1952-02-25 Regular Meeting°311, 1°Ji7r?iinj=tci,, Iv. C.9 February 20, 1952, Cour.ty Commissioners :taditun Corr,mittee Claud 0'Shields,6C}iairman,called and held a special mceting this day at li:00.o'clock_ a.m., with dc?dison }ievrlett,c_ Ch2irm4Rn;rof the Board present zr,d Co_rr:,nissiot.ers Jas.L;.Hall, Hal J. L.ove, Thurston C. Davis, Cow.ty yuditor C ?.F.Smith, Cotuity Attoz-ney niarsden Beiian;y ai,ci Heiiry VonOwsen, Civil Er:giiir.er. Pf.r. 0'Shields announcn.ci i.hat the meetin? was called to discuss the fis.a?,ciai status of the dy.- Stadiurn ar:d its facilities, ar,d presei.ted ior the Boards study and coi-isiderati.ora, statement of comparative rever.ues diid disbursernents at P,,egion S'tadiun, for fiscal years er.ding juri^ 30th , 948, 19497 1950 a,nd 195-1 arid six mori'uhs eiiding Dncember 31 ?'195'tl, prepared b5= the County Auditor. _?k5 ihe statement revealea deficits as follovas: 1948 P9573.01 ; 1949 $3,526.56; -1950 $4,368.74g and sia n-ioi,ths ei.ding December 3-1, 1951 Ehowed a profit oi $364.16. The statement furi:her showed that additional lights v?ere installed in 194i to improve il7uminatior. on basebal? fielci for• i,igti gar.es at aTl anpaoximate cost of S'3,500.00. This explains L11.UsUal,j+ lasge defiClt fOT {:it@ yC3T' E!i.C-_i.F JUl'.P 30, 1948. The Wi.lmii:€toi: Pirntes CfaSeC tO play a.t Terion St,acaium ii. May 1949. lhis explaiiis the sudden drop ii, rFVet,ues 1or ,ypar aidii?€. ?ui,:? , ?0, 19?0. J? . Begii.ning i.c. February; 1yj0 Extel.sivp use of i;hF rr,hibitioi, Uuildii,f, for eveiits such as dancing, wrestling; boaiiLg plu, use oi' Staaiun., Statries; et,c:., ii:creased the rever.ues received. ?g1(?42 The continued use of thas Uuildii..g. has resL;,ted i.. rcvei_ttes for iiie six moi,ths prriod ending Decembcl' 31 ?'?'j51 bCifi€' 4,.?04,'16 OVeI' :t;rtwi;ll,r F:}'pEI,C11t11T'P.5 'P'SS Ca?7tdl ].llIF3I`UVeI?1CY1tS. Par. Hall s?aggestFd i'eaSir?€r'tne;Studiun to ttic City on a Y?asis of 3j? oi- cost of investment. The matt'er ti,as discussed a.t- 'ei,?th, ti:xi. i,o ac1•ioi, v;as taY.en, a.r,d n'oiiday, Fc^bruary 25th, 2:30 P.M. was fired .io ma.k_e ar. ii.spRCtioi, tou3 vf the Stadlwn. The meetii:g, the:i au„o:ii?.ed. ? Va'i'n:ingtor:, N. C., FeUruary 25, 952• The regular weekly meetiizg of the noar(, vias nel<i nt 10:00 o'clock A. R4. preserit: Addison Heva, ett, Cha.iriaan, Jas. M. Iia, 1 T C, aud 0'ShiP, ds, Thui•stoi, C'. Davis? Ha, J. Love and Cour,ty Attorney Marsdei. Be?.'amy. L'pon a mot.ior: oifered by Dfr. Hal 1 1 seconded by Mr. 1ove, the Board votPU to join i_oca' . interESts in protesi;ing the proposed constructioii aiid Governmerit opera.tiot, of a. cr•eosoting Camp t r,eJeunebe ????-)nfrom thepGoTejee ver meiityresex•vatiop foatther'constructponf oi ahrailroad e cross cut ar.d Cherr,y Poirit, which was broueht to the ,ati:°ntio,. of :;he Board by ;vIr. John H. Furreil ? Er.ecutive Secrei;ar;y of the tFiiln;iiipton Chamber oi Com.merces. Tna '3aard feelir.g that a Govercmeitt eonsstructe-ci a,.d eperateci creosotir,F plant t^rould be iri dii•ect coii.rl:ict to ta.x paying :ii,dustries at no nr very li_t'ule savi..p ii, cost te the Coverament? a.r.d ir.structioi.s ' wePC giVeL t0 VvL].tC C1U1' Co11'igT°SS.^.73ri ai.d SBiia.tOPS JI} lrvashiiiE1;0I, tO 'U'f18.t e.ffect? ihe matter of nroviding adJi.tional stables at. TegiorL Stadiuir, for st;abling j00 horses proposee, to come nere i.Fxt Srear if &u;'i'icitr.'i?tableG con'd be provided, accordinF to ir.for;,iatior. suhn;iited to the Hoard b,; ":r. ?oh" ii. i?'arre", was re°erreo to the Stadium for cu,.sideration. , ` SurEty bo?id _`or ,.Ir. i'l. Brii.son, Si., as a Justicr of 1•r,e Peace, ii: tl?e? ar:,ourit o? ?'i?OG0.G0 wlt}1 tk7P HartlUl'd ti.CCld°li{; c'lIid Zi;tjEL:li.J.ty' loCliijra7,y 8s Slli°'i.y1 trAE'. St11a a11:O1.1Lt i1dV7.2ip t'iEOYi i].XCd . ? by itivi ar,d ap;oroveil as to ioirr! ai ci e}:ecutioi, by the Couc.i,y P_tt.orney, e-as upoi, r,;otior: of 'iy:r. ilavis, sFC:ot:ded by I?43 . T ove ; aprrovr c by t;.( Soa: d. Upori motion of :tlr. T,ove, SeCOI.iaEri by ;;.i , 0'SYAields, the Board approve3 a. lease agreement beti^teet, the Coui:ty and Ci.ty, parties of th< first part; =,.nd the Ui.ited Service Orgar_ization, LJIic,, Sor the use of the Ar,or•y pruperty ar.d premises locatedi at 812 ;darket Street for USG purnoses, subject to r•t?vlsing Se?ctiot, 4, in accorddnc.e witla the;ui,dersianding an1 rewritten to me.Pt the apgroval of the parties of the first nart. report of the F:rilmiugUor, Public Libragy and Bookniobia.F ior 3'anuary vJas received and filed. A e?o objections were ir.dicated by the Board to the grantinp a State Permit to sell beer to ?P'YSL-Robert T. Davis, ht:j, ivevr Hasiover Cewity. Uporl moti.on of Yir. Love seconded by Mr, 0'Sh5.e7.ds, taxes charged apai..st Nir. Howard A. Har,by, on 25.? acres of iand, Hinsvlorth, r'ede'rai Poiiit township? vras ordered abated, and the charge on the assesSn,ent books caav ordered cai,celled for tha reason he claims that he does iiot own it the same having baer, iiicluded in acreage solc,. - A request of the Crape it4yrt?e Garden Club t.hat ai, investiga.tioii be made of the unlav,ful dumping of trask a' orig various niFhways ir, the vicir.ity of 'Pliiiter Pa.rk was referred to the State Highvray and P'ublic "Vlorks Cor,!n,ission, and t1he loca,? law enfor.ceiNexit oPficers. 1r1B rOU7itl;y Coru,,,issior,ers IlaV1T1p p?'eV=0U5ly aUthOI'1&ud L118 ,L'ctymer:t Of a reward fOI' evicaence -leadinp to the arrest at.c9 uoi?v?.c:ti.oi. of aiiy per5oi, or pErsons violat,ir,g ti-ie law. K statement was x•eceived irom the State Board of Put'ic' :Yel far•e advising tYia.t $439P , ,01 va?S SEiit 'uO tl1:i.5 l%Ol;(l.i.y t01` `JlUl eiF'F NSSiSt•a1,Ce5 k7.C1 to DP;?eT1d2rit 1.71].laTen, k10 t0 Permanent-ly aa.d iota"y Di=abled 1:.1 ad.m'ji,mlstrat9ci., for iiie r,to,.i.h oi r'et,ritary. IT?or. fuotiol" of ;.i1 . i?avis, sec???iueu b? r. G':,hields, Irvin armst'rocig, '2o% S. 6th St., arid C? .er.'1 . i ? 1ctlTl IwST'S .`18l 1 ^ZZ2i 1 1 Itit., ) WF1 E Oli T.'t. ,C:.. ?i'.1?:?: <T,(.i_? ui02, O fFE (;OiiT.i: y yi@, ia??e Orfl CE"t, gT21:i't8C1U ?? ? . . L''.I: ?a- ?---- t@mNora.ly ddmission'tu i,%ie Cou;.L., riu;;,e. I 320 P+leetitig of Fabruary 25, ' 952 ? cont:inued. `I'he iollowin€ pood a,ld ?<;vriul persoi:s V.ere di•aN;,. to selve as jurors in the Superior Court for_tne trial of Civil Cases for the two weeks terrr beEi;ni;,g ;'arch 10, 19j2:- ;cirs.B.T.Hopkins, 307 .. 15t1= St. ,??.T.Grissofdi? 2P2G S. rront St,. Geo.B.lv:use, 27 A4orl.iilf_rsi3e i)rive. B.G.ScoLt, 402 ii. 4`.i; St. KylB W. FiUi.'Bdg2, ll, MOPIiiii{TSia2 rJ1'1-VP. tiu.B.Kii.F, P.G.Box L-34, W7i-ntsvi.lle BeacA,. Johti D. Latiahorne, Coca-Go'.a Bot. Co., Geo. T.?Savage, 20i9 Perx•y acE. Mrs. GertrudE A. r,asxi.ns, r725 J"effersori L;t Thos.H.fia.-77 6 S. _9i;n St. R.H.Clemons, 126 Wood,av-ii eve. J.B.Hi,11 127 Iri rgai: St., Iaia£Fitt Ji-a.ge. Mrs. i,n,iria B. Hlexar;dar, nt.2. 'rril bur E. Barnhil j , Z•23 S. ?rd ";t. Wm. D. I,ewis, Rt.3, Box 37kA Vr .ii.iiing , 51'J Chesttiut St. fi.A.Beriton, Scotts Hill, itt.i. L G .Gore', ?19 Keaton Ave . Harcld Chase, 44 .71est. Dr., Y.ake u i.i lage . Q.B.Snipes, 21l Colonial Drive. 11.S .Gu,.i.arsoll, Bm: 138 Ca rolina Beacn. S.G.Guyll,oi , 60/ Chestt.ut St. J ohi.nie Sduls, 2, i"-br.abi.'tt Court. i%+.7.F.urrheirner, 40 gPrrac;e Via7.k P7artin P: ii-amar,, l1c, T?un St. ? .i. . nI'OWY; , ChUPCt: Si.. J?=ss:.e J. Cha.vis, 1214 South 3rd St. I4rs. E?. ii. Snepard, 107 ;, 13th St. li.F.uGl.i,eti:, Rt.3, Box 13II. _ 0 ..?.VolllcOX, C25, BOY. 28. . !4Trs. Fearj F. Crani'ord,t 1 07 IJ. l3th SL. ju,l?tll H. Chadwick, 2GtS Woodroiv Place. S.D.Bryar.t- ? 306 Hari,ett St. T,?rs. Grace I. Thompsoii, 7 tiiri.phtsville dv?. F.M.rautienus, L04 Feriri St.;i•,qaffiit Village. ivil's. A. Saffo, 2912 L?ai';cet St. G.? Sauiiders, C 25, Box ?88A . Vr.G.Hutch,Jr., ?5?9 Harrisor: St. H.E.ICimba, 1 Jr. , Rt.3 , Box 2?71). J.F.Chapman, 30 Iviirnosa Place Second K'eek- Cecil iateares, 708 N. 5th St. D .1"r.Raper, RFU #2, Box OOAA. C.F.ThFObald, 217 C.C.Boulevard. R.C.Poovey, 16 Pine Grove. E.I.GreenUurg, 11, Dare St. i,faf:'itt Ji, Vl.ti .C!eteau, 516 Dock S,. Mrs. E. F. VGideniark, 18-A, Aesbit i,t. ?,eor. E. Hart,Jr., 1904 iuui. St. J.D.Meivin, io lNesi Dx•ive. Hoger tyloore, F .O.Box 188. Mrs. Lettie 14. Chiid, 217 Jdri. Hce. S.T.Gresham,Jr., Box 55. Rohert Sattertivhita, 9'13 S. 5tn 5.,. B.h..Rorbir.s, 9 N. 1Jtil St. E.S.Hart, 6 S. lui.h SL. O.J.Pierce, cit.?, Bo,. 192 a. Lir:dsey E. VJard, i3t.3, Bo;, 266. J.P.Rivei bark; 206 tl. '7t.h St. J uliax: I4I . ICornegay. ; V,'ri-ni,svi-e Soui.d. C.D.Cu,niiigham, 15 Terrace ii,"alk. ^the meetii.g thei, adjourned. e;5?,l.)'- - ?'v- Clerk. ? jas.B.Bordeaux, Rt.2, Box 320. 'lf.V.Se'lers, 13 F fiesbitt Cour.t. 'v'?.U.F,dwarus, 146 Spoiford Pvti'is. kllie Weston, lit.,, Box ?34. Edi,. ?. Grueh, , 2710 Park Road Princess Flace. 1.4r•s. iCei,,t et),i i,iarsha'1 1 1 104 Grace St. Jeat.ette B. Durnam, 311 h. Front St. I,.F:.Bevv?? 1138 Grace Si;. i'hurn,a.. J . IGvei.Uark, kt.i . Le.sii.e E. buxtarn, Ht.1, Box 245E. E.G.GrerF-, 1&0i Siz:'mer Hili. j.1? .Frui.oz_, Box 172. fie,rberi. D. Sl?aiii, 63 'a'r.e Forest Parkway. E.?.Cu., is,gham, Ji,., 7 73 Colonial Vi,"age. Fzec3 Lavls Alier,, £306 S. 6tn St. ;1ir s. E. P'. 17esthersbee, 507 Urace 5t . Hibert F. Harris, Box 74 Car Beach. dcc,ds•ow Satders, ,OS.i,. l?Vater St. Frec] V;. rioldswortY., F.O.Bo;c 30-1. F.M'L.1;7ander, Rt.3, Box 36. Wi.' i1.1.i:vtUY. ? Av . C., V2.PCrl j, 1952. - The I'egG':I' ?':@2}:l-y ?i,PPt7.II?* Ci •i1E :?C31'Cl rti:'(j j.77i;: da7? dt 10C00 O'ClOC1C A. T?'i. \ Fr.eseut: hdd.isor, NE??;?ett, Cil3iri,.a:,; Clau.d Thurstcn C. Uavi.s, Ha, J. t.ove and Cour.ty Atioi•iiey Marsdei, lie„ary: Fetitions r,rere ??aceil?ed i7•om propFrt}r ov?ners pret».r.ed or, State Form R,iO- ashir.g for pavir,? 43rd? 3t , reet fro;~, P,-r?;. Aver,u.e Lo 'Frifhtsvi,le Avei;ue i'or e. c9i.stdi,ce of approx:imai;ely PGO -?S feet, cr tvcc City I:locks, or whic?i t'rzrea i?oiises are locul.ec? arid also ??udubor, BoulPVard fron ii„16 VlCi rvS-1p?1Y,5'vl'lB iUi'I?jJ1?'C? ?:O i.J.ii.?]4/?]6, ?1pt)1'OXiff.?itE?l y' f'(?t,1P tP.I".i`.t1S O)° a. fiii.l2 lli lenpth, on vvnich twer.ty-one houses al-e located, ar.d upon motioi. oP nir. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Siiields we:e approved and ,•eferred to the Si,ate nig'riv:ay ai.d Public Woix, Cor:mission with iequest that • the service asked for be gr•ai,ted. ReportS fc; rebioary ;iere received from the assistant County fiorae tigent, Colci?r.d ygent ai;d the County ra r;,l agent a.,d ordere£i iiled. Upon moti.oi. of It:r. 0'Shields, seconded by Iv,r. Tove, appropriations nf $500.00 e;ach were grarited d ui.'he der Wthe 1 sv.pervisioea Operi the cCl?airu?a n, ai,d e the aCoamiFesival SSioers f beiieve 2 wis? rbe t R l:o ' the Cow.ty's advar.tage for advertising its advar:tages ai,d resources. IIpor, motioi of Mr. Davis, secondau by :<:r. ^v'Sii-elds, T,ne Board agrsed to purchas2 s doubi2 puge adaertisement in the F.iate i.Sagnzin2, .'=sue oT ;,arch 17, 1952, atia cost oj' 4" t350.00 joi.ntly --G?s Uritii the City of VJi'mington, or at a cost of 4186.00 For si.r.gle pa€*e si,ould ?ile Cii,y fai.l to COIii@ ].il. However the maLtai• 'v,aS V?ii:li i,i)e i,'•'i8.].Pn:a;, lo V:O.?iC (DU11t'i. t'tit:il th6 City, If - - ihe Board iee?i-,.g t=iat t.,le adtiF.tiseu.Fr_t w;-l be tc 'riF Cotzr.ty ior advertisiile ii:s advantages ar.d resourcAs. - tJpoi: iLOi:l01. OF le1]'. LG4A , 9ECOi,(:PC7 ?;l i."P. Jd'J:i 5, ti]E ;TJciti;Qp oi :zttendaliCN, llIJOTt t].P, three dc'ty COUTSe lli ,)r'ZiGIc1TidgCinEIit .IliStltiUt.@ Gf Gc;cerr,neni, iO;arch 12 ? fli'OU€}1 the l3ttl, 'uraS anproved and refer'red to the Sneriff to t^?r_??nt?t?vitn ri= deputies as i.o who shall attend. Upon ribtioi. of %ir. Davis, secoi,ded by ,str. v'Sh.Selos, Hudolpli Phiilips, route 2, City, was U.ds graiiten ai. audtev,er,t of i;dxes ciiar•gaG aFaii,st 1 .7 acres, jot J-j Eiddl6 Livisioii, _ '[6.380iik'iOT'O i,047Y:5t11p iOT' tr1E yea•rs ' yE6f ' 94( , 1949: 1950 arl 19: i . itCQULIni`, UP ePT07'. • ' . • It appeQiecl the same , j_g *nc7uded i:, acrea.Ce o!e,nFr_? bv'tiZe heirs of ti'.-,B: Bidciie=axid was'•e}i?m?Ed agaiiist,blP, d1.G ti15. tit1Clo';tl!"!;Pf11''1LS Si. 63'1'Oi' Lti3'1' 67 1945, P'cls riever i:iStEd bY theAl arid Cl11Tf! ' tiley a0 i-,Ut- OVJit lt. 7.'h8 Sg?iE VJa.S 0r_1,7T2G caLCE3"CU On ±.'^.° tdX TBCOPdS. ,