HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-08-18 Regular Meeting359
V 4vilmir:rton7;;.C., August l8, 1952.
The regular •weekly reeting cf the Board wa.s held ihis day at l0:00 0' clock t; . Iu?.
, Preser.t: Addi.or. HeNne;t, Chairman, Jas. C"aud 0'Stii.elds, Thurston C. Davis,
Hai J. Love and Cot.ii:ty Attorney Itiarsden be?lar;y,
i,4r. I,ouis T. Moore, Chairman of the I•.ew Hanover fiistorical Cor.ur,ission appeared to ask
about when the ir.stallat'or: of the Hugh EacRae Piaque at Hugh Iv;acrae Park wou'+d take place.
h7r. PJlpore was told that ±he ir.sta,l2tior: of the plaque was de-layed on account of the widering
of the highv;ay at that 'rocatioi..
Upon motion of ;,;r. Ha,l , seconded by I:qr. 0'Shields, the Board 'looked with favor upon a request
ibf Mr. Azarow a representative of the Skycoach Air,ines F.gency Inc., of New York City to-use
Biuethentha' ri.eld for land'Lngs and fuel service i;i eonr.ectior..vrith their plans to establish
norc-scheduled.Zlights, frc.,m coast to coast, through here. The matter was referred to the
County Attorney to prepare a cor.t,act covering the same that wouid meet with the approval of
the Civi" Aeroiiautics Administration aild the Civi* tieronautics Board, and for suhmission to this
Board f.or approval,
`,,p4Mr. Henry Boyd, Airport i?tar.ager, told the Board that hs was in£ormed.that the P.avy had tivorked
o_`? out a. new basic pa'licy_of operati.os, for Bleuther.tha, Airport alang the lines of the executed
? ag,reer.:ent the Cou:.ty turned over to the havy severa, nioi,tYsago and a new contract was being
dravan, and that it vaould be or.,y _a matter of, a sYiort time Iiir. F.E.Beaty, 6th DS.strict Naval
HepresEntative of Char,eston S.C., v:i•l pres"ei:t the t,ew contract for the Board's consideration.
?'jThe matter of signir.g a contiact ???ith i,:r. Ju,ausVVer,berg of the Ye??ow Cab Compary to provide
QN?? limousine service at the airport termir.als ar;d- the questiori of the Airlir.es having the right to
--- arrange for ground trarsportatior; service, wae _referred to the County Pttormey to work-out
with L1r. Boyd.
qtt?The resignation of Iuir. Henry Boyd,Jr., as Airport luiai,ager? to become effective September
a? 'S, 1952, was then read to the Board by the CY?irrnan, and upor, motion of Iu`r. Ha", secor,ded
by I±,r. Davis, was accepted vait;h regret.
? The resignatioi: of Dr. JoYu. C. ti9e.sse,, as a member of the Board of Trustees of Commuriity
? Hospital effective as of October 1, ? 952, vias received ai.d upor, motion of Igr. 0'Shields,
, secondea by bir. Davis, vias accepted with regret.
Upon motion of Mr. Love? secaiided by iair. i-lavis, John T. Thonpson 7'18 3/4 South rrorit St.,
was grar,ted an abatei;,ei,t of taxes oi, a valuatioi_ of w'",,500.00 or. a1948 Freuhauf Trailer
charged iri error at a-15,000.00 for the year '1951 , wnich should have been charged at $1,500.00.
• Vlith refererice to a request of Miss Eli•r.a A. Co-i,.s, Pir.ebluff Sanitarium, Pireb7uff,1..C.,
foi- a refund of tlie 1952 taxes she na'd on a va,uatioi, of 4`1,140,00 personai property)
M,-S 19, 1952, a- a iesidei.t of idew iialA42T' Coui.ty, i;hat she in turiilmay pay the Towi: of
Pineb'+uff who ia clairr,it-.g thet the sai6 taxes _snou,d have beeri paid to it, was declined on
the oniriior, of the Colanty nttoi•ney, that io,iss Co" ins a foru:er school teacher wtao was retired
by the T?Iew Hat-over Cour.t;y Eoard of Eaucation for ciisability, had alega' right to claim this
. County as her .residei.ce and pay hes tax,es to this Cou; ty.
Upon rr.otioY, of Ieir. Divis, secoiided b-,> I,:r. VShtelds, J_,F._Ze2_!ers was granted ai. abatement of
taxes charged against 10.4 acres of ; and, iJ:yrt,e Gzove Sound, and 1 ot no.'+, Ava,on, Federa', Foint
tovrnsnip for the year '1949 through 1952, account of dduble char•ge. ihe same is ovmed and listed
? -3- ior tares and paid by Harry F. fiufham for said years. Advent Christian Church, Ogdei. Place,
Harsiet:t tovri,ship, was abated tar.es oi. a valuatiot? of ti,250 00 oi? 5.i2 acres, lot 20, Ogderk P'+ace
-for the year l95' and l952, and the same ordered p-laced on the tar. free list for the reason it
• • is used exc?usive-iy for church purnoses. L.A.Lewis taxes abated on a valuation of $'v100.60
T_ot 89 in block 40 Kure $each charge6 as not Tisted for the year 1951, accour;t of d.bub'+e chargeg
The same was charged to and listed by P.Sr. W. E. Ffowers;.
{+;';°`' • Ivo objections were itidicated bq the Board to the app?icati.oi of 3ames W. Hendrix for a 5tate
°,• .._W?-""permit to sell beer at ii2 S. Front Street.
.. . e.
i: A request of Mr. Vralter H.._$lair for d refund of taxes paid or. a valuation of $425.00
''?? `??X for the qears 1948 and 1949 and abatemer,t of taxes on a vatuatioi: of $'425.00 for the year
-1950, accoui.t of error in assessr,;ei.t. o,. lots -A si_d '! 7A Carolina Beachg the same having
•? been it:cluded in the assessments oi: ?ots ^i and 12 he sold to Fdward C. Craft,Jr.? and
A.C.Green, DeceiLber 29, ^947, for whi.ch assessrr;ent credit was not given for said years, was
declined or. opiniot, of the Cour.ty ?ttorxiey that refuiid of taxes paid couid not be made for
- more than the two prece inp years from date of last payment, but upon motion the 1951
assessu.ent fixed by tne assessors on lots ?,A and lea at $°1?5900 to correct the error, was
? made retroactive in effect for the yeaz 1950, and ar, abaternent of taxes on a valt2atio'r, of
. ?-425.00 was ordered.
i? request of IJr. riorace Garrison to purchase a parce, of the Cow_ty's "and adjoining the lot
?' so-ld to Pir. Kir.by Dar.iels on the Gordon Road as per sketch preser.ted, lvas referred to a
con:mi.ttee of the Board for irivestigation at the location and report its recemmendatior,s at a
subsequent rneetir,g, '
Upon motior, the Board authorized the Coui.ty Attorney to use his-judgment as to the best
procedure to follow in the matter of suit of James Vv"alker Memorial Hospital vs New Hanover
Couuty et a' whether by therJudge'or„.Iury.
?eXThe County kuditor extended to the Board an invitatiot_ of bir. Sam B"ake to ii.spect the Inlet
.,.?` Dredging Vuork a.t CaroTina Beach.
,?? Upon motion, duly seconded, County bills P.o. 245 to 353 Inclusive were approved for payruent.
The meeting ther: adjourned.
Clerk. •
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