HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-03-03 Regular Meeting320
P+leetitig of Fabruary 25, ' 952 ? cont:inued.
`I'he iollowin€ pood a,ld ?<;vriul persoi:s V.ere di•aN;,. to selve as jurors in the Superior Court
for_tne trial of Civil Cases for the two weeks terrr beEi;ni;,g ;'arch 10, 19j2:-
;cirs.B.T.Hopkins, 307 .. 15t1= St.
,??.T.Grissofdi? 2P2G S. rront St,.
Geo.B.lv:use, 27 A4orl.iilf_rsi3e i)rive.
B.G.ScoLt, 402 ii. 4`.i; St.
KylB W. FiUi.'Bdg2, ll,
MOPIiiii{TSia2 rJ1'1-VP.
tiu.B.Kii.F, P.G.Box L-34, W7i-ntsvi.lle BeacA,.
Johti D. Latiahorne, Coca-Go'.a Bot. Co.,
Geo. T.?Savage, 20i9 Perx•y acE.
Mrs. GertrudE A. r,asxi.ns, r725 J"effersori L;t
Thos.H.fia.-77 6 S. _9i;n St.
R.H.Clemons, 126 Wood,av-ii eve.
J.B.Hi,11 127 Iri rgai: St., Iaia£Fitt Ji-a.ge.
Mrs. i,n,iria B. Hlexar;dar, nt.2.
'rril bur E. Barnhil j , Z•23 S. ?rd ";t.
Wm. D. I,ewis, Rt.3, Box 37kA Vr .ii.iiing , 51'J Chesttiut St.
fi.A.Beriton, Scotts Hill, itt.i.
L G .Gore', ?19 Keaton Ave .
Harcld Chase, 44 .71est. Dr., Y.ake u i.i lage .
Q.B.Snipes, 21l Colonial Drive.
11.S .Gu,.i.arsoll, Bm: 138 Ca rolina Beacn.
S.G.Guyll,oi , 60/ Chestt.ut St.
J ohi.nie Sduls, 2, i"-br.abi.'tt Court.
i%+.7.F.urrheirner, 40 gPrrac;e Via7.k
P7artin P: ii-amar,, l1c, T?un St.
? .i. . nI'OWY; , ChUPCt: Si..
J?=ss:.e J. Cha.vis, 1214 South 3rd St.
I4rs. E?. ii. Snepard, 107 ;, 13th St.
li.F.uGl.i,eti:, Rt.3, Box 13II.
_ 0 ..?.VolllcOX, C25, BOY. 28. .
!4Trs. Fearj F. Crani'ord,t 1 07 IJ. l3th SL.
ju,l?tll H. Chadwick, 2GtS Woodroiv Place.
? 306 Hari,ett St.
T,?rs. Grace I. Thompsoii, 7 tiiri.phtsville dv?.
F.M.rautienus, L04 Feriri St.;i•,qaffiit Village.
ivil's. A. Saffo, 2912 L?ai';cet St.
G.? Sauiiders, C 25, Box ?88A .
Vr.G.Hutch,Jr., ?5?9 Harrisor: St.
H.E.ICimba, 1 Jr. , Rt.3 , Box 2?71).
J.F.Chapman, 30 Iviirnosa Place
Second K'eek-
Cecil iateares, 708 N. 5th St.
D .1"r.Raper, RFU #2, Box OOAA.
C.F.ThFObald, 217 C.C.Boulevard.
R.C.Poovey, 16 Pine Grove.
E.I.GreenUurg, 11, Dare St. i,faf:'itt Ji,
Vl.ti .C!eteau, 516 Dock S,.
Mrs. E. F. VGideniark, 18-A, Aesbit i,t.
?,eor. E. Hart,Jr., 1904 iuui. St.
J.D.Meivin, io lNesi Dx•ive.
Hoger tyloore, F .O.Box 188.
Mrs. Lettie 14. Chiid, 217 Jdri. Hce.
S.T.Gresham,Jr., Box 55.
Rohert Sattertivhita, 9'13 S. 5tn 5.,.
B.h..Rorbir.s, 9 N. 1Jtil St.
E.S.Hart, 6 S. lui.h SL.
O.J.Pierce, cit.?, Bo,. 192 a.
Lir:dsey E. VJard, i3t.3, Bo;, 266.
J.P.Rivei bark; 206 tl. '7t.h St.
J uliax: I4I . ICornegay. ; V,'ri-ni,svi-e Soui.d.
C.D.Cu,niiigham, 15 Terrace ii,"alk.
^the meetii.g thei, adjourned.
e;5?,l.)'- - ?'v- Clerk.
jas.B.Bordeaux, Rt.2, Box 320.
'lf.V.Se'lers, 13 F fiesbitt Cour.t.
'v'?.U.F,dwarus, 146 Spoiford Pvti'is.
kllie Weston, lit.,, Box ?34.
Edi,. ?. Grueh, , 2710 Park Road Princess Flace.
1.4r•s. iCei,,t et),i i,iarsha'1 1 1 104 Grace St.
Jeat.ette B. Durnam, 311 h. Front St.
I,.F:.Bevv?? 1138 Grace Si;.
i'hurn,a.. J . IGvei.Uark, kt.i .
Le.sii.e E. buxtarn, Ht.1, Box 245E.
E.G.GrerF-, 1&0i Siz:'mer Hili.
j.1? .Frui.oz_, Box 172.
fie,rberi. D. Sl?aiii, 63 'a'r.e Forest Parkway.
E.?.Cu., is,gham, Ji,., 7 73 Colonial Vi,"age.
Fzec3 Lavls Alier,, £306 S. 6tn St.
;1ir s. E. P'. 17esthersbee, 507 Urace 5t .
Hibert F. Harris, Box 74 Car Beach.
dcc,ds•ow Satders, ,OS.i,. l?Vater St.
Frec] V;. rioldswortY., F.O.Bo;c 30-1.
F.M'L.1;7ander, Rt.3, Box 36.
Wi.' i1.1.i:vtUY. ? Av . C., V2.PCrl j, 1952.
- The I'egG':I' ?':@2}:l-y ?i,PPt7.II?* Ci •i1E :?C31'Cl rti:'(j j.77i;: da7? dt 10C00 O'ClOC1C A. T?'i.
Fr.eseut: hdd.isor, NE??;?ett, Cil3iri,.a:,; Clau.d Thurstcn C. Uavi.s, Ha, J. t.ove and
Cour.ty Atioi•iiey Marsdei, lie„ary:
Fetitions r,rere ??aceil?ed i7•om propFrt}r ov?ners pret».r.ed or, State Form R,iO- ashir.g for pavir,?
43rd? 3t , reet fro;~, P,-r?;. Aver,u.e Lo 'Frifhtsvi,le Avei;ue i'or e. c9i.stdi,ce of approx:imai;ely PGO
feet, cr tvcc City I:locks, or whic?i t'rzrea i?oiises are locul.ec? arid also ??udubor, BoulPVard fron
ii„16 VlCi rvS-1p?1Y,5'vl'lB iUi'I?jJ1?'C? ?:O i.J.ii.?]4/?]6, ?1pt)1'OXiff.?itE?l y' f'(?t,1P tP.I".i`.t1S O)° a. fiii.l2 lli lenpth,
on vvnich twer.ty-one houses al-e located, ar.d upon motioi. oP nir. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Siiields
we:e approved and ,•eferred to the Si,ate nig'riv:ay ai.d Public Woix, Cor:mission with iequest that
• the service asked for be gr•ai,ted.
ReportS fc; rebioary ;iere received from the assistant County fiorae tigent, Colci?r.d ygent
ai;d the County ra r;,l agent a.,d ordere£i iiled.
Upon moti.oi. of It:r. 0'Shields, seconded by Iv,r. Tove, appropriations nf $500.00 e;ach were
grarited d ui.'he der Wthe 1 sv.pervisioea Operi
the cCl?airu?a n, ai,d e the aCoamiFesival SSioers f beiieve 2 wis? rbe t
R l:o
' the Cow.ty's advar.tage for advertising its advar:tages ai,d resources.
IIpor, motioi of Mr. Davis, secondau by :<:r. ^v'Sii-elds, T,ne Board agrsed to purchas2 s doubi2
puge adaertisement in the F.iate i.Sagnzin2, .'=sue oT ;,arch 17, 1952, atia cost oj' 4"
t350.00 joi.ntly
--G?s Uritii the City of VJi'mington, or at a cost of 4186.00 For si.r.gle pa€*e si,ould ?ile Cii,y fai.l to
COIii@ ].il. However the maLtai• 'v,aS V?ii:li i,i)e i,'•'i8.].Pn:a;, lo V:O.?iC (DU11t'i. t'tit:il th6 City, If - -
ihe Board iee?i-,.g t=iat t.,le adtiF.tiseu.Fr_t w;-l be tc 'riF Cotzr.ty ior advertisiile ii:s
advantages ar.d resourcAs. -
tJpoi: iLOi:l01. OF le1]'. LG4A , 9ECOi,(:PC7 ?;l i."P. Jd'J:i 5, ti]E ;TJciti;Qp oi :zttendaliCN, llIJOTt t].P, three dc'ty
COUTSe lli ,)r'ZiGIc1TidgCinEIit .IliStltiUt.@ Gf Gc;cerr,neni, iO;arch 12 ? fli'OU€}1 the l3ttl, 'uraS anproved
and refer'red to the Sneriff to t^?r_??nt?t?vitn ri= deputies as i.o who shall attend.
Upon ribtioi. of %ir. Davis, secoi,ded by ,str. v'Sh.Selos, Hudolpli Phiilips, route 2, City, was
U.ds graiiten ai. audtev,er,t of i;dxes ciiar•gaG aFaii,st 1 .7 acres, jot J-j Eiddl6 Livisioii,
_ '[6.380iik'iOT'O i,047Y:5t11p iOT' tr1E yea•rs ' yE6f ' 94( , 1949: 1950 arl 19: i . itCQULIni`, UP ePT07'. • ' . •
It appeQiecl the same , j_g *nc7uded i:, acrea.Ce o!e,nFr_? bv'tiZe heirs of ti'.-,B: Bidciie=axid was'•e}i?m?Ed
agaiiist,blP, d1.G ti15. tit1Clo';tl!"!;Pf11''1LS Si. 63'1'Oi' Lti3'1' 67 1945, P'cls riever i:iStEd bY theAl arid Cl11Tf! '
tiley a0 i-,Ut- OVJit lt. 7.'h8 Sg?iE VJa.S 0r_1,7T2G caLCE3"CU On ±.'^.° tdX TBCOPdS.
Me8ting uf March 3, 1952. Contiuued.
Upon motion of ia;r. Davis, seconded by bir. !ove, the Pentecostal Church of Jesus Christ,
block 34, lot 100 X150 Sumreer Hili,_vras grar.tea ar; abatemeni: of taxes charged against
? the said pr•operty for the year '1951, oi. a valuai:ion of $1*25e.00, and ord?red placed on
the tax frc:e list. For the reason the saiue is used exclusive*vY for reiigious_p.urposes.
Services being heid urider a tent erected or, the premises during coicl weather.
Jpori motion of Tu'r. Davis, secorid,:?d by ;?;r. 0'Shields5 T.ate Faircloth, 4Vilmii.Fton towinship
was g.&nted an abevter,ient of taxes on a valuatior. of w800.00 T.ot part of Bordeawc, a.ccout.t
'-? of double charge for the years 1947 ai,d 1948. the sanie h„ving beei. I;isted and the taxes
paid by the heirs of T.r.l%datkiiis.
A commiu?ication cias received irom ?he Si:ute Departl,.et.t, of Hecei.ue expressing it$ appteciation
for the Commissiot,ers havin? pailiied t,heir oifices a7or:?.?v+ith other redecorations of the Court
House interior.
i?otice vaas received oi i:hird_D_".strict ii?stii.ute for Cou::ty Coicn,issioners i;o be condiicted by
the Ii_stitute of Goveri?mEnt ii. coo,r,erat5oi: with the Si,ate Associa.tion of Ceut.ty Commissioners
at Fayetteville ;.-a.rch 19, ? 952. Sucii mewbers uf ti1F 3oard tvho cai. find it convenient were
authori;,e6 to atte.,d I.ogether wi.tii the Coui.t.y Attoi.iiey. _
,,,jMtb ?aw? A report of the Veterar,=' Serv"ce O?ficer f'or Fec!'»ui,y ?°iaG receiveu aiid filed.
`?A fi.riicial report o? ti5sociated CFiarities i:or Jac.uary v:as received ai.d iiled.
1'rith r.efersi?ce to the bid submitteci b,y n`r. H. A. 7ud'um ior the purchase of the old
u?p?oca.? e a7iea acountiy cl purpcsFS, O furitheaGdct?or. loi. t'?he ?iatter l«as ige?ou ir abeyandeto advantage
Upoti motior, of i1r. Davis, seconded hy RFr. 0'Snie.lds, P_r?iiur Srrith ar, ageci co'ored ii-tan was
? permitteca to redeeir. eighteer. acies oi 'and i.i. the Is7and Creel,: Sectioz, of the Cour.ty, bought-in
by tiie County for taxes :it, 1949; upon paymer,t of $2i2.94 t,he amour,t of taxes ai d cost a ainsi
plus ixiterest i'ron, date oi dudgn-?ent august 18, 19499 Ai.d the Cnairriar_ and Clerk of t?e Board
are hereby autiwrized ar.d dirFCted to e.?ecute a uFed on beha,f of "he County upoi, payruent of
the same.
--p 0?,5 A report oP the Coui.ty F'ireman for February vaas received aY,d.filed. _
A conmiunicatior. yaas received duriTig the meeting from Mr. G"ynn Harvey, ia;anagi„g Eaitor of the
Star, askinp- for a reuort un the negotiations betvreen the Coanty &na nayy concerr.ing the
isposition of the Cour,ty Airport iitasr,'?.ch as i?ore thar; a moi?{;h lias elapsed si.,ce two of the
Q,e?'?crr.embers of this Buarc] ar,d the n1I'DOrt L:ai.a.ger travF-ed to Washir:gton to i,egotinte with tiavy
Officials ;egardii.a the future operatiori of tnr jJi•port. PJir. 0'Shields exp'+ai„ec that
a formal report c:as deiayed pe.idi.i.g ca'n,-Ji,ation of i.e£o{,iatior,s -vrith the Piavy; same to be
layed beiore the Board ac.d c5.L5.zei.sj ult.in:a.tEly te br- reduced to ivritin@ and passed on by
this Board ai a 7nb-ic mFetine. -
?A?Cou:_ty bi„s :,o.806u to 81/0 vaera ar,-proved for paymcnt.
The raeetir.g; then a.dl,'ourned.
e rk.
'u]i.l mi;,lu tor., ; . C . , ndarch 10, 1 952.
`J.'hE regular W22kly mEEti7r pf i;RB i,?,3` }1E16 d.t 10:00 O'(;lJC}i A.Pui.
Preseiit: eddisot: Hewlett, C%iairnai., ::as. bI. I;d" , C,-a.ua 0'Shielcls, Thurstoi, C. Dacis,
Nal J. Tove a.i.d Cour.ty Attor*_iey 1,T4.rsuc.i. Rellary.
? he matter of authorizin?- ameiidment te tt?a Grdnt ngreemet,t accepted by the Board on ?aprii
,-?,O?eth l950, between the Civi, P.eronautics Adfi,inis'tration and the County, waF discussed at
I ength. • -
The fol lowir,g Resol utioti was ii,treduced by Tnuistoi: C. Davis and secoi,ded by Cldud 0'Shields ,
red ir. full, coi.sidereq and adcpted:
Resolutior, authoriziiig emendn.eiii, T.c. i to Grant Ggreer.iei,t Uetvieer, tiie Adiiinistrator of
Civil Aezor,autics, actiug foi' and oit behalf of the Ui.ited States, e:nd i?ew iiaT.over County,
ivortn Carolina, d.s spousor, accepted Uy said i,ew i?ai.over Cou,.i;y, borth Caro'ii,a, on the 7th
day of April ,1950, vahich Grac:t hrreemei.t is further idei:t5.fied as Civ:'O Aerori2utics/Administratioi
Contract No. C2ca-497$.
3e it Resolved by the Loard of i,ou,.Cy Coruni=s'oners of :dew Har,over County, idorth
Secti.on 1 . Tnat :,evz iiar.over Ccui.t,y,;.oith Gdrolir.a, or, :its own Y,eiialf e„ters ir.to
Amesidmei.t No.i to G'rai.t, kfreeinent, with the Ui,ited States, said Grat,t A€reemei.t beiiig
desigi,ated as Civil xeror,autics Adr.iiiistrai.ioi. Gor:tract C2ca-4978.
Sectioi. 2. Tnat Nddison revlett the Chai.rman is hereby autiiorized and directed 'Llo execute
the ;jcceptai,ce of Amer.dr:Prit iao. i to Grar:t xgreeme,it, Civil Aeror,aizti_cs Adrniiiistration
Cocitz•act ??o. C?ca-4978, in sext;t?pie on behalT of I%ev Har.over Courty, noi-th Cai,bIina, arid
Thos.K.R'oody the Clerk_to the Board i.s hereUy authorized and airected to impress the of£icia'+
seai of bew Hanover County, idorth Carulina, thereon aiid to at.test said executioii.
Sectioii 3. That Ameudment n0._1 to Grai.t Pgreerqent referred iso herein above is as
foil ows: