1952-04-15 Regular Meeting? 331 _ Wilmington, N. C., Aprit 15, 1952• . Pursuant to recess taken Monday, Apri" 7, 1952, the Board met at '10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: Addison Hewiett, Chairman, Jas. M.'Ha•l, Claud 0'3hie'+ds, Thurston C. Davis, Ha, J. Love and County Attorney hiarsden Bel.lamy. Mrs. T. Christenson again appeared to compiain of a mud-holz in the street in front of 0 ?c her home at 421'+ Park Avenue, YJinter Park. A request for improvements to the rbad= ? 43 3treet, was filed with the Third Div3sion State Highway Commissioner March 3, l952• Mr. G1epn Tucker on beffia.f of the Carolina. Beach Im et Corporation appeared to request the County to appropriate $5,000.00 toward the $15,000.00 cost to dredge an in'+et ii:to Myrt've Grove Sound north of Carolina Beach to restore commercial fishing and to eliminate the now of pol+uted water from the Cape Fear River through Snow's Cut. The Board looked with favor upon the request, but not being abie bo determine $t.this time what unappropriated surplus funds will be avai"vabie for that purpose, agreed, upon motion of Mr. FIait::, seconded by Nr. Davis, to provide anL appropriation to sid in this work in next years budget. It was said that work wou'vd start about June ist, and wou?d ' take about three ...we2ks to complete it. ,4,u'LMr. Hewiett retired from the meeting at this poirit to attend a furieral and Mr. Hail the Vice Chairman .pre'sided. • Mr. L.ove calTed attention to complaints of dumpii=g trash atong the Winter Park-Shipyard ,, Road, which is a violation of a state ?aw ar.d in addition thereto the County has offered ? a reward of $25.00 for evidence ar.d ar•rest leading to the conviction of any person or persons fourid guilty of such ai. offer,se. Upon motion of Mr. 0'Shieids, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Board agreed to pay the expense of approximately C72.00 for partia" upper and lovaer dentures including extractions for ?--1? Eimon Brown recommended by the North Caro'lina State Sanatorium. Approved by the County Attorney. Mr. Brown is a county charge. Vdas in our Saratorium and was transferred to the State Sar,atorium. Upon motion of Lur. Davis$ seconded by I:Er. 0'Shie"dsi Mr. Eugene Pdarkst LSaSontioro.townshi;t was granted an abs.tev,ent of taxes on persona', property arid poi" for the years "950 and 195", as to City taxes on"y. It appeared that Mr. Marks is a resident of D4asonboro Township and , was charged with City taxes ir. error. Upon motlar, of ll4r. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'5hields, the fo"vowing property in Harnett ? township charged against the Estate Corporation was ordered canceiled on statement of ?V} Mr. Lenox G. Cooper that no such property exist or could be located by Mr. J.I,.Becton,C.E. r Also recommended by the Courity Attorney: , •20.5 aeres M.J.Carson $ " Peacock 5 " Pt. Moore. - - l0.2 ° Francis Bil". . . Upon motion of 1r. Davis, seconded by b4r. 01Shiei.ds9 the Board authorized the sale of lot at Seabreeze and lot 13 in b"ock 1)0 YVilmington Beach, bought-in by the County for taxes, to Mrs. Etha L. Murrin at a price of $533.78 which ir:cludes al, taxes ar:d expense ---due the County in conr.ection therewith, to'er.abl.e Mrs. Murrin to redeem the said property. f And the Chairman and ths C"erk of the Board are hereby authorized ar.d directed to execute, _ on behalf of the County, a deed conveying the same to b;rs. &Iurrin. City Councilmen E.I..YThiteg Mayor and J.E.L'.Wade and E.S.Capps,Jr., appeared to urge a \ foint City-County study of the truck route'recoramendations submitted by the B.H.Bridgers Committee, and.make recommendations to the State Highway Commission. Ir:asmuch as .;• Mr. A. Wiibur Ciark, Third Division State*Hiphway Commissior:er was requested by the 'County Commissioners at the last meeting, April 7, to have the State Highway Safety Engineers make a survey of the truck route for study, to the end that some solution of the matter may be reachedt no further action was deemed necessary at this time, and . the said actioi: of Apri" 7th stand as passed. • :?.. A request of Mr. R. F. Sheppard representing the Wrightsville Beach L?ons C1ub that v"` • Fireworks Corporation of iaryland be permi.tted to put-on a Fireworks Displaq on Bird ? Island, in connectior: with Lyons Club Convention tSay 26, '1952, was upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, granted subject to approval of the County Attorney. N o obfections were indicated by the Board to Mrs. Frane6s M. Clark and Frank C. Hill making application for a state permit to sel" beer at !8 Board Walk,Carolina Beach ar,d Freeman Beach, Federa' Point Township, respectfuely. A report of Associated Charities for March was received and fi'+ed. ?v.o U •Upor. motion o£ Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Davisg Coui,ty bi,is No. 8579 to 8805 inc., -- '?j?i>were approved for payment. ??J - The meeting then ad3ourned. `. - Clerk. , ?