permetitcr, *108-4, Vvi'liainsor. Dr. Mrs. llIiriam Burr., O"eander. C.E,Yarborough, Rt.1 . Zack Wri.ght, C25, Bo;; 4R.ti. H.R.Idasonl, ESi?3, Harbor Zslac,d. O.S.Brown, 106 Tv. PTOnt St. J.O.Hinton, Box 34 VJrightsvili e Sotu,d. C.Ta.Ha.rrellsonl 406 Wrightsville AvF. R.R.Key, 230-c, uJilliamson Drive. Rcbt D. Sessions, 401 S. 4th St. D.G.Callahai., 105 Colotiia' Drive. Bei.i.ie C. V.'atts, 2512 Jef:ferson St. Pdrs. Davis 1'.o;'aes, 300 Colonial Dri.ve. Jas.S .ti1il• iarus , 2 Castle St. tiu.J.SasserI 3 Ct.T, Take F'orest. ?exivile Fiaghes. 112 S. 9th 5t. R.A.Jvo'.fel Si?j. 6th St. Herma:, H. Na, l, 240 Davie Dr. btaffitt Village. ti, onza .,. BurrissI b'? S. 4th 5t. , 14artic. P:oen, Rt.3. H.I,eland Carr-er, kt;.3. ,i .A.Caizi, j?r' ,iacksoii Dri.ve,rake Forest. lJn:.'r'.Calz'uer, Court ;,, ?pke rorest. c.E.P;'tiite,,lr., 107Z b. i3> st;. Ishan: B. BlatceI Ht.3. isem K. Coiirad, ti:i'liarris S1;. ceo.T.Sheyr, Rt.3. i:irs. En!ma Fer.s.e11, 7 Ct.7, Take Forest. P,?is; lileat,or u.. Grant, 904 A".arket St. ?.J.Cherry, Rt.1 . Sanrae, J. Brir.sonI 7 502 Dock St. B,A.B]aKe, Ht.2. • 3.ni.CarroI17 715 Grace St. Thos.11.Has2?a?eri, 119 Coloni.al Drive. 17ni.H.Thor.,ton, 2407 ;dIatts Ave. John V. Fexgus, Box 241, Ca.r. Beach. Edva D. Wi„ iams , 307 1Jripht St. J .C .Ii.r.is l Ilt .3 , Box hII. E.C.Fiedler, Rt.2, Box '176. John 1Ym. Benton? Rt.3. _ Thomas Por;ell, d06 P7eares : t. ?' iziwrood Fi. Todd Rt .2 , Box 178l?a. Ii.C.i?ltiuaii9 ?_E5? adams St. - Ar:dreva P. Cartz•ell,, 305 S. 2nd St. Oliver L. Ber,Son, Rt.3, Box 108. C.R.Pursley, C 337 Box 340F. Leroy A1le11, 508 t%. 23rd, St. S.F.IiohiT,son, 1023 S. F'ront St. j.R.Se:soms, 303-r, Calhoun St. ias.,N.Tew, 1606 Castle St. . -?, 1; : \ 31519 fdieeting of Jaiiuary 2£3, 1952, contizjued. Al.ton I. jarmaii, 2106 Creasy AaeYtue. Fred C. Sadgvaar, 516 ned Cross St. Nlalter P. Sprunt, % Aley; Sprur,t a Soi.. Chas.N.Foshee, 219 Ker.wood hve. iioy L. Hav?kins, Box 43, Wri.gl'itsvi„e Sd. Robert B. Cdr•ter, ilt.3, Dox 649 . D.L.Carroll, 92i N. 5th St. Rodi.ey R. Breese, 414 S. l9th St. H.C.Bdndwir., Ht.2? Box 69A.- 'vu .I .VJilsor.? .;F'D 2, Box ?20. Tv;.R.B&.rnes, fit.1, Bor 294. J.r ,Parker, 128A 'v';i'liarr.svi? Dr. J.E.Soitherlai'.d, 19 Y.eator, I.ve. David BmocY., 305 Bladen St. HCTiI`y tutaultsby, 520 S. 3rd. G.C.McSwain, Jr.' 409 Cer.tra, Blvd. G.H.Melcici, fit.3, Iiarbor Island. Thos.h.tc:acDor.al d, 815 P.iarket St. H.^t.I,ewis, 417 S. Front St. Jos M. Schviartz, 202 E. 13th St. .. I.H.Starrpiey? P.O.Box 61 -1 . C.L'-.Hehder,Jr., 2351 Adaras,St. C.T.Spencer,Si•. , 2719 Viashingtoii St. Lymat, M. i'ay? or, 127 Colon_al Dri.ve. VaT- Iul''1SI °t.j. L.1;'.Frestot., P.O.Eox iGjO. _ tilphoi.so :;obbs, C25, Box 33• e'..C.Gideon, ht.3. Geo.C.Harris, 410 S. 22nd, St. _.I.Saiiders, _ 532 MercEr Ave. it.T.Davis, "0 S. 16th St. D.L.su"ard, rt.3, sox 146A. H,r..Fieln;si,132 Smmter Drive. bIay F. Tay7or, 14 P. 7tYi St. Jas.O.i:ii:.tz, Rt.?. I.r.,".:cCaskell, Carolii,a Beach. 3716 1v,arket St. Road. Oliver Allen, 14-F, P,r.-sbitt Ct. 11.1 McCabe ?ir. , 1820 Surnm er Hii I . Eari ihomas, 508 Suiiset r^ax•k. The meetir,g theii adjourned. ?.t. - Clerk. . Wilmi.ng-ton, N. C., February 4, -197-• TYie regu"ar weekly neeting of the Board Uias held thi.s day at 10:00 o'clock f+.hi. ? . Preset.t: i,ddison Hewlett, Chairmar., Jas, M. Ha.ll, Claud G'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, I?a" J. t.,ove ar.d Coui,i;y tittorney hilarsdes, Be'lamy. ?t,iss Verna I3e'ie L,owery, Home nemonstration bgent and n4iss Sa-ru:iie Lse Jcnes, Asristant 11gei,t, aid Rebecca L. FiaiI , colored Home Der.ior.stration A€er,t ar;d Iur. D.D.3sgpett, Fdrm Agei.t, subtnitted their respective repor•ts for the month of 8;ar•uary7 v:hich were rtcrived a:.d filed, and payment of $14.39 ior ;odteria_"s and artic'+es used by the colored home agei,t i.n demoi.stratioiis, was approvc-d. An agreemer,t drav.i. by the State ii.ighv:ay aT.d Public UEorxs Conmission covering the Ivortheast Hiver Bridge li€htit,g betviteen the County, Cit.y ar.d State Highv:ay Commissior., was received ?f?' and reterred to the City. gnd County Attoi-neys for study ai.d report to the Eoard at a subseyuent rriee t ing. ? g stateinent vras received iror;: the Stai.e Board of Public v"elfare showiY.g that 4421198.88 G>?7 vas ser.t to this Cot;i.t,y ir, ,,ai.uar•y °or• Old age Assi.stai.ce, kid to PFperidei.t Children, - ? Kid to Pern,ar,et.t1% ai.d Totally .Disabled arid for AciminiGtratioT.. n?5 A report of tne Cour.ty F'i.remai. ior .iai.uai?, ?:as received ar.d filed. lt v!as aFreeable to ihe Lea.; d for the Tida l'.`ater Pov;er Company Lineroen to trim r.ecessary Uratiches oi trces oi. coi.iri, houee iot ihut are interiering vrith their pomrer iixies. , Upoi, n.otioL_ of I_r. L'avi=, secoi:ued b? 1r. U'Shie,ds, P7m.?,.Robinson, 17 Iiarover Street, was g?ar.ted an abatement, o° tases or, a -,7aliaati.oi, of $35.00 personal and poll and not ii_sted pei:alty accouiit of dout•ie chzi•re for thF year 105' • It appeared tie listed $400.00 persor.al . aid po" reeular, ai.c no-' ar.d 435.00 perronal vras broueht fa3•waz•d from the previous year arid chargr°d 9n P.°ror aF1ii,st his real estate, block 252, as i:ot, listed. ? SCivo objectiozis were reaise by the ?3oard to the arplications of Geo. A. Conoui,as ai.d S.G.Beard ?- a?2-for state permit t.o Fel' beer at at Kux•e Beach ar:d '1222 S. 3rd, StieEt, respectively. i4o actior, was taket. of a request of P?lr. I!4j.Harris for ar, abatement of r,ot iisted per,2ity charged agaiz.st Graham Courts otl US #17, he bought in 1950, clairning }ie met the tax iister on the premises ?.i.d she told him she v;ould list it, bu1; for some reason failec3 to do so. He, hoviever, 'isted ali lzis other pr•operty. ,n4\?7 report of trie Veterails' Service Officer for Jatiuary was rrceived mnd filed. A request for abater.,er,t of the not 'isted penalty charged against 7.ots 161/183 Brookwood ? in the r,ame of Mr. E. C. Sneed for t'ia year 1^yi, , purchased by P..r. A.W.Sutton Juiy 16,1951 for the reason LIx. Snead v,as with the arrr.ed forces ai, Pearl Flarbor at listii.g Lime and rLot h2i•e to list his tar.es, was app'roveq suoject to receipt of satisiactory prooS that he was . i..: PEar, harbor as claimeci. ^1he Cor_?ic,issi-or.ers aCraed to acco;npai.y the r,eraY:ers of the Board of Education on an inspectiori ?.gv?of the schools iii coi.i.ect.?ct. v.ith titeir reci,.est to issue bonds for school inprovemerits, 9:30. Tuesday rnor,:.ii.g t'EbPUdTj' Si.h 1952• , The Chairnai: to'd the roaz'd that t•'rs. ?ewis asY.?-d hi.n to convey thet&.ppreciatloM ofethe Xime..ber.s of the Sui set rark 5orrie Club ior i.he kii.d coi,siueratioi, and opportunity givet, them ?O.ld to purchase thr Old Tlerr.;ina' Bui'dii.€ at the Airport for their club building, but found it wou'+d iiot be practica' to undertake to i:;ove it for tl-at use. JI-ri audit report oi i;he Cour,ty boc}- 3nci records, prepared by Mr. Harry W. Cherry, Certified -f( Pub, ic i+ccountant, ior the Fiscal year eY.ding June 301 1 951 , vlas received and refe rred to ? the County ktt;criiey foir study. Upon motioi, of R4r. Dav?sy secoiided thei,B'oarn,-a:attiorized tlie sa-le oi lots 12 and ,Q?art of lots 11 ai.d 13 ili ir ock 13,.7.DVe Gr:ove -, to- ?lr. Jas.E.?? .14?ade ; for the sur,-i of e150.00 ? ?' cash and fiity-five cents for• liocwrer,tary Star;ps. Ai.d the Chairraaii ar.d the Clerk of the Board were authorizgd ai.d directFd. to: sic,n--a z]eed: oi. bena' f of t.liA. County- conveying the said lots to nini.. . ? . ' • - - It was agreeabie to the Board for i:ir. D.D.i?a?ett, Cour:ty Farrri l:Eetlt to joii, a group of ixiterested farmers ar,d others in an agricu?turai tour of Florida FeY,ruary 18-23, in the interest of marketing aild shippic.g. -A