1952-08-11 Regular MeetingI FJilmington, N. C., August il, 1952• The regular week-ly meeting of the 3oard vaas heid at 10:00 o'clock A. hY. Fresent: Addison Hewlett? Chairman, J2s. -M. Hall, Claud O'Shields, Thurston C. Davis? Ha-I J. I,ove-ar.d Couiity Attorney Marsden Bellamy. The colored I-iome Demonstration Agent subn!itted a report di the activities of her departmet.t for the mor.tYi of July, which was received and filed, and paymeiLt of $10.24 for office supplies ai.d articles used in demonstrations was approved. n Ciaud 0'Shie,ds moved that the follov:ing resolution be adopted: WHEREFsS, the T ocal Goverr,ment Commission of North Caroiina has informed the Board of Commissioners that it has so'+d, in the manrier prescribed by lava, the $1,000,000 School Building Bonds, Series A, of the Cowity of New fianover, dated June ?, '1952$ authorized to be issued by.a bond order adopted by the Board of Commissioners on the 7th day of Apri15 '7952, and that the contract of sale contemplates that said bonds sha", bear interest as heieinafter provided-; arid W=REAS, said bonds are to consist of one thousand bonds of the denominatioi; of ?1,000 each, numbered ii•oM i to 1,000, inclusive, in the order of their maturityg NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that said bonds shall bear interest as follows: (i) the bonds numbered from I to 'J01 inc'+usive, at the rate of one and one-quarter per centum (1 l/4%) per annum? (2) the bonds numbered from 71 to 240, inc'+usive, at Lhe rate of six per c centum (6%) per ai;nwn, (3) the bonds r:umbered from 24, to 375 inciusive, at the rate of tvao per cer,tum (2p) per at.num, (4) the bonds numbered from 371 to 700 inclusive, at Lhe rate of two and one-quarter per centum (2 1/4°fo) per annum, (5) the bonds numbered from 70'T to 850, inclusive, at the rate of two arid one-ha?f'per centum'(2 112%) per anr,um, and (6) the bor:ds nurabered from 85'? to 1,000, ir:clusive, at the rate oS one and me-quarter per centum ( i 1/4%) per annum,. Thurston C. Davis seconded the motion, and the motior.uaas adopted by the followir,g vote: Ayes: tiddison Hefnr-lett, Jas. Yi. Ha,l, C'+aud O'Shields, Thurston C. Davis and Ha,P J. Love. Nays: None. Upon motion of Afr. Davis, seconded by iy;r. Fiali, payment of 667.30 to Bynum Printing Company., for printing 750 notice and blank proposais in cor.r.ectio,, vaith the sale of $19000,000 Schooi ? Building Bonds, was approved. Upon motion of Y?r. I:,ove, seconded by i:ir. Davis, iaTr. C. VJ. Farpz 277.6 O?eander Drivet was grarited an abetement of taxes on a valuatior. of $650.00 on•a 1y5i four door Packard Car listed at $2,280.00, in error, v?hereas it should have been listed as a two-door Packard at $1,630.00 Red Book value, for the year 1951. n;ajor Pay M. Burriil, USbiC9 Camp I,ejeune, r;ot a resident of horth Caro?ina, but temporarily sta--cioned`at Camp Le3eune, was granted aii abatement of taxes on a valuatiou of $2,540.00 persona", property for the year 1951. ;?o obJections were indicated by the Board to the United States District Engineer granting • a?permit to Mr. S.Feer,stra for construction of a pier in Dfiidd've Sound on the Atiantic -Y? Intracoastai Vraterway at Porters Tveck, approaimateiy 0.2 niile southvrest of day beacon ivo.120, and to Mr. E.S.Piver ior the constructiuia of a pier on tYie iiorthwest side of the Znland . Guaterway approximately 0.2 mi'le soutnwest of iviiddle Sound, Day Beacon 1'+0. . . ? Upou motion of 'Yr. 7.ove, duiy seconded, the Board authorized the sale of iots I?o.-140 and 14i' Seagate, County ownec3 'lots bought in for taxes, to Iu.r. E. Norfleet for $131.00 cash, And the Chairman and the Clerk are hereby authorized ana directed to execute a deed conveying the said 'lots to hir. i?orfleet or. behalf of the County, upoi, receipt of payment as aforesaid. Upon motioz: of it4r. O'Shields, seeonded by Mr. Love, the Board authorized the paymei,t of six deys hospitalization for James Oliphant at Duke hospital ii; addition to fourteen dlys . hospital izatiori authorized June 13,-1952,, for two operations,, making a tota"? hospital exper:se of $186.759 recommended ai.d requested by the Supt., of Pubific Welfare. . "? A report of the activities of the Bureau of Identification for Ju'Iy was received and filed. ? A bill for $53.00 submitted by Mr. Bi.FH. Lander,CE, for pre7,iminary plan and survey of lots east of Legion Stadium was he].d in abeyarice until the work is completed. Upon motion of Mr. Hal-i, seconded by irir. Davis, Samuel i+elson Pvtarshburn, physica'+ly disab'+ed county andigetrt, was on recommer'datiot. of thL Supt., of Public Welfare, admitted to the County Home. A petitioT, of 95 property owners of O-ieander Drive, Winter Fark, requesting that the State fiightivdy ai,d Public V;orks Comrais=ion reduce the speed limit from 55 to 35 miles per hour atld to rigidly ei.iorce reduced speed 'imit tlirough that thickly populated suburb, was upon motion of '„Ir. O'Shields, seconded by Mir. Davis, approved and referred to the Safety Divisioi, of the State fiigirway Department. Upor, motion of Mr. Daais, seconded by I??ir. He"', County bills P2o. 31 to ?44 were approved i ? for payment. ? The meeting then adjourned. ar ? Cle rk . r, :;»hv ? 3i ov .