1952-07-07 Regular Meeting' 346 Meeting of Jwie 30, '952? continued. Upon motion of tuir. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, the Board approved cleai,ing out the end:•of the yacht basin at Carolina Beach where it has fil-ted-in, Carolir:a Beach to pay for transferring the Dragiine from where it is now working to job and back 11r again, and a'tso to clean-out canai from river to to Kure Beach while drag-line is working on cai,ai from Henniker to VJi,mi:.gtor, Beach, vJhile there. Upon motion of Mr. Lovei seconded by Ia,:r. Davis, the Board authorized the car.celiation ? of lots 9 and 10 in block 23 Summer Hil" charged atainst Mir. Howard Hanby for the year • 1952, account of doubie charge. It appear ed that the said lots were previous'+y sold to Stratford Donne+i who listed the same, au d the s,id lots were tisted by Mr. Hanby in error for the year 1952. Upon motion of h:r. 0'Shie?ds, secoi,ded by Mr. Ha'l, payment of County bills no. 9635 to ?j? 9750 were approved for payrner.t. ' The followir;g good ard ?avrful gersons rrere drawtt td serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of criminal cases fo`r- _the:one week specia" term beginning July _/;V 141 ?952, which vaas ca•led by the Chief Justice of the Sup,reme Court of North Carolina .•„? in lieu of the o;e vaeek statutory criminal term scheduled to convene on July 211 i952t which has beem cancelled by the C?ief Justice: .r E.A.Hoggard? G-len Arden. S.A.Dfiller, Rt.3, Box 102. G.T.Stewart, Rt.3. Harry Baggett, Y.ure IIeach. tiathan Stein, 1205 Grace St. Vu.H.Chini_is,Jr., 1131 Dock St. - 6r.E.Creech, Carolina Beach. S.F.Bordeaux, Rt.i, Cast'le Hayne. R.I.Butl.er, 127 Spofford biills. A 22 19 P C 2 t ' S Owen B. Smith,Jr. 15 N. 25th St. t • . . room, 5 ashiixg .t. or, Wm.H.Henderson, i 14 Grace St. C.E.Dixou, Rt.i, Box 273B. Jessie M. Lanier, 2718 Jan Buren St. A.C.Volk, 5 Jackson Drive. YJ.G.Smithl 408 S. 5th St. J.M.Sanders, Rt.3. W.H.Autry, 2,9 Davie Drive, Maffitt Village. ' Lester H. Rhodes, 118 Niorningside Drive. L.Schwart, 713 N. 4th St. H.H.Bowies, 3,12 N. 3rd St. VPm.L.Russoj 620 N. 4th St. W.IJI.Cameron, 192"? Chestnut St, J.Ni.Wils_onj 55 Pinecrest Pa.rkway. B.R.Simmons, 4,8 S. 5th St. YJ.Y.Teachey, itt.2? Box 199• - Geo. F. Jer_ness, 406 1?4ercer i:ver.ue. T.S.J.acobs, ?1T1 5. 3rd St. C.D.Parker, Rt,2, Box 320BB. G.G.Nurray, Rt.3, Box 266. • ', J.I?.Val ertine?, 41 g Red Cross St. R.T.Fryer, 613 Chestnut St. Jos.P_.Stefar.o, 20Ct.0,Lake Forest. She1ly F. Horton,Jr.? 27 Summet Vdaik. •• _ Chester F. Gower, 3-C, Lake Por•est. Issac B. Figford, 100 Spofford tvlills. Sigmoi.d So?omoii 403 Colonial Drive. W.D.Gr'hittaker,2628 Adams St. • - Chas.F.Jones, P.O.Box 901. t,tax F. r^urr, Itt.3, Box 61A. + fiobt.L.King, 207 N. 12th St. - Johnnie Fridgei: 2720 Harrison St. :•?'" Thos. W. Sneedei., 19 ia. 25tr. St. Vialter Thomas, 6-D, 1•esbitt Ct. J.N.Sanders, C-25, Box 28DD. Geo.I'.Crooma 2 N. Adams St. C.W`.A4cCle1 "and, 207 Church St. D.L.Tepgue, Box 98 Carolir:a Beach. C.L.Boddie, Caroliia Beach. A. Elwood HilLurri, 3 Ct., W-I.ake Forest. G.H.N:ahathey, 2728 S. Van Burei, St. Loyd E. io;ercer 705 S. 6th St. , ? 4J.Houston Johnsor., 2530 Aarrison St. C.L.Hegister, i19 S. Front St. E.G.Sharp, 2004 Perry Ave. 1vt.G.Johnston, 407 Nun St. Charles Rogers, RFD 1. David Covington, 611 N. Sth St. The meeting then adjourned. . ? Wilr„ingtion, N. C., Juiy 7, '952. The regular week'+y meeting o£ Lhe Fsoard was held at 10:00 o'clock A.M. .;?... Present: AddisoLi Hewlett, Chaiiman; Jas. iu',. Hall, Claud G'Shielos, Shuaston C. Davis, Hal J. Love and County Attorney iiarsden Be7lamy: ',?L, Miss Sammie Lee Jones, Hssistar.t Home Kgent preseiited a report of the aativities of' her depax•tmer,t for Jur.e vrhich was received ai.d iiled. Mr. R. A. Shew appeared to offer suggest?ions on Coutity Forest Fire Controi, ar.d cal?ed attention to the fire ir; the forest sou$?of V9ilrringtot; last Friday and Saturday which . burned over alarge area. Stated that vrith the sna,l county fire equiprnent the fire could . not have been brought ui:der controv without outside help from other communities, arid urged that the County,form some kind of agreemer.t for State Cooperative r^orlest r3re Control,,vahich,' he said, was the best so1ution o£ the prob"em. .. Idr. 0'Shie-lds said that inasmuch as we did not have the funds in the budget, we should do one of two things, Fir,d fucids to support an adequate Fire Department, or make funds available to interested commuriities who maintaici a Fire Department to supplement their efforts and give consideration to State cooperative nrogram, in our next years budget, ar.d to that end moved that the Assistatit Forest Fire b7order) at VJhiteville be asked to attend our next Iv;onday's nieeting for a discussion of the matter, which was adopted. The Colored Home Demonsttation Agent presented her report for June which was received, and fi'+ed, Payment of $1.00 for postal cards ar,d repairs to canner was approved. A report of the Farm Demonstration Agent, presented by the Assistant Agent., for June was received ar.d filed. Mr. 0'Shields asked that ,Uir. Ha.rry Haydeii's mac,uscript of P6?t Fisher be referred to a ?Mr. H.M.Roland, Supt., of Schools, to look over and contact other interests and -? comment or, the same, ai:d upon motion of Mr. Ha• l, secoi-ided ty lZr. I,ove, it,structions were given to secure defini.te quotations on the cost oP puUlication of the same. L 347 Meeting of July 7, 7952, coiitinued. kttorneys Aaron Go"dberg, Dzvid Sinclair, A-vton A. Lei,non and Etbert Brovan appeared to ask tY,at L[r. Geo J Peschau' . .. s sa?ary 4 _S Deputy Recorder, be,increased from $125.00 to $175.00 per monthy was received for consideration durin the e ti g pr para on of the budget, after a mot3:on offered by Tvir. tial" to grant the incr a , e se requested) fail ed of, a second. niy one bid having beer: received for furnishing all labor, tools and equipment for painting the the wa,, s and ceiling of the Superior Court Room, bir. 0'Shie-lds, moved and it was seconded by Nr Love and . carried, that bids for painting the same be re-advertised to be received by the Board next D;ondap Ju?y l4th 10:00 ' k l , o c oc A.M., for additiona? bids. A-quarterlq report of the NritmizVton Port Commission for the pertod:Apri'l :t:.through?June 30,'q52t was received and filed . G)S A communication was received fror,, the State Board of Public VJe'lfare advising that $44,787.42 of=•State and Federai fund -? s were sent to this County for the month of June for Old Age Assistance, Aid to Dependent Chi"dren Aid to the e a t - , p rm nen iy aud totally Disabled and for Administration. «Y ? • ,. ?/"U A report of the activities of the Bureau of Ideritification for June was received and filed. ?Q A report was received from Back Tax Collector advisinr that S 852.52 was col'oected for the City and $2 253 48 f th - , . or e County, makir.g a tota" of $39,06.00 back taxes coliected for the month of June. No objections were ii,dicated by the Board to the applicatior. of Briscoe Howard for a State Permit to sell beer at 922 riorth 7th Street, No_objections vaEre raised by the Board to the Uriited States District Exigineer granting ??'? . wa permission to Thomas R. Ames, Jr., to opei. a cnarne" hy the use of dynamite in Greenville f--- Sound to the Inlaijd Vraterway at a'+ocatior, approximate-ty 700 yards south of light No.128. A tipon motion of Nir. Love, seconded by 14r. Lavis, 1;e1lie Howard, 710 Orai,ge Streeti was granted _,.,7O ac? abatement of not -listed penalty eharged against her property in bloc' 132 for the year 1951• It appeared that she Yas listed her taxes every year and was sure she lsted for 1951 which list . , appar.ently was misp,acedg, ai.d abatemer;t vias reconmended by the Cour.ty Auditor. - ',??,y?'\A report of the Veteran's Service Oifice for ?iune vras received and filed. Hal J. Love moved that the follovling reso'+ution be adopted: WHEREA5, the bond order hereinafter described has taken effect and the Board of •t=,';,, Commissioners desire to make further provision £or the issuance of Honds of the aggregate principai amount of $29993,000 authorized by said bond order; N6W, THERFFORE, at?' ? fol't BE IT RESOI,VED by the Eoard of Cot?missioners of the Cour,ty of Iiew Hanover, as . ows: (i) The Courrty of I1ew iiar,over (hereinafter referred to as 01County") shall issue . its bonds of the aggregate principai amount of $2,993,000 pursuant to ai.d in accordance with the bond order entit'led "Bond Order authorizing the issuance of SB2,993>000 school Bonds . of the County of hew Hanover"l adopted by the Board 'of Commissioners of the County on April 7, 1952. (2) Acting pursuant to Section '153-80 of The County Finance Act, the Board of I/ Commissioners has ascertained and hereby'tdetermirLes that each of the existing schooi buildings •described in said bond order and each of the r.ew buildings and additions to be financed by the issuarice of the bonds is of either fireproof constructioi- or non-firepsoof construction as defined in said Sectioii 153-80, aiid that the life of each of tne improvemerits described in said hand order is thirty years, computed from Jur,e -1, '952• -??"? • .. (3) The bonds shal-i be desigciated t'School Bui'lding Bonds" ,__nd sha-l'+ consist of two thousand nine htmdred arid ninety-tnree bonds oi the denomir.ation of $1,000 each and shall be dated June l, 1952. Each bond sha,l bear ir,terest from its date at a rate which shay" be hereinafter detierminad and which sha,l not exceed six per cer.ttam (6%) per arinum. Such interest shal• be payable semi-ai.t.ually os, June ist and December ist. (4) The bonds shall be payable in aisiual installments on June ist in each qear as followS viz.: $50,000 in 1954, 03?000 in 1955, $65,000 ii. -19569 $85t000 in each of the years '1957 to 1910, inclusive,, $90,000 in ?901 SlO5,000 in each of the years 1962 to 1965,inclusive, $l q0t000 in each of the years ?96o to 19?9, inclusive, $?,25,000 in each of the years 1970 to 198', iriclusive, and $75,000 in 1982. ? (5) the bonds shall be issued in series, from time to time, as may be determined -by the Board of Commissioners ar.d the bonds of each series shall be numbered from i upwards in the order of their maturity. . (6) The bonds shall be coupon bonds, registerable as to principal on"yl q?nd shall be signed by the Chairman and C"erk of the Board of Commissioners of the County. The corporate seai of the County shall be affixed to each of the bonds. Each of the interest coupons to be attached to the bonds shall be authenticated by the fac-simi'le signature of the Clerk. Soth principai of and ii,terest on the bor,ds shall be payable at the prir,cipa'+ • oifice of The Na.tional City Bank of liew York, in the Borough of 1vIanhattan, City and State of Itiew York, in any coin or currency of the Uiuted States of America which at the tlme of • payment is iegal tender for the payment of pub"ic and private debts. (7) Each of the bonds arid interest coupons representing the interest payab"e . thereon and the provisions for the registration of the bonds and for the approva'+ of the bonds by the Secretary of the Ioca?_ Goverrunei;t Comaission to be endorsed thereon, shali be in substantially the following form: 'A ?348 Meeting of Ju"y 7, '1952, continued. ( Form of Bond ) No.?x» UtiITED STATES OF AMERICA STtITF OF NOh"!'H CAnOIIIvA COUNTY OF hEVJ HAivOVER SCHOOL BUILDIZ4G I30ND SERIES _ vl ,000 $ig000 The County of New Hanover (hereinafter referred to as County)9 a county of the State of North CaroTina, for value received hereby promises to pay to the bearer of this bocidg ort if it be registered, to the registered holder, the principal sum of ONE THOUSAIvD DOLLARS (67.7000) on June i, i9 9 and to pay interest thereon from the date of this bond until it sha"l mature at the rate of per cer,tum ( %) per armum, payable semi-ar;nually on June I ac,d Decernber i ir, e.ch year, upoii presentatior, and surrender of the coupons theret'or attached hereto, as they severally mature. Both principai of and intex•est on this bond are payable at the pi-incipa, of'fice of The National City Ba.r.k of New York, ii. the Borough of Ye.nhattar,, City and State of new York, ir. any coin or currency of the Us.ited SLates of America which at the time of paymer.t is legal tender for the paymer.t of public and private debts. This bond ma,y be\;registered as to princi•pal onn y by the holder iri his name on the bond registertof the County kept in the office of the Eond Registrar of the County, and such registration shal1 be xioted hexe0n by said Bond Registrar. If so registered, this bond may be transferred on said boi,d register by the registered ho'+der 1n person or by attorney, upoii presentation of this bond to the Boi.d Registrar with a written instrument of transfer in a form anproved by said Bond fiepistrar and executed by said registered holder. If this bond be so registered, the principal shall thereafter be payab"e only to the person in whose name it is registered, unless this bond shall be discharged from reg3stry by being registered as payable to bearer. Such registratior, shal" riot effect the negotiabiiity of the coupons, vrhich sha'+l continue to pass by delivery. This bond is issued pursuant to The County Finance Act of T?orth Carolil,a? and a bond order duiy adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County on April 7, 1952 ir, accordance with said Act, and is issued by the County, as an administrative ageiicy of the State of Plorth Caro'lina, to provide facilities necessary for the rosintenance of pubiic schools in the Cour.ty for the six months term required by the Constitution of North Carolina. The issuance of this bond and the contracting of the indebtedness evSdenced thereby have'been approved by a majority of the qualified voters of the County voting at an electioii du"y ca,'ved and he'+d in the County on ?1ay 31, 1952• It is hereby certified and recited that ali conditions, acts and things requiTed by the Constitution or statutes of the State of ;tiorth Carolina to exist, be performed or happen precedent to or in the issuance of this bond, exist, have been performed and have happened, and that the amount of this bond together vrith a," other indebtedness of the County, is within every debt ac,d other limit prescribed by said Coristitution or statutes. The faith and credit of the County are hereb5- pledged to the punctual payment of the principa', of and interest on this bond accordir.g to its terms. L WITNESS tiq'HEHEOF, the Cour.ty has caused this boud to be signed by the Chairman and the C"erx oY the Board of Commissioners of the Cour.ty, and the corporate sea" of the County to be hereunto affixed, and the annexed coupons to bear the facsimile signature of said Cl-erk? and this bond to be dated June 1 , ?952• Chairman of Board of Commissioners No. C"ark of Boarti of Cor.nmissioners ( Form of Coupon ) No. ? June, On the first day of Decenber, 19 ? the County of New Har.over, abounty of the State of Piorth Carolina? wil'+ pay to bearer DO?LARS ($ at the principat office of The Pztic>nal City Bank of hew York, ir, the borough of Manhattan, City and State of hew York, ir, ariy coin or currency of the Ur.ited States of America which is ther, lega• ter.der for the paymei,t of public and private debts) befng the semi=ai.nua, ii,terest then due or, its 5choo', Building bond, Series ? dated Tune " 1 1952, No. . Clerk of Board of Commissioners : , ? ?41fl-) Meeting of Ju'Yy ?, '1952, continued. ( Eridorsement oci Boi.ds ) ' Date cif lieaistration The within bond has been recistered as to prir,c3.pw on*y, as fo-vws: iName of Reeistered Ow ne r Sfenature of Bond Reeistrar The issue hereof has been approved under the provisions of the Local Goveriuaer,t Act. W. E. FAuTERLIIvG Secretary of the Local Government Commission . B`r Desigrated Assiatant (8) The County kuditor is heieby authorized and directed to provids a suitable bond register for the registration of said boY:ds and to act as Bond Registrar in registering the bonds and to carry out tne provisions set forth in the bonds for the conversion of the bonds ir.to registered bonds and for the traiisfer thereof. ? Thurston C. Davis seconded the motion, and the motioi: was adopted by the iollowing vote; Ayes: tiddison Hewlett, Jas. Ha'l , C,aud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis and Hai T.Love.. _ i0ays: None. Hal J. Love moved that the foiiowirip resolution be a, ,iopted: WHEREAS, the 3oard oP Co-,miss:oners desire to se-ii at this time W",000,000 ScHool building Bonds pursuant to the bond order entitTed "Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $21993,000 school Bonds of the Cour;ty of new Hanover°1, adopted by the Board of Commissionere• on April 7, 1952; iXP!, THEi3£rORF': folTOws: BE IT RESOIVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Iianover, as (i) Schoo, Suilding,Bonds of the Courity of ;"ew Haiiover of the aggregate principal, amount of $il000p000, authorized by said bond order, shall be issued as soon as may be practicabie and said bonds shal1 he numbered fFom i to 1GOO,inousivel and shail te payable in ai.nual instal+arents on Jnne I in each year as fo•lows, viz.: $,509000 iri ?954,$20,000 in each of the years ?955 to 1962, inclusive,f.30,000 ir. each of the years 1963 to 1965, inousive, %25,000 in each of the yea rs l966 to '7969, inclusfve? and $50,000 in each of the years 1970 to 1981, inciusive. Each of said bor.ds sha,l bear.the designation "5eries Alt. (2) The Local Government Commission of ivortii Caxolina is hereby requested to seli said Series A Bonds in the maiiner prescribed by the Loca? Government A ct of lvorth Caroiina, pnd to state in the notice of the sale of said Uor.ds given pursuant to Section 17 o£ said Act, that bidders may name one rate of interest for part of the bonds and another rate or rates for the ba'+at:ee of the boi:ds. The bonds shall bear interest at such rate or rates as may be named it, the proposal to purchase the bonds which shal" be accepted by said Loca1 Government Commission ir: accox•dance wit;h said Act. ? (3) The Chairman and Clerk of the Board of CommiGsioners are hereby authorized ? and directed to cause the borids to be nrepared and s when they shai'+ have been duiy soId by said I,oca.i Government Commission, to execute tne boi.ds and to turn the bonds over to the State Trclasurer of k+orth Carolir.a, for delivery to the purchaser or purchasers to whom they ' may be sold by said Commission. Thurston C. Da.vis seconded the nzotion, ar:d the motiori was adopted by the following vote: " Ayes: Addison Hervlett, Jas.Iu.Halj, C"aud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis and Hal J. Love. Nays: bone. r r 50 ? Meeting of Ju'y 7, 1952, contirlued. Mr. 0'Shields brought to the attention that the State Highvuay and Pub'lic R'orks Commission had done nothing toward our request to provide a higher bridge over the Inland YJaterway at Wrightsville Sound tp permit sma", craft to pass ui:der the br•idge without the necessity of raising it, which would e?iminate,to a great extent,the necessity to ?ift the bridge _A for a numberaf craft to pass through. In view of the State Highw;y Commission contempiating the instaliation of a higher bridge at Suz'f CiLy, he suggested that the State Highway Commissior, give the VJrightsville Bridge to Surf City and bui.,d the higher bridge at 'r Wri.ghtsvilie. Mr. 0'Shields also brought to the rtter.tion our previous request to ? repair and widen Carolina Beach iiighway, and moved that these matters be re-opened with Mr. C"ark, Thi'rd Division State Highway Commissioner, and urge that they be taken care of at once if possitle. His motioi: was seconded by ivir. 7,ove and carried. ? I _ ? ?P With reference to a dust conditioi. at Legion Siadiwn, it was suggested that we confer with Yir. Arnold Feterson, City Supt., of Parks and Recreation, as to the best method to controi the situation. Upor, motio:;, du'vy seconded, the VZrigYitsboro Volunteer Fire Department was granted a donation of $100.00 for equipment for its departmer.t in consideration of services rendered the County. Upon rnotion, County bil'is i:o. 975' to 1002 iiic., were approved for payment. The meeting then adjourned. . C"e rk . ? W-J,mirigton, i'v. C., July 14, 1952• + The regular week'vy meeting of the Board was held at 10:00 o'ctock A. N„ Present: Addi.son Hewlett, Chairmaii, Tas.Ivl.Hall, Cl,ud 0'Shie•ds, Thurstori C. Davis, County Att;oniey Marsder. Bellamy and County buditor C. F. Smith. At the ir.vitation of the Board Mr. Joe Herievich District State Forester stationed at Vlhiteville appear•ed {;o discuss a State-Coui;ty Cooperative Forest Fire Protection set-up for New Hanover Cour:ty, He sCated the service would ii.clude employment of a County Forester, purchase of pick-up truck with 2-v;ay radio for Cour,ty Forester and sma" hand too's ar.d equipment, employment of a Towermar_ to be stationed atop a ta•v building in Wiln,ington, employmei:t of a smokechaser to assist County Forester in fighting fires, ar;d use of heavy ? equipment stationed at Y7hitevi'te at cost of gaso,ine for operatior. and payment of a reasonable amount for fire fighting labor, on a basis of $12,000.00 appropriatior; of which amount the State would provide 60% or ?7,200.00 and the Cotuity 40% or 64,II00.00. The service wou'+d a"so provide protectior, for for homes wher, eridangered durir.g a forest fire, Isir. He?levich said. He further stated it may be possible to work out a State-County cooperative program for the protectioi: of rurai homes and buildings next year. After coiisiderable discussion, Mr. 0'Shieids asked that action be deferred on the question utitil next meetit;g to give opportunity to study the same and decide what we want and firid the funds to do it with. Mr. R. A. Shew was present to endorse tiie Cooperative Program to supplement the rural effort. Mr. R.T.Horton County Commissioner Nominee ir, ar.swer to a questiori of the Chairman, thought the Cooperative Program was fine, but thnught big forest owners should heip. In answer to a questioii by bTr. 0'Shields, Mr. Herievich stated fire '+osses in the five cour,ties, Bladen, Brunswick, Columbus, Duplin and Pender, was 509000 acres 'last year and 1,70,000 acres the preceding year. Ivfr. Perryman raised the question if vie take on the Cooperative work wi," we be able to take care of industries and houses. The matter was further d#scussed at length and Mr. Hall uioved ai.d it was seconded by Nr.. 0'Shieids and carried that, the matter be takei, ur,der coiisideratio.n during the preparation of the budget, after a previous motior. offered by lTr. Davis that the Covx,ty join the Cooperative plan, failed of a second. Mlr. Davis voted no on tne motion statinlr other things have gotten iost like that. , • y. •.. 4 •»- ? In order to cldrify tkie action o£ the Board of April 18, 1952, as to wher. the County will cox.sider it practical to pay the ?3,500.00 appropriatior, pledged at said meeting toward the exper,se of dredging an iir et ttirough the beach north of Carolina Beach, sponsored by - the Carolina Beach Inlet Corporation; L.r. Ha-, n;oved ar.d it a-as secot,ded by Mr. 0'Shields ' '- and -carried thatyi paymer.t of said ?3,500.00 authorized at nieetii.g of Aprii 28, 1952, as aforesaid, sha-vi be made upon the successful c:ompletior: of the project. Aletter was received irom Caro"ina , aY:•d binding a manuscrupt writtei? by South and Rose GreenhoH?, e? Southern ? printing plus $1.00 per book for bii ? the cow:ty will undererrite the s?me of the budget. PP11lt1Yig di_d Stamp Company quoting a price ivtr. Harr, Fiayden Y.itied t4Fort Fisher" The SpytO, '1000 copies size '] X 10 at $8,55 per :idir.g; vra.s receive.d for consideration as to from a standpoint of advertisement, d.uring for printing l:alakoff of the • page for whether or not ? the preparation _ Upon motion, duly second'ed, at10.00 petty cash fund was authorized for the John C. YJessell Tuberculosis Sar,atorium, for the purchase of fresh produce in small quantities when needed.- ..? A petition of 20 property owners requesting improvements to a road which rur.s from Masor.boro 4 T.oop Road near Yiasonboro Biuffs in iviasonboro towr.shipt therice west to the Hardy Family ? settlement, a distar.ce of 8/i0 of a miie, and knowr. as the Tittle Jumping Run Road$ on r•ahich four houses are located, was re¢eived and upon motion of Yir. 0'Shie"ds, seconded by I:4r.Davis? was approved and referred to the Thi.rd Divisiort State Highway Commissioner for consideration. A bi'+l submitted by the Coroner frorn Duke Ui,iversity Schooi of Nfedicine, in the amount of ?o?QoMrs?-Emi?y rCorine MeieO?_Legal Investigation found odead eanba parked SCar c at sCaroii?a Beachet?ya,$' of9529 ? and $40.00 for Quii.n-ItricGowai, Company, Warsaw, N. C., for takirig the body to Duke for examination, was receive6 got iurther consultatior, with t-ne District Solicitor. ?