1952-03-24 Regular MeetingeJ 0??o e +ii'minEto'r., A. C.7 ?•Iarcti 241 1952. The regular iveekI y nieeiine of ,`,he Doard vaus he, d ,his day at '10:00 o'c, ock A.R:. _ Ha?S JI,L. Cddison-Hewleti;jCnairman, Jas, ?ii. Ha, 1 , Claud 0'Shields, ihurstori C. Davie, Love ar,d Count,? H?ttox-l;ey ,darsder. 3ei lamy, in view oi the large ainoui.t of correspoudFr:ce in corinection with the services rendercd by the Neva Iiariover Courty 13istorica.i Commission the Board ot? motion of Ivir. ? ove l iC.?' secoi,cied by ;?Ir. 0'Sizia'ds, au{;nor•ized the Chairti;an to purchase a t,ypeviriter for tne Hisi;orical Cornmis;ion requesteci t.y l.;r. ?:ouis T. 'i«eore.: , ? i,ir. W. E. 5?.ssorls i,epresei.tiiiE s,x pil T?•ar? sjp ort Contpanies, appeaz?ed Sor'-Ebn: "on"behaif of ? i.evv Fai,over Gouc,ty Yetroleum Naulers. to preTeizt their recommendations for the establishinriit of tvao pi•oposed 1rucK Houtes: - - ftoute 1, ii•affic orieii.ati.s,fr sou.tii oS' the city and norma- ly rnovi.ng out of the County via Casi;ce Fiaqne to r,:o-ve via Bur•iiett Bouiavard, Shipyard Boalevard, VJinter Parka Kerr Aveiiue to Smith s Creek, tYieiLce via a iiev., road to be built to connect tivith routes US-421 arid 117, said i2oute I beiiig siiown :;_i, red ou the map of the hignways of hew . Fianover r.OUni;y i2.P];P,d "All dllTiCj Oll p7dnS Of Blu.ethenthal Field LiifT1:C'd IIBUI? 111Cj "C". ?S The State Highway Commi.ssion to he i•equested to designate this route,. iro.n its ir.tersecti.ori with US-42, , SoutYi of Wi.lmingtor,, ?;o its i.t,tersecLion with L'S--117 near { Prince George Creek, as uS-A-117, Route II. All tr.afiie OP1g1T18t1llg south of the City and i:ormally moving out of tiie Cotir,i;y •at Scotts Hil I I to r,iove via koute I to its intersect_iori with US-I 'J , thence ? via US--17 to 'Uhe cow.ty line at 5cotts Hiil, said Route II being snown in blue on Exhibit A. . ` i7pon n.otion of ;?4r. I,ove, secar:;9ed b-, ;?tr. Davis, the recon,i;iendations topether with -? '?detailed description of Houtes v+ere taken wider cc,r.sideration ar1d' stiZd;v ii: sont;ection with tne Courity H9uiiway Fi°opra.m. lipon mo*ioi. of :,:r. Dav5-Q, secoi.uad b-?: .?.a . 0'Shields, t-he Board approved a request of i".I'. TOt11S T. :ROOI'0, il'121.PiliSli Ot iiiEl ly2?N i12L4J6T f71St.UP1.CdI rULi7111 5 5 1 011? {;O }JU??[? a fence ::O 2i.C:70SE ;),pL,2'1y OY.E flt:ii.d.CECI i(pt SqU3PE area., 3t'Ol?Sl('1 '"i1P. -tiODl1IpE71i, piaC9d by tl'18 ?'_ i,@Rl flat.OVE:l' }i1StC_1C:zi CC::mi.SSlc'iil SOIDC- 5'CS.rS ag0 t0 PPOtP,C:t li, frorn dbUS° by V2rid8.lS. ?TYl° OVJ1iP.]'S Oi tl1C l3i]d S'1??f7'1".f.'t-JrbU)'11, };Oi1)E RP..ai EstB.tG' i.02.Yi 3S1d 'lI:SUiaY1C@ Compaiy Of ?:?t.ston-?Glem haeing agreed 'o f.rai.t the Coi;r,ty pei-n9_ss'cii to build the fence provided the portion to be fe...ced in :koi;ld not, be co;:sidered deeded to the Cnur.ty by adverse 70:SE'SS].Oii aftC1' 'd t.e"E?iif;?? p0:.'5@SS)Ori. ctiiU i:f2at tr18 COUi.ty AttOT'ii@V pTCpd2'E a;, to the eifect t;,,ic '.;iie lai,(] :ir in occupaticY by permissi.o:i di,u tne Cca..ty _ W7--,l 1.Ot Ltin1L6 C'a1L1 1JiiC1i;T' U05S?iFS?Gi." A rec;uest of i.?r. Bu:,itie E. Buie tbat i.hE ditches at his £arrr; oi. I„otis Creek on the Caroli.?a. Beach Roa.d be cneanen out to impi-ove the farm-lanci drair.age co;,diticn ir, that drea vaas receivad for S.nvcstigation by thc Chai.r,aat:. Tiie Clerk r..reeer.ted a certified col,y ;,f a.:esc7u'•,ion a.dopted by the County Board -? of Educutior. reqz4:.stirig the Duar.d of Con;missioners io issue C2,993.000 ot bonds to finallce additionol schr.,ol ,r,lant faci-tities in the hew Hai.over Goux,ty Schcol Jidmi.nist;rative Unit. The resolutioi, wds cosisidered. _ TSr. ihurst,on C. Davis intrcduced the iol--ovzii,g i,o:.d order which was read at length: DO1vD UR.:Lh AU'1'tlUL117,1NCi 7.'HE I-OSj11iNCiE Oi' ?2?993.000 SCHO(1T. LGP+D"a Cr TriL. CuUi+TY GF hEVJ ?^AuIOVZF.. 4ticil;nEAS? 'Uhe Cowity isobLrc; of EdUCdtlOT] oi heva fianover Coiu.ty has determined that lt _5 necespary i,0 jJiOV1d6 tl',2 8?1'vil'1.Gi?fi? SChG0l pl3:.ii, 12.Cll1t.125 i17 S8.].d COU.:t)', described in this bond order, so tnat the.public schnms of the CoLnty of Ivew Hanaver may be maintained, as a part or Lhe sysier,, o." pubiic schoois of the State of borth Carolina, foi7 the minii!:um t.erm requi:ed by 'the Coi.stitution of Eori.h Carolina, , and that - it wi7i be i,ecessa.ry t•o e:;f)e..d ivr sv.cit schon, plaiit iaci'ities the sum oi ?2,993?000? t9n aw??lr1itioj, i:o a;:y other moc.eys v,hicn are noi,.! o.^. will oe dyai'able for such purposes; P,E 1T 011D":t_:D bv i_ie noard of Cc; ml?sicnerE of the CowAg o£ i,eva Ha,nover a.s fo'-oti•s: ., ?.7E'c1,101i 1 , iOL!,a,5 Of 'L?,o CO"i7i.iy v: i.CV? YiAIlOVeP aie hereby 8LIti1(JI:i.LEC7 3I7d °hdll be issued pursuar_t to Tr_e C.oui.ty ri._ancF Act of ,,urt;h Careiiiia to fi:iance the cost Of i;tld SCi`1G0' }i'8.aiv '1aci'1f:::E: Ot'.CY'1bEd ].ii SfCG1Ui+ 2 OL i.ri1S nond erder. ihF. 7uo.i;1IDLii7 atgre€ate principa, amoui,t, of oa_id hor:ds sh^ll be Ttivo 1ui'lion N'ine iiundred and Ninet?- three Tho•:zsand Do'n.rs (?2?;'3.000). Section 2. !he school faci.lities to be iir.anced by the isska7ice of said bonds shall cons-ist oi tnE ei•ectior, o; rLev; baildings and tiie erection of additioi;s to and alterai:ior. vf or recor:structioci vf eYistir;g builiiiiigs ar:d the acquisition and insta'lat5.on of equipment required for such buildings or, -dditions ar,d the acquisition of ?arid needed ior such purposes, iii order to providc- school houses, scnool garages, ptlj'S1C2' educatioii S11d VOCHt1GI13,1 C'dllCatlOri uUi.t'iiirigS; i13i:C1'1 ToOIiiS aI10 OtI1EI' =cnuul plaiit, facilities needed for t},s schoo-'a in said Cour:ty, vahich sha, l inclaae but si1aii iio'u oe iimitea to, tne tollowing scnoo?s: (') i4ev, Hai:over Cour_ty iii€h School; (2) Sw.set Park_ Eleinentary Schooi;(3) Gdru'ir_a Beach School; (4) N!ri.ghtsvil?e-BraalEy Greek arra ochool ; (5) SoYiool in tne &?ca brtweeii';v_. ter ?ark L.r_d Hi?!liway 7'7; (6) Forest Hi' -- s ScYtooi ;(7) Wrightsboro Sc7ioo" ;(8) udasni.t,g tort Cat, ei,t Schoo't ;(G) Hemenway Schooi ; 00) Tileston Schooi; (11 ) 4iilliam iioope: School ; 02) Chestteut Stree+ Schooi; (13) ?pke r orsst 5choo? ;(i 4) ilIaffitt Vi" laee Sc.hooi iur inhite chi' dren; (15) VJil 1 istor; Junior Hipn School ; (16) Seni.or Fiigh 5cncol for ;iegro children• i?7) Wil 'isto.i ri?:.r.:ary Schooi? (l &) Peatody Scnuol ; (19) Peab4dy Annex Schooi, and (20j.14dfi'itt Vi„a@e Scnooi for negro ciI'_1 0, 2.1 6 n. I '32s &ieeting of i,ia: cii 24, '9 j? 1 contiriized. Sect;ion 3. Ttic. Eoarcl of Gori?iE?sior.Ers has ascertaitied and hereby dFtermines that it is t.ecessdry to provide sucr: adcli tioria,l scnool plant faci? s describad :in tnis bond order so tY.at s?'..c? Ccuiat;,, may ,;;uintain public schools in said CouT.tyy as ar adr,.i;iisirai;ive agenc}- of +ile public school syster„ of the State of i+orth Carolina, ior the mi;,imtun teri,, required b?the Coristitution of iiorth Carolii,a? and that it viill be necessaiy to ?xpc,.u for sucil school plRi:t facilities the sun. hereinbefore appronriated ihereto, i;z addition to other mor.eys availab,e therefor. Secti.on 4. Atax suificient to pay the pi?inciual of arld ii,terest ori said bon:l5 ?vnei. due shall be a. riually lcvied and collected. Sec{;ion 5., a statement of the Ca.ui.ty debt of the Cousity of i.eva Hazlover has been filed with the Clerk of the Boar.d of Cor.,missioners ol' said Ccunty and is open to public ir.spectioii. Sectior. 6. This bond orde't shall take e?fecY, wlien 2pproved b,y the voters of the County at an ?-lection as provided iri sdid Act. ?:r. Thursten C. 7avis mioved that Ttie borid order be approved aila that a pizblic hearing thereon shd., l be held oi, the ']th da,y oS rlpri., ? ' 95? ? at 10:00 0' clock in the forenoon at the reEular :neeti.ng roo,;-, cf ttte Boarcl of Co::.,nissioxiers at the Court House in ? - Z"diln;ir.pton, iiorth Carulir.a, dnd ihat the C•erk of the 3card of Commissior,ers be directed to publi.5r: the Uor.d orcia:r .,!it:; a i:ot;ce oi hea^ing in the form prescribed by lai,.,. ihe r.:ot;.o.. v).s secoi.ded 15? ::.r. Jas. 1-, . Fall z.iid was iII".animouSly adupted. Ivr.r. Claud 'u'Shields uoveo t.hai; the Cov.r.ty ruditor be designated as the oif'icer to file v».'ti? the C?erit of i:tiie Loaz•d the si,ater:er?t of debt vrh:icti must be f?led urzder 3•iie Coui.ty F;r,as,ce nct., pi•ior to the li-?eaTir,g oi, the bonca order. .The r.,ution was seconded ? hy ivir. ?:al j. L,ove ac.d vras ur.ar,ir,iously adopted. ?Q Upon motio: of I-;ir. 0'5hield?, secuc.ded by ,?:ir. 7?otre, the Board approved payment of ?'37.50 ? ?? V CouiLt,y s proportinnai;t part per mor;i:h 'b'o the Ar.;erican Car.cer Soci.ety for incurable cases, Lumbzrton,.N.C?, for..cars and treacn;eiit ol' a patient sufferin€ v;ith cancer. I,o objections vaere indicdi,ed Uy the Board 1.o the applications for State'p6rmit,to seli b?er n,ade by F..?.Daughtry, 4107 Oleander I'irive ai,d B.:t.Tucxer, -32 ?akF Park Boulevard. Jpon motioit of P;ir. I:ove, secoi,de3 b? lVir. Ha1_19 the Board adopted the recarai,endatioii of the CemmitCee to place the EL1 Pt. of lot 5, in block 338 or, the i;dr, free list in thF uame of Ssther B. Hdle, Trustee of the Gospei Ligh rviission i.n coiisideratioi, of its use in connPCi,ion with 'rier rel.igious work. and tYje t.,yes for ttie years 1950 and i95i werB orae:red abated. • qi,o oojections rvere raised by the Board i.o tiie iTni.trd Stai,es District Fijgineer granting oY?' the Towii of Iiure Beach permission to construct a sev;er outfa?l -iine in the Cape Fear River at the end oi ever,ue "H" o.t Eure Beach. The Chairtrian reported a very success£u' neztir:6 of the -Thi-!'d District meeti.ng of the Sta.te Associatioi, of Gburity Cor.missioriers a;t r'ayeLtevilie, F.arch i9Ch. 'Jpoit motiol, of Lr, Toae, seconde6 by ;,.v. Dpvis? Cot-i.ty biils Pio.817, to 84-19 were A,' appi,oved ioi nayment. Tne meeti::g tiler, 3G,jGUPiIEd. ?_?l. ------ - C, erk. Wilmingtong N. C., March 319 1952• The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: Addlson Hewlett, Chairmai:, Jas. M. Ha'l, C?sud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, County Attorney Marsder. Be]lamy ar,d Cour.ty Auditor C.F.Smith. ? A de'!egatioi. of approximately 150 residents and property owners of Piinter Park appeared- to oppose the establishment of a truck lar?e through 46th Street iri Winter Park which is ir.cluded in a proposal presexited to the Board March 24, by Mr. W.E.Sissons on behalf of the Petro?eum Haulers Committee. The meeting was he'fd in the Superior Court Room. Before hearing the de'+egation &Ir. Sen McDonald ii:formed the Board that the City Council recer.tly indicated that they-would give cor,sideratior: toward furnishing equipment for a strong room for menta, cases. The same was referred to Mr. Tove to look into. Attorneys R. S. McClellat:d .).nd Vd.K.Rhodes appeared for the petitior,ers, and Attoiney G.C.Ricir:tire presented and read the petition signed by '141 property ovaners ar.d resldents of VYinter Park who registered their protest against such a truck lane"through fiiinter Park for the reasons- It would-er.darger the lives of the 500 or more pupii.s who attend the Winter Park school , a gr•eat many of said pupi"s use some of the stieets and roads over which the proposed truck lane crosses ir, view of the fact there are practically no sidevealks. - The proposed truck ?ar:e would pass directiy in front of one church ar.d within a block of the other two churches. - As the oi'+ trucks operate on Sundays as _well as week days wouid be disturbing to the church worshipcrs as-we•l as making it virtua"ly impossibie for residents of both_sides of said proposed truck lane to _ rest and sleep at-night with trucks operating at a„ hours of the night. - The Community_1s without fire protectior. and we_fee" it wou'ld be urQust to'subject the Commuriity with the extra hazzards that would fol'!ow the establishment of a truck lane trans.porting such highly inPammablc materials and as said trucks duc to their width make it very hazardous in meeting or passing other trucks. Therefore the pctitioners Peet the continued growth of the comtnunity should not be retarded ard the peace and happiness of its citi2end disturbed, and earnestty and vigorousiy protest the . establishment of a truck land through Winter Park.