1952-06-30 Regular Meetingr :34 z> ideetii-g of June 23, *19529 continued. The Board discussed with representatives of the Lions Club? theoperat3on of the , cold drink stand in the Court House. It being the thought of tYie Board that alocal blind person wou'+d be employed. The Board was then advised that the starid would be operated by Mr. PhiTlip Price who is the husband of &irs. Phillip Davenport Price ari employee of the ? Courity Welfare Department. Mr. Price formerl.yl6perate8 a?Lions Club Stand at A'sheviile?N.C., a nd was transferred from that ,place to take charge of the Stand here. The Board was further tord that'there was only one ba.irad?.persoc? in this County that couid be trained to operate the Stand. The County Cor.unissioriers beirig interested iu emp-loying loca' b"ind persons, to take charge of the Stand asked that they be given first preferer.ce and that we be furnished with their i•oster of blirid per•soiis ii, this Couiity. Upon motion of Mr. Love, secoiided by Mr. Davis, Cour.ty bills No. 9584 to-9634 were approved for paytnerit. The meeting tnen adjouri-ied. >7 Cierk. WilminCton, N.C.i Jtule 309 1952• The regular week'+y meeting of the Board was held at 10:00 o'clock A.M. ?resent: Addison Hewlett, Chairmaii, Jas. Y. Halt, C"aud 0'Shie,ds, Thurstoi, C. Davis, Hal J. Love atid Courity Attorxiey N.arsdel. Bellacny. c? Mr. A. H. Seawe'li, Veterans Service Officer, submitted his annual report which was received ai.d fi'led. . ' Upori motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shie,ds, The Boar3 tentativei.y approved "the '1952-53 budget for the=Veterans Service Officer in, the amour,t of $6,i80.0U, the same as iast yer;rw. Mr. Harry Hayden appeared to ask if the County uiou"ld be interested in underwriting the pubiicatior, of his Manuseripb'or, Fort Fisher,on a self-liquidating basis? ihe cost wou"d be around $650.00, the Courity to receive 500 copies which, he said, could be readily sold for ?2.00 per copy. After the County will have disposed of its 500 copies, Mr. Hayder. would receive 500 copies in remur,eration for his research and vrriting. Vdas taken under consideration by the Board. Several copies of i:he niaiiuscript was submitted £or the Commissioiiers study. Upon motioi, of Mr. T,ove, seconded by Mr. G'S}iields, the Board approved the Airport Liability Policy submitte6 by the L.ocal Associittion of Iilsurai.ce Aget.ts it. the amotuits of E100,000.00 for personal injury and $300,000,00 property damage, oi. recommendation of nrir. HeY;ry Boyd,' Airport Mar.ager that the said policl inc?udes'-a type of risk not covered by the Mutual ? Compaz.ies. The Lurty At!torney calling attention however that said policy does not apply to bodily injury, sickness or disease, is,cluding, death at any time resultinr therefrom c.?used by the consumption or use of any food article prepnredg handled or distributed by the Insured upoi: the premises described in the policy or e'+sewhere. A petition of fourteer} property owners asking the County Commissior,ers to request the State Highway arid Pub9ic VJa91ks Commission to hard surface a road which rur.s from Vvrightsville Avenue and 48th Street in Harnett Township, to Napie Avenue, thence to hlacMillan Ave., in Winter Park, on which '] houses are located, was upon motion of IJr. Davis, seconded by Yr. 4ove, approved and referred Lo the State Highway and Public ++orks Commission with request that the same be granted. A report of the Wilmington Public I.ibrary and Bookmobi?.e for May was receiyed and fi"ed. Upon motion iristrucLions were given to reserve two double rooms AtrAtlantic Beach.Hote?,! ,?Cynp-"1 for members of the Board who vai-ii attend the meeting of the State Associatior, of Couiity ? Commissioners at Mtorehead City August „th and 1,3th. Upon motion of ;+ir. Hall , seconded by iv'r. Iove, the Board approved the purchase of a 1952 Chevro'tet, Deluxe Tovni Sedar,'Autbmoti•e for the FJi'mington Port Commission at a cost ,,r\),Rl' of $1,808.69, Tess E;.eise Tax $120.40 aid Tx•ade-in al,ocrai,ce $988.29, making a total net - cost of 6700.00. A letr,er of anpreci.atior, was received from the G1ri Scout Counci" for the BoardS cooperation £or "ciearing''their day camp site oi? Greenvi,le Sound. Upon notion of bir. Love, seconded by Mr. Ha?', authority was given to ciose the County ? offices July 4th and 5th, 1952, in observance of Independence Day. i,o objections were ir.dicated by the Board to the United States Erigineers grantir,g permits `?#to Mr. iN.A.IvicKenzie to construbt a wharf in Banks Chai.r,ei approximateiy J- mile northeast --% ?v of Masonboro Irilet, and Dr. 5.5.Stephenson to construct a wharf ir, the lagoon just southwest of Crane 5treet or. the c.orthern extension of PJrightsvi'lle Beach. Upon'motior, of Mr. Davis, secor;ded by I4r. Love, authority was giver, to continue operation of the various departments of the Coux:ty on the same basis of the 1951-1952 budget appropriations pending adoption of the 1952-1953 budget. Upon motior, of iv;r. Davis, secorded by Mr. Hal"', the Board a„proved a-reouest preser.ted by ? "SS the Supt., of Public Welfare to place Jack J. Moore, r;egro tubercu'+osis patier:t in some ?- County Sanatorium per:ding his placemer.t in State or Veterar,s Sanatorium as he has aPPlications in both. There is no room avai'!able at the John C. UJessell Sanatorium. fdo objections Hre re indicated by the Board to the application of Dominic Mark DeSantes for a 3tate permit to se'li beer at 3606 Olear.der Drive. • he Board dec?ined to apgrove the paymetit of a statement submitted by the Idea? Plumbing Co.C?/26/? , tiTn the amount of $195.46, covering various ui.=aathorized items from December 18, 1945 to June 30, '1949, but did agree to give consideratioi. to any authorized bi""s for services rendered - within the past two year period. ' 346 Meeting of Jwie 30, '952? continued. Upon motion of tuir. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, the Board approved cleai,ing out the end:•of the yacht basin at Carolina Beach where it has fil-ted-in, Carolir:a Beach to pay for transferring the Dragiine from where it is now working to job and back 11r again, and a'tso to clean-out canai from river to to Kure Beach while drag-line is working on cai,ai from Henniker to VJi,mi:.gtor, Beach, vJhile there. Upon motion of Mr. Lovei seconded by Ia,:r. Davis, the Board authorized the car.celiation ? of lots 9 and 10 in block 23 Summer Hil" charged atainst Mir. Howard Hanby for the year • 1952, account of doubie charge. It appear ed that the said lots were previous'+y sold to Stratford Donne+i who listed the same, au d the s,id lots were tisted by Mr. Hanby in error for the year 1952. Upon motion of h:r. 0'Shie?ds, secoi,ded by Mr. Ha'l, payment of County bills no. 9635 to ?j? 9750 were approved for payrner.t. ' The followir;g good ard ?avrful gersons rrere drawtt td serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of criminal cases fo`r- _the:one week specia" term beginning July _/;V 141 ?952, which vaas ca•led by the Chief Justice of the Sup,reme Court of North Carolina .•„? in lieu of the o;e vaeek statutory criminal term scheduled to convene on July 211 i952t which has beem cancelled by the C?ief Justice: .r E.A.Hoggard? G-len Arden. S.A.Dfiller, Rt.3, Box 102. G.T.Stewart, Rt.3. Harry Baggett, Y.ure IIeach. tiathan Stein, 1205 Grace St. Vu.H.Chini_is,Jr., 1131 Dock St. - 6r.E.Creech, Carolina Beach. S.F.Bordeaux, Rt.i, Cast'le Hayne. R.I.Butl.er, 127 Spofford biills. A 22 19 P C 2 t ' S Owen B. Smith,Jr. 15 N. 25th St. t • . . room, 5 ashiixg .t. or, Wm.H.Henderson, i 14 Grace St. C.E.Dixou, Rt.i, Box 273B. Jessie M. Lanier, 2718 Jan Buren St. A.C.Volk, 5 Jackson Drive. YJ.G.Smithl 408 S. 5th St. J.M.Sanders, Rt.3. W.H.Autry, 2,9 Davie Drive, Maffitt Village. ' Lester H. Rhodes, 118 Niorningside Drive. L.Schwart, 713 N. 4th St. H.H.Bowies, 3,12 N. 3rd St. VPm.L.Russoj 620 N. 4th St. W.IJI.Cameron, 192"? Chestnut St, J.Ni.Wils_onj 55 Pinecrest Pa.rkway. B.R.Simmons, 4,8 S. 5th St. YJ.Y.Teachey, itt.2? Box 199• - Geo. F. Jer_ness, 406 1?4ercer i:ver.ue. T.S.J.acobs, ?1T1 5. 3rd St. C.D.Parker, Rt,2, Box 320BB. G.G.Nurray, Rt.3, Box 266. • ', J.I?.Val ertine?, 41 g Red Cross St. R.T.Fryer, 613 Chestnut St. Jos.P_.Stefar.o, 20Ct.0,Lake Forest. She1ly F. Horton,Jr.? 27 Summet Vdaik. •• _ Chester F. Gower, 3-C, Lake Por•est. Issac B. Figford, 100 Spofford tvlills. Sigmoi.d So?omoii 403 Colonial Drive. W.D.Gr'hittaker,2628 Adams St. • - Chas.F.Jones, P.O.Box 901. t,tax F. r^urr, Itt.3, Box 61A. + fiobt.L.King, 207 N. 12th St. - Johnnie Fridgei: 2720 Harrison St. :•?'" Thos. W. Sneedei., 19 ia. 25tr. St. Vialter Thomas, 6-D, 1•esbitt Ct. J.N.Sanders, C-25, Box 28DD. Geo.I'.Crooma 2 N. Adams St. C.W`.A4cCle1 "and, 207 Church St. D.L.Tepgue, Box 98 Carolir:a Beach. C.L.Boddie, Caroliia Beach. A. Elwood HilLurri, 3 Ct., W-I.ake Forest. G.H.N:ahathey, 2728 S. Van Burei, St. Loyd E. io;ercer 705 S. 6th St. , ? 4J.Houston Johnsor., 2530 Aarrison St. C.L.Hegister, i19 S. Front St. E.G.Sharp, 2004 Perry Ave. 1vt.G.Johnston, 407 Nun St. Charles Rogers, RFD 1. David Covington, 611 N. Sth St. The meeting then adjourned. . ? Wilr„ingtion, N. C., Juiy 7, '952. The regular week'+y meeting o£ Lhe Fsoard was held at 10:00 o'clock A.M. .;?... Present: AddisoLi Hewlett, Chaiiman; Jas. iu',. Hall, Claud G'Shielos, Shuaston C. Davis, Hal J. Love and County Attorney iiarsden Be7lamy: ',?L, Miss Sammie Lee Jones, Hssistar.t Home Kgent preseiited a report of the aativities of' her depax•tmer,t for Jur.e vrhich was received ai.d iiled. Mr. R. A. Shew appeared to offer suggest?ions on Coutity Forest Fire Controi, ar.d cal?ed attention to the fire ir; the forest sou$?of V9ilrringtot; last Friday and Saturday which . burned over alarge area. Stated that vrith the sna,l county fire equiprnent the fire could . not have been brought ui:der controv without outside help from other communities, arid urged that the County,form some kind of agreemer.t for State Cooperative r^orlest r3re Control,,vahich,' he said, was the best so1ution o£ the prob"em. .. Idr. 0'Shie-lds said that inasmuch as we did not have the funds in the budget, we should do one of two things, Fir,d fucids to support an adequate Fire Department, or make funds available to interested commuriities who maintaici a Fire Department to supplement their efforts and give consideration to State cooperative nrogram, in our next years budget, ar.d to that end moved that the Assistatit Forest Fire b7order) at VJhiteville be asked to attend our next Iv;onday's nieeting for a discussion of the matter, which was adopted. The Colored Home Demonsttation Agent presented her report for June which was received, and fi'+ed, Payment of $1.00 for postal cards ar,d repairs to canner was approved. A report of the Farm Demonstration Agent, presented by the Assistant Agent., for June was received ar.d filed. Mr. 0'Shields asked that ,Uir. Ha.rry Haydeii's mac,uscript of P6?t Fisher be referred to a ?Mr. H.M.Roland, Supt., of Schools, to look over and contact other interests and -? comment or, the same, ai:d upon motion of Mr. Ha• l, secoi-ided ty lZr. I,ove, it,structions were given to secure defini.te quotations on the cost oP puUlication of the same. L