HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-06-16 Regular Meeting341
VJi'fmington, N. C., June '16, l952•
The regular week-ly meeting of the Board was he'd a} '70:00 o'c"ock A. M.
Present: Addison Hewlett, Chairman, James Y. ha•l, Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Iavis9
Hai J. Lone and Cour.ty Attorney Liarsdei: Be1?arny.
Mrs. Fiorence Grimes Rarin, 2511 Market BtrFet Road,appeared to complain of a bad condition
caused by dust from the uritreated driveways at the new Tdorth 17 IIr3ve-in Theatre on the
8ay Market Street Hoad wnich is giving the hou.ewives of that community considerable concern
ai_d worry of the dust settTitig:• in their homes, and asked that sone steps be taken$ if
possible, to abate the nuisance. The Coui:ty Attorney advised that the County Commissioners
have no authority to har,die the situation, that being a matter of indictment against
the offender. However the Commissioners gave instructions to write the mar,agement of the
theatre to cooperate with the residents and suggest<:that 5ome method of surface treatment
be made to aliay the dust.
~ ?952-i9??
Rebecca L. Hali appeared to,present her proposed/budget for the negro home demonstration
? and 4-H c'+ub department, together with a report of expenditures made for the negro home
demonstration departmerit for the fiscal year i.951-i9521 which was received for cor,sideration.
A petition of 25 property owners on r^ranklin Street, Harnett townshipp prepared or. State Form
R-109 requesting tllat Frankiin Street which runs from Kerr Avenue to Lullwater Avenue and
Jacksonvllle Anenue to Railroad, a distance of 0.5 of a miie, on which "+3 houses are ?ocatea,
be added to the Coutity'H?ghw4y System for State biaintenance, was upon motion of Mr. Davis
secorided by Mr: Love, approved az:d referred to the State Highway axid Pubiic 49orks Commissior.
for its consideration.
Ito objeetions were indicated by the Board to the Ur:ited States District Engineer granting
permission to Messrs. J. B. Edrards and L.M.Merril' to dredge a channel in front of their
property at Niiddle Sound, out to the Atlai,tic IY,tracoastal Waterway, approxiriateiy ?5 feet
northeast of light 1uo. 122.
5 Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconued by Ivir. Love, ivir. L. D. Latta and Dr. M.N. Leary were
appointed to succeed themse)ves as members of the Board of Trustees o£ Commw-iity Hospitai
for a three-year term begir,i.ing Ju"y 't 1 1952, upon the recommendation and nominat3on of
the Board of Trustees of said hospital , in accordazice with its by-Laws, Artic].e III,
Section 2. 3uUject to the approval uf the City Counci".
A ietter was received from toTr, iiugh n4acRae, Chairman of the Aviation @ommittee of the
?i 4Yilmington Chamber of Corimerce advlsit;g that his Committee irithe interesL of deve'lopteilt
ar.d progress of-private flyirig and commercial aviation, request that at ieast one member
• of his Committee be invited to sit-in with this Board wher, problems of the air field
• acid the T1avy are due to be discussed.
No obJections were indicated tay the Board to the applicatiori of James Knowles for a State
permit to sell beer at Castle Hayne Rt.'+
Upon motion oP Mr. 7.ove, seconded by Iuir. 0'Shie7.ds, iMrs. biary Harriss bionroe 88 year old
indigerit citizen, was on recotrunendation of the Supt., of Pub'+ic Pde"fare admitted to the
'6%W1_ Coui:ty Home as ar; inmate. Huriai expense, in case of death while an ir:riiate of the Home, to
be borne by Mrs. Lena Brice beneficiary of the policy of insurance in the amount of $424.00
carried by the principai.
The Chairman and County Attorney Miarsden Bellamy were ::amed by the Board to meet with City
???Wwx) Nanager 2. R. Benson and Clty Attorney YJ.B.Campbeli to discuss terms under which the Armory
. at 814 Market Street will be returr,ed to National Guard L'nits after their reiease from active
duty. ihis being the dai;e and hour set by the Board to receive bids for paving the Court House
parking iot and for cieaning the outside aralls of the Court House, both as advertised,
no bids were received,and the Chairman v>as therefore, authorized and directed to negot3ate
- privateiy for perfcrixiance of the work desired.
The C"erk presented the returiis =howing the resuit of the special election held in the
County of hew Hanover on May 31, 1952, inade by the Regist:ars and Judges of E'+ection appointed
? to hold the etection. The reLurn were read az.d cor:sidered.
? Hal J. f,ove moved the adoption of the fo'!lowing resolution:
' JJHERFAS, the Registrars and.Judges of Election appointed to hoid the speciai election
ordered to be held in said Co;inty on May 31, 1952, have he*d said election and have made
returns of the result thereof and the Board of Commissioners has considered said returns
` ai,d has duly canvassed thr returns and ascertained the resu'+t of said election; and
WHEREAS, it appears from said returns that the pol'is for said election voere opened in
each precinct at the poliing piace which was used ir, said election at the last preceding
- election he"d in the County for members of the Geciera" Assemb?yt at the hous of 6:30 o'ciock,
A.M. (Eastern Star;dard Time) and were contlnuously kept open untii 6:30 o'c,ocklP.N.,
(Eastern Standard Time), and that tlre voters voting at said election were required to use
ballots ir, the form prescribed for said election by the resoiution adopted by the Board of
Commissioners o. the 7th day of Aprii '952;and
WHEREAS, said returns show that said ePection was he"d in the following voting precincts
in said County, and that the total number of voters who were registered and qualified to;vote
' at said e'+ection in each of said voting precincts and the tota-7 number of votes cast for the
proposit3on (being Priposition No. 1) submitted at said eiection in said voting precinct, and
the total number of votes cast against such propositiori ir, such precincts, were as follows.
34 ?
Meeting of June 16, '7952, continued.
. ' . . - . Plumber of
Votine Precinct Voters
First Vvard 1691
S e cond tiVa rd
ist Precinct 670
Second Ward
2nd Precinet
Third Ward
lst Precinet
Third Ward
2nd Precinct
Fourth Wa rd
Fifth Ward
1st Precinet
Fifth Ward
2nd Precinct
Fifth Wa rd
3rd Precinct
Sixth Ward
Seventh lqa rd
1st Precinct
Seventh Ward
2nd Precinct
Eighth Ward
ist Precinct
Eighth Ward
2nd Precinct
Eighth Ward
3rd Precinct
Cape Fea r
7 Miie Post
East Wilmington
Wir.ter Park
South Wilmirigton
Federa', Point
Carolina Beach
Votes Cast
in Favor of
fto. i
2 56
Votes Cast
No. I
419 272 147
643 268 75
1177 . 564 98
1073 418 ,6g
1747 706 79
1009 428 103
-1322 573 92
'1547 6oi 217
812 332 ,62
?1o1 452 206
895 458 1432
918 427 I90
966 428 ?-18
l006 438 95
360 ,20 53
420 207 39
1242 593 1.41'
i09i 510 „i
433 150 93
872 3,0 26
294 59 24
761 161 53
iotai 22,469 91540 29570
DOVd9 THEREFOIiE2 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of
hew Hanover as follows:
1. It is hereby determined and declared that the number of voters registered and
qualified to vote at said election was 22,469.
2. The r,umber of votes cast at said eiection for the borid order adopted by the Board
of Commissioners of said County on April 7, '1952, described in said Proposition No. I and
for the indebtedness proposed to be incurred by the issuance of bonds suthorized by said bond order, was 9,540, and the number of votes cast: at said eiection against said bond order
and against said proposed indebtedness, was 2,570? and a majority pf the voters of said
County qualified to vote at said e'+e+ction voted to approve sald bond order and said
proposed indebtedness. . ,
3. A statement showing the number of votes cast for and against said bond order •
and the indebtedness proposed thereby, the number of voters qualified to vote at said
speciai eiection and declarinp the result of esid electioc., shal" be prepared and signed
by at ieast a majority of the members of the Board oi Commissioners and delivered to the
Clerk so that such statement may be filed ai.d recorded ir, accordance with iaw.
Jas. M. Hall seconded ttae motion and the n;otion was ui;aiiimously adopted.
The nembers of the Board votirig for the adoptiori of the last mentioned resolution
thereupon signed a statement of the result of the election ai;d delivered the statement
so signed to the Clerk. For the purpose of recording the statement, as required by •
law, the fo,loving copy of the statement so signed is inserted in the minutes:
34 3 1
Meeting of June 16, i952, conti.r.ued.
? oN MaY 37., '1952.
WHEREAS, by direction of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New
Hanover, in the State of North Carolina, a speciai eiection was duly ca?led and held
in said County on May 3'1 1952, for the purpose of submitting to the quallfied voters
of said County the following proposition:
SHAIL the qualified voters of the County of ivew Hanover approve the bond order
entitled "Bond Order authorizing the issuarice of $2,9931000 Schoo" Eonds of the County
of New Hanover'a, which was adopted by the Boar3 of Commissioners on April 7, 1952, and
which auttiorizes boiids of the Couc,ty of New Hal,over of the tflaximum aggregate principai
amotuit o£ $2,993,000 to finance the cost of 'Utie erectioti of new bui+dings and the
erection of additions to and alteratiori of or reconstruction of existing bui"dings and
the acquisition and ir,sta,lation of equipment required for such bui"dings or additions
and the acquisition of 'land r;eeded for such purposes, in order to provide school houses,
school garages, physicai education and vocati.or.al education buildings, iunch rooms,and
other simi'var school plarit facilities needed for the schools in said County, which shal*1
inc'+ude but shall not be limited to, the Pollowing schools: (l) h"ew Har.over County
High Schooi; (2) Sunset Park Ejementary Schoo"; (3) Carolina Beach School; (4) Wrig,htsvil*te-
Bra.dley Creek Area 5choo'+• (5) School in the area between BJinter Park ar.d Highway 17;
(6) Forest Hilis School; H YJrightshoro 5chooi; (8) Washington Catlett Schooi;
' (9) Hemenvray Schooi; (10) Ti?eston Schoo7; (li) 1h'iliiam Hooper Schooi; (12) Chestnut Street
Schobl; (13) Lake Forest School; ('14) Maffitt Village School for white chi'+dren; (15)
V1il?iston Junior fiigh Schoo-1; (16) 5enior High School for negro children; (17) Wiltlston
Primary School; (18) Peabody Schooi; (19) Peabody Annex School, ar.d (20) Maffitt Vi'vlage
School for negro children, and also authorizes the 'levy of an ai,r.uai tax sufficient to
pay the principal of and interest wl the bonds authorized thereby; and approve the "
indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of such bonds?
and said Board of Commissioners has duiy canvassed the returns of the Registrars and
Judges of Election appointed to hoid said election and has determined the result of
said eleetion to be as hereinafter stated: iuOYI, THF,RE,FOFiE
Said Board of Commissior,ers hereby makes the following statement of the
• result of said specia't e'lection, pursuant to the County Finance Act of North Carolina:
The number of voters registered and qualified to
' vote at said etection was 22,469.
(2) The iiumber of votes cast at said e-lection for the
bond order described in said Proposition Tvo. i
' and for the indebtedr.ess proposed to be incurred
by the issuai:ce of the bonds authorized by said
bond order was 9,540. The nuruber of votes cast
at said electiou against said bond order ai.fl
against said iridebtedr.ess was 2,570. A majority
of the aua,ified voters of said Qotxiity who voted
-at'said e•ection vobEd to.approve said-bond. order
and said indebtedness.
IN WITivES5 WHEREOF, we, the undersigned members of the Board of Commissioners
of the County of Tvew Hanover, have hereunto set our hands this l6th day of June, 1952•
Addison Hewiett
Sames M. Hall
Thurston C. Davis
Claud 0'Shieids
Ha'+ J . Love
biembers of Board of Commissioners.
C? Thurston C. Dav1s moved that the•statement so signed be approved by the Board
of Commissioners and that the C].erk be directed to fi?e the original statement in
his office and to publish a copy of the statemec,t ir: the manner provided by 'law.
C"aud 0'Shields seconded the motion ai.d the motion was unanimousiy adopted.
Upon motion o£ tdr. Love, seconded by tdr. Davis,
? a uthorized and requested to se'!" $1,0009000.009
?j??' school bonds suthorized by the recent bond elec
buildirig program for the fisca, year 1952-1953•
and sold at such time ai.d ir. such amounts to be
Board of Education.
the Local Goverr,ment Commission was
at this timet of the E-2,993,000.00
tion, to meet the needs of the school
The remainder of said bonds be issued
determined ?ater. Requested by the
Upon motion the Board approved a recommendation offered by hir. o'Shileds, for presentation
to the Governor, to seek his cooperation in an effort to extend the 4-Way Highway over
US 74/76 from VFilmington to Seagate, separating the highway there? at-id buiid another
bridge over Bradiey Creek where the o?d Tide Vdater Trestle is, to provide a one-way
drive through Seagate ai,d over Bradley Creek to 8aint Andrew's Church.
?g Upor, r;otion of i?r. i ove, seconded by iUir. Davis, County bi7.'s No. 9514 t0 9583 Iiic.,
? were approved for paymer.t.
The meeting then adjourried.
?4C'l erk.