1952-07-14 Regular Meetingr 50 ? Meeting of Ju'y 7, 1952, contirlued. Mr. 0'Shields brought to the attention that the State Highvuay and Pub'lic R'orks Commission had done nothing toward our request to provide a higher bridge over the Inland YJaterway at Wrightsville Sound tp permit sma", craft to pass ui:der the br•idge without the necessity of raising it, which would e?iminate,to a great extent,the necessity to ?ift the bridge _A for a numberaf craft to pass through. In view of the State Highw;y Commission contempiating the instaliation of a higher bridge at Suz'f CiLy, he suggested that the State Highway Commissior, give the VJrightsville Bridge to Surf City and bui.,d the higher bridge at 'r Wri.ghtsvilie. Mr. 0'Shields also brought to the rtter.tion our previous request to ? repair and widen Carolina Beach iiighway, and moved that these matters be re-opened with Mr. C"ark, Thi'rd Division State Highway Commissioner, and urge that they be taken care of at once if possitle. His motioi: was seconded by ivir. 7,ove and carried. ? I _ ? ?P With reference to a dust conditioi. at Legion Siadiwn, it was suggested that we confer with Yir. Arnold Feterson, City Supt., of Parks and Recreation, as to the best method to controi the situation. Upor, motio:;, du'vy seconded, the VZrigYitsboro Volunteer Fire Department was granted a donation of $100.00 for equipment for its departmer.t in consideration of services rendered the County. Upon rnotion, County bil'is i:o. 975' to 1002 iiic., were approved for payment. The meeting then adjourned. . C"e rk . ? W-J,mirigton, i'v. C., July 14, 1952• + The regular week'vy meeting of the Board was held at 10:00 o'ctock A. N„ Present: Addi.son Hewlett, Chairmaii, Tas.Ivl.Hall, Cl,ud 0'Shie•ds, Thurstori C. Davis, County Att;oniey Marsder. Bellamy and County buditor C. F. Smith. At the ir.vitation of the Board Mr. Joe Herievich District State Forester stationed at Vlhiteville appear•ed {;o discuss a State-Coui;ty Cooperative Forest Fire Protection set-up for New Hanover Cour:ty, He sCated the service would ii.clude employment of a County Forester, purchase of pick-up truck with 2-v;ay radio for Cour,ty Forester and sma" hand too's ar.d equipment, employment of a Towermar_ to be stationed atop a ta•v building in Wiln,ington, employmei:t of a smokechaser to assist County Forester in fighting fires, ar;d use of heavy ? equipment stationed at Y7hitevi'te at cost of gaso,ine for operatior. and payment of a reasonable amount for fire fighting labor, on a basis of $12,000.00 appropriatior; of which amount the State would provide 60% or ?7,200.00 and the Cotuity 40% or 64,II00.00. The service wou'+d a"so provide protectior, for for homes wher, eridangered durir.g a forest fire, Isir. He?levich said. He further stated it may be possible to work out a State-County cooperative program for the protectioi: of rurai homes and buildings next year. After coiisiderable discussion, Mr. 0'Shieids asked that action be deferred on the question utitil next meetit;g to give opportunity to study the same and decide what we want and firid the funds to do it with. Mr. R. A. Shew was present to endorse tiie Cooperative Program to supplement the rural effort. Mr. R.T.Horton County Commissioner Nominee ir, ar.swer to a questiori of the Chairman, thought the Cooperative Program was fine, but thnught big forest owners should heip. In answer to a questioii by bTr. 0'Shields, Mr. Herievich stated fire '+osses in the five cour,ties, Bladen, Brunswick, Columbus, Duplin and Pender, was 509000 acres 'last year and 1,70,000 acres the preceding year. Ivfr. Perryman raised the question if vie take on the Cooperative work wi," we be able to take care of industries and houses. The matter was further d#scussed at length and Mr. Hall uioved ai.d it was seconded by Nr.. 0'Shieids and carried that, the matter be takei, ur,der coiisideratio.n during the preparation of the budget, after a previous motior. offered by lTr. Davis that the Covx,ty join the Cooperative plan, failed of a second. Mlr. Davis voted no on tne motion statinlr other things have gotten iost like that. , • y. •.. 4 •»- ? In order to cldrify tkie action o£ the Board of April 18, 1952, as to wher. the County will cox.sider it practical to pay the ?3,500.00 appropriatior, pledged at said meeting toward the exper,se of dredging an iir et ttirough the beach north of Carolina Beach, sponsored by - the Carolina Beach Inlet Corporation; L.r. Ha-, n;oved ar.d it a-as secot,ded by Mr. 0'Shields ' '- and -carried thatyi paymer.t of said ?3,500.00 authorized at nieetii.g of Aprii 28, 1952, as aforesaid, sha-vi be made upon the successful c:ompletior: of the project. Aletter was received irom Caro"ina , aY:•d binding a manuscrupt writtei? by South and Rose GreenhoH?, e? Southern ? printing plus $1.00 per book for bii ? the cow:ty will undererrite the s?me of the budget. PP11lt1Yig di_d Stamp Company quoting a price ivtr. Harr, Fiayden Y.itied t4Fort Fisher" The SpytO, '1000 copies size '] X 10 at $8,55 per :idir.g; vra.s receive.d for consideration as to from a standpoint of advertisement, d.uring for printing l:alakoff of the • page for whether or not ? the preparation _ Upon motion, duly second'ed, at10.00 petty cash fund was authorized for the John C. YJessell Tuberculosis Sar,atorium, for the purchase of fresh produce in small quantities when needed.- ..? A petition of 20 property owners requesting improvements to a road which rur.s from Masor.boro 4 T.oop Road near Yiasonboro Biuffs in iviasonboro towr.shipt therice west to the Hardy Family ? settlement, a distar.ce of 8/i0 of a miie, and knowr. as the Tittle Jumping Run Road$ on r•ahich four houses are located, was re¢eived and upon motion of Yir. 0'Shie"ds, seconded by I:4r.Davis? was approved and referred to the Thi.rd Divisiort State Highway Commissioner for consideration. A bi'+l submitted by the Coroner frorn Duke Ui,iversity Schooi of Nfedicine, in the amount of ?o?QoMrs?-Emi?y rCorine MeieO?_Legal Investigation found odead eanba parked SCar c at sCaroii?a Beachet?ya,$' of9529 ? and $40.00 for Quii.n-ItricGowai, Company, Warsaw, N. C., for takirig the body to Duke for examination, was receive6 got iurther consultatior, with t-ne District Solicitor. ? , :_ ;r, Ytilhdony N. C. au17 ?36, 1952 A apecial E:seklrig rnF -al:e Co-ancil oP t1iE eity of 8l1:1nisigton taea hald in . the Covacll ro? at Cityr HaIX on the cdbove dato at 10:00 ofc3ocI. A79e Prosemts PAsyosc ? Oh:ito, presid3.xg' Go.sc3,hAn Ca;ppe, 3?ors.n, Iana a:nd ?PaBo; G3ty n'fanagEr Henfson aw ? C?L'u3r lt:ttoa'soy Campbt312. _ The FSayor annoanccd thaL the apeeial maot3ng wne es11oc3 for the pur- ? posca of r.onductlng a hersx:iDg 3n connact£on ea:lth the yzrngasec7 rozcsn:1-ag a.: eertaYn _ p,:,.,y.u ;;3es in the cxf;y 1a.:atsd at Th1rd aad Greeni'3e7.r3 Strostr;a flYK1 YGP such othcis FtF°.tiRIPVI bl'LE7iYi^-uti9 pPOQQ'a"ly CORI311g }JDf't)I'Q f'i11e Cri0ElI1Cilo ?'. ONM Tlxo Ci.ty A`c5;oraey bead nat3ee as pubZ3*ed in 'LY;.e nevispspers sceoard- TIi2RD ing -co 7.mw, sattisag the hear.4mg, af'ber wh3ch the Viayor aaelared tha't •the tim haci & UeFM nrx•i.v,;ci far said haar3ng ar:d cal.led axpon af;qano dEsarrmg to bo hsar3> STkRE'PS ° Thea°ettpo;aE. Mre Solamon Ster.nterge±^a Attornoy..f'or a da:legatioa of ^.. C1"e,fz9i]0 pTQ3E3II-L b03.i1g pI'QpOPty Oi`JY28T:i 8IId i"Pi8id0I]tS Pf the 'W3flitlity O.Y '1h$Sd 9Md GroeEZ£ie3d Streota pro4;astiog io the pi oposed tlh221ge 1n the C18Gs3fSC8t3.+9t1 OY $&C: ])A'O"jICQ'tief.S Etf01.'EYIlCTAtfQnE3t7 fTG7A 3"68SdB1A$i2.l 'Li0 C61IIPy0TQ'.L6ly Q39 'G$@ gPOtffia8 'EYIRE 'FiYl6 noisa yr.om the proposed oi7. stations wau1d be ob9octiusasY,].e; tha'b' the b-uxn9.ng o.Y • 13gTxcs at aZ1 kous^s oF the night voald £nterfere witlz t2ie peaee an•5 resG cis, soe.l:i. as the dang2r f°rom ineroasod trafflc alang this atseota He alsa gro:iuho3 out 1-Iv3t vrhon the 7on3ng Qrd3_nance r,a3 createcl, as 11e tm9er.etood it, whon a;;y changes wore tA 'to made isa 2t, the ehmngo nould iso far the banof3t o4' the g+aop.1.e; sm3 the ollai]ge " cante.mplated Hero +lhis mosciin; wou3r3 1.e h3n6Pit•L2ng no-one oxcept :Aio 62S Cavpmu4oo, , arcl ho respoetf°aZ1,v setyaostad the OIU3C?.?. tQ [76T19 'Ck16 YF330AjS1?; Or +LYG SOS1t?1C&ti't FlYiC? ? i@lCZ Strj`f3Q'G.99 f46 F@Cill6st'i0C1e I+iortlioast l?OY°Y1eI"8 Of I#?i?'1 fdY:d ?s'0e 7dT. H. T. SPJ.l90II9 1414 SOtl'tfl Thfl1dy' PdT. JOhII H. D3T?"ifij, 3403 S07Ath , ..... 1'h4rr1, Pdr. M. W. McInt:3re, 303 Willescd S•.reety P+7re Chas, Cra&g, 310 ('r.rzenP3e7.d Stop KPe J, C• TAflgy fgY'e BY'inBO3'i, U1°7 SOLlt}2 7IIi2'd Sf'i.y MTBa C1ift0n e.2'BPF6g U15 .S(ilYtF7. .. Th3rd Stxoet9 P,'!po ;.assc-rx'r 306 611tir°kat S'c.9 Phrs. Sidnsy Ann`a*ewsa Pi°aport,y nvaueq', e an.d o'thers spoke in protes•t to tiYio progoaer] rezor:tttg o£ the sf'ore- GreenfIeld Street J _ ae3d properUcos poi±tt3ng out t41e3r objections iacslvding depkec3a9;:ion nf ths propei- 'L3es A2' it 3s .azox.ecle Puir. Aoodus Aol:lum9 .peal3ng fos° fl9ro Sadrens who i., sel:l:Ing his prcrpA OI"v9.' 3t $t10 501T?'ip1EQs$ COTriear 01' T'Li2'd E6rid. tr'R'6Q'i1f18a.a $'?'i2°@Ot 9.'6@.L 'l71 6i1bj't8Y1C6 t+119 reearmendation of the Board of Adjusfi.ment., e.nd stated that fgio City of Wilmiagton . hea bsoffi £or yoars trqing to go't the greater emount o£ induet3el mnt.c:tpr:'ise 3n Vi].- " .. mlxtglu-pn? and tIi.'is move Is enotiict mrve tousv'd prngrees; thaWn b.e cov.ld sgmpetltlze wi'ch aho opposing eitizens, bui; as 179.lmiagton grcrrrs, we have tc, give mtay to progrees. Po aakoa the Counci7. 3f it propases t,a glve way to vhe feal3siga end v2e^+re vP theoa paoolo, or mald 2l.oy nou upmxiold the a^econmesuiat3on of the Board nf f a;jsat;tmeat. Mr. Edgae L„ 3uw9 represea'Lf.rg 1Jlrra A. E. KrotttnauGm, T.ls'..1 Savth ` Th3rd Streot, lxho Is a1so co-ntemp7.st1ng ool].ing h3s propei-ty for c.omurvre:isl pzxposae expte:ined thek b,.. KrottnauQr :l.s an oldezl,y srem cho has placeo &3r> 7A£o savingo fa + hts p:r..N" v4 oa Vnis eornexq tlzat,, he feo1as that this Ineat2crb Is ne Icr,-,?or su2taUle £or re3identin2 rrsrpassn; tha:, the Faalus of same Fill ba enkance:l by cFiangSsg the c1ass3Efca•t9.oa af the p:roportles a•t •Ua3.s locvattong he f"urther si;atoec tk!at, Thfxd Stxeet 1s ose of the metn o.rter3ea 1ead:tag to the beaehnd; tlui'u, traf.fie 2a a7seEidy thera$, and sv:i,ll ecmtinuo, and in 11o apinioxs Third S•troot wi].3 xiever agaia bs ouS.table £or , rosfdQr23a1 purp:ssou; ancl xeqnosted the Co+m,cil 20 proccstad 'co rexoxio. •Lhe pra..x ?,V r.oForr.ed to 9rx behalf° of h:"r.s c13ont, Mr. Krot2rz". ; Pdrse Ciams9 oito o:C tfie dolvrmt4on and groperty osaaei•; sga2n v'1goroLV31y proteastec7 any chaap in the properEy on Th3iro1 StreQ't. Ur. IlZm. Mwsiu?11, represoatfng one af tlie oi1 compalnfera 3.nterestod in the co4,ett-ime'tion ofl a reYe3:l aervieo mtstion tapon otte of f,ho s3t<» iu question preeettt6d a p3ctura oP the •type oP etat9.cn prcposed at the eite and caid •Lhat 2f the prop].A r,rnsld aae the trpa oA station 2hsa'L a1:i1 ba catts'tx^ueted9 thoy ciill medify tYiaix v:torcr an the ??t btez A and as to the haarde montiored, ho eould not r°F:cal7. a si.ngl€ iticident, crtien a f.1xo wn.s otartoe7 tc? a sezv-lce stat3on; tlaata f,hu oil could be kopt, • undergrcund tanis. ' A£tor a.fur'che•- di9C"'?..£7Aj.OHa raitSl fYirthor cipposiLion9 Crnsaci3.man Auran ' 9tai:ed;, nI 8n nOt ugn•istst pr'e,gxoss, PzUSiOVezp T agroe Tvith Somo oP thE r:91dent'9 alanP, Thix°d StI"E6t'g tli&$p then3 :18 Pa0 318C0387.ty S$ tHB ]7^E3Li8Y1$ tSmO YUP 823Ott1ET f°j.l.l.iYlg 3t5- tio.y ou'c there; it :Ls ti fttcfi tItiat the e.roa is sur^rnEnded by co=.ereiel property9 grxL• : saa?e elaep3aero tiiase ?op.i.e 9ove the9a- iaJ:nGa and are ne?t the tgpa ?}f psoP1e •+aho s?ci'?3 *'- .wz3esi.thEy havo to,, and T T2uve that the rc3qii?rt to rezone tha prcpc-?i-iiy fa quasZiaa b3 itsnieia Po:c the praset?t tu.umoe The co't3on eras seeonder3 by Caunr.9.l.msal Lsas end vaani- mzras7,y adoptetlo - GounoiZts.^?Ac Vada svggesf;Gd tFiat the pr..,.,"ezts cuid crppcnsa•hs itx, the mFZt;tss get togabher aac. •cry to nork uut sow'ch3ng on a 7.erger sglzero tfict w5.13, bo bonefic3a1 3n the orc1 to a21. eonearnc-xlo ? i{ ? z . ,.. T'ae delFgecion eras 3saured Tjlti{'i CY1e hanc]13ng of t'zo. oaao of redonlatq uns dono aeeord:tn; fo the Zcning Law, thatip •Lhe +°oquest sves mtsaea •tkxe &oard o£ AdSust- sEat aoL an3 aisde reerr.nmerldst9.on to the Crounc31, aad the Councl.l 9:aiurn advaxt3dedt ,. eotf:Eng a hear:i.ng vo tlat the peerple 1.nvolvod m4ght bs priUleged t0 1e heArd oai the sub.'3ect; thatia no rezott3ng takes p:iaee Rithmit g?v3ng the paople eA'fee'tod aa oppor- tllildliy ti0 b0 11@BYde Tt1o Conneil reeeaasd for ton m3miteao 11sa0 The Council rec:anoened and Dr. J. T. Haggarr.l, P:r, P. P. Ie.nayp raua MC. Rocyuca J. C. Poe rera presoat, k`rom the Baard o£ I'.duction in the 3xiterest of .request3ng the . closb City to permft the c3:na:uig of Narth 13'ch etreet from a po3nt 3xa the na?.s°thezn liao of 13th S P.br.Icot Stia°oet to a &oxnt 3.n the soutkaen°n lino of Pr4nmss Streeb £cr tixess reasons e 1. The Boaad of Education is in procees OP U.Cd,,l7STlt9g pr0p8Ptj7 31IIQi0" d:uatoly 0ast of the NeM Hanwar High Schou2fl upoa rnhich thera will be o2t3etiea a vtvuoturo embody3na 22 cI.a.asxc,ams erid a combAamticsn gymaas4m-aud.fl;cr3iun, sos't:n; the ent3re s$udant bocly. , 2, Studen? -tmaPfie across 13t1i straeic v37.1 moun.C to soraA 51,50C) " da:L1y crossing dvrin; the 1E30 day achoo2 term. Rltbo+sgh the U ?,yYlda5_rknt a?tr?ao8 hazmrd erf11 be g,:eat7,y xreduced, the 5,500 croasings ean ba mmado p 1LLi"eT ac:cuxo lV the el`mfmvion of txaff3e on 13ch strQeto 3. It i.s planned, shauld tMis stuxroot ba closed, to p:cov:i.c7e a cov- orarl wal.ka;ay betwoen the o1d and ndar atxuctutroa, tPcue eafep¢rd9.ng the hoa2bh oP •che stvderrE dvr3ng ittclemcnt weather, 4. Uoe o£ this paoposed st•ructure f°or school and commvnit.y flmet3.ond during afternoons and evonatng wi.l.l tm3ng, ou oae.aoions. thousands of caxe into th3s arsa, further compl4cwt9ng problomo ea3s''cing at the 13th end Mar--Mt Stop 13ght irater- sect#:Gn. • ' At, thSe po3wt, Pdr. Bvsks fI. Br4dgorsD Chairman ofi the eou:mittee an T? Transpox?tatS.on oQ Tnfl?rimable F'lvida thru the Ci.ty ata?ed tha2 k?a 3s nob s 9.zrg as Chairnaxe og the eaid Conm9.t$se, aoz for the comrn3•Ltoep #mt'C po9.ntod ottt thTt 13th atree•t ie the onl,y s+Fest 3n the ai•Cy east oP Third &trest with a paved diasct route Prom o po5nt >oixih of the c4ty to the north of the city; thata rrhen I3th stre3et is clwod9 you b2ock e¢ha•B vo laave ss an oltexnate ronthe thx^ough the e3•ty, tha'c; 12th, 3Lo-4,hv latlx attti 17th 3trsets as>e M7.reedy part7.nliy cloaea; and as&ed f,hat the reguest tor the cloa3cV of A?th sicroet by the Board of Educetion be donic3d, Rnd requestod fhat the Board o4' Educatioa go into the mattor to see if they cannct work out aeme albe2°nate solut3on, either by opeai.ng 12fi:s atroe't for a pbesfb2e routo Lhru the e3ty os some otdier S'f'iTBf?ty or Uy ecmatruet3xig tia ovor"uead crossixb at the gafioal. Fie aloo cLaggeeteil that whatu 23eg Hanovor neecle is anotlu3r. H"sgh School to adeTast?,ly so'r've the s'tu3en&s 3n the naar future; thats the eTosing oP 23th streat 3s a sar3ous meti;ece Covacf7snan Lrine moted that the request of the Baard of Educat'Lon be r^ece3asd snd that f1.Li.il pu43c3•Ly Ue g3von through the press and :ra8iog ead tkat •ihe CrL'Gf' At'EOP310?J' 1`O autSlorYzed to pWOysgro ps°opor xeoolut9.on Por Cuunc2t aonsAder- ation at next meoti:ag. The motion rms secondec] by Caunei3man Cappa n..ad unaa2mousI;y adop'ted < The Citq Manages° read a xeques'L• frou the Board of F.eacatiioa of Tden Hrinavosr County for gormi3s3on ta elove the follara£ag atroeBsfl to-uito Pcfnroso St. from the ueateza line ai° 16th street to thr woatsrn lfne oS 15'th strooty Flmore S''i,TBe$ PE'ODA '{;h8 WA9'E@Pri 3.ino of 16th strae•t $o the i7eatern 1Yne o:f 15th eCreet; 15th a^treet €rom a poiut l,s narth of the 3wtsi4a'ection of the northeria 23m o£ Prfirooe atCSeot with -the oastsx^n i3ue or 15th ptreetD and shmning L'i-am 'Chat poinc to the contsr af J-amp ancl Rwn Bx°anch. ' Tlio requoe-t for the closing of saici atxeets ie 3n eaeuaect.`toa with the Hoazd's proposod grsrcnase of certs3n propGrty edjo3aing the pmacent Yeke, Foresv Schoo:l proper'cy Fo,: the pwToae of expand3mmg ecshool fac9.litiese F4om a map, the Cfty E'Ianage.r painf,ed ou•b the ci.ty°s Msent aartFr 13ne auc s'Gorm dra3nege in the sree abovemen2lonodr az?d explained that it vrould be necosemT fol the Hoaxd oP Eduest:ion to wiae te grant righta-of-4av for :a3d semear lauae:o and dreinage n.tnng, 15'Eh 3treet and aexos4 schuol propsrtqo Dra J. T. Hoggardy Chsfxman af tYie BoazY3 of Fducation totc the Coua- c31 that the Board raov7.d grant sueh ,. ighsaof-ereyn sud Catmcilman Lanci movEd that the sequESSet of the Aoarrl OP EfIL1CA'ClOfl tO ciose eea°ta3n streeta as ouf.li:ied by the City Ms.aager be apN......7y atto that pz•oper rosoluL•1on be pmeparod by the C1ty 3t,tcrncv Far Couzie:.I actiasiy oxovi.dod that sAid r3.ghts-o4'-aag ars, g, nnta3 the City o£ 1'?i.:ltaing:on. The mctios1 raas aecoadez3 t7y Gauncilman Dcran 2nc3 tTi23L'lCQilul,q adoyrLe3. n n n n n n _3_ ?• . .r caunc:slman WsFe movaa tna$ , day13gh•t uas :ug tic^.e at nox'c moca ;ing, and :t-? Frop.te; th&t, •Lk:o citj ,be gave:asrl ire i4;'s V approvedp uSll roAiacido sait?x the poZiey moicicn cuas rseeondad by CrnmeS7man Iar.o md f,he Couric31 give eoneideFat3oa to adophing Day- i;he trooant•lme aseQrLa3Ya t2:a rishea oP the light er.t2on by •'chc rt1.shaa of the }eop9.o; end SWe adopt;eei by the A:,ltmtic Goaat b38a. 7"hA Tfme unan3mov.sly e.doptedo Covae:i7rmaa F+ada reportoa LompI.a9.xits tchat res:idon`a on OlEandar Dr:lea taoro nat; not].£3sc1 nf the v3deta3ng oP sai@ st.reaty and fle bad beon ec+l7.ec] upon 2o wske oxp3.axat3one o Tho P1ant+ge.r 3tated thab he izad ts1kEd seith lW.r. Wh3tfAol.d tw3ee abaut tga3e wat'cHr and f.hai; ho wae to notify ox see that the people wero aotif9.sd thet trees moL1d be cut :Zn meking LIzIs IYlIpPOD6IDQ7IIE. !l3.so9 tY,ut pub'!icity Faad boon Pu7.7.v givEn •8tixu the press regarcling the w3sending of Olcannder 1?r3vo< Cotma?Jmara Y,'dda saoved tt!at tLe City aesume Foa 6-tsolY the roepons:itr :a3ty of a.ot:iS'y3ng the people on Ce,etle S•tretit in t;desnce9 be.fuxe the tE'eAS 9T9 Cf7IG end te11 tRem rnhab is neaossarye The mob2on caas sc3oonded by Cozm.cilwrira Zane and une.n3mcras].y adogtet?o The meet:ing recesaod to ancl umtf1 ? sl$ PPd. 1. * a -i * The Ci.ty Courail aad the Cow7ay Commissfoners ffiet Rn Jaint sessfon ay 2s15, thic dato, atu3y 1.61, 1952, for the pU.poae of cons3der9.ng itoms as 3oittt intoxw3sf:? in the 1952°53 IAidget',e T$089 A7T8S9Y7$ Tvere: i°rom the Coun$,y9 M-. Addieon Hewlst•bD Clnaixman9 rh!. Jas. ?d. Iia11, fdr. Claude O'uh.ie7.ds, ESr. 1`hurshon Dnvis, 1gr. Relnh Horcon= Commiss3onair-elQet snd T;r. T. X. WoaSy, Clork ioo the Cotmilssionars. fmm the Counci:.a Mayor;Whito, pa°c3s_ding, Counci]sncn Capps,, Iane-,, and rado. C3ty VanagLr 'r3ensota. -.? -- ._ Il•1r:' A?.turi A. Tsunans Attorney, appe?°ed 3n beha7E ef the Jamee t"a].Pser Memoriu1 Hcso3tal and preaonted the jo'.d.nt badfe3 -a stetomenx of the moat4t af Jeme':for co"-,of rendoring se*_vice to the ].nd3gant sia& e?nd aff'].icued poor 8t eaict hosp3ta1.9 ?:ix1 sub,gitCed a. recap for the entiro y?3,ax of safd eosto 3n a total amo•+int or w2?„Wj8.09 orach frsp the city end coua'ty. Ir,r. %.annon saia1 that ii; ia nat on?,?R Es mcval,.ob7_1goF.3nx em 'uhe -,art of i;M a3tyan we11 as•the eountg 'uo ccue fop the indigent sic3r aad tiff'13cuee1 poor o:? the v:.ty a4 6:i3m:tngton and New Nanoner Couraty, bud, i.t la -a legFil. obligation. 712r. Lenaun aleo to].d 4;ne Clity Crnua041 thet at a meo't:ing ne].d recsz?tZ,y? tt'sth the Hospi2a3 Board, t•I10 CH6PE8r L?JIS3 P1ID2LlCI0(I co e,s to rormit the 63ty Crrimc3l tO :nave rz and roqusaL4.efi tii,) C:it„ s<?t ug, a,, ?mosiat In 4't°s b'sdgot to oare Por tfis 3md°;-texit siek and sft'23c-bea paor, b'o•tli vth3•te an8 colored at Janea T'aYker VemorlaZ Rosp3.tal until • euch ti,ime as Suprem Court au.T.es orA 4,h4A. mc;ttar,GKr. A1an 6'wsha11 spo'm brS.oY'2q in behal£ ot '121w, ho>;aStQl m-kl' rsated thmaC i:a e.-*.r.ibi'ts4 tl-sp- 2cmerac] oas-,s bf oper- at9.or, bf the hospittal diir9.ng the past yoar 1;0 7.eg9.slaticm enab2ing them to veo certa2ti f'edox-ril i1mds, aud slso duo to exeelloat s.iioiniatratioa. Aktsr flirtMor d3ecuaa4onq Gownci3cia-i Capps mcroec9 •that the Couaei.l reco'svo the repost and si;etemen•L 1„s°e Zenuan, !n ba&elf of Jamos Nalbar L`iamo- -- Y'i81 HOSj?'.I.tF3l £OP COII9ktS8Z"d$iO;ti b,y $p1B Comcil rand it's Attarney. The mo•t3oa was secanded by Govnci7.uar. Yane and tmanimously edopted. Nx< L. D. 1sB1'it3 1783 preaent 9.n behalf o£ the Cartuttun3ty Hoapital azd pi-esaa•ted 3t's bu8gat in tYae requeated emouat of S61D721ee$0 each by •the C3ty snd Covnvy. He exp3z3.ned the 9.eACxeAHed tata;, for i;liis. yoar as folg.owss 1. Increasoe in er37.aries ard aages 9.n accordence v?ifih ega•eAmea$ modQ 4r,q the Eoasd of Txlaatees to the employeen. 2. Inereaso in cost oP maL•erialsP ouppliea o.f a7.1 Fsands. 3. Eaeauas o£ the faet the ?rxolget last vear contained m amouiYE for Zaun.drv oyn9.ga3nt, anrI it seee left ouCg anal 3t is neooseary 2hi;s 3ear to pur- chaoo the nQadori equipmen•k be?.?use oF. constant and expens3ae rapairs to the old equS,giment. - PasneL3masa Pdade moaac5 that the repart, and iwdget o£ Corm mttg? IioepiteY be zroceived 1'or ff"ux°thor consi8orat3oti and diseusaion. The mution wes secondod lw Cam9.ec3oner Davis aad unan3.mouslp adopter7e &,?^. Imtta stseaeed the nood for the la'+ffidry eqnigmemtj, snd ae- quested the jo9.rat ba?iF,s 2o anthor3.7g h3m to go atsead w4th the purahese thereaP. Thereupon, Commissionor Dav3a raoved that Plfr. Y.n2ta be author3zea to purrohasp th3s equ2pmexit, $or the Copq..u,?t,q, Rospitml launds,yt 7.''he moLi.oa c,res! Apr puctod "oy Coruse33m¢n Laaet j ? Cqamo9.lmtui ?Q ?? no? ?ted ?t ?e ?eroulc go ?a1oxgs?iEfl the ha?s ;f ithe equ?.pmerit ,aY17.avnds?rQ?p?`?'?F"ie?C??'+aa4t?t1', bu? he v?ante? ?CO '?a on record?not £acbr9.m 1?symont ?o t,ake'eFap of'the 3nc3igent pet4eats !at C? 3?y Hosp?.Lal,¢dc3 not te.k3.ng c?x'e of the 3ndi.gent ?tfe?? at Jamee P?a7.ker Tdem. Rosp?.?a3-. CouticZlm*n Lr?ae°a motion ?aaa put td a votA aea3 laai aifl9n3maLa,lq edopced. , ... ,- . , ? . SOSsTE Sesaiota Jamea SFal.ksr YAm. Hoapltsl H?adget Btuigei; Communt•t? Hoap:Ual 4. The cs.ty rlarmger diQcaxssod ew2th the joint boaaos 8 rsuggestion to re- saeL duce the hta3get in ctte Back Tex Departrc3n:t by goducing pos°sonrnel arxi euf,horizing ifm. Tax G:oreE, Tax Go1'iee4,or to toke ovor addit-3.anAl dut3os of supervising tYie txack tax Dopta depwrtraent and ?zcreass fiis salary ;b600.40 armva7-3y. e.. It was the fom1'-ng of inem- bess. o£ the joint oodiea thfit the aity sbauld def'inite7y have a bsek txk depastment, and it was the consattsus af some f.hat the Uack tax co71eet3ona mi.ght get beh3nd auud uaco3lectabl.e as the condit:ion was cdien the oE'fice wes estsbllshod; hosve'uar°, Comfse- ionax O'Sh.i.elds atated that 'L£ the responsib9.l3ty ia placed upon Mre PAorse9 the joiab bo33ess vou7d hold hira responsiblo fcrr said colleetions. The matAuer was 12ft, hasiever' for fvrthcsr cona3.dera•t3on &M diseuas2oxa. xYa pxeaendiM the trudgot of the Bureau of IdenC3f38ation, the C4ty Ident.. &;anagor propoaed the change 4u the operat3on of sa2d departmen'u 4ry the eity°s taking Bvremt ' osrei and opErating 3t as a part of tha Po11ce Departmsnt, and wo, ki9sg 6i1t S4StIl tI]@ Coimi;y an sgraament fox carkRiap chargo3 for seavi.ces xenu3rod try the ecntrzf.y; t&at, p:?opor logislation ba preseritod at x%m'c General aeaembly, repealing the pzeseat set-up and set-ting trie dapw^Lment np =deP the C3ty'e epemtion and control> Comm3scioreer O'SI13eIds mavo8 that the jo3nt bo33es agps°cve the Yfa3gc'c for the eighi: months peria3 0£ the 13ureau or IdentiP9.cetion, and at the propex° timo pzesent g:n Act to bc suk.aaittecl Eo Gonera9. AssembT,y aepoali.ug the old9 porn3.ttir.g the C3ty nf S7Llsaington tc as.:sme compZeta eontro2a szul that the county ag.reo r3th the e3ty on certain ChFSt°gets PoY.° aervice8 uo the coutity' stttl thet the re$ir.etnout fYtads pa3d tnto the county by f,;s°. F-ales ba appl9.ed to the ratiremoat " ftuid as^ •the c3ty For Lir. Falest benofit. TF16 IDO$YOY 97R8 seoottded by Coancilsaa a Lsne and ur8a1ffirn:oly adopted. Said budget be3ng Sa the amoiunt of $ 1+956saD by c.ity . and $ 4956.00 by the Cowaty. 'PI1.8 $et€lth DopaP1;ffieri2 b11c1gOt w48 tenttxtively approved9 in a total Health &MoUnt oP $86,9b1nW, 2/3 or $57,9°14.00 lry f,ho c3ty nnd $28,987 iF the caunt9. Tte1s . Dpte aet3on gipon aotion oP Ccmni3siones° Dacia, aeconded bg Ccuncilma.a Tene aW unau9mously adop'ced. Tl1is Uudgeb includoo $2,000> aaeh c'.L-by sad comtp far dusti+g gx°ogcam, $450. .90&,OD eac3a uity anfl cowaty fez moaqu3to each elty snd ecrant,q x'or malar3.a coni;rol axd ? conf,ro3.e $10Q0p00 eaeli city an3 aovnty mas approvea for Y,tilitary Compenieoe PJfii7..3tasar This acstioa taas txpon potlon of Couacflvein Ts8e., seconelod ty Comrnias3oner 0'Shie7da Compo.nieF aizd unsn3mous],9 adopted. s ?I O .Mm000.00 each citq and county was appravec3 for the Ca7lored LSbmsry; Colored Upoa snotion_ of Gommi.as3.o?ae.r Hswlstt9 secondoci tsy Councilman Cappy and uvaa]raaus3y Lfbrary adaptecle The CiBp T+tanager preeented the buc7get oP the T'ilra3ngtoa Publia 'j Library. The. jo3ut bodios entered 3nto a discues3on ae to the operat9.on of the sa3d libraay and the amp2oye:ent af a new I,iSS°ariaa. Mrs. Harpex, nevrlg employod Litrarigt? ? mas ca11eo1 ia by G'm. L. J.Poiseon and oui;lined 'co the govern£ng bodioe Ttter expeMence and previons qork ea Lfbrsr3ane IIpon motion duly made and adapteds $12,274e00 was Eply'-'oved as the ci-Ey's Ia apjpropr3atien nud $6fl13'f.0$ vaA approved as'$he cosni:y's appropr2&tiorr to -the W3lmiagton Dzblkc Li"ra2'y for 195%-53. .?`y7.50.Of1 erich city cind county was approved £or the Soroa2a B;useum far i952-53. $2,590,U0 each aity and couaty 'mas spprowd'%or the geYsranss Sern4ce Of'_'3oe; upon motion a£ Comm3sqioner Hall,.seconded by Co-aaici7.rian Gapps E.nd tman3mcuely adoptod e , Wilm4agto 1'ublic I,3bnary n Sorosis rwss,nn PSO Tiae Joir..t badies again discusged the budget of the Conm,unlty Hospitrilo 2t aao the-consenaus o£ the Boarrls bo defor sab2on on th3s budget fax ftsrther consider- ation and discuss3on. T1ae ammir't roqussted befnga $61a724a50 each i"or city and countye `b'ha 3oint moeting adjovx•ned, +3nd the Crnmci.l procoed4d raith flrther orde* oF businesso 14ayor Milte road a lettor Prox the Iiighway Commissioner sshere9.n City o££ieials were 9.mvfi;ed to curiPer in h1s off3ce 2n Faqettefi].lo' PJicndqq, Ju1y 21D at 10e00 o°clock AIJ. Hd aclvised that' he would Ue out of the city at thrit t2me and suggea- ted that the C3ty Pi'isaager attend the conferenco in h2s ntiaence. Conf. Hitvay Corrmr a .? Coune3lman 4Pade again ca13e8 attent3oa to the ne4ct £'oa cleanSng ofi Cloan ohouldera on stgblmtmW h3ghrV 1.17 botweea kth streat and the Smi-tt:+a Creelc Bridge. oP Tfte Cit•y E,attager statod that He wou1d notify Grial]ard s+if,h the High4ra,q Commfseion shoulde of this mattor, that th1s 3e.Hig2xway property and Highwsy reaponsib3lity. Councilman INsde preaentod a b111 from ?7ddie Thomas, 2535 Harrison Stxreet, 00im4ng excess cost af sefrem 3nsta.1.lation, whfch was rePerred to the Gity fllanager and C£t,,p &tEornoy far handl3nga Counoilman 4'ade sa2d t1iaC an add'.!tiianfll charge vuas made by the eon•tractar or plwnber, due to the £act that seerer eonnect3on point rias no'C in the , proper plaee. ' ? a m IITmgcrc White read a letter fram Gdneral Ray A. RobS.nson, Cemp lsjueao, Gen. expresaing apprFe3.aLyoa far tho hosfl3ta2ity &.iPolftd him aacl bis =B dtaing h3e sta,q' Iiubieeson at Camp I,eSuene Toy the Ciby of S^ilmlagton and c:it3zena' making a hoffie for them, emq £ram IxomeD and re?tin? h3s departux°e f9^om th3s co?itye otmeilman Wade moved tIzat the LieWer be atzthor.32ed to have ona of thA Cityos Gold Kays engLavad vuith Genaral Rob3nson's tiamg and hia Gamp upan s&mej, and that tEae Mayor present i;he kay to Genora7. Rnb3risem 3tt behzilf of the C9.ty o£ W12- mington, extend9.ng h3m iavi.tr3tlon et a12 timos to Qema to W1]aiington at hfa pleaeure. 1°he mot3.ott vas ae?oaderl by Coimoilmaw Cspps end unari4moua3y a@oppLsd> he mittutes oe Coune3l mest3ng held JuW 9, ftre appraoed as amen8ed. TherA bo3ng no f'tuither 17uainosa'. tho meet3ng mdjouraede ResgeotfuDy sutmitted, Pdary B. '3outher].an8 Citq Clerk ur ? , Dleeting of July 141 ,952, contir.ued. Pv'o objections were indicated by the Board to the L'nited States Engineer grariting permission i:o Caro•ii:a ieleptior,e arid Telegraph Company of Tarboro, N. C., to construct overhead cahle e-W crossings over the Cape rear Hiver ora t:ne south side of the highway bridge at Fayetteville. Upon motion of it7r. Ha' secor:ded by n7r. Davis , Eveiyn Green a harm, ess physica' ly disabled ciegro patient in the State Hospital since '1917, was or, reconuner.dation of the Supt., of Pub-lic Vee-fare grar.ted admissioii to the County Home as an inmate, in exchange and to provide room inrthe 5tate hospital for nose Pemberton McNeal a violent patient kept in jail here awaiting roora in the State Fiospital . The following three bids were receive6 for painting the walls and ceilirig of the Superior Court Room. two coats, as advert.5.sedl (with the exceptioi; of Harry Lee rho bid two coats ori wa7.1 s ai,d ceiling and oi;e coact ot, woodwork),: Harry *,ee $985.00 1K. L. Gaskili 993•00 Shaw Paint and Nal'+ Paper Compai. • Labor only $?35•00 iabor and biaterials 956.50 Upon motiot; of 1dlr. Davis, seconded by Pnr. G'Shields, the contract for paintir,g the ?C wa-s.and cei'+ing of tne Superior Court Room was awarded to Shaw Paint and Wall Paper Compaziy in accordai;ce with their bid, they beiiig the I,owest bidders. ihey or the County to furnish the paint whichever is the cheapest, ar.d payment for the work to be made upon satisfactory completion of the contract. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by nir. 0'Shields, County bills No. 1003 to 1058 and ? Ivo. 1 to 30 inc., were approved for pa?ment. The meeting thesi adjourned. Clerk. 0 'rTiimicigton, iS.C., Ju? y 21 ll 952. The regular weekly meeting o° the Board v;as he"d at 10:00 o'clocic A. Iu. Preseiit: tiduisor. hewletti-? CYairn,an, Jas.I?,S.Hall, Clzud G'Shieldst Thurston C. Davis) County Attoriiey Lrarsneii Be,la-my and Count:y Auditor C.F.Smith. Mr. R.T.Horton County Commissioner nominee was also present. , ti reyuest of 16r. G. C. r3ordeatix ior a reducti-oi, oi the $10,000.00 assessment on his property in block 88 ( O"d Boys Brigade) to 'F!15,000.00, the amourit he said he paid for it, stating the same has no commercial value, beir,g '+ocated in a residentia" zone aTid tiot same riot suitable for residential purposes, was received ior ir,vestigation. . ., A commuiiication was received from Ytr. A. Schlegel , Chairman of the Farmers Council , advising that periodical meetings were being held and speciai meetings of the Council wheuever the need arises. Mr. S.ch'+ege', further stated that the County Farm P.gent, Vr. D. D. Baggett is ? helping them greatly in their problems, ar,d find his work to be satigfactory. H petition of nine property ovrners asking that Park.Aver,ue in Harnett township which runs from Audubon Boulevard to 7th Street in VJinter Park, be paved, was preser.ted by Mr.R.A.Shew, o??S arid upoi, motioi, of hir. 0'Shields, seconded by 1us. Davis, was approved ai?d referred to tne State Highway aiid Public CJorks Comriissior, for its coasideration. A proposed budget received from the Co-lored S,ibrary requesting $5,515•00 for its operation -- for the fisca" yeai• -1952-1953, was he-ld over for' City-County joiiit coi.sideration. Upon motioi. of Mr.. 0'Shields, secoi.ded by Mr. Hall, the City Council was ir,vited to meet VvIbh ...-641?__the Cow?ty Commissioners for a joint budget session Thursday morning, July 24th, at 10:00 o'clo6 Upon motioi of Mr. 0'Shields, secor,ded by Mr. Davisg a request oS the Tax Collector ttn abate the 1951 taxes brought forvaard frotn a previous listing ai:d charged as riot 'listed against Coloiiial Appliances Ific., or, a valuatioi, of W16,000.00 personal property, and Taubmans oxi a valuatioi. o° $v5,500.00 persoi,ai property, ior the reason both concerns have been out of business for three ar.d five yeGrs respectively, and have r,o property here to list and the same charged iti error, v+as granted sabject to investigation. Upoi, motior. of ,oir. Davis, secor.ded by Mr. 0'Shie,ds, the Brigade Boys C?ubg?00 for thet of lots four ar,d fice, was granted at, abaternerit of taxes on a va uatioi? of ?5 ,400 ? year *195' and the same ordered placed on the tax free'list as a benevv'+ent and educationai institution. . ? Iuo objectio;is were indicated by the Board to the State grarating a permit to Louis Ross to .,.?? se?l beer at Fort Fisher Pier Restaurant, redera'! Point township. Upon motioii of 1Jir. Davis, seconded by Iulr. G'Shie-lds, the State Highway and Pubiic Works ncor.unission was requested to improve.the road stiou"ders around Battie Acre at Fort risher tpo'iena 5 the .parkir.g..of-cars'? on same to give opportunity to those who want to read the irscriptions ? ori,and observe the severa'+ monumeuts there, to do so without getting stuck in the sai-d. ' The importai.ce of this was called to the atteration j,?i.d urged by Nr. Louis T. Moore, Chairman of'the New Hanover Historical Commission. Surety bond for Mr. It.H.Wiiliams, ( Po'lice Officer ) as a Justice of the Peace, in the amount • ? of $1,000.00 with the 1,ational Surety Company as sui•ety, the same having been approved by the ? County Attorney as to form and execution, ar;d the amount fixed by law, was upon motion of , DGr. 0'Shie'tds, seconded by Mr. Hali, accepted by the Board. i^- ? r, ,