1952-04-21 Regular Meeting? ? 32 Wi"mington, N. C., April 21, 1952. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was he"d at *10:00 o'ciock N.M. Present: Addison Hewlett, Chairman, Jas. M. Hall, Claud 0'Shiledst Thurston C.Davis, Ha* J. Love and County Attorney Marsden Bellamy. County Fireman Mr. E.G.Burroughs appeared to clarify his position concerning some y misunderstanding with the management of I,egior, Stadium in connection with the part time N services he and his assistant D?r. Robert Aorton are ta render at the Stadium. The Board feeling that it would be best to have a,' perties concerned present postponed the discussion uriti! 10:00 o'clock Wednesday morning at the Stadium.' Mr. Pierre Ma'+lett Ho"mes 69 years of age, sick in the hospitai and about to be ? discharged and no place to go, was upor? motion oF Mr. Hal1, seconded by Mr. Davis, • admitted to the Cour.ty Home on recommendation of Lhe Supt., of.Public Welfare. Two petitions on State Form R-l0, requesting addition of the fo,iowing roads to our h Courty Highway System, for State maintenance, were received and upon motion of Mr. Davis, secoiided by Mr. 0'Shields, approved and referred to the Third Division ?State Highway Commissioner for consideration: , t. i;oad known as Youpon Drive and Cypress Drive, in Masonboro Township, runni.ng y from Commuriity Drive in Greenfield T.ake Estates, for a distanee of 2,840 feet on . ,. which there are 8 houses located. 2. Seagate Cemetery fioad in Harnett Towraship, which runs from US 74/76 to the Cemetery, a distance of approximate)y '1000 feet. Surety bond for John Thomas Rich as a Justice of the Peace, 1n the amount of $1,000.00 with the National Surety Corporation as surety. The said amount having been fixed by. law and the sald bond approved as to form and executior; by the County Attorney, was upon motion accepted by the Board. ? With reference to a communicatior, received from Coior.ei Geo.W.Gillette, E"acecutive Director of the State Ports Authorityt concernir.g the importation of calcium ammonium nitrate 20.5- to the port of 1Ji"mir.rton. Pdo objections were raised by the Board to such importation. rv 0 Upon motion of u4r. Loveg seconded by Rir. Davis, instructions were giver, to,avrite . Col. Roiand C. Brown, US District Engineer to the effect that we re-affirm our action . -T?of April 91 1951, to have hevr Har.over County declared a critica'+ defense housing area, and urge thatr•every effort be made that the same be put into effect as early as possible. ? Upon motior. of ?:r. Davis, seconded by n°r. 0'Shlelds, it was agreeable to the Board for - the Boys Brigade Field to use any f"tood •ights we may have stored that we are not using. Upon motior. of Mr. Davis, seconded ty Mr. Hal', the Board authori2ed arad directed the salE of one surplus military airport trailer, 40 feet long, 8 wheels, ?ocated at:.the airpor ,?QI2`on sealed bids to be received unti't 10:00 o'ciock A.M., Monday, May 12., 1952• Bids to ' begih at r;ot_Zess than $800:90:,•and that advertisement be made to that effect. the County Commissioners reserving the right to re3ect an]? and all hids or to accept any bi@ that may appear to the best'interest of the County. ' & Upon motior. of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, the Board approved change orders contract with _G???? Alrport Godley-Hihmnt ard r$$?947400 for nitems rnecthe essary tl'or atheoTraffic Second Bui.'ding•recommended by the Architect. J. A. Jones Electric,-Company, extras for Contro1 Tower and Terminal Buiiding in process of checking bq the A rchitectt approved subject to the approval of the Chairman and hir. H.E.Boyd, Airport Yiama:ger. Upor: motion authority was given to have I,.IC.Boney, Architect, to make a sketch of the concrete mountirig for the Hugh YiacRae Piaque to be erected at Hugh NiacAae Park. f?C A report of the PJi'+mirigtor. Port Commi.ssion for the third quarter ending March 31, '1952t was received and filed. Upon motion of Mr. Ha•l, seconded by bir. Love, Cout.ty bills No. 8806 to 8835 inc.i were ? approvec3 for payment. The meeting then ad3ourned. C'erk. v Wilmington, N. C., Apri? 28, 1952• The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at ?0:00 o'c"ock A. M. Present: Addison Hewlett, Chairu,ar:, Jas. N. Hal"g Clsud 0'Shi+eds, Thurston C. Davis, , Hal J. Love, County Attorney Marsderi Be1'amy ar.d County Auditor C. F. Smith. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, Mrs. Mary Cumr.iing Adams was granted an abatement of tot listed penai ty ,.; ., b1 ock ,#93 for the years ? 946 through 195l, on -'? uJ, property charged in the name of Emma J. Mciear. who he1.d a'life estate in the same, thence to Mrs. Adams after the death of Emma J. McLean March 28, 1945, in accordar.ce with the wi'+i of the 'late W.M.Cumming. hiessrs Roche''te ai;d Hall ffiarket Street Road resider.ts_appeared to comp+ain of a bad drainage ? condition near the intersectior, of the A9arket Street Road and Gorden Road in the vicinity ?-_D?W? of Ogden Grill, ohased by stagnent water ir. a near-by pond. Mr. 0'Shileds suggested that it be put on the ager,da for next drainage work after the Carolina Beach Drainage work has been done. However, during the meantime:the raatter was, upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Hal'+, received for;,ijivestiga&lon;with the drainage crew to see what can be done. ? ,