1952-08-04 Regular Meeting1 35? Budget meeting of Ju?y 3?, ?952, continued. Upon mor.ion the Board authorized the payn,ei;t: of ha? f months sa?ary to idr. E.G.Burroughs, Chief of the County's Fire Departmer,t stationed ai; I'?i2ffitt Vi?iage, thus terwinating his _ ?? services with the County, and to r.otify 3aSr. B. Humphrey T,:arsha??, Executive Director of the Housing tiuthority of the City of tiJ3?min?ton? that the Coux:ty vri?i have no further use ??epjts of the garage ar.d Fire Chief Dy?e? ? ing at u;affiti: Vi? ?age after this date. ? proster Edwards, CSC.? I?,.B.Register,&heriff and R.L.Biack? Reeister of Deeds, appeared to ? s`-request sa?ary raises for• the emp?oyees of their respect?ve O?f1.c?s. ' The meeting ther. adjourr.ed. ? ?!. ? Cierk. Wi?mSngton,i?.C., August 4? ?952. - The regu?ar week?y meeting oi the Board was he?d at iG:00 o'c?ock A.?,.. Present: Addison Hew?ett? Chairman? Jas.I?r.Ha,??, C?aud 0'5hie?ds? Thurston C. Davis, Ha? J. Love, County Attorziey LZarsdei: Be?.?amy ai.d Coui:ty i?uditor C. F. Smith. a request of i?ir. IGaa?_ o_?ipht, Attori?ey, for .?abatemet?t. of the ;,_ssessment of ?2,500.00 ?J?qX charged against 14x•. ?Vi? ? iam. B. Shipman, 25 Pineci est Terrace, now in the i:avy, on the grounds that the va?ue was r.ot tnere, and the same v.as ?isted in error, on goods, wares mercha.ndise ai,d fixtures in soda shop, for the ;?eai? ?95?. i?ir. G?O.A??sbrook who said he was fami?iar with the equipmer.t stated it coi?sisted of o?d fi?:tures, oid fountain and equipment ac.d very ?itt?e stock at.d that tt?e va?ue vaas gone. Upon n?otion.of icir. Davis? seconded by i?ir. 0'Shie?ds? an a:baterueizt of tax.es oii a va?uatioi oF ?;2?2?0:00 was granted subject to check on prior yea rs to be added for taxes if i;ot ?isted. ?nl`}?,?Upot. motioi: of L??r. Davis, seconded by I?Ir. 0'ahie?ds? Headquarters Battery 252-AAA was u granted ar, appropr•iatio7, of ?500.00 for the fisca? year ?952-'953, subject to simi?ar tipon motion of i?r. 0'Shie?ds, ?econded by Iur. Davis? iJfr. Io:orris Zafrani? 2947 Jefferson Street? was granted an ab?tem?nt of taxes oii a va?uation of 3i'?200.O?Househo?d ar?d Kitchen Furniture i isted ir. error for the year ? 95? ? Bi'+ ? Woodv?ard ,_ ? 22B VJi? ? iamson Drive' abated taxes on a -.??G? va'+uation of ?455.00 as ?:o City taxes on?y. He is a residen?; of ?Iasonbtiro?towhship? charged _,d- with City taxes in error. A?Uert Eihodes a resident of Harnett tov?nship, abated City taxes r., on a va'+uatior, of $$700.00 charged in ez•ror. D.C.Roane? 6?0 Gda?nut Street abated not ?isted ° pena?ty charged against b?ock 5?? for the years ?9?j?and ?95'. It appeared that he ?isted other property on another ?ist tninking the sa?e vras inc?uded. - The County's ?952-?953 budget estimates showing the amount of expei;se for the Cow:?Y.y ??.-G overnment, its activities and institutioris, in the tota? amount of ?.3,890,376.2'7, was piesented ?3`?? by the County Auditor, and upos? motion of ?Ir. Fia?'+, seconded by'Iuir. Davis, vaas tentative'+y ?? 3dopted and ordered p?aced in the har.ds oP i:ne C?erk for pub?ic inspection ?or a period of ? twenty days pending the adoption of the hppropriation iteso?utior. at the regu?ar meeting to be he?d Monday? August 25? ?952. L???otments for advertising? Airport? Erosion Contro?? Legion Stadium? Libraries? Port Deve?opn?ent atid 47i?mington Chamber of Commerce to be paid out of .. tiie profits to be re: ived fron the I+BC Stores. C?"'? mernbers voti.ng ?ffirmative'+y. • Upon motion of i?ir. T,ove, seconded by tur. Davis tne fo?.?ovrir,F reso?ution fixing the ?r? ? 952 tay? rate at one do• ?ar and fiftees, cents ??•'+ +' S) on the one hundred do? ?azs va? uation of property and two do„ars on each po„ ? recor?m,ended by the Cour.ty Auditor? was ui:animous?y adopted. ' BE IT RESO?,iIED by the Board of Cow.ty Commiss!o??ers of , ew Hariover CoLUity? that the • fo??owin? tax ?evies and assessmer.ts upor_ a?? ta?:ab?e property in ;.ew Hanover County, for the , year ?952? as prescribed and authorized by the Gei;era? and Specia? Acts of the Legis?ature, to be as fo??ov?s: ? PROPE?PY P? OT,T, Lgriculture ar.d Econorrdcs ? '????? i+id to B?ind "????? - County Eome .06?6 Aid to Dependent Chi?dren '0352' , Genera? Furid •0534? .. •50 Hea?th Department . .06f30. Hospita?s •059 ? 6?d ?ge Assistance .096? Sa?ary rund ? ? .50 Scnoo?s: Regu?ar •'939 Supp?ement .2000- - Fiooxs ? ?, 54 Petisioi?s .0? 26 3unior Co??ege _ 0500 •4?i9? T. B. rios;oita? .0500. W?e? fare .04??j • Bot?d Fui,ds : Schoo? s •' 3i 3? ;? _?- Cont.ty Home .?0'+4 • ' ? ? ?•?%?42.. yici to Perr„ai.ei,t?y cc Tota„y 1J1SA?'i?2O w? •J_?J ?2.00 I Tota? Ta.x Levy • actioii by the City of Vu'i?mii,?toi.. ? ??t,?? ?? _G,oa ?-Report?S of the Veterans 5ervice Officer, County Fa.rm Agent and County Home Agent for ?? Ju?y were received and fi?ed. y '