1952-05-26 Regular Meeting33? SNiimington, N. C., bTay 26, 1952• The regular week-ly meeting of the Board was he"d at '10:00 o'clock A. N. ' Present: Addison Hewlett, Chairmant Jas. hi. Hall, Claud 0'Shie'vds, Thurston C. Da.vis? Hal J. Love, County Attorney Marsden Bellamy and County Auditor C.F.Smith. Upon motion of 14r. 0'Shields, seconded by &;r. Ha• ?, Mr. Thos.B.PJhite was granted an abatement of not ?isted penalty a.ctoiu;t of double charge against lot 2-16, in block C; Pineywoods in the name of itoore-Fonvielle Realty Company, and permitted to pay the taxes on a valuation of $1,100.00 without cost or interest on account , of error in not ir.cluding the house assessment on said lot listed by him for the year '1949. Upon motion of.Mr: T.ove, seconded by Tfr. Davis, payment of $196.30 to Mr. James D. Carr ? for services rendered as Chaircrian of the Board of Elactions since last election untii ? his duties wer.e turned over to the iiew chairman, bir. T.D.Love, covering period from - November 159 1950 to April 12, 1952, and $150.40 to Evelyn V. biorris for stenographic services rendered over the same period, was approved?p wheri sworn to and approved by the Courity Auditor. A petition signed by 14 property owners petitionir.g tYie Board to request the State Aighway and Pub"ic Works Commission to hard surface and maintain Greenway Avenue ???y in Hainett totimship which is 206?.85 feet ir, length on which four houses are located, also I,ul.iveater Drive, approximately 3500 feet in lezigth which runs from Market Street Road to GrePnvjay Aver.ue, on r+jhich six houses are located, as indicated in red on map attached, was presented by N.r. J.ri.Fusse,l ar.d upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, were approved ar:.d referred to the State Highvray ar.d Public V.orks Commission for consideration. ?.? A request of L4rs. E.J.Schadt to cancel the taxea arid assessment charged against part G of '+ots 31 and 32, in block 42 Sunset Park which she c•aims is iricluded in the right of way of the Atlantic Coast ?,ine FiaiJ.road, was contjnued for further investigatior, and affidavit as to the true status of the iots, for consideration by the Board at a subsequent meetii:g. • $75'00 opmotiori eration f fo1r . Lessie , Ruth VGilaiamsan? H7 T years e of Brd age? approved ?? ? for Upon State t Sanatoritwi? oon recommendation of the Supt., of Courity Public Welfare. Upon motion of L4r. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Davis$ Mr. R. L. Lewis was granted an abatement of not listed penaity charged agair?st"the 5EJ iot 21 in block 62 for the year 1950. It appeared that!*he 'listed and p?id taxes on other property thirking this piece was ir_cluded. ? Upon motion of N[r. Dz.vis, seconded by,Iir. Love, the 1952:.asses.sment reduction of $i?000.00 on house on iot 2, OlEandar, ox?ned by bir. ?ti.B.Ler.non, was made retroactive in effec for the year 1951, and ati abat.ement of taxes or. a valuation of $'+,000.00 for the year 1951, was ordered. The builoing was first assessed ic, 1951• ? L'pon niotior: of bir. Davis, secor.ded tq Ivlr. 7.ove, Toseph Ty)er, Rt.i, a disabled Veteran of Viorld War One, was granted FREE licer:se to peddla ir. New Har.over County, as provided by law in such cases. - , ? ? Upon motion of Iulr. 0'Shields, seconded by b:r. Love, the Board directed that a 1.e`tter be written to Nr. Far,dy Hamilton, City Ma,iager of Carolina Beach, expressing to him the Boards congratu'+atioris for the opportunity presented him to become Director of the Washir,gton D.C., Office of Americar. Municipa'! Association. And Sppreciation for the good work he has rendered this communiY.y over the years. Upon motion of D?r. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shieids, the Board gave instructions to advertise for bids for grading and paving the Court House Parking Lot, and cleaning the outside of the Court House by steam or sand blssting method, to be paid out of f unds to be provided in next years budget. , .,, . ,. Upon motion of Du'r. Love) seconded by hir. Davis, the Board grarited a request of the Board of Education to increase the regular schoo, budget bY S28,000.00? and Supplementary .--??budget by $26,979•98 for the year l95'-1952,.subject to receipt of increased revenue . from Federa" funds; fines and forfeitures and other revenues, sub3ect to the approva" and supervisior,'of the County•Auditor. L- ?oI-'?The following good and lawfu"'persons were drayrn to serve as 3urors in the Superior Court for the triai of crimina', cases for the one week term beginning June 9, 1952:' . ? Jas.C.Whedbee,16' Ficiecrest Pkwy. L.R.Hor:eycutt;ll,8 Sumter Drive,Maffitt Vi,"age. A.R.Howard, 5 Keaton Ave. J.I.Smith, 313 t3awson St. Stacy N. Hol'+and, Williamson Driwe. Liston I,ar;ier, Rt.l, Box 222. H.B.Holmes, 1006 N. 4tli St. Linwood W. Rogers, Rt.3. Bernard Spicer, Rt.2, Box 249. AX.Pv1i1.'ioner, 50 Hudson Drive. Jas.C.Boyd, 10 Wooster St. Vernon E. Larsoi,, Rt.3, Box 142. Thos.L.Huggins,Jr., 291.5 Adams St. L.W.Pound9307 Greenfield St. J.H.Fisher, Box 583 Carolina Beach. Wm.Hosea Connor$Rt.3, Kerr Ave. Rando?ph Radford, Rt.i, 2yiarket Street Roadg A.S:.Carter Sr., Box 239Wrightsvl]ve Soutid. Vert:on E. Burriss, Rt.2, Box 196. Johnoe F. 3ohnson, 2A70 E. Jefferson St. J.W.Jackson, P.O.Box 967. Frank W. Pellegriiii, 12rj8 biarion Drive. 47.J.Horne, P.O.Boa 1361. B.M.Iio1t, '10 Hudson Dr. F.ki.Roberts, 31, Lawson 5t. Vdm.J.Howard, 31*1 S. 15th St. F.4d.Lewis, 401.47right St. R.E.Houghton,106 Co'lonisl Village. B.T.Hopkins,307 N. 15, st. P.C.Ke'llyj 515 Nun St. A.F.Williamson, Rt.3, Box 121. R.T.Horne,Sr., 2101 Creasy Ave. H.H.Hevrett, 2005 Cast, e St. Wm.E.iYessel 1 1 609 Chestnut St. E.J.Hines, Rt.i I Box 1.91• D.H.P13therspoon, 719 N. 5th St.Donald Page, P.O.Box 301+. J.D.Horrie,704 S. 3rd St. R.W.Hatch,'+4 Ct.Uliake Forest.Charlie Harrison? Wrightsville Sourkd. Geo.R.Johnson,i20 . Dare St. M.V.- L.M.Todd, 21 S. Front St. W.H.McDonald,Rt.l. Aerschel Gunter, 1309 Princess. F,j,LeRay1Sr.1 2021 S. Front St. Thos.W.Levrisi Rt.3. E.L.Matthews,1$17 Woolcott Ave. A.H.Hanson, 124 (lorden Road. Gerald Bowrnan, Rt.3. Harbor Is'+andq A.T.Brown,809 Chestnut St. • O.L.Hrowne, 1509 Chestnut St. A'+ex Compos, 112 Ar:n St. Wm.W.Ha.zeihurst, 1916 Princess. Leon P. Andrews, Jr., 419 N. 3rd St. Ker:neth E. Gunning, 152, S. 5th St.Robt.Hewett iBox 373 Summer FIi,?. Edw.Z.King, 305 $• l7th St. S.W.Strickland, 4?5 Queen St.J.W.Narron,20y N.15th. er, Frederick L:itiil.liams, Cara'lina Apts. JacobJasHorowit, .VFvHozton40r.S309 ?iearesAStaCtC Hemby,804tDock St T.D.Piner,Rt.2. Ben Jacobs,509 S. 2nd st. ' K.R.Philiips, -150, Ar,n St. Mrs. W.?.Land,308 ?st1e St. - The meeting ther. adjourned. ?? <<• xAw-zr-zal-fw Clerk.