1952-04-07 Regular MeetingI 328 Meeting of March 31, T952 continued. !.W.Swinson, 1514 Dock St. G.T.Thomas, 803 S. 4th St. D.D.Sloan, 21 S. 9th St. A.R.Russeil, 2008 Brandon "Road. Staniey L. Stater, 2105 Braridon Road. Louis E. Straughan, 2671-B Jefferson St. Richard W. Turner, '7705 Ann St. G.C.&choaff, '1702 Orange St. W.C.Carter, Rt.l9 Cast've Hayne. G rove,U2zeil?Jr., 3*13 Davie Drive. C.E.&impsontJr.0 P.O.Box 900. M.C.Shipman, 309 N. "Ith St. W.D.Seliers, 115 S. 7th St. Louis N. Creech, 1*14 Niarsteiler St. A"bert L. 5humaker, 207 Walnut St. R.C.Towies, 5'8 S. Front St. The meeting then ad3ourned. C"erk. Jacob Swartt P.O.Box 14. T.R.Tuten, i6-L Ivesbitt Court. F.O.Taylor? 216 N. 9th St. Les].ie Wade Sikes, 604 Queen St. A.M.Sholar,8r., 2712 Monroe St. Eugene M. Blackrovood, 307 Wi'llard St. Grady F. Rogers, 27"i Monroe St. Austin J. Baker, 7 Take Forest Parkvray. H.N.Shumpert, 104 N. 23rd St. Harry J. Burr, 2'+03 Cressy Ave. Max R. Robb3ns, 403 N. 21st St. Louis W. Shrier 1509 Grace St. W.H.Sykes, 00 9. 4th St. D.T.Odam, Rt.31 Box 50AA. R.M.Roberts, '12, S. i5th St. A.NF.5ldbury, Sr., 815 Orange St. YYi"mington, N. C., April 7, 1952• The regu'lar weekly meeting of the Board was he-ld at 10:00 o'c-vock A.M._ Present: Addison Hewiett, Chairman, Jas. M. Hallq Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love and Courity Attorney b;arsden Bel'!amy. ?,A request of 2?r. John Fox, President of the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, for an U,Mx^ appropriation of $500.00 for Chamber of Commerce Agricu'+tura" Show, was upon motion of Nir. Davis, seconded by b?r. Love granted. ? At the hour of 1.0:00 o'clock, A. n9., the Chairman ca'led attention to the r.otice of hearing published with the bond order introduced at the meeting of March 24, 1952. ? Thurston C. Davis moved that tha Board proceed to ho"d a public hearing or. the ?a? bond order. The motion was seconded by C7aud 0'Shiea..ds and was unai.imously adopted. ? The Chairman then announced that the Board woul.d proceed with the hearing 3nd at r? his request the Clerk read the bond order entitled "Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $2,993•000 School Bonds of the County of New Hanover'", and the notice of hearing ? thereon as published on March 26, 1952 in the "NTilmington Star-News". No one asked to be heard with respect to the bond order. A motion made by Jas.N.Hail and seconded by Hal J. Love that the hearing be closed , was thereupon unanimously edopted. ? Hal J. Love moved the bond order ei;tit].ed "Bond Order authorizing the issuance of ?2,993,000 school Bonds of the County of I,ew Hanover", introduced at the meeting r' heid on March 24, 19529 be adopted without change or amendment. The motioz: was seconded by Thurston C. Davis at;d was unai.imousiy adopted. The Clerk was directed to publish the bond order with notice of its adoption in the form prescribed by 'taw. ?.? Claud 0'&hields moved the adoption of the following resolutior, which was read at _?e iength to the Board. WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has adopted the bond order hereinafter described authori.zing the issuance of bonds, and such bond order and the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of such bonds, shou-Id be submitted to the voters of the County of New Hanover for their approval or disapproval, iri order to comp'+y with the Constitution ar;d Laws of North Carolina; IvOW THEHEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, as foliows: t a '- Section '1 . A specia-v ei ection shal " be he-ld ir. the County of New Ranover on May 311 l952, for the purpose of submittir.g to the qualified voters of said County, for their approval or disapproval, the bond order dbscribed in the notice hereinafter eet forth and also the indebtedness to be irsurred by the issuance of the bonds authorized by such . bond order. - Section 2. The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice of said e'lection in substantiai"y the fo?lowing forms COifi,TY OF NEW HAIVOVER. NORTH CkRO* INA . ?OTIM;OF SPECIAI• ET,ECTION ? NOTICE IS HEItEBY GIVETJ that a SPECIAL FsLECTION wil" be heid in the County of New Hanover, North Carol.ina, on May 3"t 1952, for the purpose of submitting to the quaiified voters of said County, the following proposition : ?.- Shall the qualified voters of the Coiu;ty of Ir"ew Harover approve the bond order er:titted ^Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $2,993,000 School Bonds-of the County of New Hariover°1, whieh was adopted by the Board of Cornmissioners on Apri.l 7, 1952, and which authorizes bonds of the County of new Hai:over of the maximum aggregate principal , 32kc B@eeting of April 7, 19529 coc.tinued. a mount of $2,993•000 to finance the cost of the erection of rew builciings and the erection of additj.ons to and alteration of or reconstruction of existing bui"dings and the acquisition and instal+ation of equipm?cit required for such bui?dings or additions ar.d the acquisition o£ 'and needed for such purposesl in order to provide schoo" houses, school garages, physica+ education and vocationat education bui'idingss lur.ch rooms aiid other similar school p;ar:t faci'lities needed for the schools in said County, vrhich shat* ir=clude but shalT no,t be 'timited to, the fo*+owing schoois: (1) hew Hanover Countq High School (2) Sunset Park Eierrjentar`y Schooi; (3) Carolina Beach Schoot; (4) Wrightsvivie-Bradley Creek Area School,; (5) School ir; the area between Winter Park and Hi hway 17; (6) Forest Hi'tls Schooi; (7) VJrightsboro School; ($) yVashington Catiett Schooi; (95 Hemenwa School; (?0) TI'+eston School; (ii) 9r1l'+iam Hooper School ;(i2) Chestnut Street 9chooT; (i3}? Take Forest Schooi• (14) Maffitt VilTage School for white chi"dren; (15) lfifi„fston Jtu,ior High School,, (19) Senior High Schooi•for negro children; (17) Wil'Tiston Primary Schoolg, 08) Peabody S,chooi; (iq) Peabody Annex Schooig and (20) M2ffitt Villsge School for negro children, and a'+so authorizes the isvy of an annua'+ tax suPficier,t to pay the prir.cipal of and interest on the bonds authorized thereby; and approve the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of said bonds? ?11? The polls for the election wi"v -?1?'?i at the hour of 6: , open at the hour of 6:30 o'cTOCk, A. M., and wi++ close\ 30 oTclock, P.h?.., Eastern•Standard Time. The election wili be held at the , same pollinp places at which the last e^ection was helci in New Hai.over County for the election of inembers of the Genera, Assemb±y. The Reglstratior, Books shall be opened for the registx-ation of voters at 9:00 o'c"ock, ° A. M., on Saturday, May 3, '1952, ar.d shall be c• osed at sur;set on Saturday ? Maq 17, 1952. . ? u110n each day (Sundays excepted) during such period, the Registrar for each eTection precinct ,• 6'-/in the County will keep his book open betvieen the hours of 9:00 o'clock, A. M., and sunset for the registration of vo.ters in such election precinct. On each Saturday during such period each iiegistrar will attend at the po+lj,?ng place ir, his eleati,on pr3cinct between the hours ? of 9:00 o'clock, A. M., ac:d sunset for the registration of voters. Sy order of the Board of Commissioners of the Coui:ty of New Har;over. Dated, Apri" 7, 1952, C'erk of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover Cotuity, North Caro'!iiia. Sa,id notice of special election sha", be published three times and there shall be an iritervai of at ?east one week betw•een said pubiicati.ons and the first of said publications shal'+ be not leter than biay "1 1952. Section 3. The poils Por said e,ection shall be opened and closed at the time ai;d at the piaces stated in said notice ar;d electors sttall be registered for said election iii the manner stated in said notice. Section 4. The ballots to be used at said e*ection shaTl be in substant3ally the . • following form: ? (i) To vote "YE&" on any question, make a cross (X) mark in the square to the right of the word "YES". (2) To vote "NO" on any question, make a cross (X) mark in the square to the rig,ht of the word "1:0". (3) If you tear or deface or wror,gly mar.k this ba,"ot, return it and get ar.other. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROPUSITlOn N0. i Shal+ the qualified vo•ters of the County of New Flar:over approve the bond order entitied "Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $21993,000 School Bonds of the County of New Hanover", •••••• which vea.s adopted bp the Foard of Commissioners on Apri? 7, '?9529 and whSch authorizes bonds • • of the County of New Ha::over of the maximum aggregate principal amount of $2,993,000 to ?S • • finance the cost of the erection of nev+ buildings ar.d the erection of sdditions to and •` • alteration of or recbnstruction of exist3ng builoings and the acquisition and installation •••••• of equipment required for such bui'+dings or additions and the acquisition of iand needed for such purposes, in order to provide school, houses, school garages, physical education and vocationai education buildings, lunch rooms and-other similar school plant facilities needed •••••• for the schoo'vs in said County, which shaii ir;clude but shall not be 'Pimited to; the fo'viowing • ? schoota: (T) New Hanover County High Schooi.; (2) Sunset Park Elementary Schooi; (3) Carolina ND • • Beach Schooi; (4) Wrightsvi-i I e-Bradl ey Creek Area 8chooi; (5) Schoo?. in the area between VPinter • • Park aud Highway 17; (6) Forest Hills School; (7) Wrightsboro Schooi; (S) Washington Catlett _••••. • School; (9) Hemenvray Schoot, (,10) Tileston &chool; (11.) VPiiliam Hooper Schooi; 02) Chestnut Street Schooi; 0j) Lake Forest School; (14) Maffitt Vil•age School for white chi'+dren; (15) Wiliiston Junior High School; (16) Senior High Schoo, for negro children; 07) Wi"iston Primary School; 08) Peabody &chool; (l9) Peabody Annex Schoo'll and (20) Maffitt Vil+age SchooT for negro chi+dren, an-d also authorizes the levy of an annual tax sufficient to pay the principal of and ir.terest on the boi:ds authorized thereby; and approve the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of said tronds? (fac-simile si.enature) Chairmar, of the Couz:ty f3oard of Elections of New Har.over Countq, North Caro•ina. The County Board of ETections is hereby requested to print ar,d distribute the,necessary ba,'+ots. Section 5. The County Board of Elections is hereby requested to provlde the registration books, booths, ba•lot boxes and other equipmer:t required for the holding of said e,ection: Ha+ J. Love seconded the motion and the motion was ur,ac:imously adopted. I r3- 30 Meeting of Apri'l 7, 19529 continued. Mr. B. H. Bridgers appeared in connection with the truck route for petroleum, explaini?;g ^ p?a5 hiaroes$tion at 'last weeks meeting and to offer his pian again. Reverend William Crowe appeared, speakir,g as a private citizen, oifered his suggestion that a safe route be found and to call attentiot, to the daT:gerous route now being taken by petroieum carriers. Mr. W.E.Sisson appeared to express his views on the truck route recommended by his committee, and asked that matter be reopened. Mr. Iiall suggested that a new road be built by the State Aighvaay and Pubiic Works ? Commission adequate to carry°the load. Mr. 0'Shields reported on a te'+ephone ? conversation to Mr. Clark at Fayetteville this morning. Thereupon Mr: 0'Shie,ds moved ar.d it eras seconded by Mr. Davi-s and carried that Mr. A. "Wilbur Clark, Third Division - State Highway Commissioner be requested to have'the State Highway Safety Ehgineers make a-survey and study o£ the truck route situation to "the end that some solution mag be reached-. - Reports were received from the County Farm Agent, and County Home Agent for March and • oidered fi•ed. Reports were received from the Veterans' Service Officer ard Bureau of Identification , for Mar and ordered filed. . A report was received from the Back Tax Co,lector showing that $2,063.44 was coilected for the City and $4,485.97 for the County, making a total of $6,549.41 back taxes collected for the mor.th of h7arch. v A request of Mr. C.A.Elliott to purchase County owi,ed lot 11, in block 15, for $175•00 -?? was referred to the Chairman to ascertain a fair price for the same. Upon motion of Mr. 0'Shie'+ds, seconded by Mr. i,ove, the Board agreed to pay half cost for luncheon expense in connection with Armed Forces Day not to exceed a maximum,of $300.00. ?IJo objections were indicated by the Board to the Uriited States District Er.gineer granting permission to Mr. R.B.Merrick, Charlotte, N. C., to construct a pier in the inland waterway at Middle Sound, approximateiy 1000 feet northeast of 'light No."'18. Upon raotion of L4r. Aail, seconded by Mr. Tove, the Board approved a request of Dr.C.B.Davis? \(,County Health Officer, to increase the cost of c?.inic rabies vaccir.ation of dogs at one •t..u ?}1' ($i.00) do, -tar each instead of sever.ty-five. (.75¢) cents as formerly charged, recommended by Dr. Martin Hines, Veterinariar. of the North Caro•ina State Board of Hea•th, as being in . iine with the eMrge in other P;orth Caroliria counties. , A statement.was received £rom the State Department of Pub?ic Welfare advising that SS .$43,,96.38 ti^as sent to this county for the month of March, for O"d Age Assistancet Aid to Dependent Chi,dren, Aid to the permanentiy and totaliy disabled and for Administration,. A copy of the minutes of the Board of Trustees Community Hospita+, meeting of Jai_uary , 16, 1952, was received and filed. A report of the Colored Home Agent for March was received and payment of $10.75 for materials, articles used for demoristrations and office supplies were approved. IIpon motion of Mr. *ove, seconded by a4r. Davisg Hillward Homes Company.was granted ar. J? abatement of $13.95 not listed penalty charged against b"ock 26''Pt=]:.and?.,Iots 22/23/24 in biock "H" Ardmore for the year ?957.• ' Tvo objectioris were indicated by the Board to the app?ication of W.B.Richardson for a State ; permit to sel" beer on the, Castte Hayne Road. A¢ „/ A request of the Election Board for office space vaas`referred to the Chairman. ?.. •• Upon motion of Mr. 0'Shieids, seconded by Mr. Davis, R.P..Turlington was granted ar p`F abatement of taxes ck?arged against lot 69 irL block 15, Carollr,a Beach for 1951 and pri.or _? years, for the rea.son he never owned the said lot and the same vras charged against him in error. The 'lot is owned and listed by Pear, L•. Brachen. _ Letters of appreciation and thanks were received from Mr. A. Wilbur Clark, Third Division State Highway Cocimissioner, and Mr. George R. Ross, Director of the State Department of __:EF?e t1 Conservation and Development, on behalf o4' theix respective departments,for a most pieasar.t week-ei.d etitertainment ascorded them during the Azaie Festival. -? Upon motlon:.of.Nir. 0'Shie"ds) seconded bq Mr. Love, it was ordered by the Board,that in ? the event the County cal.is City Fire Chief J. Ludie Croom to aid in Pighting a fire he sha-.1.1 take command immediatety upon arrival and direct the same. .'k+= ?g Upon motion of. Mr. Davis, I seconded by Mr. 0'Shie?ds, County bi"s I4os. 8420 to 8578,, ineTUSive,were approved for _payment. l 14, + 952? -being a legal holidaY (Easter D?onday) and the date of the next - • ?:S ?' -'? ecw`?{?Mregu?rsonday, r me Aprieting of the Board, a recess was taken ur:til 6:00 o'ciock A.M., Tuesday, k ?? April 15, '952• ,., ,e s4.a??l Cle rk. ? ? a A