1952-05-05 Regular Meetingr3t34 Meeting of Apri-i 28, 1952, continued. Ju-tius Padricg, 224D Williamsoii Drive. E.H.Shiver, 80, S. 4th St. Arthur Lewis, 10, Spofford. Edse1 R. Wrightt Wrightsville Sound. J.F.Klein, Rt.'+. J.M.Everett, 522 S. 5th St. J.*..Lamb?Jr., Rt. 2. R.P.Andrews 1371 Forest Hilis Drive. W.E.King, R57 Adams St. S.W.Sanders,Jr., 205* N. i3th St. Wm.J.Gregorys 304 Marste+ler St. Z.V.Hodges, 109 S. 15th St. D.H.Maultsby, Rt.3, Box 52C. ?- Mrs. Varna Bei'le Lowery County Aome Agent,D.D.Baggett, Cour,ty Farm Ager_t and Rebecca L.Halil Coiored Home Agent presented their reports for April which were received and filedp P.C.Teachey, Rt.2, Box 1378 ?,.A.Justice, Rt.l. S.D.Hurst, Jr. 1909 Woolcott Ave. O.J.Atkinson, 3876 Adams St. Fred H. Smith? '14 S. ']th St. C'varence Parker, 245 Wil"iamson Drive. W.H.Grant, Rt.3. Henry C. Cartrett, 522 S. 5th St. E. Haines, 309 Castle St. M. M. Rudo"ph, 2636 Adams St. A"bert M. Kingi 307 h, ?6th St. F.M.McGowan,Jr., Rt. , Box 157A. Allen B. Thomas, i09? Mimosa P1ace. The meeting then aajou'r'nea. C'Terk. Wiln;ington, n.C., It2ay 5, 1952• t? The regular weekly meeting of the Eoard was he?d at ?0:00 o'ciock A. M. Present: Addisor. Hewlett, Chairman, Jas. 11. Ha-, Claud 0'Shie'+ds, Thurston C. Davis, - Q?? .(Vant3 County Attorney b?arsden Bellamy. ? Upon motion of Nr. Halit secoc_ded by uHr. Davis, the Board authorized the purchase of haif page advertisement to appear in the Vacation Edition of the Charlotte Observer Nay 20th 1952, at a cost of $179.20, which ir. the opinior. of the Board wi"i be to the best interest of the County for,advertising itts resources and advantages. A request of Mr. J. T. Lee for an abatement of personal property tax included in the rea, estate tax charged against pa rt of mot '19 (1321X 85`) Summer Hill for the years 1949 ar.d '7950, irz the name of Wm.B.Cheaves he purctased through M.J.Fountain May 8, 1950, together with court cost, was dec?ined on opitiion of the County Attorney that the personav property listed with the real estate is a proper charge and a'lien on the real estate which the Cour.ty Commissioners have no 'vegal right to abate. iie also having been given notice of the The 1952-'1953 Assistance Estimates submitted by the County Weifare Officer for the State Board of Public SYelfare, shoaing the County's proportionate part for Oid Age Assistance `to be $60 135.00; Aid to Deper,der,t Chi-ldren $ 3-1,488.00,and Aid to Partiai and Totally Disabied 18,550.00,was discussed _at lei;gth and upor. motion of IiSr. Davis, seconded by 'Mr. Hall, was tentatively approved in the amounts shoa;n subject to reduction or otherwise change' before final adoption of the Cour;ty's 1952-'953 budget; including Aid to the B'+ ind ir, the amount of Sll,469.00. suit. no objectioc'is were raised by the Board to the app'+icatior_s subr?iitted by.Ivan bIcQuilian ? for a 9tate Permit to sell beer oTi the' Carolina Beach Road, and A.M.Farrell to se"i beer at "Rocks" rederal Point towi,ship. A report of the Cour,ty Fireman for'April vias received az.d fi'+ed. _ Upor, motion of tuir. Davis, seconded by Pdr. 0'Shie'vds, the Board authorized the sa've of ?. p-ry-? County owned 'lot #,5, iri block '+", 1Filmingtoi. Beach to Car', A. E'lliott ard wife Grace E. Eliiott for $300.00. And the Chairman ar,d Clerk of the Board are hereby suthorized and ditected to sign a deed for same in the name of the County. Upon motion, Richard Walkers 7" Dawson 5treet, was granted an abatement of po'+'t taxes g.ccount of doub-le charge, and not '+isted pena'!ty charged against lots 34nd 4 Gideon Heights, Harnett township for,the year 195" brought forward from the preuious year. It appeared that he ? listed personal and poll regular thinking the real estate was inc'luded. Sam Spach, ?1,4 North 4th Street, was abated taxes on a valuation of $3,170.00 persona" arapol" brought forward from dihe previous yearg and charged as not listed. And not listed penaity charged against the NW part of lot 3, in block 323, and lots 7/8/19/20 ir, bloctc 5577 for the year 1951> account of doubie charge. He listed persoria, and po?i regular thinking the real estate was ii•cluded. L. B. BornemaTin was abated taxes on 2.64 acres of lar.d Lot 7.t Pozolts, Harnett townshtp, charged in error for the years 1949, 1950 and 951• The same was so?d to and listed by L.R.Hol.iadaq, Jr., for the year 19499 and J.R.Iiobbs for the year '1950 through 1952• E?Ja.ckson was granted an abatement of not listed pena"ty charged against lot 17, Gideon Heights, Harciett towi=ship for the year 1950 for the reasmn he owns-two'lots '17 and -18, and listed '+ot 18 thinking tot 17 vias inc?uded, but was inadvertently ieft off his list. Heirs of R ,61ams were granted aYi abatement of taxes on a valuation of $1,125•00 charged in error against 'vots 6 to ?4, part of Farm 61 Vzinter Park Gardens for the years 1950 and 195", which he sold to Bryan W. Kim aw 3u"y 26, 1949, and were assessed against Kinlaw for the years -195, and , 952. The ,950 taxes due by Bryan W. Kin'taw were ordered charged to him and he be given notice to that effect, and abated aas'..toL the Hrs. of R.E.VPi,liams. A report of the Bureau of Ider;tification for April was received and fi"ed. . °Upon motion, the -date of I4ay 26, i952s ?0:00 o'clock A.Y., was -fixed by the Board to _.?,?sit as the Board of Equaltzation aiid Review to hear comptaints ori•assessments on rea'+ t?-v estate. And instructior.s were giver, to give notice to thst effect by% pub"icatiori. ?? Surety bond for A.R.Kin@ as a Justice of the Feace, in the amount of $1,000.00 with the &ational Surety Company as surety, the said amount having been fixed by 'law and the Bond approved as to forn and execution by the Cowity Attorney, was accepted by the Board. -I 3 3 s) Meeting of May 5, 1952, continued. Upon motion of Mr. 0'3hieTds, the Socony-Vacuum Oil Companq's 1952 assessment of ? ? $90,080.00 on tank capacity basis of 240,217 Bbls C.37 ¢ per barrei, was reduced to 670 00 t k it $75 8 ' ? , Q . on , an capac y basis of 201.,7 0 Bb ¢ per barrel on account of s C.37 error in the number of barrels charged. An d the same was mad.e retroactive in effect for the year 1951, ar.d a refund of taxes p aid in error oniarvaluation of $14,410.00 for the year 195, was ordered. ' The Chairman brought to the attei.tion the ratter of conperating evith the Sheriff in zi enforcir.g the dog quarantee law at.d sugges ted it would be he'+pful to provide a dog-cart . ar,d tor,gs to take-up stray dogs ar,d provid e a pour=d to keep them in until claimed ? -by owners or otherwise disposed of accordi ng to law. Thereupor, Mr. Hall movei. and it y was-seconded by &'r. 0'Shields and carried, that vae proceed along the plans ir.dicated, acd that not more thari tvio men be employed as deputy sheriffs' to perform the duties at alsa-ary comme.nsurate with tnat paid new deputy sheriffs, and that a used truck be rented for the purpose to be returned iri the same condition as when received. The question of repairing ihe County's Fire truck at an approximate cost of $300.00 or the purchase of riew equipment was discussed. The fol'+owing good and lawfiun persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of civil cases for the two weeks term beginning May 26, 19529 Winford H. King, Rt.39 Box 38A. E.N.Gore, 7 Spofford Mills. , George Birmingham Rt. 3. D.G.Chadwick, 609 Grace St. Joe M. Tilleryg 2A Jackson Drive. Lewis S. Todd, 801 Ann St., Hugh Long, Rt.3. A.P.9Vestbrook? 124 S. 5th St. Ciyde DdcCal'+t 620 Castle St. GaTiand Thompson, Rt.i. J.C.Futch, 40 Jackson Drive. Irvin T, Harden, 408} ivorthern Boulevard. Jos A. Sel+ers, 2725 Burnett Boulevard. Arlin D,artin, 307 Campbell St. J.H.H.Tieneker.g 1513 AT+Il St. Vd.C.Covil, C251Box 302. F.E.Aoofe,Sri, 1101 Chestnut Si. David G. Rose, 2206 Princess Street Road. ' Thos.F.West, 21 Pii:ecrest-?ake Forest. Jessie T. Andersor., Rt.21 Box 304. Benj.Y.Fussell 40'7 Red Cross St. j U.T.Sper.ce,Jr., 34 C.C.Pines. . 514 Princess St S C Yd _ i9 Ani. 8t.. Chas.H.Bush? ' . pencerg . . ' T.Ni.Teachey, 121-A, Marior: Drive. M.V. F.F.Shepaid, 3,2 Walnut St. Hugh M. Morton, P.O.Box 839. *.eo E. Sykes, 2204 Chestnut St. VJ.L.Tayi.or, 612 S. 2nd St. Clemeth Padgetty?04 Red Cross St. 3''B Calhoun Dr. M.V. G.B.Thoriia' Marior. T. Fariess, Rt.2t Hox 241. S.D.Kelley, Box 118, Caro"ina Beach. ' Wilbur F. Cox, 125 Ward St.9 b;af.Vil. Chas. R. Garrett,Jr.9 1005 Castle St. E.R.Furches, 41, S. 3rd St. R.M.Evar.s, ?4-C Ivesbitt Ct. Jas.C.Jordat.9 8 East Queen St. C.E.Joyner, 23'0 S. Front St. T.E.YJoodburyjr., 42, Forest Iiills Drive. 5.Ni.Spencer,Jr., 423 S. 5th St. K.*.tvTyers, 1258 Marrion Drive, E4affitt Village. O.C.Fiutaif, 105 Mimosa P'+ace. Robert T. Shaw, Rt.2, Hox 52A. Geo.W.Shepard, 412 Queen St. Peter Llichas, i9i N. Front 5t. Daniel B. Hardee, 138 Spofford Mi,'s. Clarence L.Ho?_land, 1915 r,un St. B.F.Hewiett, Rt.3, Box " 7D. 4J.F.Register, ?00 Ai.n St. Second week- June 2, '952: Paul T. Webb, 226 Wi'+liams St. • J.A.Gurganous, Rt.1, Box 200. r^.A.Beaulieu, 2732 Harrison St. P.?,.Weaver, 207 Wil'+iams St. H.I.Cooper, 1405 Grace St. E.E.Cooper, 620 S. 3rd St. _ D.V.Campbell, 8 N. Harrison St. J.M.Ewansq 515 Surry St. ' M.E.Hammonds, 712 S. 3rd St. ?.toyd W. Woodcock, 205 N. 7th St. Sar.ry W. G1llard,2G181 S. 174 St. N7.W.Yow, 19'2 Lingo Ave. • O.S.Rodgers, 421 S. 4th St. J.C.Longt 007 S. 3rd St. Roy F. Hohbsg 710 N. 3rd St. Cari N. Jeiine, 8 NortherD Boulevaxd. M.D.Thor•pe, 419 Campbell St. John J. Griffithg 2932 D, Jefferson St. Pete C. Schorus, 502 Wrightsvil'+e Ave. Raymond T. Meshawz i5?0 Castle St. M.R.Christmas$ 23'J Vance St., M.V. J.W.Pearce,Sr., 1/ S. 1:3th St. W.T.VGalker, 15 Ta.ke Forest Parkway. Lester H. Knight,Sr., 113 Morningside Drive. Edgar L. Pope, 819 S. 5th St. E.F.Loftin,Sr.t 2012 Wooicott Ave. Geo.R.Shirley, 11 Ct.M, Lake Forest. A.E.Shooter, 316 Grace St. yer, 61! S. 2rid St. J.H.Fr A.P.Yar:ton, fit.i, Castle HayLe. , Hvm'ard Littietot., 1414 S. 4th St. Yi.G.Hashagenj 102 Brookwood. Madellne Capps 5mith, Rt.2. Box 198. E.H.Yarborough, 122 S. Harri.son St. L.H.Truetove, 1590 Grace S#i. C-.J.Vdatts, 41, Orange St. Oiiie L. Dye, 13 N. Jeffei•soiz St. Aibert E. Grissom, 2220 S. Front St. Virgil Morrisg 9'3 h• 5th St. NTange's Von Oesong 1211 Grace St. Cast12 Hayne. A.Ludeke Sam Gibson, 602 Colweli Ave. , H.E.fiourk, 507 Cer.tral Bou'+evard. Jasper J. Parkeri IIox 160 Carolina Beach. Archie W. Sidbury,3r., 815 Orange St. J.E.Parrish, Rt.lq Box 249. Harry 1:. Lor=g, 291, Mercer Ave. A.F.Teague, 206 Calhoun Dr. Haroid Sternberger, 620 Dock St. H.M.Johnson,JrTy 504 Dawson St. The meeting then adjourned. _ Ci erk. _JA