HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-03-10 Regular Meeting321,
Me8ting uf March 3, 1952. Contiuued.
Upon motion of ia;r. Davis, seconded by bir. !ove, the Pentecostal Church of Jesus Christ,
block 34, lot 100 X150 Sumreer Hili,_vras grar.tea ar; abatemeni: of taxes charged against
? the said pr•operty for the year '1951, oi. a valuai:ion of $1*25e.00, and ord?red placed on
the tax frc:e list. For the reason the saiue is used exclusive*vY for reiigious_p.urposes.
Services being heid urider a tent erected or, the premises during coicl weather.
Jpori motion of Tu'r. Davis, secorid,:?d by ;?;r. 0'Shields5 T.ate Faircloth, 4Vilmii.Fton towinship
was g.&nted an abevter,ient of taxes on a valuatior. of w800.00 T.ot part of Bordeawc, a.ccout.t
'-? of double charge for the years 1947 ai,d 1948. the sanie h„ving beei. I;isted and the taxes
paid by the heirs of T.r.l%datkiiis.
A commiu?ication cias received irom ?he Si:ute Departl,.et.t, of Hecei.ue expressing it$ appteciation
for the Commissiot,ers havin? pailiied t,heir oifices a7or:?.?v+ith other redecorations of the Court
House interior.
i?otice vaas received oi i:hird_D_".strict ii?stii.ute for Cou::ty Coicn,issioners i;o be condiicted by
the Ii_stitute of Goveri?mEnt ii. coo,r,erat5oi: with the Si,ate Associa.tion of Ceut.ty Commissioners
at Fayetteville ;.-a.rch 19, ? 952. Sucii mewbers uf ti1F 3oard tvho cai. find it convenient were
authori;,e6 to atte.,d I.ogether wi.tii the Coui.t.y Attoi.iiey. _
,,,jMtb ?aw? A report of the Veterar,=' Serv"ce O?ficer f'or Fec!'»ui,y ?°iaG receiveu aiid filed.
`?A fi.riicial report o? ti5sociated CFiarities i:or Jac.uary v:as received ai.d iiled.
1'rith r.efersi?ce to the bid submitteci b,y n`r. H. A. 7ud'um ior the purchase of the old
u?p?oca.? e a7iea acountiy cl purpcsFS, O furitheaGdct?or. loi. t'?he ?iatter l«as ige?ou ir abeyandeto advantage
Upoti motior, of i1r. Davis, seconded hy RFr. 0'Snie.lds, P_r?iiur Srrith ar, ageci co'ored ii-tan was
? permitteca to redeeir. eighteer. acies oi 'and i.i. the Is7and Creel,: Sectioz, of the Cour.ty, bought-in
by tiie County for taxes :it, 1949; upon paymer,t of $2i2.94 t,he amour,t of taxes ai d cost a ainsi
plus ixiterest i'ron, date oi dudgn-?ent august 18, 19499 Ai.d the Cnairriar_ and Clerk of t?e Board
are hereby autiwrized ar.d dirFCted to e.?ecute a uFed on beha,f of "he County upoi, payruent of
the same.
--p 0?,5 A report oP the Coui.ty F'ireman for February vaas received aY,d.filed. _
A conmiunicatior. yaas received duriTig the meeting from Mr. G"ynn Harvey, ia;anagi„g Eaitor of the
Star, askinp- for a reuort un the negotiations betvreen the Coanty &na nayy concerr.ing the
isposition of the Cour,ty Airport iitasr,'?.ch as i?ore thar; a moi?{;h lias elapsed si.,ce two of the
Q,e?'?crr.embers of this Buarc] ar,d the n1I'DOrt L:ai.a.ger travF-ed to Washir:gton to i,egotinte with tiavy
Officials ;egardii.a the future operatiori of tnr jJi•port. PJir. 0'Shields exp'+ai„ec that
a formal report c:as deiayed pe.idi.i.g ca'n,-Ji,ation of i.e£o{,iatior,s -vrith the Piavy; same to be
layed beiore the Board ac.d c5.L5.zei.sj ult.in:a.tEly te br- reduced to ivritin@ and passed on by
this Board ai a 7nb-ic mFetine. -
?A?Cou:_ty bi„s :,o.806u to 81/0 vaera ar,-proved for paymcnt.
The raeetir.g; then a.dl,'ourned.
e rk.
'u]i.l mi;,lu tor., ; . C . , ndarch 10, 1 952.
`J.'hE regular W22kly mEEti7r pf i;RB i,?,3` }1E16 d.t 10:00 O'(;lJC}i A.Pui.
Preseiit: eddisot: Hewlett, C%iairnai., ::as. bI. I;d" , C,-a.ua 0'Shielcls, Thurstoi, C. Dacis,
Nal J. Tove a.i.d Cour.ty Attor*_iey 1,T4.rsuc.i. Rellary.
? he matter of authorizin?- ameiidment te tt?a Grdnt ngreemet,t accepted by the Board on ?aprii
,-?,O?eth l950, between the Civi, P.eronautics Adfi,inis'tration and the County, waF discussed at
I ength. • -
The fol lowir,g Resol utioti was ii,treduced by Tnuistoi: C. Davis and secoi,ded by Cldud 0'Shields ,
red ir. full, coi.sidereq and adcpted:
Resolutior, authoriziiig emendn.eiii, T.c. i to Grant Ggreer.iei,t Uetvieer, tiie Adiiinistrator of
Civil Aezor,autics, actiug foi' and oit behalf of the Ui.ited States, e:nd i?ew iiaT.over County,
ivortn Carolina, d.s spousor, accepted Uy said i,ew i?ai.over Cou,.i;y, borth Caro'ii,a, on the 7th
day of April ,1950, vahich Grac:t hrreemei.t is further idei:t5.fied as Civ:'O Aerori2utics/Administratioi
Contract No. C2ca-497$.
3e it Resolved by the Loard of i,ou,.Cy Coruni=s'oners of :dew Har,over County, idorth
Secti.on 1 . Tnat :,evz iiar.over Ccui.t,y,;.oith Gdrolir.a, or, :its own Y,eiialf e„ters ir.to
Amesidmei.t No.i to G'rai.t, kfreeinent, with the Ui,ited States, said Grat,t A€reemei.t beiiig
desigi,ated as Civil xeror,autics Adr.iiiistrai.ioi. Gor:tract C2ca-4978.
Sectioi. 2. Tnat Nddison revlett the Chai.rman is hereby autiiorized and directed 'Llo execute
the ;jcceptai,ce of Amer.dr:Prit iao. i to Grar:t xgreeme,it, Civil Aeror,aizti_cs Adrniiiistration
Cocitz•act ??o. C?ca-4978, in sext;t?pie on behalT of I%ev Har.over Courty, noi-th Cai,bIina, arid
Thos.K.R'oody the Clerk_to the Board i.s hereUy authorized and airected to impress the of£icia'+
seai of bew Hanover County, idorth Carulina, thereon aiid to at.test said executioii.
Sectioii 3. That Ameudment n0._1 to Grai.t Pgreerqent referred iso herein above is as
foil ows:
meetitig of ylaroh ldI 195?, cor:tiiiued-
- C2ca-497S
Froject Ivo. 9-31_020-90-1
i.eva iiai.over Coui,ty Airport
(IllueLher;thal Fiald)
VuT-iE,RF'?15, tPie Admii,istrator of Civil Aeroriautics (herei,.a.i't:er ca-ed the "Adrnir,is.trator°P),
has determined that, iii the ii.terest o.i' the U:.ited States, the G.ac.t tigreement relating
to the above i.wnbered Project, uetoaeei? I iie n6i7,';iiGr,i•ai;or, actii.g for and oti behalf. of
the U,.ited 5tatES, al_d ,ew Haiove: i:uui.ty, l.ori,h Caro^ir.a. (ilereir.a£ter called the 1°Sponsor'1)3
accepted by the Spo,.sor oi, April shuulu be a,meiided as nereinafter provided:
NOVrl THV,itlirOitE? Vii^li.LuSrTH:
That, i., co;.sidaratioi, of the bei.eiits to accrue to the pa?ties hereto, the Administ.rator,
acting for atid ori Lehalf of tt!e U,.ited °tates? o., the or.e nart, ar.u i?evr t:anover County,
north Carnlina, oi, the oiiiax pa,rt,, do hereby j;.utliully arrFe that the said Grant P?grPement
be and hereLy is Pmerided as _u„ows: . 4
?. The. scepe ai,d descriptier, of deJelopment appearir,g• it. the ; irst pai•agraph, page 't ,
of the Gra;:t agreernei,t above reierreo to, is nereb,atnendFd to read as fo-ov;s: f°Cor:struct
r.ew ternitiai buildizig and traffic cor.trol builrinf; extensiorsof sev+age, water ar.d electi•ic
systen,s; grade, drain and pace access road 3,I.d auto parkirig areG; 9.i,stall li.ghting
system, high inter.sity runvay marxer lights on ivVv/SE designai;ed instrumeni, landii;F- runway;
f.encingl" .
2. The refererice to the maximum ob'+igatioi: of the Ur.ited States us,der said Graiit Agreement, as
s-.me appears in iten: i, page 2, of the Grant Agreement, is hereby amended to read as -
follo,NS: "The mahimwn ob'! iga.tior; vi the liiiited States payable w.der this offer shhall ba
?1041250.00". .
Ifv l4iITi•,ESS VdHEFCFOF? the parties hereto have ca.useo tYiis amendment to said Grant Agreement
to be du'+,y e>:ecuted as of 'Gile 10th day of March? 1952.
? ii request of Thomas Donald Ga,laFher, box '+64 Caro'ii,a Beach, ior connty assistance to
y? help meet the expense fa ari operatio„ l'or Mr•s. Ga-agtter at Duke Hospital , was contit.ued
until Wednesday ;?.arch -12tn.
K repest of Charles F. joiies, i?T.,, Lake Forest, ior ai, abater,eii't. oi taxcs on a valization
of $665.00 '1948 Chevr(,let Car, o,. the Ftou;ids thut he 1^ras Gt,at:o,.ed at Camp f,,eJeune and
car used in tra.nsportatiot, iietweeci. the c,?<N at.d iiis hun,e, rvas deciinad for the reason he
is a resi3ent of iwrth Carolina, naiiitaLx.ii,g a hori.e at ET,, ?.ake Fo;est, ai d was discnarged
fron the I,,arir,e Corps FeL•ruar•y 1_952.
Upon motioii of Coi?,mis5ior.er Ral Love, s-coi,ded L-N i;ommis°i.oner Jarries 1J. FiaI15
the Chairman
and the C'erk of t'r.- 3oard were aut;>toi,S.zEC aJ.c direcied t,o e)-ecute, oii behalf of the
p? Cou-i:ty, a SupplF-ment to Civi7 x2I'Gii3Ut1CS a6mii.?stration'= 7icer,se i.o. C2CA-5431. covering
the incluGion of a tract of 'Hnd as an Fne-ine Gai,eraiur site, in conr.ectiJon Nrith the
Civi7 Keronautics xdministratioii's Inetrument Tandir,c System.. Subject to the a,pp:roval of
the Cour.ty ati:o.!i,ey.
H report oi the Dureau of Idei LiiIcation for Februar,y vias receive<7 ai,d filed.
Unon motior. of Davis, secondec: by IvIr. 0'Shield5, Moi;roe George was giai,'L'ed ati
abatetr,er_t o£ riot 1-iste6 pei.alty chargFa agaiiist 2.42 acres, Purviwi.ce Creek, 2.:zsoi.boro
toianship, fcr the yuar 1950, icr the renson he listed other propeaty in Maconbnro township
thinkiiig the sav,e was ii.cluded. 'Upon motion oi .dir. Davis, seco;:der', by ".ir. G'Sli;elds, Ror,aire RFntoz, vras €rat,ted an
abate*ne,:t of taxes oi. a val uatioi. cf $', ,000.00 2ceovi,t of r:T ror in asse?sn,ent on 2.4 acr2s
of: land, -lot o, T.ervis Divisicn, R4asni.boi•e township, for the yewT s? 950 aii(a --951 .
Communicatiotis Nere receivc-d fro,;: Sez,ator•s Aoey ai.d Smith ackr.ociled?i,ig our letters. of
February 29th, opposir:g the bui,ci;.F oi d cor.crete plaut ut CdL,p Te;jeune, as per ou"r'ac'uion
\\\\Orf of rebruary 25th,advi.s-ir:V that !.hey rave regis*,.arau strong Pr•oteyt aga9.nst the es'ca`,;ishrr.ent
ef a creoSollir.g plaiiti as ti?ell as any olu:ter bus-i;:ess by the Covernm.ent that wou'c. compete
vai.tn N:ivate er.t.erp:ise.
TE'C2iVcli .,'POl', 1'I.r. T,.r.Wh'_t;:i.elo? :''hiCd 17.]VJS]OIl i,t31:E H1€f1VJ3y
? a.i.g9.i,eer. Jec'ii.iY!fT to •-,.u revrr:i:e ,r«.ragraphs 1 2nd `2 oS t.he pr?oposqd agreemetit
coveri.n,* the cperation of iiEhtinp s? oi-, +.;::e I,oitheast: Cape Fear River 3ridge ? whi.ch
centers a.row,d the provision that ieuu?re:s the City ar:u GuLu.ty1 at f;heir.• own eapez,se, to.
tak_e care of reFairs ar.d r(rpla.cemer.ts i,. ca.i.r-.ctioi wi'th the ti+iring system the nighway
(`,Of!tTfl1SS101; rt-{Vllig j?i?C6Ci St1117E if, Si;.i.i5--%iC:toL'y ('OY.C11.t=0i:. I'he SBIiif, V!pS O1(]EieCl reier•rad 1:0
i;hc City for ;ts reactzoii.
TiTpor: motion of H4r. T,ove, secondec3 by I,11r. Davis, payment of ?200.00 to John J. Burney,Jr.)Atty.1
for services rendered 'by::hYm_to ,L'ne.defendet:b=ihathe- case,_bf^State,)vs?James i Kubin-AuIcKoy-;,
Charged with murder,, wag approvea o;,,3rder of tl:e Fio;.oa+ab'ye;'Chester\?Morris:, Jutlge P.residing,
?. ? March Term4 1952 ,.ie.•, ._ . .•,,. -
Areces5 vrds thez, tai?eG w.ti'r 2:30 P.L., i'aednc?sday, b1a^ch l2th7 1952• ?
C le rk . .