1952-05-12 Regular Meeting336 YJilmington, N. C., A2ay ?2, 1952. The reguiar week'y meeting of the Board was he'+d at 10:00 o'clock A. h?. Present: Addison Hewlett, Chairman, Jas. M. Hall, Claud 0'5hieldsg Thurston C. Davis, Ha" J. I,ove ac.d County Attorney D4arsder, Be1 lamy. • r?S Surety bond for J.H.VJomb7e as a Justice of the Peace in the amour,t of $1,000.00 with the Nationa, Surety Corporation as surety. The said amount havitig been fixed by +aw ard the Bond approved as to,form and execution by the Courity Attorney, was upon motion of Mr.O'Shie,d seconded by L9r. Hal•, approved. A statement was received from the State Board of Pubsic 4'ielfare advising that $50,141.25 _ CJs Federal and State Funds, were sent to this Courity for the month of April, for 0'+d Age Assistance, 0'+d Age Hospitalizatioi;, aid to Dependent Chi'vdren, ADC Hospita'!izatior. Aid to the Permanently and totally disabled, APTD Hospitalization, Administration of OAA, ADC and APTD. Itio objections were indicated by tiie Board to the 5tate granting a permit to Mrs.Dorothy ?Z! Baker Pendas 3nd Si'+as Var,ii Sneederi to sell beer at 12 S. 2nd St., Wilmington,n .C. 69:? bid of $910.00 submitted by Davis Brothers, Route 2, Box 3351 Wilminfton,N.C., for the purchase of One Surplus 'niilitary Airport Trai'ver, 40 feet '+ong, eight c?heels,as advertised in-the Wilmington Morning Star bfay 21 ar:d 9, 1952, aras upon motior. of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, accepted suhject to the anpronal of the Civil Aerorautics Administration. A report was received from the Back Tax office showing.that $3,387.29 was collected for the City and $3,844.02 for the County, making a total of $7,231.3, back taxes co,,ected for the.month of Aprii. Upon motion oT Mr. Davis, seconded 6y Mr. 0'Shie,ds, dRssie Coe, colored,-county indigent, who has been discharged from the State Sanatorium as ar: arrested case, but the Doctors say .? he cai.riot work for at 'teast six moriths. He had no place to go, he was therefore admitted to the Couc.ty Home on recommendation of the Courity Welfare Officer. And Burnie Lee, white disab2ed citizer, vaas granted admission to_the Coun?,i-Io?,?as a pay patient at $30.00 per month. , ? Upon motion, Vera Pigford, colored, 1?20 Princess Street, was granted a refund of ?,2.00 County pon -10k taxes she iisted acid paid i'r.-the name of her husband Na'Tichi Pigfor8 for the year '+951, through error, he having died August 1950, ar.d abatement of City po„ for the said year. No objections were indicated by the Aoard to' the Uriited States District Engineer grantir,g Woy?'"?r. W. D. Stokley permission to dredge material froRL the area ir_ front of his wharf on the Inland water way, approximate'+y '1000 feet southwest of the W'rightsvilie Highway Bridge. A request of the Prison Departmecit of the State Sa.r.atoriwn to furiiish Jer:nit:gs Russ false teeth, 4paf was upon motion of D4r. Tove, seconded by nlir. 0'5hieids, referred back to the Prison Departmen for a more comprehensive report. VJith reference to a com.munication received from The State Magazine to purchase advertisement space in its issue of May 3" , 1 952, which wi't be devoted almost entirely to the beach section of Ieorth Caro•ina, was dec'lined for the reasora it has already received alibe.rai share of the Coui;ty's advertising. ?Upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by tr1r. Hal?, instructions were given to write Senators Clyde R.•Hoe and VJillis Smith to secure for,us if possible, an official ar:swer '?}o''?f rom the Navy Department as to the status of the.proposed I,ease Hold Rights Agreement ?t+? between the Navy Department and New Hanover County,.dated 22 OctoberIi951; and a ietter . and property descriptlon setting.forth conditions of a proposed Marine Air Corps Operation f rom New Hanover County Afi-port, dated 14 February,,'952• . . Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Ha'17 the.Board approved a request of eight ? S property owners of YJinter Park, presented on State Form R-10, to improve Fourth Street -?? in Winter Park from the Old VJrightsville Turnpike Highvraq75outh to Peachtree Street, and referred the same to the 5tate Fiighvray and Fublic Works Cor,?mission for its consideration. IIpori motior, of Mr: Davis, secondeo by nfir. 0'Shieldsg permission was granted Wrightsv:ille Beach Llons C7.ub to put on a fireworks display at Wrightsvilie Beach during -- U? their Cocivention meeting there May 26, 1952, under the supervisior: of a Pyrotechnist. r4 ??> The high cost of food for the Tuberculosi= Sanatorium, and the matter of fire fighting equipment for the Courity Fire Departrr:ent was discussed at sength but no action was taken. Upon motiozi of Mr. 0'Shie"ds, approved for payment. ? The meeting then ad3ourned. C"erk. ? seconded by IvIr. Davis, Countq Bi""s No. 8889 to 9120 were ? `