1952-03-17 Regular Meeting3 !.a e 1`!ilminmton, iu: C., ilarch 12, 195?, Pursuant to recess takPn Peiarcn TG, T952, the Board met at 2:30 P.,^,;. Fresent: Addisoi, Hewlett, Chairmai;, li-as. M. rial'+, Claud 0'Shields, ihurstoi; C. Davis Ha', J. Love and County Att.o::.ey P![arsden Bellamy. ' Upon motion of Lir, ;ove? secanded by IYir. Ha'li, a bid submitted by Por.t City Iron Vrorks ?e. to furnish twe pipe'hand,rai7;sections for the Third 5treet erLtrance of the Court House, for i,ne aR{otu,t of ?;5'4.509 ?,ot includiiig the cost of erectioi,, -%;-,as accepted, and the contract to furi,ish the same was awarded to them, ;hey beinF the lowest bidders. /??ine on?y other? bids receiued v?ere as iollows: Yailr?iii??toii Iron Works, "92.00 and Cape Fear We"ding « Fabricating Shop, "u100.00. A request-of T.J:Hare Coui.ty Far;n pr5.soi.er; to be per;i;itted tu w.der?*o operatici, for ne*_•r.ea 3t.Ci ?.O Le g1VB1. CI'BQlt Oi; ?17.5 EEY,Lt?i.C?= f'o!? time ii, hos?oi.tai, V:flS referred 'klO hecorde-r H. Winfield Sr;lith ior i,ecomi;.e„dations,It beii:e agi•eeable to the Bozrd ii h1s 1i,jlaY'aTiC@ p0' 1Cj% Viil' i.akE Cct1'f Of Lk1e e;.pens2. - h request oi lhoma.s Uoiiuld Ga,lapner ti-iat the Cot:?.t?pay or guarantee payrr,eriL' foi• eost ?S?' of Thorocop'+ast;,? operatioi i or iiis vaiPe at Duke iiosui?.al , on the grou?icis tha.t his morit.hly r ,. obligations almost equa., his 1.otal n:u;.thl?: resources leaairr. i,othing with wrich to pay the hospital expenses out, of n9= salary lnhich he said i.s .,;41100.00 per year, tkas asked to see wnat ne could do to ?iiiarice the saviE: vdith the idea oS getting a Iower rate througYi the t%?ie•fare Departiiient. No actioi-I was taker,. In order to be ab?e to te," Mr. Fd. A. Russ, Drarline operator, where he stands in regard to resuming il-he operal:ioi, of i;kte Cou?.ty's dragline, vshicii lias recently beeit repaired and now being operated by bSr. Grady ?:ho repaired it. f.Ir. %ial I recon-,mended that 1J[r. Grudy finish the drai.nage job ne i.s zioi^r doi..ig oi. the Cordei: noad arld ti2at I.:r. Russ resume operation of . the draririe o, E'.pril i, 1952, iinoc, nioi,ioi. cf i,.r. G'Shields, secoidEd by Ivlr. Davis? the recommesiciatioi, was adopted. Foliowii.g a re.cent surcey G*.;d study for Imprcv?_mei.ts ai. Iegj-o;, Stadium. btr. 016hields, ' _v)(!J?'1 C}lall'iii8li O.i t11B 5ta.6.Uili 1:0i271ii1ti;PP pZ'F-Soi,i,FC'7 a 1c?.-jJGli7i: 11YidET'taking fOP improveir?ents that will cost approxirndtely ?-51 12".39; for mz.te:ials ostimatec] to do the work according i.o sciie?ule prese„ted, wnich i.s recor._;;,cnded bi the Stadi-tv,; Committee, which follows: o2aLs a,.a Grand Stand 524.30 2, Ii.side-oui,side Ra_l fcr iracx 256.30 3. Tro,, C'tiairs i'or 3ox Seai,s 829,70 4. Pipe Ditch oi: nna3 t.a rake ??5.60 5. Build Coi,Sessi_on Stac.ds 45-1.60 6. Water I.irie from City- i.iaiii 505.64 7. 'r;o,ne C:?.ub Dressir,g Roor ai,d T.adies Roor,i 514.00 8. Tyvo 1ic1>et Bootbs 750.00 9• Gonnect : eroaer to Cii.y Line 869.00, 10. He-wirei. E all rooras-Stadium 70.00 - 11. Guard and SLa." Toilets for Privacy 70.20 12. Repair Five Battor, Wii.dows f,4.25 $51-121.39 i'her-eiore ?ii order ?o get the rvork started v,ithout fur`her de'+ay? i,2r. I,ove moved arid i{; was secocided by PdIr. Davis ana carriedg the 42,500.00 be a.nd the same is nereby appropriated for cost for water5 sewerage and two ticY.et booths, to be started at once. The matter of providang toilets in the Staaiur•; Stablzs i,o be ta,ker. up wii,h Yr.P.Ba;,son,Lessee. Upoi, u,otio, of Davis, instr•uctior.s v+ere givei, to write Idr. ichod2 Farrow, Supt., oS Legio:.. Stadium, expressit,€ the Roards commenGat-jnii aiid appreciation for his services ? ir, Etaking up the 12-poir,t scnef'ule of propose6 improver.;en?s to negi.on Stadium, z•econ-mended by the Stadiw,i Cori;;r,ittee, aiid aiso alei:ter to Eir. Var;ce i obles. 20 YorYiii,gside Drive, - for perri,itting the laying a vJater -line across his propez ty tn coris,ect with the 8ity.', s,ystem. • Upon motion of n4r. r.ove,_ secor?ded 'uy i?r. Davis? IvIr,-E. Pk?I.Barrie was gras?ted an abatement of taxes oi. a valuation of ?1,405.00, poll arid persor,a, and not listed penaity charged against i ot il, ii. b-lock G, Carolina BeacYi for the year1qji , accoui.t of double charge-. He i isted , personai and poli osi reai estate list t}iinking lot -1, in block 6 carol ina beach was included. _ The meeting then adjourned. $d,_ -ti- Cierk. _ ? - tiVilminEton, D.. C. tt4arch 17, 1952. The regular werikly meeting of t}ie Boarc3 w. s neld at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Freser,t: Addisori Hevrl ett, Chairr:an, Jas. I1., Aal 1 , Clau3? 0'ShieldsI Thurston C. Davis, and County Attorney lfarsdei. Be,•amy, ?t,o objections were i„dicateu Uv the ?snard i,o i,tie use of a snot at the airport for Civii., Defense otServat,ios, posC iequested cy Cc:, . R. SS. it4cClellaud, DireeCor of Civi" iDefens'e,. t, ? subject to ai.y p2i.clii.E clnai.ges at the airport. iJpon mot;io„ of ;i1r. 0'Shie-lcls; seconded by ;r;r. Na,l, F?i??ie Shutord vaas granted an atatement 1X of taxes on H JalUhtioi of ti100.00. Householc7 ai6 lcitchen I'urr.iture listed above i.ts true value in error for the year 195 , . 14Upon motior, oi Yr. Davi.s, secon:ied by n4r. Ha„ , 't:he VTilmir<gY,on Aza'tsa restiva-i ?Ir,c., was auLhorized to dec:)rate th?: Court House for the -A!zalea resCival the sa.ne as iast year at a cost of 4;46.G0. Upon moticn of :t4r. Hall, seconded b3? Mr. Davis, the Bcxzrd autborized the paymezit o£ ?y40.00 ?jto t'r?e State iiospitai for treatrnent of James Ed-raxd Aiken, !?lcoholic, or, ce^tiYic3te r° the Clerk of the Siaperier Court. ? 'A I .?24 Meetir.g of N.arch l7th 1952, contir,-ued., - ? i40 objections were *t;di,cated b,y the Board to the Ui.ited States Distr?ct E;:ginFrr gr4;nting the rry-_ng Fza Yacht Club a per,,,it 'uo cortstruct a?ier ai.d te drenge in front of their Clut House on 'Llne soutiivaest side of the nighvray cuuseway i.o ovrigtitsville Eeacii, ar.d to the Soutnern Be" Telephor.e Compatiy, to, lay a submarine cab7e uuder the At,iaT,tic. Iiltracoastal Watervaay oi, trie northea.st side of the highway bridge to Caiolina Beacn. A repcrt of ,isseciated Cilarities ior for Febi°tza.r.v vias received ai,d filec;. C Jpor: notio,_ oi ;,;r. Davis, seconded U; 1.1r. Hall, Wardc..s and Vesti•y Good Shepard Church was grar.teu Qi: alMtet;enL of tdyes or a valuatioi. of $2,400.00 block A, 7 ot i, Sl.tilset Hi.lls; ior the year 1951 , dt,d the same or3ered placed on the tax free list for the reason the ? same'1s owned by the irusiees of the Church oi the Good SnEpard, and user. er.clusively for the pastors horae. E.uy.riame was granted aii abatemeiit; of taxrs or. a JhliiBtlOY. Oi $-T,405.00 FiG' l and persoral t1Y.d i10t l y; i cG i7cI:S' `t,y CYKtPgeC] a€;alli5`i, i O'. "--I iS; .`,i OC}: 6,1, C3Y'u' 1I18 Beach iGS the yE?il 19j1 , uCCGUL.i: Oi f?OUb'C li, he lSStBC'1 other real E5t3t8 thinkir,g yi,r1E Saiile PiaS :i.il:lUdt'CI au(] pO- ai.U piiif,cPty -;,o.s :.Z'Jiipl,t forward from tiic ' prcv!uu:, aear a;.d charged i.n error as no;; listed. C..T.Saunders, Capr rear Towiiship; was ' granted an aUatai;;erit of city taxes on'}, on d va.-;_-Ltioi. 01' ?,;41 5.00 personal al,c3 poil . A` ' - ? resident of Cqpe ?Far Tuvrst:ip charged wiii; Ci',y ta.,cs ii error for the yeal• l95l•. - R. A. iurli..,f:toii was grar?tftd =.z, abatement, of ta:ties oi, a valizai;jion of $550.00, b,ock 15,1 1 Ot b? C3P?1t,d b°El-0fl aCCGUI:i. Oi dOUb' ° CtiiLZY'c2 iOT the yE3P1P 1 ?: j' . tl'lE sa.me 1S ov;ned and listi:a by Pearl L. Brncken. Upori motio;, cl' i','r. Ea", seccrided by ;?_i . Lavis, Dai.iel i+, I eiL uViight, 65 year ol a Couiity I;,digent was adto'itt:ed to t}.e Cotl,,i;y h'on.e o,i ieca::iaFnda'tioi, or the Supt., of Public Weliare. r, Upon n:ol.ioi, of itir.Hall, secor.cied t,y Pdz. Uuvis, tlie Board authorized tYie purci?ase of 100 copies of the Earcn ?22nd issue oi 8tate I.;a?azii.e :or public distr i.bution, which earrles the joint City-Cowity aza'ea:res?.ivr,' 11dv,=.ztise??ietit. Oz the pu7ciLase of-1000 copies if ?he ?tate De;?artrrent, of Coi.ser?-at9oi, ^r.d Drve1--nrr.ei?t ?Ji'l a€raE to n.ail-out thF copies we rese3vii.a'1%0 C0p1F.S fOT' OUl (!15tPiJu{:10i,. i,,r. oohr. Ii. Farre'l, 1::;@CUtiVB &ecrstary ei i.IlE Vrilmii,ptoi: Chan,Ler of Cor;rr.eroP +;as uslc=ri to c.ot.tacL the Departi*ent oF Conservation at,d Dev6l:,j.n.F,:t to that er.d. Tlle fo-oyrir.g EP?Ai;To Fnu'.a i,.i..IIil ; Oi' CGU? `? V iiClMsD Gr FDUCtii IO:, laas read arid preser.ted to 'Uhe noarc3 by 7r. jnhii T. aor.-ax•d Chairna.:..of t?:e B?ai,ii of r.ciucation: °tiit a re£ular meetiiie uf the Boaru oS Educatioi. of P,ew Har_over County dtzly callec] wit)i ,..ctice to a,l r.ner:ibcrs arid he-ld at 10:00 a.ts. oi. Ik;arch 27,195?, tliere'were present Dr. Joni. T. Hoggard, ?. C. ?ttoe, Er:sley ti. Ianey, L. "i. I,anden, arid James S. Craig. " :. Absent: ia:rs. C.L.M?eister. Dr. HoFga;d, C'riairrcan of i;Yte Board, declared a quorwn preser:t ar,d the meeting operied ?`" for ousir;ess5 ?ahereupon n,r. j. C. Roe introducen tiie foi iovrir,g resolutiocl r,d moved tnat ??? it be adopted : , 4e13ErtE'AS, the-County Board of Fducatioz, of Piew Hanover Couiity desi.res to provide additionai schooi piar.t iaci?i.ties for the mainiena,ice of puUlic schools 1wi.thii; the fvew Hai,ocer Couiity Schooi Aqministrative L'riit; 1\0v' THEH:.FuRE, BE IT RF.SO?VED by the Cow.t3= Board of Education cf Neva Hanover Coui.ty as foi'ows: (i i ihe CountJ Board of 'Education of :;ev: iiauover Coui.ty has ascertaiued a:id hereby deiermines that it is necesealy to erect r,eva Uui.ldings and to erect aaditions to and alter or reconstruct Exisi:inE, buildings aiid Lr, a_cgi.t.ire and ii,stall the equipment required for such builair.gs or a_dditions, and to acquire the land z.eeded icr sucil purposes, ii, order to provide school houses, school garages, ptiye:i.cal enucatioi, ar.d vocatia:al educatioti buildings, liu;ch rooms ai.d other similar schjcr p'ai :, xaci'i1,_es iieafled ior the schoois i:i suid Couiity, which shall ii-iclude but sha- rio" be l>>cited to, C!te i'o-lovrii.e scnoois: (i) beva iiai;over County fiigh Schuoi ;(2) Sunset Fark Pleti:eni:ary ::chool;(3) Car o' i.i.a. Beach School g(4) Vdriphtsvi? Te- Bradley Creek 4rea Scnool : (5) bciicol ir. Lr!e area oc.twEen u9inter Park &I:d Higiivaay -17; (e) r'orest iIi,ls School ; ('1) VJriFhtsboro Schcol; (&) VVashinpton Cailett School ; (9) Hemenway Schoo'+;-0G) Tilrstor= School; (") ?'>>"ia??. '=??PE? ; ('?) Chestr.ut Street cchooi; (°13) Take Fr,rest wchoo?; (,n) i,.afi'.tt v9„aga Nciiooi Sor wiiite childreri; (15) J'?'liston Junior i:igh School ; (16) .>E:i-juT' n1F1h School for i.eal•o children;_(''7) Williston Primary 5cnoo'!; ; or i egro , (18) Yeabody :>chool ;(' 9) Faa:ro«y tini,ex Scnool , ai.u (20) Maifitt Vi„age School children. (2) The Cotji-ity BoarL] of Fducai,ioi. ;urther cutermines that it is r,ecessary to provide sucn €+ddll:ioual scY,ool plai.t facilities ii or:er that T-veiv_ Hat nver Coui.ty may rr.aintain public schoo's in sai.d Coui,ty ior the minin!um ter;;i prescribed by the Constitutior. of A.ort.n Carolina, as ar: administrative agericy oi the public sctiool systern of the State oi tiorth Caro'linal and that it wil' be necessar,y to spend for such additiorial school facilities i.ot iESS than $,;2?9931000 iri addition to other moneys whic]Z are r;ow or viiii be avai.lable for such purposes. The Board oi Cornmissioners of i,ev; Har,over Coiu:ty is hereby requested to ra.ise the moriey required to finarice such purposes by the issuasice of borids of said Cotntty pursuant to the Cowity Finance Act of North Carolina.. (3) The Secretary of the Gounty Board vof'Education is hereby directed to transrnit a certified copy oi this reso'+ution to the Board of Copimissioners oi New fiar:over Coui;ty. The motion was seconded by U4r. L. T. Landei; a.nd was uiianimousl.y adonted. ? ? (SEAL) The meeting tiiec. adjour,,ed. ez'_.. s/s H.A•l.Roland, Secretary.