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fdieeting of Jaiiuary 2£3, 1952, contizjued.
Al.ton I. jarmaii, 2106 Creasy AaeYtue.
Fred C. Sadgvaar, 516 ned Cross St.
Nlalter P. Sprunt, % Aley; Sprur,t a Soi..
Chas.N.Foshee, 219 Ker.wood hve.
iioy L. Hav?kins, Box 43, Wri.gl'itsvi„e Sd.
Robert B. Cdr•ter, ilt.3, Dox 649
D.L.Carroll, 92i N. 5th St.
Rodi.ey R. Breese, 414 S. l9th St.
H.C.Bdndwir., Ht.2? Box 69A.-
'vu .I .VJilsor.? .;F'D 2, Box ?20.
Tv;.R.B&.rnes, fit.1, Bor 294.
J.r ,Parker, 128A 'v';i'liarr.svi? Dr.
J.E.Soitherlai'.d, 19 Y.eator, I.ve.
David BmocY., 305 Bladen St.
HCTiI`y tutaultsby, 520 S. 3rd.
G.C.McSwain, Jr.' 409 Cer.tra, Blvd.
G.H.Melcici, fit.3, Iiarbor Island.
Thos.h.tc:acDor.al d, 815 P.iarket St.
H.^t.I,ewis, 417 S. Front St.
Jos M. Schviartz, 202 E. 13th St.
I.H.Starrpiey? P.O.Box 61 -1 .
C.L'-.Hehder,Jr., 2351 Adaras,St.
C.T.Spencer,Si•. , 2719 Viashingtoii St.
Lymat, M. i'ay? or, 127 Colon_al Dri.ve.
VaT- Iul''1SI °t.j.
L.1;'.Frestot., P.O.Eox iGjO. _
tilphoi.so :;obbs, C25, Box 33•
e'..C.Gideon, ht.3.
Geo.C.Harris, 410 S. 22nd, St.
_ 532 MercEr Ave.
it.T.Davis, "0 S. 16th St.
D.L.su"ard, rt.3, sox 146A.
H,r..Fieln;si,132 Smmter Drive.
bIay F. Tay7or, 14 P. 7tYi St.
Jas.O.i:ii:.tz, Rt.?.
I.r.,".:cCaskell, Carolii,a Beach.
3716 1v,arket St. Road.
Oliver Allen, 14-F, P,r.-sbitt Ct.
11.1 McCabe ?ir. , 1820 Surnm er Hii I .
Eari ihomas, 508 Suiiset r^ax•k.
The meetir,g theii adjourned.
?.t. - Clerk. .
Wilmi.ng-ton, N. C., February 4, -197-•
TYie regu"ar weekly neeting of the Board Uias held thi.s day at 10:00 o'clock f+.hi.
Preset.t: i,ddison Hewlett, Chairmar., Jas, M. Ha.ll, Claud G'Shields, Thurston C. Davis,
I?a" J. t.,ove ar.d Coui,i;y tittorney hilarsdes, Be'lamy.
?t,iss Verna I3e'ie L,owery, Home nemonstration bgent and n4iss Sa-ru:iie Lse Jcnes, Asristant 11gei,t,
aid Rebecca L. FiaiI , colored Home Der.ior.stration A€er,t ar;d Iur. D.D.3sgpett, Fdrm Agei.t,
subtnitted their respective repor•ts for the month of 8;ar•uary7 v:hich were rtcrived a:.d filed,
and payment of $14.39 ior ;odteria_"s and artic'+es used by the colored home agei,t i.n
demoi.stratioiis, was approvc-d.
An agreemer,t drav.i. by the State ii.ighv:ay aT.d Public UEorxs Conmission covering the Ivortheast
Hiver Bridge li€htit,g betviteen the County, Cit.y ar.d State Highv:ay Commissior., was received
?f?' and reterred to the City. gnd County Attoi-neys for study ai.d report to the Eoard at a subseyuent
rriee t ing.
? g stateinent vras received iror;: the Stai.e Board of Public v"elfare showiY.g that 4421198.88
G>?7 vas ser.t to this Cot;i.t,y ir, ,,ai.uar•y °or• Old age Assi.stai.ce, kid to PFperidei.t Children,
- ? Kid to Pern,ar,et.t1% ai.d Totally .Disabled arid for AciminiGtratioT..
n?5 A report of tne Cour.ty F'i.remai. ior .iai.uai?, ?:as received ar.d filed.
lt v!as aFreeable to ihe Lea.; d for the Tida l'.`ater Pov;er Company Lineroen to trim r.ecessary
Uratiches oi trces oi. coi.iri, houee iot ihut are interiering vrith their pomrer iixies.
, Upoi, n.otioL_ of I_r. L'avi=, secoi:ued b? 1r. U'Shie,ds, P7m.?,.Robinson, 17 Iiarover Street, was
g?ar.ted an abatement, o° tases or, a -,7aliaati.oi, of $35.00 personal and poll and not ii_sted
pei:alty accouiit of dout•ie chzi•re for thF year 105' • It appeared tie listed $400.00 persor.al
. aid po" reeular, ai.c no-' ar.d 435.00 perronal vras broueht fa3•waz•d from the previous year
arid chargr°d 9n P.°ror aF1ii,st his real estate, block 252, as i:ot, listed.
? SCivo objectiozis were reaise by the ?3oard to the arplications of Geo. A. Conoui,as ai.d S.G.Beard
?- a?2-for state permit t.o Fel' beer at at Kux•e Beach ar:d '1222 S. 3rd, StieEt, respectively.
i4o actior, was taket. of a request of P?lr. I!4j.Harris for ar, abatement of r,ot iisted per,2ity
charged agaiz.st Graham Courts otl US #17, he bought in 1950, clairning }ie met the tax iister
on the premises ?.i.d she told him she v;ould list it, bu1; for some reason failec3 to do so.
He, hoviever, 'isted ali lzis other pr•operty.
,n4\?7 report of trie Veterails' Service Officer for Jatiuary was rrceived mnd filed.
A request for abater.,er,t of the not 'isted penalty charged against 7.ots 161/183 Brookwood
in the r,ame of Mr. E. C. Sneed for t'ia year 1^yi, , purchased by P..r. A.W.Sutton Juiy 16,1951
for the reason LIx. Snead v,as with the arrr.ed forces ai, Pearl Flarbor at listii.g Lime and rLot
h2i•e to list his tar.es, was app'roveq suoject to receipt of satisiactory prooS that he was
. i..: PEar, harbor as claimeci.
^1he Cor_?ic,issi-or.ers aCraed to acco;npai.y the r,eraY:ers of the Board of Education on an inspectiori
?.gv?of the schools iii coi.i.ect.?ct. v.ith titeir reci,.est to issue bonds for school inprovemerits, 9:30.
Tuesday rnor,:.ii.g t'EbPUdTj' Si.h 1952•
, The Chairnai: to'd the roaz'd that t•'rs. ?ewis asY.?-d hi.n to convey thet&.ppreciatloM ofethe
Xime..ber.s of the Sui set rark 5orrie Club ior i.he kii.d coi,siueratioi, and opportunity givet, them
?O.ld to purchase thr Old Tlerr.;ina' Bui'dii.€ at the Airport for their club building, but found
it wou'+d iiot be practica' to undertake to i:;ove it for tl-at use.
JI-ri audit report oi i;he Cour,ty boc}- 3nci records, prepared by Mr. Harry W. Cherry, Certified
-f( Pub, ic i+ccountant, ior the Fiscal year eY.ding June 301 1 951 , vlas received and refe rred to
? the County ktt;criiey foir study.
Upon motioi, of R4r. Dav?sy secoiided thei,B'oarn,-a:attiorized tlie sa-le oi lots 12 and
,Q?art of lots 11 ai.d 13 ili ir ock 13,.7.DVe Gr:ove -, to- ?lr. Jas.E.?? .14?ade ; for the sur,-i of e150.00
? ?' cash and fiity-five cents for• liocwrer,tary Star;ps. Ai.d the Chairraaii ar.d the Clerk of the Board
were authorizgd ai.d directFd. to: sic,n--a z]eed: oi. bena' f of t.liA. County- conveying the said lots
to nini.. . ? . ' • - -
It was agreeabie to the Board for i:ir. D.D.i?a?ett, Cour:ty Farrri l:Eetlt to joii, a group of
ixiterested farmers ar,d others in an agricu?turai tour of Florida FeY,ruary 18-23, in the
interest of marketing aild shippic.g.
Meeting of k'etruary 4, 1952, cor,tirued.
I v<<ill no't be a candidate for re-election to the tvevr Hanover County Board
? of Commissioners in the .corning primary. For the past thi.r•ty-six pears the
people of our county have honorcd me and expressed their confidence ir, me
by electing n;e to serve them, and for the past thirty-two years my fe„ow board members
have seiected me as chairman. For this I shali be forever proud and gratefu'I.
I take ai grPat deai of pride in our county's many accomplishments since 1916,
and in the_ fact t.hat IVew Hanover Courity has throug,h the years been on a sound
financial basis.' '
? The iriendships I have made over the years by rr:ason of my official duties have
been of ir.f:nite' pleasure to me, ai.d particulariy nave I enjoyed my association with
the members of the Board and have alv:ays four.ci them most cooperative, arid evew though
at times vie disagreed, we felL that each was coi;scientious in his views.
;,.y best vaishes wiil alv;ays be -itn iiie 3oard, -and my thoughts v;il' loways be
for the ac]vai:cemeiit of the coux:t.y."
The foregoine stater.:ei,t vYas receiveO t^iith deep repret by G' I the members of the Board.
Upon moi:io" oi i,iz•. Yoa-, secoi_ded by Mr. Davis, a repuest of irir. R. L. Biack,
Itegister of Deeds, to emnloy a vromai. clerk for frorn three tc foui• week's:; t o iiidex the
record of dea.ths ai.d birLhs in hiG o_fice was granted at a salary commensurate with that
paid otheP clerk:r for simi'ar dutie::.
V;ilniiytar., .. C., rebruary 11, 1952•
The regular weex,y r.ieetii.g of the Board e:as held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M.
Preser.t: A disoi. Fiewlett, Chairn:ai,, Jas. M. 3Ie,,; Clai.id G'S.hields, Thurston C. DavisT
iIa.'+ O.Love and Cou"ty Ri.l.orivy S.Tarsdei Beilariy.
?\a? Upor, r:iotio, of .:.r. iove, secoi.ded t;3 :,',?. 0'S},_el?ls, ;,:r. 2,.D.Beach, 4503 01eai?der Drive,
, was exempt f'ror., paymec.t oi poll taxes o" ac(o;.u.t vi 700% pnysical disability, upon
furi.isi?ing satisiactor}• nroof to t,rF er±'Eci:. `
I::r. Davis :ead aLd nrFSented t}:e fo"oTii.p Ftatere, t t.o the Board ar.d moved its adoption,
?17 whic}i vs.s secoi.]ecl :r- Mr. 0'4,hie,as ai.d ca.rried. Tne samp was re-ierred to the 5tadiutl,
? Comn:ittce to Yiai.die:
I c,GIOa STAnIL'iri
0ver the years, ar.d e,pecially sii.r.e it has beer. ;u:der the operating supmrvisioii of the
Cour,t;y Com~:issioners, LeFion Stadium witn ii;s properties; has ;beer, a source of discuscion
both nmong the citizend at,d the n:ediums of public expre_°.sioz.s. On a nwnber of occasions the
Board of Cotu.ty Commissiohers has been criticised for r;ei.nods of operation ai d ha;; been taken
to task for vahat is claiuied the failure to keep the stadium improved ai.d in good coc.dition.
There is,r.o doubt, roorn for such charges, for ever. a casual ii,spection snov:s I.hat tElere is
still room for further i.mgrovements at the stndium. But it is evidei.t, also, that to
make these iraproveiuents aud to r.naintain }egion Stadiwa i:_ a condition to r,:ost eii1c2er:tiy
sexve the r:eeds of the cor;JUUS,it;.y, more Pinatices i.han iieretofore at the commat.d of the Coui.ty
Commissioriers must be made avaiiab'+e, either through operat5.on proiits or other a,location.
I firmly beii.eve that more could have been accomplished 2t the stadium if the proper emphasis
- -had been placed ou stadiuri iruprovements ar.d r.:ait,t'e7,ance by this and preva.ous Boards.
VPith this in mind, ar.d vaiY.h the fact, a'so, ii, mine that other ageT.cies have expressed
an iz.tention to approach the Board of Cqniminsioners on the possibility of acGuirir.g this
property, I believe i;hat the t.ime has a)rived for the Board to ii,stigate a compreher,sive
study of the Tegioh Stadiun situati.o" t;o riei;ermine vrtiether it is to the advantage of the
citizens of iew Hanover Cour,ty for the Eoard of Cou,irassior,ers to contitrae the operation and
tnaintec,ance of the staclium, or r;tiei;her i.ht: peop'e oi the Coui,ty vrould be better served if.the
stadium and its properties <<cere placea w.c9Fr the opFr2tio[.:.of some other agency withir, the
To that end; uhr=.refore; I propose ;.tiat a special cor.mittee rnade up of three 7r.enUers of
th:i.s Boa:d, ar. architect, ai. e"glneer, a fit:ancier, the Coui.ty dwditor and the Cour,ty Httorney,
be acpoihted to stud:/ whe"tiier lerio:. Staaiu,: is a poce..tial aFset or liability to the Cour.ty
of e-w FTaiiover, r,his cemrniitee to rc-por+ i.ts fii.dings v;it:hin thirty days fi•om date, with its
recommei7datior.s i;dseo oi, itF iact.ua, f_i.d_i.gs. I further propose that thi_s ieport to be niaQe
nut,lic so 'L'nat the citizet.s ef , ev: :Ianover C'ous.ty wi" be made cogi;izaiii: of the si tuatior; at
T egion 5tadium. I propose, dlso, t'Inat withii. a week after the fi:idi.r.g of this report that
a public hearing be held by the Cou,.ty Commissiot.ers at vahich meeting any ar_d a'l citi2ei,s
of the Coui.ty mig:nt express their views and desirrs aF to the operation of the stadium, and
to hear any p:^oposa' as to the operation of LeFior. Stadium uy any other a.gency. Because of thE
urgency of tkiis subject, matter ai,d because I bclieve tiixt the citizers of Nevr Hanover Cour.ty _
car. be best served 'oy ir..mediate dction, Z move that the commi+,tee whi.ch I hdve proposed be
appoii,ted at thi.s meeLirig. `
2/11/52 /s/ "ihurstor; C. Lavis.