1952-05-19 Regular Meeting? -qq . ? '1 ??ie9 Wilmingtonshi.C:i May 19, T952• The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 10:00 o'ciock A.M. Preseiit: Addison Hewlett, Chairman, C.'aud 0'Shie'+ds, Thurston C. Davis, Hai J. Love and County Attorney Marsden Bellamy., Messrs Pierce and Powell appeared to present data on the proposed drainage improvement to Gordon Road Canal showing main canal to be 5,600 feet in iength, 'll9000 cuM c- yardsg and Lateral drain 800 feet, 1,700 cubic yards. Vdork on the project to be given consideration after the Carolina Beach Dra.inage project has been compieted. Upon motion of &1r. Love, seconded by llr. 0'Shie?,ds, the Board voted to inerease its iAirport Libii.ity Insurance Pol icy which wil, expire It7ay, 289 1 9J2 from the present • ? coverage of $25,000.00 to $50 000.00 for persona? injury? and 1b 000.00 property damage; to $1009000.00 to $306,000.00 personai injury and $i90,006.00 property damage - suggested by the Airport Manager arid recommended by the County Attorney in view of a Nortki Carolina Supreme Court decision estabiishing county liability. The said policy to be on a ter,tative antiua+ basis of coverage at a cost of $427.60 , pending investigation ?ard report at the next meeting on the cost and saving to the County on a three year term coverage which would be subject to eaneellation and refund of unused premium in the event the i3avy shou?d take over the a,?rport. IIpon motion of IVir. Davis$ seconded by Mr. 0'Shie?ds, NSr.W.B.Richardson was granted an abatement of taxes and not 'isted penaity charged-against iots -voi ana 102 Montgomery iP,ace for the years 1950 and 1951. 8ccount of dou6ie charge as to Harnett township. ''? The property was 'tisted regular in Wilmington township for Citq and County Taxes and aiso charged-in error in Harnett township as not listed. &loore-Fonvielle Reaity Company was granted an abatement of taxes and not listed penaity chargea-iff-e-rror against iot 216 , in biock "C" Pineywoods account of double ctiarge for the year +949 on a vaiuation of $19400.00. It appeared that the said 'tot was a"so charged to Thos.B.YPhite at $300.00 He soid the same to PIIoore-Fonviel•e Realty Company ar,d 7ater took it back at an increased assessment to S1,400.00, therefore the differerice of ?1000.00 assessment was ordered ?cYiarged to Thos.B.White for the year 1949. `tn? 6 report of the Cowaty Electrical Inspector for kpril was received and filed. no objections wez•e raised by the Board to the application of C.N.PridgengJr.? for a State permit to sel, beer at iOth and Princess Streets. Upon motiori of Mr. 0'Shield:, seconded by Nr. Davis, the County Auditor was authorized and directed to transfer $59000.00 of County surplus funds in the Aid to Dependent Children ?SS account, to the,0l3 Age Assistarice fur,d, requested by the Superir,tender,t of County Department o£ Public VJe"fare, account of overdraft ir. the OId Age Assistance fui:d. .• Upon motioii of Mr. 0'Shietds, seconded by Mr. ?.ovej the Board agreed on opiiiior. of the Couiity Attorney as a pub_lic servicE? to furtiish and instal'+ -18 or twenty-four inch pipe in the ditch under Harnett Avenue near Wrightsboro which drains a'+arge area in the Wrights•boro Schoo-v seetion ai.d four or more fami'ties residing on said Aveiiue, PROVIDED the said road is qualified and avaiiab'+e to pub"ic use, and the land owners give right to cross the land. ' Tk?e Chairman brought to the attec.tiori tk?at'the United States Pub?ic Hea'+th Service owners of the truck loaned the Sheriffs' Department for use in picking-up dbray dogs during the mad-dog situation has asked that the truck be returned to tnem at once for their use. The county being without a truck suitable for that pur.pose, and upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shie-lds, iind that a state of emergency exist. Therefore upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Nir. Love, the Cour.t.y l+uditor was authorized ar.d directed to purchase a 3/4 tor: truck ¢f?:at t.easttsix;cylinljers for immediate delivery, using his best judgment ir, selecting the kind and make of truck he may think wopid be best suited for the purpose and for -later use at the County Farn, or L.egion Stadium. report of the Wilmir,gton Public Iibrary and Bookmobil.e Circulation for the month of Apri" was received and fi'+ed. *Proposed budgets of the Board of Iiea-tth and Civii Defense for 1952-1953 were received ?Pa for study during the preparatlon of the County's budget. A cor.unur.i.catiori was received from the 5tate Highway ar,d Public works Commission advising that at its meeting he+d May i9 '952, approved the abandonment of the;foa.?.owingsroads shown on map: r?iS Canai Street to Harpers Avei,ue. Harper, Avenue. Burc?,Sl?ceet. Centrai Bou?evard. Colonial Drive. Country Club Rou?evard. Communit_y Driye from city limits to 4th street$ then " ?- ? 4th reet o Greenfield Street and Greenfieidg and Cape Fear Bou'levard from 3unction U5 421 to ncean. Was received for further study. ? Upon motiont County.bilis Tvo. 9121 to 9754 were approved for payment. .. ` ? - • ;. ?.. A.petition of nine pronerty owners ot. Bonham and Page Averiue asking for improvements to said Avenue which runs• fron the Iweares road ii, HarrL*tt tow?; ship northwardly for a distance of approximately 3200 feet as iiidicated or; a sketch attaehed, was upoti motion approved and referred to the Third Division State Highway Commission ? at Fayettevil-le for ? his consideration. • The meetirig then ad3ourned. ' ? ?4?, Cierk. ? -A