1952-07-24 Regular Meeting363. Meeting of July 21 1 1952 continued. For the two weeks civil term begir.iiing August 18, ' 952- tiVii, T,ixor., Castle Hayne. Gilbert Pickard, P.O.Box 800' . Bi1ly F. Chason, 09 N. 3rd 5t. Johr; E. 1i'alter, Colonia, Vi-age. C.F.Pratt, C25, Box 295• J.H.I!:r is j 2207 Psrk Road. VJ.L.Shepard, % Seachore Bus Station. Levi A. HGott, Rt.t, Box 342. A.A.Blake, Rt.i, Castle fiayne. J.Vr.4li,kins, 114 S. 8th St. J ohnson Kerinedyf 514 Dawson St. J.H.Tipton, P.O.Box 957• E.C.Bowles, 28-5. Lake Vi?tiage. Denis Peppos, 723 N. 4th St. Hermar. Kaifin, 2506 Gui-iford Ave. Fonzie Carter, 193 Spofford Mills. C.J.Knightor,,Jr., Box 156 Carolii?a Beach. R.F.Colemari, 2021 Creasy Ave. Ernets E. Vanderburg? 310 Williamson Dr. J.Drevyn, Rt,i. Castle Fiayne,. Louis Dixon, 107 Llorningside Drive. Sairit J. Nouston, 2900 Adams St. Ralph Gi;lette, Rt.3, N.R.Horre*l, Ft.1, Box 263. Jas.E.King, 7 Ct.m, Lake Forest. C.B.Gore, 210 fiernvood Ave. ? E.M.Lee, 2713 iVa•shingtor; Street. YJm.H.Perkins, 80't Cei.tr•al Boulevard. W.J.Hobbs, 644 S. 6th St. T.H.Barker, "134 Fi.i;ecrest Parkway. A.H.Gainey, 230 Glilliamson Drive. T.G.Perry, S;Ot.Y, Lake Forest. Everette Ferry, 176 Colonial Village. Frar:k G. Weiss, Rt.2y Box 717A. D.A-.Pageg Rt.2. Johr; GJallace, 711 Walnut St. E.P.Wiilard, 15 S. 4th St. E.R.Page, '125 S. Van Buren St. L.F.Smitht 7.914 Klein Road. F.B.WatYins, 709 N. 5th St. Frank A. Shepard, 6 Lake Forest Parkway. Daniel Page, C25, Box 28J. Dor;ai d Vr . Raus, 106 Bordeit Ave. Y1.F3.Shew, Rt.3, Box 3iII. bleredith fiaynor, YMCA. David B. Pdix.on, Box 796 CaroTina Beach. E.H.King,Jr., 13 Ct.O, ?,ake Forest. John"R. Piayer, Rt., . C.E..Hall, Rt.3, Box 56. M. Eugene Bullard, P.O.Box 821. D.A.Foster, 120 N. 4th St: T.N.Simmons, Rt.2, Box 20". Victor D. Thompsoti, P.O.Box 1004. V.C.Overby, 409 Bladei-i St. David A. Bailey, 100, N. 3rd St. ade'+' Pv. Atkit;sq % Southern Box dc T,umber Co., C.L..Harrirgton,Jr., Box 30. G.D.Sikes, -Ht.2, Box 3'+6A. i.B.Ru,s, "0 Tiard St.,T„affitt.Village. ri.i .Barr.hi]_l ,14 S. Fdashir,gton St. For the second vreek begir:i,i•iig nugust 25, '952+ J.I,.Casteen, 1907 Yuoolcott Ave. D.N.Benson, Rt.3. Buster b.incy, C33, Box 343E;k. C.E•.f?:i,17 Rt.3. David B. Harriss, 5 Cow-itry Club Pir:es. J.A.Gresham, 2946 Adams St. J ohn S. Clark Jr., 506 S. i7th St. K 6 9 Jos.C.Hayduck, 1012 IJ. 4th 6t. L.P?:. ing, 1. 0 Orange St. Henry D. Easterling, 8 N. 9th St. Ez.nis F. Johnson, 720 S. Front St. Geo.Fi.Tiencken, 405 Cast'+e St. W.V.Morgan, C25, Box 289. A.L.Shovr, ?_? Wrightsvi]le Ave. V.tiJ.Jamieson, 408 Queen St. Vance E. Neal, fit.2. Herman Farrow, Rt.2, Box 148. Ytiss Elizabeth bI. Beivin, 15 Vvrightsville Ave. J.S.HalES, 723 S. 6th 5t. Johr..Robinson, 308 N. 2nd 5t. G.J.Bwnby, Rt.2, Box 3'iA. R.G.Stokley,Jr., 2517 Var. Buren 5t:a,. Jas.ti.VereenI Jr., 210 Castle St. T.D.Nlatthews, 1706 Chesttiut St. M.B.Russ, '1116 N. 4th 5t. Keiineth M. Kerr, 116 Co"lonial Village. C.W.Garrett, 238 Caihoun Drive' l;af.Vil. B.B.Phi,lips, 2710 Harrison St. T,ouis J. Mickey, 2014 4Voolcott Ave. R..T.Lucasi 401 Centr•al Bou'levard. Jack h'omac$, 1021 S. 17th 5t. J.L.Farrow, Rt.21 Box 178. Anna B. A"Ieii, 105 h. i 5th St. A.B.Tdiintz, 206 Orange St. C.nS.Phillips, 10 N.. Tiiashington St. ' Chas.C.B?ggett, i9T9 VJooicott Ave. Haroic3 V. Horton '142 T,ake Forest Parkway 9 .Jas.L.'rJilliams, 5,17 Surry St. D.F.Edwards, 141 S. 4th St. Cicero Batsoti, Castle Hayne Rt.l. cJ.H.Bailey, P.G.Box 1587. G.I,.Bryan, Ht.I, Cast'le Hayne. Franklin S. Taylor, 2109 Bari:ett Ave. Geo.i?.hevrett, 1009 N. 5tn St. E.V.Hunt,Jr., 54 &udson Dri.ve. B.J.Dlugin, 211, Brai;don Hoad. Chas.L.Taylor•, 219 S. Fror.t St. Fi.D.Pearsoti? Rt.3. Jos.m.Shingleton , C25, Box 260. Robert S. iiuiham,Jr., 178 Pinecrest Parkway. A.A.Price, Ht., . iti.K.iaieIvirl , 805 Chestnut St. S.R.Teachey, 516 Feri.ght St. J.R.Davis, 2i4 Castle St. Ottie R. Piner, Rt.", Bor. 224. C.C.bSoore, l6 Ct.N, t4ke rorest. R.E.Wa$on,,C33, Box 342. ;,.A.Beeb'+e s, 34 Carolina Apts. Tassie Costellu, 413 S. l']th St. j.A.Verga Rt 1 Box 99C , . , . The meeting ther. adjourned. _ .t ' -? v_C1 erk. ? tiuilmir.gton, N. C., Ju'ly 24, '1952. A joint meeting oP the County Commissioners aY:d City Council was held this day at 10:00 o'c"ock A.M., to give further consideration to joint City-County budget allotments for the fiscal year 1952-1953• County Commissioners present: Addison Hewlett Chairman,jas. M. Ha?l, C-laud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, County Pttorney 14arsdei. Be)lamy ar:d County Auditor C.F.Smith. City Couacilmen present: W. Rona-ld TAr?e, E. S. Cappst J.F.L.Yvade?`Gordon Dorar, ?i.d City I-Aar.ager Jas R. Benson. At the request of the Commissioners Booker T. Vr'a.shingtoi; a member of the VZilmingtoi. Co?ored Library and George Norman, Treasurer appeared to exp]ain a request of the Library for an ?"Wuricrease in the appropriation for the library to q2,500.00 each by the City and County for / the fiscal year '1952-1953; stating that it was-t,ecessary to meet expenses for rent ar;d movir,g to more adequate quarters in the new commercial building on Fied Cross Street betweetl 6th arld 7th, Purchase of new stee- aheives, salaries, assistai.t ;,ibrarian, Jaiiitor; Fuel and Iights, Books and Supplies to meet a proposed budget of $5;5i5.00. The present total receipts were shovrn to be : City ??" ?000.00 , Cour.ty $,?1 1000.00 asid t.831 .06 froni the State makir.g a total of $2 ?831.06. The matter tivas discusseo 'engtn, as_d i?.r. 77ade n,oved arid f;t was seconded by Mr. 0'Shields and carried that, tne request for 1`2,500.00 each by the City ai.d Couity be tentatively granted the Colored Library for the fiscai year 1952-195i, and tnat the City and Couiity set-up rules and regu'+ations for the operatiori oi the library on a basis of the increased appropriation to goveri, the operati.on of the same, lne moi,ion w?s carriec; bpon the affirmative v6te of a'+'+ members preser,t Except Mr. Jas.Pui.Nall v;ho voted no,gfter a substitute motion offered by him ? '.??4 Meeting of July 249 '1952, continued. to defer action on the matter until r.J.Rogers, Secretary of the T,ibrary can be present to give a more compiete explanation oi the proposed operation and expense of the library failed of a second. _p?cA The fo"ovring reso?utiori of the Citq Cout.cil respecting the care of the indigent sick certified to the Comrnunity Hospital was received: ` 0-el-, -r rvriF,Rr^,AS? The Citj of 6'vi'miilctor, and the Cow,ty of Nevr Hariover owi. iii equa'r sh,res the -real at.d persoi-ial property luiowr. ,rd used as the Community Hospita-t• and WHEREAS, Certain of the p.tiei-its and persons treated and given medical atiention at said hospital are charity cases.1iai:d are persoi.s geziera""y designated as the ii.digent sick aiid the aiflicted poor; amd Wh'ET?EAS, such persons are iiivesl;i.gated ai,d certified to said hospital by the Cour,ty Board of FlelSare acting for the Cour:ty of Iyew Hanover, ai.d the City of Wi,mington does not certify or send to said Commur,ity fiospital at ar,y time ar.y indigent patiei,ts or persons to receive'medical care nf hospital izati.oti; ar:d ' VJHERr.AS, The Council of the City of 4Ji,mii,gton feels that it is the duty and the obligation of the County of i:ew iiauove,^ Lo pay for the cost of inedical attet,tion given patients at said Cor.lmuility Fiospital which are certified and sent there for such madicai ai;tention by t.he Cout.ty of idew Hanover, as to whi.ch the.@ity of 'udilmington has no part,ar;d WHERFAS, The Counci" of the City of Viilmington is of the opiiioti that the said City should r,ot be called upon or required to pay any part of the cost of such ii.digent patients, but that its ob,igatior: to said hospital is fully comp-lied with whei, the City pays one-haTf part of the mait:tenance ar.d the essentia'+ operating expenses of said hospital after the ' receipts therefrom have been applied thereto without the City being called upon to pay any part of the costs incurred in treating indiger,t patients certified to said hospital by the County, ar,d • VIHEREAS, lhe Counci* has ascertained from its study of tax values withir, the City and withiii the County outside oi the City, that the gross values for tax purposes for '195' was in the sum of t,89,8l0073, and that the Poss tax values withiri the City are ii; the sum of ?•60,596,000, and that wher: the County makes a county-wide tax levy that two-thirds or more of such levy aiid the collections therefrom are paid Uc City taxpayers, and that a county-wide tax levy falls fairly upoir the City taxpayers, ar,d the county taxpayers residing outside of the City; but that whec, the Coui,ty rnakes a county-ttiide levq to col-lect or.e-half part of any appropriatiori, it collects at ?east two-thirds tnereof from the City taxpayers, aT.d that wher, the City makes a tax levy to collect the other one-ha'+f part of arly joint appropriatio[i that the City taxpayars are required to pay all of said one-hayf part of such , joint appropriatIon, wiiich results Sr. at, ui,due Lax burder, upoi, the City Caxpayers amour.ting, in fact; to double taxatioii it. par•t aiid requires the City taxpayers to pay approximateiy 84% of such joir.t levies ai_d appropriatioi.s; whereas, City taxpayers should not be required , to pay more thai. approhimately two-thirds of the whole iristead of being required to pay approxiniatempy 84p., az.cl for tiie reasoiis recited, the Coui;cil of the City of Wi1mington feeYs that it is obligated to ca" upor. the Coui,ty of i ew Har.ove: to pay the cost of mbdica'+ care of the indigeiit persoi,s certified to the Commur:ity Hospita" by it or the Agericy seiected by it. • NONT, THLi3E'r'ORE, i3;; IT fiFSOrVED by the Councii of the City of VJi,lmington in meeting assembled on the 23, day of july, 1952, aG follows: • That for the reasons hereinbeioie set fortil atid particu'lariy for and ir, the ir.terest of a fair aIld equal tax burdei upor. the citizeris of the City of Iroi,mingtong the Cowicii of the City of 4'Jilmiii€toi. hereby ca"s upon and requests that the Cour.ty of Niew Hai.over assume and pay all of the costs of nadical care and hospitalization of ir,digent persons cerLified to the Com..munity Hospita", as herein recited, and that the remaining costs required to operate ai,d mair.tain the said Commui.ity Hospitai be equally divided and paid by the _City of YJilmir.gton and. tiew Hat_over Cognty. The foregoing reso'+ution was duly adopted by the Council of the City of VJilmington at its meeting aPoresaid. Certified to be a true copy of a resolution of the City Cou..cil adopted at a regular meeting held July 23, '952• Mary B. Southeriai,d. /s/ E.S.Capns Diayor ar,d Counciiman pro tem W. Ronald T.ane, Counci7.mann Pi,Gordon Doran, " i.E.L.4VadeI , Nr. ;Jfarsdeii Be,,ariy the County ;,ttorney thei; toid of the sa-le oP Community Hospital property iii block 223, vrest side of jth Street near Red Cross, to the City and County prior to 1937. The arceptance of a Federal grant by the City of W'ilmington as a soi,gie unit or Ager.cy in 1937, to cor:struct Com.;nunity Hospita- at its present location on a basis of 451 of the cost by the Federal GovernmFnt and 55% Uy the City of Wi-imir.gton. Mr. Bellamy . f urther recommer;deQ that the Count,y take its stand without consideration to the City's . action. The Cnairman expresseO hiroself as feuling that he did not think it fair £or the Citytc spring the questioi, of withdravring support to the hospital at this time in the fiscal year after operating for oile month, and asked if the City had any propositior. to offer. Ivothing further than that contained iri the resolutiori, Mir. Benson a-m?*ered. Yir. Davis raised the question if it was not true that the division of the aBC profits between the City and Cowity, wasn't predicated oi, the City's participating: ii, the expet;se ior the care of the indigent sick of the County in our hospita"ls. The matter was further discussed? but no joint actio ' was taken in the matter. The Back Tax Department of the Ci.ty-County Tax Office was then brought up for discussion arid Nr. Hall noved that the same continue operation as is, same as '+ast year, the motio:, was seconded by ID;r. ?'ilade aid carried, subject to sa?aries adjustment. A motion offered by tvir. 0'Shields to aboiish the bacj? tar, department in name and ?a`? p'+ace the responsibility.of the departmesit under Mr. tw.orse the Tax Coltector, as one _ set-up for cot,t;rol , faii ed of a second , that a"ready beir.g aire'sponsiBlliby of P+Ir. iaorse . as Tax Col-lector. Mr. Ylade then raised the question of salaries, but no action was taken. Mr. O'Shieids then made a motion that further discussion of the matter stop and the County proceed with coi,sideratior, of its Uuclget. The motion was secA7nded by DIr.Hal i ar,d carried. 35 Neeting of Juiy 249 ?952, continued, CUpOori forhiQlds+ secoi:ded by f?.,r. tile Cou;;ty'? appropriation ' for .52- 953 v:as set at "?57?Opp.00. -Mr• 0• R. Hoiiis, ?upt., of Public ?Velfare appeareo to riscuss a lequest of the State Board of Pub,ic WeTfarc to increase public assistar:ce allotn.ents approved by the Board ? ?M?eyfare1a5?' to conform with the t?ev?? policy of the 5tate ?Je"fare Departmer.t Sn increasing otments by $14?827,00, was re; report to the Board neat ; erred to the Cour?ty Auditor for aiza'+ysis and .ioi;day, Upor, motion of. Mr. Q'Shields, secor,ded by iiir. Davis, the Board authorized the payment of $70 00 per day for ten days hospitali2atioii for David Garner coun Hospital, or: the request oT Dr. James Til , tY indigent? at Duke . der ar;d recommendation of the Su t > It was brought to the atter.tior; of the Board that no other a p'? of Pub? ic We? fare ?bndget for Civi? Defense ???? t ppropriatior? was provided in,the meet ana han the $1,500.00 set-up tznder County Aid, and if we should ?'+eve it ?ad;tionaT expense out of the emergency fund? It wa$ agreeable to the Board to _ S,500.00 as is. The appropriation for Indigent Chitdren Boarding Home Care was set at $7,000.00 instead of ^ ss $5 ,000 . 00. The meeting then adjourned. Clerk_. Niilmir:gton, N. C., Ju-lY 289 1952. The reguTar weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10':00 o'clock A.Vi. HaiSJT,t: Addison Hewlett, Chairman, Ja.s. M. Ha' 1, Ciaud 0'Shie?ds, Thurston C. Davis, Love, County Attorney h,arsden Bellamy and County Auditor C. F. Smith.• Upon motion of Il4r. Love, seconded by Nr. 01$hields, I6,r. C/R. Morse, Tax Col? ?UY? authorized ar.d directed to advertise the sa7e of Tand for taxes once a vreek fort£ourV?weeks as required by law, ot,•which said land the 195' taxes have not been paid, said salE to take p'lace on the first Monday in September, 1952. IDir. A. A. Perrymar., Jr.y Chief.,of the Volur,teer Fire Department of PJrightsboro, appeared to , present a resolutioT; adopted at a gec:eraT meeting of 35 citizeris representirlg sever, communities of the County, opposing the participatior: of the Coui,ty in the Tvorth Garolina State Forestry Protection Service, ai-id asked th3t any fuuds tne County coulo use for fire protection be first applied to the proteetion of homes and ir,dustries. Mr. r^erryman was acconrpanied by Mr. Ed B. Prrightq Assistas.t Chief of the Vt'riphtsboro Volunteer Fire Department ar:d n-fr. H. E. Deha,rt and _ L`r. FletchFr Taylor of VJii-iter Park. The Cout ty .4uditoi• I;,r. C.F.Smith then reported on fire departments of!.four mthet cour.ties,,Forsyth, Robir:sor,, Cumberiand and Rowan. After further discuss Tvlr. 0'Shields moved and ii; was secos,ded L•y Yr. Love and carried that, $5,000.00 be set up in the 7952-1053 budget for• rural fire prctection to be used in cooperation vaith estab'+ished or rura* fire departments that may be sstablished. Upon motion of ;vir. Love, sacotided by idr. 0'9hields, the Baard approved a petition of fifty propert.y owners for improvemer.ts to BtrDrjk{P µveLue" in Harnett township, from the Oid Nirightsvi'ie Turi;pike fiighway to Winter, Fark Cemitery, on whieh ten houses are located ar.d two ur,der construction. Al?so a petition of thirteen property owners for improverpents to Ari inkton Dr,.iv.e, in Cape Fear township from the Cast' e Iiayne fioad, US 42i , thei,ce in a wrestwardiy direction to the 'rast house on said r.oad, in -lieu of the request of the petitioners to improve the same the entire leiigth of Arlington Drive 3,"00 feet to a dead end. A rEquest of bir. 'a. K. Rhodes, Attorney, to lease Ledgion Stad:itam Stables arid race tracks to P? Albert Simon on the same terms and conditions the same was ?eased to IvTr. P. Batson, whose !ease termirated upoi, his death? was upora mot3ot; of 1dr.'Love, seconded by bir. Davis? refei•red to the Stadium Committee to handle. • ? Upon ff,otioi? of ll4r. Love, secor?ded by Davis? it was agreeab2e to the Board to sell_ the ? City-County owned ENipt. of lot 2 in block 252, assessed at kff?10.00, on which taxes a.r,d interest Z? amouciti.ng to ?;75.00 ?nas aue, at a price aP $150.00, recommended and requested by Nr.J.R.Ber?son, c? City Manager. And in the event of sueh sa"e the Chairma.n aiid the Clerk of this Board are hereby I di1thoti2ed::and directed to sign a deed conveyirig the said property to the turchaser, on behalf of ?t he -Cour:tq. a Upon mot"ion of Mr. T.ove, seconded by 1r..0'Shields, Rufus Aewe and i'orman Bryanl;, two colored indigent patients discharged from the State Hospita", to provide room 3't-said hospitai for two `?p.itisane persans vrho were being kept in jail aviaitiiig room if, the hospital , were admitted to the _--""?' County Home on recommendation oi' the 5uperintenaent of Public We?fare. . - ,.r?*?a?r"`_'Tpon motioi, of P6r. Davis, secorided by? fvir. Love, the Board recommended the appointment of ? ? Mr. G..T.Jones, Rt.7., Box 276, to vaccinate hogs vith chmlera serum and '!ive virus in this County, .?' recommei:ded by 'r,Sr. D. D. T3aggett, County Fa;rm_Demonstration Agent. Upon motion of 1ir. t.ove, seconded by Mr. G'Shields, the County Commissioners approved acceptance of contracts coveri.ng the Terminal and Traffic Controi Bui"6icigs and High 0,1ef Intensity Runway Tightirtg at B1.uethenthal Fieid, on final inspection and approval of Les11e N.Boney, Architect, that the same have been completed in accordance aJith pians, specifications and approvFd changes. Subject, however, to any c'laims that may have been filed against the same. .,??A report of the P7ilmington Pubiic T,ibrary arid Bookmobiie for June was received and fiied. . ?