1952-07-21 Regular Meeting , Dleeting of July 141 ,952, contir.ued. Pv'o objections were indicated by the Board to the L'nited States Engineer grariting permission i:o Caro•ii:a ieleptior,e arid Telegraph Company of Tarboro, N. C., to construct overhead cahle e-W crossings over the Cape rear Hiver ora t:ne south side of the highway bridge at Fayetteville. Upon motion of it7r. Ha' secor:ded by n7r. Davis , Eveiyn Green a harm, ess physica' ly disabled ciegro patient in the State Hospital since '1917, was or, reconuner.dation of the Supt., of Pub-lic Vee-fare grar.ted admissioii to the County Home as an inmate, in exchange and to provide room inrthe 5tate hospital for nose Pemberton McNeal a violent patient kept in jail here awaiting roora in the State Fiospital . The following three bids were receive6 for painting the walls and ceilirig of the Superior Court Room. two coats, as advert.5.sedl (with the exceptioi; of Harry Lee rho bid two coats ori wa7.1 s ai,d ceiling and oi;e coact ot, woodwork),: Harry *,ee $985.00 1K. L. Gaskili 993•00 Shaw Paint and Nal'+ Paper Compai. • Labor only $?35•00 iabor and biaterials 956.50 Upon motiot; of 1dlr. Davis, seconded by Pnr. G'Shields, the contract for paintir,g the ?C wa-s.and cei'+ing of tne Superior Court Room was awarded to Shaw Paint and Wall Paper Compaziy in accordai;ce with their bid, they beiiig the I,owest bidders. ihey or the County to furnish the paint whichever is the cheapest, ar.d payment for the work to be made upon satisfactory completion of the contract. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by nir. 0'Shields, County bills No. 1003 to 1058 and ? Ivo. 1 to 30 inc., were approved for pa?ment. The meeting thesi adjourned. Clerk. 0 'rTiimicigton, iS.C., Ju? y 21 ll 952. The regular weekly meeting o° the Board v;as he"d at 10:00 o'clocic A. Iu. Preseiit: tiduisor. hewletti-? CYairn,an, Jas.I?,S.Hall, Clzud G'Shieldst Thurston C. Davis) County Attoriiey Lrarsneii Be,la-my and Count:y Auditor C.F.Smith. Mr. R.T.Horton County Commissioner nominee was also present. , ti reyuest of 16r. G. C. r3ordeatix ior a reducti-oi, oi the $10,000.00 assessment on his property in block 88 ( O"d Boys Brigade) to 'F!15,000.00, the amourit he said he paid for it, stating the same has no commercial value, beir,g '+ocated in a residentia" zone aTid tiot same riot suitable for residential purposes, was received ior ir,vestigation. . ., A commuiiication was received from Ytr. A. Schlegel , Chairman of the Farmers Council , advising that periodical meetings were being held and speciai meetings of the Council wheuever the need arises. Mr. S.ch'+ege', further stated that the County Farm P.gent, Vr. D. D. Baggett is ? helping them greatly in their problems, ar,d find his work to be satigfactory. H petition of nine property ovrners asking that Park.Aver,ue in Harnett township which runs from Audubon Boulevard to 7th Street in VJinter Park, be paved, was preser.ted by Mr.R.A.Shew, o??S arid upoi, motioi, of hir. 0'Shields, seconded by 1us. Davis, was approved ai?d referred to tne State Highway aiid Public CJorks Comriissior, for its coasideration. A proposed budget received from the Co-lored S,ibrary requesting $5,515•00 for its operation -- for the fisca" yeai• -1952-1953, was he-ld over for' City-County joiiit coi.sideration. Upon motioi. of Mr.. 0'Shields, secoi.ded by Mr. Hall, the City Council was ir,vited to meet VvIbh ...-641?__the Cow?ty Commissioners for a joint budget session Thursday morning, July 24th, at 10:00 o'clo6 Upon motioi of Mr. 0'Shields, secor,ded by Mr. Davisg a request oS the Tax Collector ttn abate the 1951 taxes brought forvaard frotn a previous listing ai:d charged as riot 'listed against Coloiiial Appliances Ific., or, a valuatioi, of W16,000.00 personal property, and Taubmans oxi a valuatioi. o° $v5,500.00 persoi,ai property, ior the reason both concerns have been out of business for three ar.d five yeGrs respectively, and have r,o property here to list and the same charged iti error, v+as granted sabject to investigation. Upoi, motior. of ,oir. Davis, secor.ded by Mr. 0'Shie,ds, the Brigade Boys C?ubg?00 for thet of lots four ar,d fice, was granted at, abaternerit of taxes on a va uatioi? of ?5 ,400 ? year *195' and the same ordered placed on the tax free'list as a benevv'+ent and educationai institution. . ? Iuo objectio;is were indicated by the Board to the State grarating a permit to Louis Ross to .,.?? se?l beer at Fort Fisher Pier Restaurant, redera'! Point township. Upon motioii of 1Jir. Davis, seconded by Iulr. G'Shie-lds, the State Highway and Pubiic Works ncor.unission was requested to improve.the road stiou"ders around Battie Acre at Fort risher tpo'iena 5 the .parkir.g..of-cars'? on same to give opportunity to those who want to read the irscriptions ? ori,and observe the severa'+ monumeuts there, to do so without getting stuck in the sai-d. ' The importai.ce of this was called to the atteration j,?i.d urged by Nr. Louis T. Moore, Chairman of'the New Hanover Historical Commission. Surety bond for Mr. It.H.Wiiliams, ( Po'lice Officer ) as a Justice of the Peace, in the amount • ? of $1,000.00 with the 1,ational Surety Company as sui•ety, the same having been approved by the ? County Attorney as to form and execution, ar;d the amount fixed by law, was upon motion of , DGr. 0'Shie'tds, seconded by Mr. Hali, accepted by the Board. i^- ? r, , I 3-52 Meeting of July 2l, 1952, continued. Mr. Geo.W.Traskg former merober oS this Body, appeared to ask that if we shouid join the State Cooperative rorest Fire Protection service, to request them to grant requests of iand owners for their help and cooperation to burn over 1;heir lar;ds at the proper time in the fall of the year to keep 4oc:n ur;dergrowth whicti if permitted to accwnu'+ate over a period of t,r;o to three years would be di.sasterous in case of a fire. Iuir. R. B. Davis appeared to presei,t a petitioii bear.ing the names -.of ninety persons petitioning the County Conmissioneas to rec,uest the State iiighway and Public Works Comraission to include nixoii 3oulevard Exteiisiosi from tkYe northern terminus of the paved surface of Nixon Boulevard ; ir; Forters iJeck, now in the system, to Du .i'J 9 in the Cow?ty System for State Yaintei;ance. Upon motioi, of TvSr. 0'Shields, seconded by T!'ir. Hall, the petition was returned to Pa1r. Davis for correction by inc"uding onty the sigriatures of property owners on each side of the road granting the right of way to the State. The Eoard further took the request wlder advisement and £or investigation of or. the premises..'. 11 ' the sa me Wir. H. 1ai. Ro'+and, Secretary of the Board of Education submitted a proposed school budget for 1952-1953 in the following amounts,which was received for further consideration and study: Regu'+ar Budget including Capita, Outlay $276,600.00 Supplementary Budget 2669800.00 School Books , i69000.00 School Lunch Room 259000.00 Veterans Program 2?.000.00 609,400.00 Bu?lding Fund 1 .61 3_d70.00 - Tota" $2,222,770.00 Upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by 1uir. Davis, the assessment of $7,600.00 ? charged against Mrs. bTary H. Baker or, iot i, in Courttry Club Terrace for the ye,r 1952, was - t°x- made retroactive in effect for the yeir 1951, the same being a new house first assessed ir; 1951, ai,d an abatemeiit of taxes on a valuation of $1,000.00 for the year 1951, to equaiize the assessment with that for '1952, was ordered. And Freder k L. Backus, 4301 Wrightsviile ! a U? Avenue, Harnett towriship, was granted aii abatement of City Taxes or,iy on a va"uation of J $1,775.00 personal property and pol-1 charged with city taxes in error, for the year 195"• Upon motioi? of 1uir. 0'Shields, secor,ded by Mr. Davis, Booker YJal•er, 70, Wood Street, _??Ckx was granted an abatement of taxes on a valuation of W0.00 on a195, j ton Chevrolet pick-up truck iisted in error for the year 195", on certificate of Shain's Auto Fir;ar;ce Company that said truck was junked during the year 1950, at,d that same was riot owi:ed or iY= the possession of Booker Wallar at any time during the year 1951• IIpon notion of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by Ivir. Davis, Henry Bishop 'vveaver, 75 year oid disabled white citizen unable to wait on himself ar:d no one to care for him, piaced in L the hospital temporary, was granted admissioi, to the Cour,ty Home as a pay patient at e30.00 per momth, on.coridition that he wil-i turn his it,surance over to the County, or assure the County will be paid for funera" erpenses in case of death. -- ?? A financiai report of Associated Charities foi• Jurie was received ar.d filed. A request submitted by the County Yde"fare Officer, ot, i•ecommer.dation of'Dr. James Tidler, to send David Garner to Duke riospital for treatment of an unusual disease loca? doctors are ui:ab-le to determine the cause, was received fo: further information. It appeared that the family has Blue, Cross ia.surance which vai'll pay ?.5.00 per day on the hospital bil" vihich would ieave a r:et costi of $7.00 per day to the County. Upon motion of li4r. 0'Shields, seconded by L4r. Davis, .;otu; Thomas Willis, Indigent County citizen, was grantea ter, days hospi.ta•izatiur, at Duke Hospi.tal for treatmer:t of cirrhosis . of the liver, at Cowaty expense, recomu:Eiided ty Ar. Chas.J.Povrell his physiciai,t and the Supt., of Public Weliare Mr. C. R. Ho,lis. i,,AjT;,e follovaing good and ?awful persoi,s vrere drav;r, to serve as jurors in the Superior Court "-? for the tria" of criminal cases for the oi.e vieek terrr, begii,r.ing August ll 1 1952: C.F.Biake, Rt.2,Box 2,11 . Edna H.Chint;is, j08 Bladen St. John Pearce, 129 Sare 5t., 14'affitt Vil. H.R.Caciady,Jr., Rt.l. J.E.Evai.s, 207 N. 13th St. W.I,.PJi?liford, Brookwood. A.F.Capps, Jr. Ht.3, Box *137. .. Ia.Y.Bellamy, i?i6 Peiider Ave. Frances ,u.King, Keaton tlve. 4r.Vd.Canady, Rt.'+. iJorwood Yii'ler, 149 Coloriia, Vil'+age. Harold Carter, Rt.i. Teda M. Prevatte, Box 132, Car. Beach. M.x.xoit, c33, Box 342. R.R.McVey, 133 Colonia? Vil-lage. Iu;.vJ.Earnes, 2719 Adams St. H.F.Permenter, ?76 Co'lonial Village. J.T.Thompson, 25 Pdorningside Drive. J.C.Hayes, 9 N. Harrison St. ' R.A.Benton, 4 Wooster St. Jos S. Car•roli, 7 Bellwill Ave. R.D.Jewett, 323 S. 3rd St. J.W.Hales, '723 S 6th St. Amos Carter, RF'D #3 • Francis Vd. Smith, 44 VJoodlav;n Ave. E•T.Lee, 413 N. 4tn St. R.E.xigF-ins, 3-10 Sunset Ave., ii.* .I?urton, 719 Chestnut St. J.PJ.1N;ai.gum,Jr.9-258 L.ake Pore.st Parkway. H.G.Hubbard, 19*13 Church St. T.T.Her.derson, Box 669 Carolir.a Beach. Y..D.P;;ustgraveTj 420 S. 5th St. J.B.Smith, 3'8 S. 6th 5t. G.W.Ed+rrards, 410 Sunset Ave. Wm.A.Rockrocks Rt.3, Box 115AA. W.C.Cotton, 117 Caihoun Drive, Maffitt Vannie T. Ellis, 24 Carolina Beach Ave. H.L.Sanders, Rt.l, Box 228C. J.ti9.Fair, Rt.1, Box 344. 1um.Lee Hammock,Jr., 123B Marrion Lrive, H.R.Snipes, Rt.i, Box 228A. H.B.Harriss, Rt.i, Box 36. N,arvin D. Curtis, 25j0 Iv. Van Buren St. Geo.R.VJilloughby, 916 S.Sth St. Viliage. Maffitt Vil. lo'Jilbert Rhodes, 10 Court I, Lake Viliage. S.S.V'dhite, 417 S. 6th 5t. fi.C.Henderson, 2915 E. Adams St. VJm.B.Vdalton, 41 L.ake Forest Parkxay. A.L.4Tenberg, 5 h. 2nd St. H.h1.solomon, P.O.Box 510. ? ? - 363. Meeting of July 21 1 1952 continued. For the two weeks civil term begir.iiing August 18, ' 952- tiVii, T,ixor., Castle Hayne. Gilbert Pickard, P.O.Box 800' . Bi1ly F. Chason, 09 N. 3rd 5t. Johr; E. 1i'alter, Colonia, Vi-age. C.F.Pratt, C25, Box 295• J.H.I!:r is j 2207 Psrk Road. VJ.L.Shepard, % Seachore Bus Station. Levi A. HGott, Rt.t, Box 342. A.A.Blake, Rt.i, Castle fiayne. J.Vr.4li,kins, 114 S. 8th St. J ohnson Kerinedyf 514 Dawson St. J.H.Tipton, P.O.Box 957• E.C.Bowles, 28-5. Lake Vi?tiage. Denis Peppos, 723 N. 4th St. Hermar. Kaifin, 2506 Gui-iford Ave. Fonzie Carter, 193 Spofford Mills. C.J.Knightor,,Jr., Box 156 Carolii?a Beach. R.F.Colemari, 2021 Creasy Ave. Ernets E. Vanderburg? 310 Williamson Dr. J.Drevyn, Rt,i. Castle Fiayne,. Louis Dixon, 107 Llorningside Drive. Sairit J. Nouston, 2900 Adams St. Ralph Gi;lette, Rt.3, N.R.Horre*l, Ft.1, Box 263. Jas.E.King, 7 Ct.m, Lake Forest. C.B.Gore, 210 fiernvood Ave. ? E.M.Lee, 2713 iVa•shingtor; Street. YJm.H.Perkins, 80't Cei.tr•al Boulevard. W.J.Hobbs, 644 S. 6th St. T.H.Barker, "134 Fi.i;ecrest Parkway. A.H.Gainey, 230 Glilliamson Drive. T.G.Perry, S;Ot.Y, Lake Forest. Everette Ferry, 176 Colonial Village. Frar:k G. Weiss, Rt.2y Box 717A. D.A-.Pageg Rt.2. Johr; GJallace, 711 Walnut St. E.P.Wiilard, 15 S. 4th St. E.R.Page, '125 S. Van Buren St. L.F.Smitht 7.914 Klein Road. F.B.WatYins, 709 N. 5th St. Frank A. Shepard, 6 Lake Forest Parkway. Daniel Page, C25, Box 28J. Dor;ai d Vr . Raus, 106 Bordeit Ave. Y1.F3.Shew, Rt.3, Box 3iII. bleredith fiaynor, YMCA. David B. Pdix.on, Box 796 CaroTina Beach. E.H.King,Jr., 13 Ct.O, ?,ake Forest. John"R. Piayer, Rt., . C.E..Hall, Rt.3, Box 56. M. Eugene Bullard, P.O.Box 821. D.A.Foster, 120 N. 4th St: T.N.Simmons, Rt.2, Box 20". Victor D. Thompsoti, P.O.Box 1004. V.C.Overby, 409 Bladei-i St. David A. Bailey, 100, N. 3rd St. ade'+' Pv. Atkit;sq % Southern Box dc T,umber Co., C.L..Harrirgton,Jr., Box 30. G.D.Sikes, -Ht.2, Box 3'+6A. i.B.Ru,s, "0 Tiard St.,T„affitt.Village. ri.i .Barr.hi]_l ,14 S. Fdashir,gton St. For the second vreek begir:i,i•iig nugust 25, '952+ J.I,.Casteen, 1907 Yuoolcott Ave. D.N.Benson, Rt.3. Buster b.incy, C33, Box 343E;k. C.E•.f?:i,17 Rt.3. David B. Harriss, 5 Cow-itry Club Pir:es. J.A.Gresham, 2946 Adams St. J ohn S. Clark Jr., 506 S. i7th St. K 6 9 Jos.C.Hayduck, 1012 IJ. 4th 6t. L.P?:. ing, 1. 0 Orange St. Henry D. Easterling, 8 N. 9th St. Ez.nis F. Johnson, 720 S. Front St. Geo.Fi.Tiencken, 405 Cast'+e St. W.V.Morgan, C25, Box 289. A.L.Shovr, ?_? Wrightsvi]le Ave. V.tiJ.Jamieson, 408 Queen St. Vance E. Neal, fit.2. Herman Farrow, Rt.2, Box 148. Ytiss Elizabeth bI. Beivin, 15 Vvrightsville Ave. J.S.HalES, 723 S. 6th 5t. Johr..Robinson, 308 N. 2nd 5t. G.J.Bwnby, Rt.2, Box 3'iA. R.G.Stokley,Jr., 2517 Var. Buren 5t:a,. Jas.ti.VereenI Jr., 210 Castle St. T.D.Nlatthews, 1706 Chesttiut St. M.B.Russ, '1116 N. 4th 5t. Keiineth M. Kerr, 116 Co"lonial Village. C.W.Garrett, 238 Caihoun Drive' l;af.Vil. B.B.Phi,lips, 2710 Harrison St. T,ouis J. Mickey, 2014 4Voolcott Ave. R..T.Lucasi 401 Centr•al Bou'levard. Jack h'omac$, 1021 S. 17th 5t. J.L.Farrow, Rt.21 Box 178. Anna B. A"Ieii, 105 h. i 5th St. A.B.Tdiintz, 206 Orange St. C.nS.Phillips, 10 N.. Tiiashington St. ' Chas.C.B?ggett, i9T9 VJooicott Ave. Haroic3 V. Horton '142 T,ake Forest Parkway 9 .Jas.L.'rJilliams, 5,17 Surry St. D.F.Edwards, 141 S. 4th St. Cicero Batsoti, Castle Hayne Rt.l. cJ.H.Bailey, P.G.Box 1587. G.I,.Bryan, Ht.I, Cast'le Hayne. Franklin S. Taylor, 2109 Bari:ett Ave. Geo.i?.hevrett, 1009 N. 5tn St. E.V.Hunt,Jr., 54 &udson Dri.ve. B.J.Dlugin, 211, Brai;don Hoad. Chas.L.Taylor•, 219 S. Fror.t St. Fi.D.Pearsoti? Rt.3. Jos.m.Shingleton , C25, Box 260. Robert S. iiuiham,Jr., 178 Pinecrest Parkway. A.A.Price, Ht., . iti.K.iaieIvirl , 805 Chestnut St. S.R.Teachey, 516 Feri.ght St. J.R.Davis, 2i4 Castle St. Ottie R. Piner, Rt.", Bor. 224. C.C.bSoore, l6 Ct.N, t4ke rorest. R.E.Wa$on,,C33, Box 342. ;,.A.Beeb'+e s, 34 Carolina Apts. Tassie Costellu, 413 S. l']th St. j.A.Verga Rt 1 Box 99C , . , . The meeting ther. adjourned. _ .t ' -? v_C1 erk. ? tiuilmir.gton, N. C., Ju'ly 24, '1952. A joint meeting oP the County Commissioners aY:d City Council was held this day at 10:00 o'c"ock A.M., to give further consideration to joint City-County budget allotments for the fiscal year 1952-1953• County Commissioners present: Addison Hewlett Chairman,jas. M. Ha?l, C-laud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, County Pttorney 14arsdei. Be)lamy ar:d County Auditor C.F.Smith. City Couacilmen present: W. Rona-ld TAr?e, E. S. Cappst J.F.L.Yvade?`Gordon Dorar, ?i.d City I-Aar.ager Jas R. Benson. At the request of the Commissioners Booker T. Vr'a.shingtoi; a member of the VZilmingtoi. Co?ored Library and George Norman, Treasurer appeared to exp]ain a request of the Library for an ?"Wuricrease in the appropriation for the library to q2,500.00 each by the City and County for / the fiscal year '1952-1953; stating that it was-t,ecessary to meet expenses for rent ar;d movir,g to more adequate quarters in the new commercial building on Fied Cross Street betweetl 6th arld 7th, Purchase of new stee- aheives, salaries, assistai.t ;,ibrarian, Jaiiitor; Fuel and Iights, Books and Supplies to meet a proposed budget of $5;5i5.00. The present total receipts were shovrn to be : City ??" ?000.00 , Cour.ty $,?1 1000.00 asid t.831 .06 froni the State makir.g a total of $2 ?831.06. The matter tivas discusseo 'engtn, as_d i?.r. 77ade n,oved arid f;t was seconded by Mr. 0'Shields and carried that, tne request for 1`2,500.00 each by the City ai.d Couity be tentatively granted the Colored Library for the fiscai year 1952-195i, and tnat the City and Couiity set-up rules and regu'+ations for the operatiori oi the library on a basis of the increased appropriation to goveri, the operati.on of the same, lne moi,ion w?s carriec; bpon the affirmative v6te of a'+'+ members preser,t Except Mr. Jas.Pui.Nall v;ho voted no,gfter a substitute motion offered by him ?