1952-02-18 Regular Meetingi { Meeting of F'ebrua ry 1952, cotit iiiueci . 17 ?? , , A conmunicatior: was received fron IlSr. R.i:.fiami,toci, City T,.at.agEr of Caro, ina Beach urging I)v carly draF line work or, cleariing out i:he Her.nicker Ditch as promisecl some tin-le af"o. _Vp Instructions were given t.o writr_- T;Ir. ?Tamilt;or: advisit,g him that due to previous cor,unitments ar.d tieeded repairs to the drag iiiie, has delayr.d the Hei.r:icYer nitori vrork. ? UpOTi IllOtlOTI, 14r. Hal J. Tove was t.amed to represent the coui,ty on the South Eastern ivorth ? Caroiina Beach associatior;, in accordaiice with its reou0st ci F'ebruary 8, 1952. A statement stzbr,,itted by Mr. G.C.IolcIntire, Atty., recommending that abatement of sn item of -$.'40.57 tayes charged agairist i,.P.Kitip_, or, lo'b £36 l?30 "Tvewton1° Ca?e reas' "'owliship, ior the years 1946 through 1950, accuunt- of error. The tax office havir,g advised that taS-ES on same ?. for years 1946 througti '1950 wPre pal.d by Fred Dortch vckio pttrchased thE same £rom Hobert T,. Dyson in A:ay 1945, ai.c3 the 195, taxes paid by icieiritt the presei,t oi:ner wYio purchased the ? san.e from Fred Dortch Ju'y 19, 1950, v;as tz;oo„ motioii of_Yr. 0'Shields, secorided by Mr. I.,ove, granted on sta+,enient oi the i;ax oifice, beir:g correct. pon motioii of i:?r. Davis, secor?dFd by ..1x•' Love, rierbert C7yde Pe?i, Jr., physicaliy ? ?isab-ted white citizen, vuzo suffered a brokeii ler, ?I:d is novi in a ca.st and the hospitai wai.ts to discharge him ai.d 'ne has iio l,lucE to go, N-as ut. reconLmendatioi; of the Supt., of Couiity l'.'eifare f-ranted ten,poraiy admiss?.oi. to the Coui.ty Home. _ A co?ixiunicat,.oi v;as r<ceived from the Garderi Clu,`,eof iievr Naz:over Coui.ty asxing that the road side ai,d ditches or; the hich,;ay bettoeeri the CapP Fear ai:d i ortYi East River Bridges be c,eai.Fd-up, .,lainf tr:es, shz•ubs alor.f- the ripht uf vray aid abo'isiiing the bill -? boards, ar.d otherv:ise beautiiy the aFproacit to ?:hE City, beiore the A-zelea F.stival in T:aarch, v;as upoi: r.oi.ioi. of i4r. 7ove, secoi.dpc: by h:r. Davis? referred to the Tnird Div9.sion State flighv;ay Corimiesiorier v;ith r•,?qtiest Lha.t the samp. be granted. rl report v.as rFCeived fror•. ti1? bac;lk i.a; o,-f'iee advisi.n€ that ?6 076.17 vras co'lFCted for the ,-('qY- City aiid $4,55, .91 for the Cout.ty, ;nakii.g. a total of $" 1090/28.06 back taxes co'lected l'or the n:or,th ol' January. Upon mot;oi, of ieir. Davis, seconded bp Mr. 7ove, George Cromartie a re.sidei.t of ?,Ew York 3a? wa.s grarited an abatemer.t of poi' taxes 'isted ior liin ir, error by his fatner for the. -- year 195, • , Upoi . motior, of :?4r. Tove, SPCOIidPd b;d n?r. 0'Shi,elds, payment of $;26.55 rioi.thiy i:o ??y?F.V.Batsoii, P.O.Box 262 City, School Pei.sioner as of NovemUer I , 1951 ; or? certificate o?' -""? the Bodre'. of Education, wa.s autilorized out of the emergency fund on a.econr.t of cvErdraft tYie schooi pxnsiori acec,unt. \ The, matter of providing Venetian 6lind's or othcr window shades for the Recorders Court; was upor, ::iotiori of Mr.0.'Shieidsy;se.condvao by.T.9r. Davis, refer.red to the Court Iiouse CommittFe vjith pcwer to act. Th= 1'Jilmir.gtori I.incn Co?;iDany a r,e?:, COIICEI'7, here traas released from paymer, of not -lisi.ed ppnal ty otl its 1951 taxes a.r,couri,.of 'a.te 'isting. .:/ Upon motioii of =t'.r. Davi.s, =,eco:.ded is1 i."r. 7ove, the tizElwa Cojr.mittee wias a'lowed the use _y?> of the stiauiurn oleechers zr.y v:here i.n tiitF City, uu.dcr the supervi.sion of Il4r. Rhoda Falrow, Supt., of the St&diurn. Upor. motion of :rir. 0'Snieids, seconued b-, Iv:r. Iove, instructions were giver: to arranpe a confe:rence v?iit_i i,il•. G. 71'ilbur Clark, Thild Divisioi. Si;ate Highv!ay L'omciissioner to a.scertain the status :.f proposed ir,:rrov?_-r.:rnts 'uo !'vr:., lit.s,;'"e ai.d Carol-'na Beach iiighways. I.-.struc:tions vrere vivei. te check v,itl-i i.ie Gore tieirieeration SerVice for the purpose of ascertainii.g 'Uhe trouble crit:h the YYa.1I:-i.zi=lcef1,iE,Frator at the 7'.B.Hospital; in cennection wit' thelr ti'l ;or $J'23•86 for raateria's a.nd 'abor recet,tl,y uscd -ii. ir,sta'lin? refi•ig.eration eauipmei;t i;. the sar,.e. ? Upot, motici, of 1vIr. GECOnded by Rir. 0'ShiFl ds, Cout ty bi„ s„o. 7564 to 8059 w'ere ?_? ?approvECi for payment . • The mPetir_g tnen adjourned. C' e rk . N. C., FebruarY i 8v 1952. , e The regular weekly meRtit.? of the Board ua?s held at 10:00 o'c'ock A. 1,1. Prtser?t: Addi.son Hewlei:t, C}taii•r,;ari, Jas. m. Ha,i , Claud 0'Sh"lelds, Thurston C. Davis, • Hal J. Tove at.d Cour,ty Attorney iuarsder. Beilamy. "1JIrs. T. Christenson appeared to campiain of three foot dedp' mtad-ho'+es, ixi the road n6a'r. Mer .residPnce at 43rd StrePt ai,d Park Aver,ue in Audubon, which vras !re.ceived by the Bcard fer coi,sideration with Mr. A. VJilUur Clark, Third Division State Highway Cor.,missioner to see what can bA doi.e about it. Mr. Ben Yjc'Doraz?:repoirt,ed a Uad hoie iri the road at the turn-iii at the J]inter Park 1??5 Schoo-I which he said i.s liablc i,o eause a setioo-, tus to turn over, shoizid it run into it, drain traps buil t too high etc., vias referred to P,"r. Roland, Supt., of School s to take up vrith ;he State Hiphwa; Col,:niissior, for correctiot,. Niz•. Spurgeon ba.xley appFarec• to ask i:hat the property of P?Irs. Ester B. F3a'+e, Trustee of the ?ospei light Missioiz, biock 338, usec1 cxc?usively ior'charityiand i•eligious purposes, vahicii vaas - ? heretofore referrFd to the C'riairman and County Ai,torney, ras upon notioi: of Mr. G'Shi.eids, re-refe.rred to the C1iairman and Cour,ty Attorney fOI' 1TtVE5tlQation and report to the Beard at a subsequeni; meetiz;g. w , I. Mee+ing of February 1$, 1952, cui.tinued. . L a request of Mr. W. K. nhodes that the Reverend J. P. C. johnson be granted the use of Tegion a"tadiwn ahd tracks for youth raliy -frora 2:00 to 5:00 P.P.,., It:arcki 15, 1952, was upon motion o£ kr. Davis, secondec] by ii4r: Iove approved' by the Board if satisfactory wii;h Mr. F. Batson, Lessee of tkic Stadium. Upoiz motioi, of Mr. Davi.s, seconped by Mr. 0'Shieids, the Senior Fraternity toy's Eri.gade Club, was granted the use of the Stadium for benefit siiotv, I;iarch 16th if weather cohditions perrnit, if uot, then oii the 23rd. Upon motion of tb1r. T,ove, seconded by Mr. Davisl the Jur.ior Order Corpor•atioi; was granted an abatement of taxes on a va9.uation of $850.00 on Por,tiac cdr and Chevroiet truck charged agairist it ii: error For the year 1951, on statement of Mr. C. C. Holmes, Agent, tnat the Corporation npver owried the tvro viotor vehicles. iJfr. Jas.E.*.V7ade, City Councnl, appea:ed to flQV1SC the Board that the City Coui,cii at meeting of FeUruary 7, 1952, indicatedt a desire to purchase Legion Stadiwn, ?? if the County v;ould te interested iii uisposing of the sarie, ai.d or. what basis. HF ?vas _ advised that Legiori Stadium is in the hai.ds of the St,a.dium Con:mittee Lo handle. However _ 11:00 o'ciock A.M., VJednesday rehruary 20tn; v;as set at the request of Tdr.'Claud 0'Shieldq Chairman of the Stadiurn Corr,mittee to call a inFeting of CommiTtee, County Attorney and Mr. Hei.ry Voi. Oesen, Eiqineer, to discuss the Stauium matter in accordance vrith a I'P.SOlUt10Y: presei.ted by.Cor,?.mission.er Thiirston C. Davis, and adopted by the Board at meeting of February lith, 19j29 IVIr. lNade also suggested t; at steps be taker, to have the Stete fiighway and Public Works Commissioti/Mtits.map for State maii,tei,arice arid paving the i•uad along the north boundry of Legion Stadium, running eastwardly from the I,ake ta the Shipyard road, to relieve traffic coiigesti.or_ at the Stadium, arid to that eud offered the copperation of the City Coui_cil. Mr. Gdade further suggcsted that ai. agreement n;ay be vaorked out: viith City P,;anager J.R. p? Bensoi. and tYie Chief of the City Fire Uepartment i:o pZ'UV1aC quarters flor County F'ire _?? equipment in the prcposed City rire Station if and when the san.e is located aad estaUlished in t,iie southeastern a.reaof the City liraits, £or Cotu"ty fire service. Upon mol,ion of I2. Davis, seconde.d bp Mr. ?,ove, authority wes g1VCn t0 ciese the Court House office: in obse:rvac.ce of Washii.F;,oti's 3irti: Day. "r'eby 22, i9529 _ ^lvo objectyons were-i.:.dicdted by tiie Board to tnF l;i.jted States District Engir.eer grar.ting -4 permit to :vii.:.Johi. I. Ke,ly t;o ured@e a s'ip on the vrest side of the Inldnd i'Jater Wa.y apprcxiraately 3000 feet soutr!west of PaEes Creek at i.tiddle Sour.d. ?? t? cop5? of ihe r?ir:utes of the rreeti?_E of thF ?'rnsteee of Cor?^r?whity Hospi{;al of December ? 'y5 1951, as received ai.d-filed. a comLmut.ication vads recFived fror_ i:;e Empioqess Grovp Ii,surance Company; advising that ??surety bor?d for Dr. V?ii„ ia;,; F. Bourfoot aF CorcneT' . of ;•?ew Fiar,over County -vras cancelled as ? of the date o£ his resignat=oizjovember SO Upon motioh of i,ir. P.avis, seconded bq Mr. Hall, Er. Hesiry E. uoyd, Ii dastrial Traffic \? b:[ar.age.r of the Cit?+ cf i?li,mi;?g toT;, wds authorized to represe?:t the Cous.ty bRfore tYte -(T Civil Aero;,autics Boar•d ii; the pPtition of Iritervei,tion by leva tiai.over Coui.ty, City of WilminVton and the Vlilminptor. ChamYber of Con:merce i,L the msttrr of the heiv England-Southern States MPrger'Investigation. Upo:: motion of Mr. 0'Shirids, seconded by Pr".r. Davis, 1;he Kerican Oil Company was grdntec3 a refund of taxes paid oti a valua.tioi, of $3,500.00; block 174, account of doublE charge. 00 It appeared that owr;ership 1.o the said property was i:: litigation and t,lie Courts awarded titie to IIermari J. Gerdas. Both having Tisted' and paid the tar.es oi7 same for the yPar 1951, The American Oil Compai.y was therefore; granted a refuDd of the amous.t of tayes paid. Upon notion of i.:r. Dacis, secor.dFd by Q . 0'Shie,ds, Mr. a.E: Hayes, 8 Ct.M, 7ake Village, v,as granted ar, abater.ent of taxes on a valuat__ori of $665.00 nersocial prorerty, uccount of double charge for the ycar 1951. It up: eared he li.si,ed 1800.00 persooal property reg.ular ana 1665.00 perscoai p'roperty was brought forwaid ;ron the previou= year snd charged in crror arair.st other real estatE he ov;ns, us .iot ,isted. Ivfr. Frai,k D. Reavis, R{:,2, Caro,ina Etach, a resideiit of Feueral ?oint Towris}iip outside of ?oX the City limits of Carelioa neach, z:as urozi mot.ion of Lr. Davis, recommended abatemetit of ' taxes as to Caro'i.na br.ach oci'+y oi: a valuat:;on of $1,210.00 persoai., property and poll charged in error. _ I+otice of it.taLt to anp'y for a State'Permit to sell b^Er at BOi sotath l6th Street, and 714 i.orth Third Strtet, subn:iitEd tiy Joh,r.ie W. Maultsby aLd ^1hon,,pso;. Grocery Compat.y? respeatively, rvcer; receive4 a"d r,o oljections indicai.ed 'uy i:he Iloard. Upon motion of_?eir. Tiavis, seconded by I.?r. Love, rugenia C?iagner Farrow, a physically ? ? disabled fen:ale citizcn, was oi: ,ecommpnciat?.oz? of i.he Superirte?.dent u?° 'rublic ?Jelfar.. - ? admitted to the Coui;ty i(ome as a pay patA,.t; at &30.00 ner r.ior,th, . The meetin€ tiieL aG;journmd. Th-. , t. sata-v-? - C i c rk . ,