HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-07-28 Regular Meeting35
Neeting of Juiy 249 ?952, continued,
forhiQlds+ secoi:ded by f?.,r. tile Cou;;ty'? appropriation ' for
.52- 953 v:as set at "?57?Opp.00.
-Mr• 0• R. Hoiiis, ?upt., of Public ?Velfare appeareo to riscuss a lequest of the State
Board of Pub,ic WeTfarc to increase
public assistar:ce allotn.ents approved by the Board
? ?M?eyfare1a5?' to conform with the t?ev?? policy of the 5tate ?Je"fare Departmer.t Sn increasing
otments by $14?827,00, was re;
report to the Board neat ; erred to the Cour?ty Auditor for aiza'+ysis and
Upor, motion of. Mr. Q'Shields, secor,ded by iiir. Davis, the Board authorized the payment of
$70 00 per day for ten days hospitali2atioii for David Garner coun
Hospital, or: the request oT Dr. James Til , tY indigent? at Duke
. der ar;d recommendation of the Su t
> It was brought to the atter.tior; of the Board that no other a p'? of Pub? ic We? fare
?bndget for Civi? Defense ???? t ppropriatior? was provided in,the
meet ana han the $1,500.00 set-up tznder County Aid, and if we should
?'+eve it ?ad;tionaT expense out of the emergency fund? It wa$ agreeable to the Board to
_ S,500.00 as is.
The appropriation for Indigent Chitdren Boarding Home Care was set at $7,000.00 instead of
^ ss $5 ,000 . 00.
The meeting then adjourned. Clerk_.
Niilmir:gton, N. C., Ju-lY 289 1952.
The reguTar weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10':00 o'clock A.Vi.
HaiSJT,t: Addison Hewlett, Chairman, Ja.s. M. Ha' 1, Ciaud 0'Shie?ds, Thurston C. Davis,
Love, County Attorney h,arsden Bellamy and County Auditor C. F. Smith.•
Upon motion of Il4r. Love, seconded by Nr. 01$hields, I6,r. C/R. Morse, Tax Col?
?UY? authorized ar.d directed to advertise the sa7e of Tand for taxes once a vreek fort£ourV?weeks
as required by law, ot,•which said land the 195' taxes have not been paid, said salE to take
p'lace on the first Monday in September, 1952.
IDir. A. A. Perrymar., Jr.y Chief.,of the Volur,teer Fire Department of PJrightsboro, appeared to
, present a resolutioT; adopted at a gec:eraT meeting of 35 citizeris representirlg sever, communities
of the County, opposing the participatior: of the Coui,ty in the Tvorth Garolina State Forestry
Protection Service, ai-id asked th3t any fuuds tne County coulo use for fire protection be first
applied to the proteetion of homes and ir,dustries. Mr. r^erryman was acconrpanied by Mr. Ed B.
Prrightq Assistas.t Chief of the Vt'riphtsboro Volunteer Fire Department ar:d n-fr. H. E. Deha,rt and
_ L`r. FletchFr Taylor of VJii-iter Park. The Cout ty .4uditoi• I;,r. C.F.Smith then reported on fire
departments of!.four mthet cour.ties,,Forsyth, Robir:sor,, Cumberiand and Rowan. After further discuss
Tvlr. 0'Shields moved and ii; was secos,ded L•y Yr. Love and carried that, $5,000.00 be set up in
the 7952-1053 budget for• rural fire prctection to be used in cooperation vaith estab'+ished
or rura* fire departments that may be sstablished.
Upon motion of ;vir. Love, sacotided by idr. 0'9hields, the Baard approved a petition of fifty
propert.y owners for improvemer.ts to BtrDrjk{P µveLue" in Harnett township, from the Oid
Nirightsvi'ie Turi;pike fiighway to Winter, Fark Cemitery, on whieh ten houses are located ar.d
two ur,der construction. Al?so a petition of thirteen property owners for improverpents to
Ari inkton Dr,.iv.e, in Cape Fear township from the Cast' e Iiayne fioad, US 42i , thei,ce in a
wrestwardiy direction to the 'rast house on said r.oad, in -lieu of the request of the petitioners
to improve the same the entire leiigth of Arlington Drive 3,"00 feet to a dead end.
A rEquest of bir. 'a. K. Rhodes, Attorney, to lease Ledgion Stad:itam Stables arid race tracks to
P? Albert Simon on the same terms and conditions the same was ?eased to IvTr. P. Batson, whose !ease
termirated upoi, his death? was upora mot3ot; of 1dr.'Love, seconded by bir. Davis? refei•red to the
Stadium Committee to handle. •
? Upon ff,otioi? of ll4r. Love, secor?ded by Davis? it was agreeab2e to the Board to sell_ the ?
City-County owned ENipt. of lot 2 in block 252, assessed at kff?10.00, on which taxes a.r,d interest
Z? amouciti.ng to ?;75.00 ?nas aue, at a price aP $150.00, recommended and requested by Nr.J.R.Ber?son,
c? City Manager. And in the event of sueh sa"e the Chairma.n aiid the Clerk of this Board are hereby
I di1thoti2ed::and directed to sign a deed conveyirig the said property to the turchaser, on behalf of
?t he -Cour:tq.
Upon mot"ion of Mr. T.ove, seconded by 1r..0'Shields, Rufus Aewe and i'orman Bryanl;, two colored
indigent patients discharged from the State Hospita", to provide room 3't-said hospitai for two
`?p.itisane persans vrho were being kept in jail aviaitiiig room if, the hospital , were admitted to the
_--""?' County Home on recommendation oi' the 5uperintenaent of Public We?fare. .
- ,.r?*?a?r"`_'Tpon motioi, of P6r. Davis, secorided by? fvir. Love, the Board recommended the appointment of ?
? Mr. G..T.Jones, Rt.7., Box 276, to vaccinate hogs vith chmlera serum and '!ive virus in this County,
.?' recommei:ded by 'r,Sr. D. D. T3aggett, County Fa;rm_Demonstration Agent.
Upon motion of 1ir. t.ove, seconded by Mr. G'Shields, the County Commissioners approved
acceptance of contracts coveri.ng the Terminal and Traffic Controi Bui"6icigs and High
0,1ef Intensity Runway Tightirtg at B1.uethenthal Fieid, on final inspection and approval of
Les11e N.Boney, Architect, that the same have been completed in accordance aJith pians,
specifications and approvFd changes. Subject, however, to any c'laims that may have been
filed against the same.
.,??A report of the P7ilmington Pubiic T,ibrary arid Bookmobiie for June was received and fiied.
. ?
F' 356
b4eeting of Ju1y 28? 1952, continued.
Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, Mr. Guy A. Benton, 13$ Sunimit Drive,
Masonboro Tovrnship and Leon F. Fletcher, 5001 Oleander Drive, Hariiett township, charged with
City taxes in error, were granted an abatemer,t of City taxes on'!y on a vaiuatioi, of
$1,095.00, and $945.00, personai property and po'll, respectively, for the year 1951.
Upon motioti of blr. Love, secorided by IJir. Davisg the Board authorize? and directed a division
'aX of the ?y'],820.00 assessment on the property of St.James Chiu-ch ( formerly Hrs.E.Y.Wooten)
in block 154, Pt. W* lot 3, on a basis of one third taxable, and 2/3 tar, free, account
of lovier floor rented and balai.ce of builfiing used er,clusively for church purposes.
Effective as of January 1, 1952. ,
Upon motion of Mr. Davis, secor;ded by bir. 0'Shields, the Board authorized ard directed the abatement of the 1950 taxes charged against the part west haif of 'lot 4 ir- block 75 in the
name of Heirs of J.B.CrifPith, account of City-County owi;ed property hought-in for taxes.
-`? Upon motioi: of Pv4r. i,ode, seconded by Mr. 0'Shiel.ds, the Board authorized the payment of
$683.04 to W. J. Batsoi,, '16,15 Grace 5treet, for labor and materiai used in b"asting rock - iii corinection vaith drainage work at Carolina Beach.
Upon motioi, of Tvir. Hal" , seconded by ivir. Love, the Board authorized and directed the payment of ,
$100.00 to the 4'::inter Park r^ire Departmer.t for the purcnase of equipment in.consideration of
services reiidered the County by the Department.
? An audit repart of the AEC Board prepared by Mr. J.Neveland Brand)Jr. CPA., for the fiscai
year ending June 30 9 '1952, vas received and referred to the Cotu;ty Auc?itor.
4A report of tYie Courity E,ectrical Inspector for b;a,y and June was received and filed.
Upori motion of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by tv,r. Davis, the Board authorized the merger of
A? Special Officers sa'+aries with the regular deputies salaries ii; the Sheriffs Departmer.t.
Upon motion of Mr. Lover seconded by Mr. 0'Shlelds, Public Assistance allotments set up Uy the
v?G/ Board at meeting of May 5, '952, viere increased by $14,827.00 to conform with the new po?'icy
of the State Vvelfare Departmeiit oi, figures furnished the County Auditor over the te'lephone
by Dr. YJinston, as follows:
Old Age Assistance increased from $601135.00 to $67,000.00
Aid to Depemdent Chiidren 319488.00 to 39,000.00
APTD tt D4 89550.00 to 9t000.00
Upoiz motion of bir. Hyll, seconded by hr. Davis, the 1952-1953 Schoo'v Budget was adopted in the
aaiount presented by the Board of r.ducatioc., to-wit:-
icegular Budget including Capital
Supplemecitary Budget
Schooi Eooks
Schoo'v Pensions
Veterans Program
6Ji'+mingtoi; College
Euilding r^ur.d
Total _
Out,ay $ 276,600.00
1, 6 11_,aZ0 . O0
$ 29329,598.35
ok .
, ,,
hir. H. Y. Roland commentirig or, Yr. Har•ry Hayder.'s n;anuscript of Fort Fisher said it
i,l.ontaii?ed certain valuablE iru ormation that c,ould be of value to teachers of fiorth
?}?? Caralina History and Il'or p-Pacement nri libraries. Some things, he said,'shouid'h?ve
been more ful"y e+aborated. ,
The meeting was then recessed=•subject to cali,
C"e rk.
VJiimington, N. C.? Juiy 3', 1952•
Pursuant to recess taken July 28, 1952, a budget meeting of the Board was held in the
Grand Jury room at -10:00 o'clock A.i;,.,
Presert : Addison Hewlett, Chairman? Jas.lvi.Ha,l I Ciaud 0'ShieTds, Thurston C. Davis, and
County Auditor C. F. Smith. -Uoor, motion. of trir. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Davis, payment of $956.50 to Shaw Paint and PJall
-GCi Paper Compatiy for painting the Superior Court room as per their bid of June 25, 1952, was
authorized. . %
Upon motion of bir. Davis, the $6,000.00 assessment on the house of Nr. George Gornto, Jr.9
_?aX iot 18, Country C'+ub Terrace was reduced to $3,500.00 for the year 1952, account of error
in assessment, and to bring it in 'line vrith assessments on adjacent property.
It was agreeabi e with the Board to permit Miss DTamie James Fer.i.el 1 2 Dietitiar: at John C.Vdessel?
Tuberculosis Sas:atoriwti, food supplies for the Sanatorium for a period oE ninety days,
recommended by Mr. Dan Cameron, Chairman of the Board of Mar.agers.
C Upon motion of Mr. Hal", seconded by b;r. Davis, L?Ir. Geo.L.Peschau, Deputy Recorder, was
granted an ir,crease in salary from $120.00 per mor.th to $l 50.00 per month as of July lI 1952•
Upoii motior. of Mr. AaQis, secondea by Mr. Hsll , Eir. i:;arsder. Be, lamy, County Attorney was
granted ara increase in sa-tary by $400.00 per year as of July l, 1952•
The County Auditor raas instructed to reduce such items ir, the budget that he can to come
within a$l915 taa rate, based 6n saiary increases for County Employees of $10.00 per month
or so much thereof that cari be produced wider that rate=
Budget meeting of Ju?y 3?, ?952, continued.
Upon mor.ion the Board authorized the payn,ei;t: of ha? f months sa?ary to idr. E.G.Burroughs,
Chief of the County's Fire Departmer,t stationed ai; I'?i2ffitt Vi?iage, thus terwinating his
_ ?? services with the County, and to r.otify 3aSr. B. Humphrey T,:arsha??, Executive Director of
the Housing tiuthority of the City of tiJ3?min?ton? that the Coux:ty vri?i have no further use
??epjts of the garage ar.d Fire Chief Dy?e? ? ing at u;affiti: Vi? ?age after this date.
? proster Edwards, CSC.? I?,.B.Register,&heriff and R.L.Biack? Reeister of Deeds, appeared to
? s`-request sa?ary raises for• the emp?oyees of their respect?ve O?f1.c?s.
' The meeting ther. adjourr.ed.
? ?!. ? Cierk.
Wi?mSngton,i?.C., August 4? ?952.
- The regu?ar week?y meeting oi the Board was he?d at iG:00 o'c?ock A.?,..
Present: Addison Hew?ett? Chairman? Jas.I?r.Ha,??, C?aud 0'5hie?ds? Thurston C. Davis,
Ha? J. Love, County Attorziey LZarsdei: Be?.?amy ai.d Coui:ty i?uditor C. F. Smith.
a request of i?ir. IGaa?_ o_?ipht, Attori?ey, for .?abatemet?t. of the ;,_ssessment of ?2,500.00
?J?qX charged against 14x•. ?Vi? ? iam. B. Shipman, 25 Pineci est Terrace, now in the i:avy, on the
grounds that the va?ue was r.ot tnere, and the same v.as ?isted in error, on goods, wares
mercha.ndise ai,d fixtures in soda shop, for the ;?eai? ?95?. i?ir. G?O.A??sbrook who said he was
fami?iar with the equipmer.t stated it coi?sisted of o?d fi?:tures, oid fountain and equipment
ac.d very ?itt?e stock at.d that tt?e va?ue vaas gone. Upon n?otion.of icir. Davis? seconded by
i?ir. 0'Shie?ds? an a:baterueizt of tax.es oii a va?uatioi oF ?;2?2?0:00 was granted subject to
check on prior yea rs to be added for taxes if i;ot ?isted.
?nl`}?,?Upot. motioi: of L??r. Davis, seconded by I?Ir. 0'ahie?ds? Headquarters Battery 252-AAA was
u granted ar, appropr•iatio7, of ?500.00 for the fisca? year ?952-'953, subject to simi?ar
tipon motion of i?r. 0'Shie?ds, ?econded by Iur. Davis? iJfr. Io:orris Zafrani? 2947 Jefferson Street?
was granted an ab?tem?nt of taxes oii a va?uation of 3i'?200.O?Househo?d ar?d Kitchen Furniture
i isted ir. error for the year ? 95? ? Bi'+ ? Woodv?ard ,_ ? 22B VJi? ? iamson Drive' abated taxes on a
-.??G? va'+uation of ?455.00 as ?:o City taxes on?y. He is a residen?; of ?Iasonbtiro?towhship? charged
_,d- with City taxes in error. A?Uert Eihodes a resident of Harnett tov?nship, abated City taxes
r., on a va'+uatior, of $$700.00 charged in ez•ror. D.C.Roane? 6?0 Gda?nut Street abated not ?isted
° pena?ty charged against b?ock 5?? for the years ?9?j?and ?95'. It appeared that he ?isted
other property on another ?ist tninking the sa?e vras inc?uded. -
The County's ?952-?953 budget estimates showing the amount of expei;se for the Cow:?Y.y
??.-G overnment, its activities and institutioris, in the tota? amount of ?.3,890,376.2'7, was piesented
?3`?? by the County Auditor, and upos? motion of ?Ir. Fia?'+, seconded by'Iuir. Davis, vaas tentative'+y
?? 3dopted and ordered p?aced in the har.ds oP i:ne C?erk for pub?ic inspection ?or a period of
? twenty days pending the adoption of the hppropriation iteso?utior. at the regu?ar meeting to be
he?d Monday? August 25? ?952. L???otments for advertising? Airport? Erosion Contro?? Legion
Stadium? Libraries? Port Deve?opn?ent atid 47i?mington Chamber of Commerce to be paid out of
.. tiie profits to be re: ived fron the I+BC Stores. C?"'? mernbers voti.ng ?ffirmative'+y.
• Upon motion of i?ir. T,ove, seconded by tur. Davis tne fo?.?ovrir,F reso?ution fixing the
?r? ? 952 tay? rate at one do• ?ar and fiftees, cents ??•'+ +' S) on the one hundred do? ?azs va? uation
of property and two do„ars on each po„ ? recor?m,ended by the Cour.ty Auditor? was ui:animous?y
' BE IT RESO?,iIED by the Board of Cow.ty Commiss!o??ers of , ew Hariover CoLUity? that the
• fo??owin? tax ?evies and assessmer.ts upor_ a?? ta?:ab?e property in ;.ew Hanover County, for the
, year ?952? as prescribed and authorized by the Gei;era? and Specia? Acts of the Legis?ature,
to be as fo??ov?s:
Lgriculture ar.d Econorrdcs ? '?????
i+id to B?ind "?????
- County Eome .06?6
Aid to Dependent Chi?dren '0352' ,
Genera? Furid •0534? .. •50
Hea?th Department . .06f30.
Hospita?s •059 ?
6?d ?ge Assistance .096?
Sa?ary rund
? ? .50
Scnoo?s: Regu?ar •'939
Supp?ement .2000-
- Fiooxs ? ?, 54
Petisioi?s .0? 26
3unior Co??ege _ 0500 •4?i9?
T. B. rios;oita? .0500.
W?e? fare .04??j •
Bot?d Fui,ds : Schoo? s •' 3i 3? ;? _?-
Cont.ty Home .?0'+4 • ' ? ?
yici to Perr„ai.ei,t?y cc Tota„y 1J1SA?'i?2O
w? •J_?J ?2.00 I
Tota? Ta.x Levy
actioii by the City of Vu'i?mii,?toi..
? ??t,?? ??
_G,oa ?-Report?S of the Veterans 5ervice Officer, County Fa.rm Agent and County Home Agent for
?? Ju?y were received and fi?ed.
y '