1952-06-09 Regular Meeting\ 339 1iilmirigton, N. C., dune 2, 1952. 11 The regular week-ly meeting of the Board was held at '70:00 o'clock A. M. Present: Jas:.M:. Hall,.Vice Chairman, Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hai J. Love and County Attorney Marsden Be7lamy. Mr. Louis T. Moore, Chairrian of the New Hanover Historical Commissiont appeared to e/ ask that the Commissioners 'look into the possibility of damaging or up-setting the 'mortar in the court house brick walls before cieaning by'sand blastiiig as contempiated, and suggested that an architect be consulted with the view of painting the brick wa"s to `harmonizer., with the City Hall building and court house annex. A request of fiQr. H. j,. Davis for reduction of assessment on lot ii and building, Country ?-TA? Ciub Terrace. New bui"lding xas assessed at $7,000.00 in '1951 and reduced to 66t000.00 by the assessors in 1952, and asked for a further reduction to $5,000.00 to be retroactive in effect for the year '+951, was received for revievi. Reports of the Home and Farm remonstration Agents for May were recelved and fi'led. / An offer of Mr. Jack Pate to sell to the County at a price of $30.00, the 26 benches, 16 tabies and oil cloth covers for a", tables$ he used in connection with his Sattarday n?s night dances at bagion'Stadiuu, Exhibition building, was upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Nir. 0'Shiel.ds, referred to Mr. Rhoda Farrow, Supt., of Tegion Stadium, for recommendations as to the Cour:ty's needs for the same, and to purchase if needed unless they can be produced cheaper. P,,,p Tv'o objections were indicated by the Board to the app'+ication of Cravon Irving for a State ? permit to sell beer at Seabreeze Resort, Federal Point township. A report was received from the Back Tax office showing that $2,816.83 was coltected for the ..' ,_?OLI' City, and $4,438.99 for the County, making a tota+ of 67,255.82 Uack taxes colIected for the month of May. Upon motion of Mr. 018hields, seconded by Mr. Davis, Edwir, N, Smal 1,Jr., was granted an abatement of not ?isted penalty charged agair,st iot 9, Garden City, for the year 1950• It appeared tkiat he purchased the said 'lot in May 1950, thinking the,sel"er had listed the same. ,?Jl_"'IA report of the Veterans' Service Officer for May was received aiid filed. Upon motion of Iv1r. 0'Shields, seconded by Nr. Love, instructions were given to write the Third Division State Highway Safety Engirieer to expiain the highway tarffic -- N? arrai,gement instalied at tne intersection of US17 aTid P?ew Highway to Niri.ghtsville Beach, and also call their atter;tion to the r,arrovrness of the lay-out. A financial report of Assoc;ated Charities for April was received and filed. The meeting then adjourned. V_Yr. /-Clerk. Wilmingtori, ti. C., June 9, 1952• The regular weekly neeting of the Board was held this day, at ?0:00 o'clock A.M. Present: Addisoii Hewlett, Chairmai., Jas. Mt. Hall, C1aud 0'Shiiedsi Thurstot, C. Davis, Hai T. Iove and County Attorney Pdarsdei. Beilamy. Rebecca L. Ha.?_i, colored Home Demonstratior, Agerit, subnitted her report for May which '"'was received and fiied, and upon motion of h1r. 0'Shields,seconded by Mr. Love, payment of ?i'31.85 for articles purchased for demonstrations, and office supplies, was anproved. A letter vaas received from Mr. J.R.Be.nson, City Manaperg advising that the agreement executed by the City, County and Cape FearfArtiTierp-:Got6pa.ny February 27 1952 with the l,,,1,40r1United Service Organization,Inc., coveririg tne '+ease of the Armory building on Market /Street for U50 purposes, had been returned by the USO of New York unsigned for the reason thelr Architect found the cost for repairing the building excessive, and this iact together with advise from Col. Corbett that Lhe iNatioria• Guard uiiits wou'd return to the City during the eariy part of 1953, were the conditions vahich infiuei.ced the USO decision, and the USO has rented the Sprunt Building at Front aud 'uvainut Streets and plans are underPiay to repair this building and operate same for the purposes p'lai_ned on ft4arket Street. Therefore Mr. Aimon G. Adams appeared for the Cape 'r'ear Artillery Co.9 to ask that lease agreement be declared void and that the operatioi: and occupar.cy of the Arti'Very Bui'tding on Market Street be resumed by the Cape Fear Artilery Company on the origiiral basis. That being a joint City-County matter no actioi; v;as taken pending btr. Adams presentatioil of the matter to the City Courici" Ycednesday June „th, and joint actior. to follow at a subsequent date. Upon motion of Mr. Hali, secor.ded by bl,?. Dav2s+uffitino, for holding the Primary and Specia'+ School Bond E ectioi. ivtay 39 1952, amo g to $6,439.99 Was approved. The County Attorney anr.ouc:ced that the returns of the resu"t of the special schoo9 bond `?oJJ e-lectioi. held iu;ay 319 1952, have beei. forwarded to the New York Bond Attorneys, who will prepare the necessary resolutions for adoptionsby the Board at a subsequer.t meeting. `;WA request of Mr. R. L. Black, Register of Deeds, for ar, extra cierk to work in his office tpY? durir;g vacation of the Clerks iu his Department, at a salary commensurate vrith the duties ? to be performed, was upor, motion of hir. Hai'+, seconded ty Mr. Loveg granted. fi ?40 Meeting of June 9, 1952t coiitinued. Upon motiou of Mr. .,:Love, seconded by Mr. Davist Tutr. W. Eugene idwards, was granted ar, abatemer;t of not listed penaity charged against his property in block 489.for the ? year•1951, It appeared he lsited other property for 1951, and thought a?,, his property was inc'+uded at the same time. ? Mr. Henry Boyd, Airport biac:ager, appeared to discuss the term of renewa'I of the ribility Policy rin expired. 1?reW0 probability of and it was seconded by ?r? Love ar_d carried that a one year policy be secured, subject to approval of the policy by the Cowity Attorney, and that conslderation be given a three year term poiicy at alater date if necessary. I ?,?o?J A report of_the Bureau of Identification for ;?ay was receiveo and fi?ed. ?D..T T ' Upon motiou of Mr. Da.vis, 'seconded by LFr. Love, Cleveland Yorrisq 215 Chestnut Street, was granted ar abatemer.t oS taxes oYi a valuatioi. of $i00.009 electric refrigerator iisted above its true value for the year 1951• A request of Mr. Dwight ui. Peay for ar: abatement of Carolina Beach Taxes oniy on a ?pV vaiuation of $l5,375.00 or. .2 acres of lai,d r,ear Carolina Beach ar_d L•ot Winner Division, , Federai point Towi.Ghip, outside the Corporate limits of the Tovtti of Carolina Beach, charged with Towr, taz in error, voas upon motion of Iti;r. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love recommended ai.d referred to the Towi, of Czrolina Beach for abatemer:t. ? The Board declined an offer of ior. A"bert Axier to purchase City-Couc:ty owcied patt of '+ot 5, in block 10, for $75.00, but oi, motion of Mr. ?.ove, seconded by Mr. 0'Shie?ds, ? agreed to accept $235.75 the amount of taxes aid cost onis&me;_->if agreeab"e to the City. . Upon opinion'of the County Attorney, the Board declined to pay renewal premium on ? Nationai Surety Bond Ivo. '134'+777 payab-le June 28, 1952, covering E4r. Coy Etheridge as a Justfce of the Peace, for the reason he is working in fi orfo"k, Va., after havir,g - . beer. retired as'a pollce officer of the City of YJilmingtonand is iiot fuiictuir.g in this Eounty as a Justice of the Peace at this time. Aletter was received ii•om Mr. Horward J. Marsden, Chief- Division of Ports and Bacilities, Unitea States Departmer,t of Commerce, Washington, D. C., requesting that the Civil Service ? Guards at the Maritime Shipyard and other simi'lar 'locations, be deputized, and that the ?.J County waive the $1,000.00 bond requiremerit for each guard so deputized, ar.d also the $5.00' per guard for a pistFjl permit, pending the passage of a bi"'v by the Congress which wi", give the Departmeiit of Commerce authority to provide po"tice protection for shoreside instai'vations including the carrying of firearms; was upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. 0'Shie].ds declined for the reason that matter does iiot come within the authori.ty of the County Commissioners, that being a matter of the sheriff. ' ? ': ' • A request of the South Fasterri North Carolina Beach llssociation that the County Commissioners indicate, if possible? at this time, what amount of money wil'+ be CC? made avai'lab"e toward the support and activities of the Association for the coming fiscal • ? year, was received for consideration during the preparatioi; o£ the County's budget. A copy of aletter wsitten;by bir:•W: B. Campbell, City Rttorney to Mr. J. R. Benson, City Manager, advising that the re-drafted conti•act betvreen the State Highway Commission •\? aid City and County, coverin€ the '+ightir:g of the North East Cape Fear River Bridge which . vaouid eliminate the requirenent of the City ATId County to do major repairs such as rep'+acing light standards etc., is in the hands of Mr. R.Brooks Peters, Genera'7 Couucil of the 5tate Iiiahway and.Pub'+ic lirorks Co-_,?miss9.on for study and if he car, do so will approve the. . coi.tract as drawn by us,, at an early date. \ The Board agreed to lock into the uti'+izatior. or-disposition of the Bridge Tenders Cottage at the North Past River Bridge, ai.d the dead-end road 'leading to the bridge that was abandoned by the State when the r.eai bridge vras provided. ? With reference to several bi•ls submitted by Coroner Dr, Fred H. Coleman, showing a charge ?y of ?G?0.00 per day for making ir.vestigations ofdeaths without ari inquest. The County , ` C Attorney agairi made it clear that the larr oniy a,"ows $3.00 for viewing a body, and $10.00 per day when an inquest is held, therefore, 0.00 vaas approved for payment instead of ; $-10.00 as the law directs. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seeonded by Mr. 0'Shields, Cour,ty bills P;o. 9155 to 9513 inc., were apProved for payment. . . The meetir.g then adjourned. Ci erk . ?