HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-03-31 Regular Meeting'32s
&ieeting of i,ia: cii 24, '9 j? 1 contiriized.
Sect;ion 3. Ttic. Eoarcl of Gori?iE?sior.Ers has ascertaitied and hereby dFtermines
that it is t.ecessdry to provide sucr: adcli tioria,l scnool plant faci? s describad
:in tnis bond order so tY.at s?'..c? Ccuiat;,, may ,;;uintain public schools in said CouT.tyy
as ar adr,.i;iisirai;ive agenc}- of +ile public school syster„ of the State of i+orth Carolina,
ior the mi;,imtun teri,, required b?the Coristitution of iiorth Carolii,a? and that it viill
be necessaiy to ?xpc,.u for sucil school plRi:t facilities the sun. hereinbefore
appronriated ihereto, i;z addition to other mor.eys availab,e therefor.
Secti.on 4. Atax suificient to pay the pi?inciual of arld ii,terest ori said bon:l5
?vnei. due shall be a. riually lcvied and collected.
Sec{;ion 5., a statement of the Ca.ui.ty debt of the Cousity of i.eva Hazlover has
been filed with the Clerk of the Boar.d of Cor.,missioners ol' said Ccunty and is open
to public ir.spectioii.
Sectior. 6. This bond orde't shall take e?fecY, wlien 2pproved b,y the voters
of the County at an ?-lection as provided iri sdid Act.
?:r. Thursten C. 7avis mioved that Ttie borid order be approved aila that a pizblic hearing
thereon shd., l be held oi, the ']th da,y oS rlpri., ? ' 95? ? at 10:00 0' clock in the forenoon
at the reEular :neeti.ng roo,;-, cf ttte Boarcl of Co::.,nissioxiers at the Court House in
? - Z"diln;ir.pton, iiorth Carulir.a, dnd ihat the C•erk of the 3card of Commissior,ers be
directed to publi.5r: the Uor.d orcia:r .,!it:; a i:ot;ce oi hea^ing in the form prescribed
by lai,.,.
ihe r.:ot;.o.. v).s secoi.ded 15? ::.r. Jas. 1-, . Fall z.iid was iII".animouSly adupted.
Ivr.r. Claud 'u'Shields uoveo t.hai; the Cov.r.ty ruditor be designated as the oif'icer
to file v».'ti? the C?erit of i:tiie Loaz•d the si,ater:er?t of debt vrh:icti must be f?led urzder
3•iie Coui.ty F;r,as,ce nct., pi•ior to the li-?eaTir,g oi, the bonca order. .The r.,ution was seconded
? hy ivir. ?:al j. L,ove ac.d vras ur.ar,ir,iously adopted.
?Q Upon motio: of I-;ir. 0'5hield?, secuc.ded by ,?:ir. 7?otre, the Board approved payment of ?'37.50
? ?? V CouiLt,y s proportinnai;t part per mor;i:h 'b'o the Ar.;erican Car.cer Soci.ety for incurable cases,
Lumbzrton,.N.C?, for..cars and treacn;eiit ol' a patient sufferin€ v;ith cancer.
I,o objections vaere indicdi,ed Uy the Board 1.o the applications for State'p6rmit,to seli
b?er n,ade by F..?.Daughtry, 4107 Oleander I'irive ai,d B.:t.Tucxer, -32 ?akF Park Boulevard.
Jpon motioit of P;ir. I:ove, secoi,de3 b? lVir. Ha1_19 the Board adopted the recarai,endatioii of the
CemmitCee to place the EL1 Pt. of lot 5, in block 338 or, the i;dr, free list in thF uame of
Ssther B. Hdle, Trustee of the Gospei Ligh rviission i.n coiisideratioi, of its use in
connPCi,ion with 'rier rel.igious work. and tYje t.,yes for ttie years 1950 and i95i
werB orae:red abated. •
qi,o oojections rvere raised by the Board i.o tiie iTni.trd Stai,es District Fijgineer granting
oY?' the Towii of Iiure Beach permission to construct a sev;er outfa?l -iine in the Cape Fear
River at the end oi ever,ue "H" o.t Eure Beach.
The Chairtrian reported a very success£u' neztir:6 of the -Thi-!'d District meeti.ng of the
Sta.te Associatioi, of Gburity Cor.missioriers a;t r'ayeLtevilie, F.arch i9Ch.
'Jpoit motiol, of Lr, Toae, seconde6 by ;,.v. Dpvis? Cot-i.ty biils Pio.817, to 84-19 were
A,' appi,oved ioi nayment.
Tne meeti::g tiler, 3G,jGUPiIEd.
?_?l. ------ - C, erk.
Wilmingtong N. C., March 319 1952•
The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 10:00 o'clock A. M.
Present: Addlson Hewlett, Chairmai:, Jas. M. Ha'l, C?sud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis,
Hal J. Love, County Attorney Marsder. Be]lamy ar,d Cour.ty Auditor C.F.Smith. ?
A de'!egatioi. of approximately 150 residents and property owners of Piinter Park appeared-
to oppose the establishment of a truck lar?e through 46th Street iri Winter Park which is
ir.cluded in a proposal presexited to the Board March 24, by Mr. W.E.Sissons on behalf of
the Petro?eum Haulers Committee. The meeting was he'fd in the Superior Court Room.
Before hearing the de'+egation &Ir. Sen McDonald ii:formed the Board that the City Council
recer.tly indicated that they-would give cor,sideratior: toward furnishing equipment for a
strong room for menta, cases. The same was referred to Mr. Tove to look into.
Attorneys R. S. McClellat:d .).nd Vd.K.Rhodes appeared for the petitior,ers, and Attoiney
G.C.Ricir:tire presented and read the petition signed by '141 property ovaners ar.d resldents
of VYinter Park who registered their protest against such a truck lane"through fiiinter Park
for the reasons- It would-er.darger the lives of the 500 or more pupii.s who attend the
Winter Park school , a gr•eat many of said pupi"s use some of the stieets and roads over
which the proposed truck lane crosses ir, view of the fact there are practically no
sidevealks. - The proposed truck ?ar:e would pass directiy in front of one church ar.d
within a block of the other two churches. - As the oi'+ trucks operate on Sundays as
_well as week days wouid be disturbing to the church worshipcrs as-we•l as making
it virtua"ly impossibie for residents of both_sides of said proposed truck lane to
_ rest and sleep at-night with trucks operating at a„ hours of the night. - The
Community_1s without fire protectior. and we_fee" it wou'ld be urQust to'subject the
Commuriity with the extra hazzards that would fol'!ow the establishment of a truck lane
trans.porting such highly inPammablc materials and as said trucks duc to their width
make it very hazardous in meeting or passing other trucks. Therefore the pctitioners
Peet the continued growth of the comtnunity should not be retarded ard the peace and
happiness of its citi2end disturbed, and earnestty and vigorousiy protest the .
establishment of a truck land through Winter Park.
' Meeting of March 3', 1952, continued.
Mr. B. H. Sridgers, Chairman of a City Counci• Committee or. Truck Transportation of
InP±t;anmable LHateria"s, submitted a copy of his report recommending the 46th Street
C? route through NBinter Park and spoke at ?ength in support of same.
? After further ler.gthy discussion Mr. Davis moved that we do not approve the truck '+ane
proposai in its present form. His motior. was seconded by Mr. Hali and unanimously carried.
A petition of 25 property owners and residents of the easterr: section of the Gorden Road
and Market.Street road near the Sever. Mi'le Post asking for drag'line drainage of a 40 to 50
acre Cypress pond in that section to e•iminate a terrible mosquito menace, was preser?ted
..? by Mr. R.Pt.Austinj Jr., and upor. motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Hali, the Board
voted to accept the petition ancl grant the re'lief requested as soon as practica". Bug Gum
Branch ir, that sectione+ou'vd_a'so be ber.efited by this improvement to the drainage.
they Works
which Iron
r 1?A` fo?195?t taxes f on r a va?uatio n of d ?JaSb000r00 H machinery Braodfoot
c?sim was g sond e and moved
, away ir: October ?950, upon',furnishing an affidavit to that effect.
A report of the Wilffiington Public *ibrary for Febrizary, and Cour,ty ElectricaT Inspector's
??rS reports for January and February were received and-fi'+ed.
??,?s?Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Ha'l, Harry Worsley, County Indiger.t,recent ieg
?,W' amputation , was granted admission to the Coui:ty Home on recommendation of the Supt.jof
.-?P_/ Publ ic We'+fare.
? Upon motiont duly seconded, J.S.Harriss was granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of
$1,080.00, lots 2/3/4/5/ Centrai Division Caro'lina Be&ch charged against him in error. And
on recommendation of the Tax Assessors who investigated the same and reported that there are
no such '+ots. The same were ordered cancelled on the tax records.
V?(J A report of the Count Fireman for March was received amd fiied.
? A petitioii signed by thirteen property oevners on State Form R,10- requesting hardsurfacing
Stokley's Drive, fiarnett Township, which runs from 600 feet west of Babies' Hospitai at
?h Wrightsvi'?e Sound; thence southwestwardly to the new PJrightsnille Highway at a point about
400 Peet southward"q fron Wrightsville Station, on which five houses are located, was upon
motion of hir. 0'ShieTds, seconded by Ir,r. Davis, approved ai.d referred to the Third Division
State Highway Commissioaer for consideration.
Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Yir. 0'Shields, hir. Rs.Sq.=Leonard, 248 Vance Street,
?Maffitt V17lage, Masonboro township, was granted an abatemer:t of po?i taxes for the year
y 17951, upon presentation of his tax receipt showing that he paid poll taxes in Swain County
for the year 1951. Receipt No. 302 dated 3anuary 28, 1952.
Upon motion of Tdr. 0'Shiclds, seconded by h,r. Davis, C.S.I,ewis_et a1 Trustees of the
? Winter Park Cemetery Company were granted a:: abatemer,t oP taxes o,i a va"uation of $125.00
assessment-on lot Homeland Heights for the years 1948 through ?951, and the same ordered
put on the tax free list account of being owned and used exc?usively for community cemetery
' A request of Community Hospital that $3,210.00 each by the City and County be made available
for the hospita-I laundry was referred to Mr. I,ove to confer with the City.
The fo1.'+owing good ar.d ?awfui persons vaere drav:n to serve as jurors ir the Superior Court
?for the triai oi Civil cases for the two weeks term begir:ning Aprii 14t 1952:
E.?.Robbins, 2507 Washington St.
Isaac Shain, 46 Co'lonia'+ Apts.
W.C.Scoggins, i909 Castle St.
J.C.Reaves,Jr., 1020 S. 6th St.
T.C.Gurganous, Rt.29 Box 200A.
E.C.Ruark, Jr.t 10 Keaton Ave.
S.G.Iii'll, 226 Caihoun Dr. M.V.
llurs. Mary W. Shepard, 57.$ Prinxess St.
R.H.Saundersq 204 Brookwomd.
W.F.Russali, 309 9Vright St.
K. Raynor,Jr., 820 Dock Sf.
Chas E. Merrittt 4151 N. 4th St.
G.A.Defee 22-H, IVesbitt Ct.
C.L.Davis, 10 Ct. G, Lake ForBst
Peter B. Saffo, 320 Red Cross St. '
W17.iiam Rosemann, 14 S. 15th St.
A .b:.Sel 1 9 11 " Keaton Ave.
T.A.Rivenbark, 707 S. 3rd St.
T. .Rowel+, 2-17 S. l7th St. .
P.D.Piner, Rt.2, Box 289B•
J.R.Merritt, 32-f S. 6th St.
V. Hivkman, Rt.2, Box 3"B.
Horace M. Scott,2406 Chestnut St.
Albert S. Simon, 312 Wrightsvi,,e Ave.
B6rs. H.1-.Leggett, Box 12, Caroliria Beach.
b;rs. Lela G. Saunders, 226 N. 23rd S'U.
S.F.Saunders, '113 hieares St.
Stephen W. Rodgers, 304 S. i5th St.
J.C.Ruark, '1217 b9,,rket St.
L•.H.RouselSr.9 606 Queen St.
T.O.Wa?kerqSr.q 104 Virginia Ave.
C.S.SeiiersqJr., 21 ?ake Forest
Thomas Salmon, Sr., 2010 Princess St.
John C. Scott, 3'14 N. 5th St.
W.C.Russ, 410 S. 17th St.
Zeb R. Bradshaw, 2525 Harrison 5t.
W.P.Sammons, 313 N. 2'st St.
Dorothy V. Rockmere, ?608 Dock &t.
J.M.Sharp, 807 Orange St.. _
Jos. P. Rus, 202 Keaton Ave.
J.VJ.Roberts, 5 Spofford bti'lls.
Chris Rongotes, 3834 S. Front•St.
Mrs. Julia Seigler, "0 Barder: Ave.
W.H.Humphrey, 233 Brookwood Ave.
W.L.Schutt, 306 ;.. 14th St.
n4i'ma L. 5e1_lers, 1716 Ann St.
S. Warren S2unders, 1320 Grace St.
bi.?0,.IS7cDonald, 9'9 N. 3rd St.
John C. Sawiders, C 25•
O.G.Saniord, 16 Hudson Drine.
Second Week-
Cahs T. Justice, Rt.1, Box 120.
Geo.C.Jackson, 18 Reaton Ave.
W.R.Taylor, P.O.Box 432.
R.R.Taylor, 11 N. 7th St. .
Jas F. Tidetve,i, '19 Spofford.
-Robt H. Tate, Peoples Sav. Bank.
B.R.Tyler, 1219 S. 3rd St.
Perry H. Sheppard,Jr., 106 Castle St.
R.E.Tapp, 1920 Princess St.
h'47lie 1. Tatum, 211 Red Cross St.
H.E.Johason, 2850 D. Adams St.
Geo. Taiman, 919 S. 2nd St.
G.T.Gay, 12! Spofford Milis
R.H.Orre'll 139 Colonial Ave.
Aivin H. Johi:son, !406 Grace St.
Johnnie Gurgai.ousq 909 N. 3rd, St
h1.L.Tatlock, 2022 Kiein Road.
S.P.Sykes, 1017 S. 4th St.
Meeting of March 31, T952 continued.
!.W.Swinson, 1514 Dock St.
G.T.Thomas, 803 S. 4th St.
D.D.Sloan, 21 S. 9th St.
A.R.Russeil, 2008 Brandon "Road.
Staniey L. Stater, 2105 Braridon Road.
Louis E. Straughan, 2671-B Jefferson St.
Richard W. Turner, '7705 Ann St.
G.C.&choaff, '1702 Orange St.
W.C.Carter, Rt.l9 Cast've Hayne.
G rove,U2zeil?Jr., 3*13 Davie Drive.
C.E.&impsontJr.0 P.O.Box 900.
M.C.Shipman, 309 N. "Ith St.
W.D.Seliers, 115 S. 7th St.
Louis N. Creech, 1*14 Niarsteiler St.
A"bert L. 5humaker, 207 Walnut St.
R.C.Towies, 5'8 S. Front St.
The meeting then ad3ourned.
Jacob Swartt P.O.Box 14.
T.R.Tuten, i6-L Ivesbitt Court.
F.O.Taylor? 216 N. 9th St.
Les].ie Wade Sikes, 604 Queen St.
A.M.Sholar,8r., 2712 Monroe St.
Eugene M. Blackrovood, 307 Wi'llard St.
Grady F. Rogers, 27"i Monroe St.
Austin J. Baker, 7 Take Forest Parkvray.
H.N.Shumpert, 104 N. 23rd St.
Harry J. Burr, 2'+03 Cressy Ave.
Max R. Robb3ns, 403 N. 21st St.
Louis W. Shrier 1509 Grace St.
W.H.Sykes, 00 9. 4th St.
D.T.Odam, Rt.31 Box 50AA.
R.M.Roberts, '12, S. i5th St.
A.NF.5ldbury, Sr., 815 Orange St.
YYi"mington, N. C., April 7, 1952•
The regu'lar weekly meeting of the Board was he-ld at 10:00 o'c-vock A.M._
Present: Addison Hewiett, Chairman, Jas. M. Hallq Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis,
Hal J. Love and Courity Attorney b;arsden Bel'!amy.
?,A request of 2?r. John Fox, President of the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, for an
U,Mx^ appropriation of $500.00 for Chamber of Commerce Agricu'+tura" Show, was upon motion
of Nir. Davis, seconded by b?r. Love granted.
? At the hour of 1.0:00 o'clock, A. n9., the Chairman ca'led attention to the r.otice
of hearing published with the bond order introduced at the meeting of March 24, 1952.
Thurston C. Davis moved that tha Board proceed to ho"d a public hearing or. the
?a? bond order. The motion was seconded by C7aud 0'Shiea..ds and was unai.imously adopted.
? The Chairman then announced that the Board woul.d proceed with the hearing 3nd at
r? his request the Clerk read the bond order entitled "Bond Order authorizing the issuance
of $2,993•000 School Bonds of the County of New Hanover'", and the notice of hearing
? thereon as published on March 26, 1952 in the "NTilmington Star-News". No one asked
to be heard with respect to the bond order. A motion made by Jas.N.Hail and seconded
by Hal J. Love that the hearing be closed , was thereupon unanimously edopted.
? Hal J. Love moved the bond order ei;tit].ed "Bond Order authorizing the issuance
of ?2,993,000 school Bonds of the County of I,ew Hanover", introduced at the meeting
r' heid on March 24, 19529 be adopted without change or amendment. The motioz: was
seconded by Thurston C. Davis at;d was unai.imousiy adopted. The Clerk was directed
to publish the bond order with notice of its adoption in the form prescribed by 'taw.
?.? Claud 0'&hields moved the adoption of the following resolutior, which was read at
_?e iength to the Board.
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has adopted the bond order hereinafter described
authori.zing the issuance of bonds, and such bond order and the indebtedness to be incurred
by the issuance of such bonds, shou-Id be submitted to the voters of the County of New
Hanover for their approval or disapproval, iri order to comp'+y with the Constitution ar;d
Laws of North Carolina; IvOW THEHEFORE,
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, as foliows:
a '-
Section '1 . A specia-v ei ection shal " be he-ld ir. the County of New Ranover on May 311
l952, for the purpose of submittir.g to the qualified voters of said County, for their
approval or disapproval, the bond order dbscribed in the notice hereinafter eet forth
and also the indebtedness to be irsurred by the issuance of the bonds authorized by such .
bond order. -
Section 2. The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed
to publish a notice of said e'lection in substantiai"y the fo?lowing forms
? NOTICE IS HEItEBY GIVETJ that a SPECIAL FsLECTION wil" be heid in the County of
New Hanover, North Carol.ina, on May 3"t 1952, for the purpose of submitting to the
quaiified voters of said County, the following proposition :
?.- Shall the qualified voters of the Coiu;ty of Ir"ew Harover approve the bond order
er:titted ^Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $2,993,000 School Bonds-of the County
of New Hariover°1, whieh was adopted by the Board of Cornmissioners on Apri.l 7, 1952, and
which authorizes bonds of the County of new Hai:over of the maximum aggregate principal