1952-08-25 Regular Meetingr3,60 . , 'a7i'+mington,i..C., itugust 25, 1952• The regular week'+y meeting of the Hoard r,as he'+d at 10:00 o'clock A.PS. Preser,t: tl6dison iiewlett, Chairtnari. Jas. M. H2ll , Claud 0'Shie"ds, Thurston C. Davis? Hal J. Tove, County Attoriiey Ydrsden BEilamy and C.r.S'mith, County Auditor ar.d Acting. C' erk. • A de- legation from Ogdor: Place, Harnett towr.ship, composed of the Reverend G.4V.Shepard, G.C.Gorman and fi.H.Ha- 1 , were present to discuss fire protection and asked for funds to aid them to acquire ti,e recessary equipnent to provide that service. Mr. VJright from the 1Jrightsboro Fire Departmeiit appeared for the group and suggested the Cour.ty loan the two tanks on trailer to the group and outlined plans formulated so far for county-wide protection. UporL moti.or: of Lir. Davis, secor.ded by Mr. liall, the Board agreed to loan the equipment suggested. Mr. Harry Haydeii apneared to ask aid iri publishir,g his mar.uscript on Fort Fisher. ho action was taken. ? M .I A request to abate V?.B.Harriss, Cape Fear township, taxes on a valuation of 'J50.00, buiifiing IuN ori 8 acres of land charged in error for the years 1948 and 1949, and charge him vrith $i25.00. - ? va'+uation on 'land '+eft off tax books in error for the years 1950 and 195'tand abate R.D.1'lorthinFton on a valuation of $875.00 land and bui'lding charged in error Eor the years w- "y50 and 195, and abate the taxes on a valuatiot: of ?;?, 600.00 on .58 acres of 'arid charged against Laura Irtae Harriss for the years 1950 and -1 95' ar.d charge H.D.1Vorthington with a valuatioii of 6*1,600.00 on .5£3 acres for the years 1950 and 195, , was iapon motion of Mr.0'Sh1eld,s;. seconded by Mr. Davis, referi•ed to the Committee with power to act. ? Upon motion of Mr. Hall, duly seconded, I?`:rs. Lucy Caro'! ir?a iteynoi ds } 5009 TNrightsvi'le tivenue ? was or, recorrmiendation of the Supt., of Public S'ielidre, granted temporarq aamisgion to the County Nome as a pay patient at jv30.00 per month. The resignation of TNTr. George V;. Trask as a member of the Board of Tlianagers of Community ? YsHospitai, effective as of this date,,w2s received and accepted v+ith regret. F,esignation of Tir,woed D. L,-tta as a. merber of the Board of Trustees and a7so as a"' irustee of Community Hospital, e£fective October 1, 1552, was received with regret. Upon motiox; ef Tv:r. 0'Shields, seconueu by Yr. Love.,114r. Junius Counci?_ was appointed- as a member a_f, the Community Iiospita? Board. kletter received fron: the State Department of Conservatior.and Development extending an ? invitation to the Board to attend tne meeting s of its 9Jater Resources Cormittee at the -` ? new Rick Hotei in Rocky L:ount August 25 ar:d 26, for a discussion of the water problems of Coastal Area, was read by the Chairman. A request of the heirs of I.B.Andrews to abate the cost and it.terest on the ba'ance of c?X ?-7.62 -?95, taxes or, property at 1513 S. 4th St., caused by increase iri rate a£ter prepayment of the 195, taxes was made was presented but no action taken. . A report of the tax office shovoin that $1 199, . 5$ was col 1 ected for the City and $29 385.150 ZT6,X for the County making a total of 14,377 .08 back taxes co,lected for the month of July- was received-•and filed. Upon motion of 34r. Davis, seconded by Yir. 0'6hields, the Aeirs of C.B.Parmele were grai.ted an abatement of taxes on a vaiuation of $700.00, '+ots 9 and 10, in IIlock 73, Carolina Beach • -?aX for the year '+951, account of double chaz•ge ar.d error, the same also listed and taxes paid ?.; by W. E. Creech. Iiliabel D. Trask, was granted an ataternent of $2.37 not listed penalty chargea - agair.st 33.2 acres of land adjoir.ing Greer, ai•d Kerr-'rlestbrook property, Cape Fear township. • it appeared that she Iisted other property thii:kiY,g this wa s ir.c, uded, for the year 1 95, f Upon motion of ,eir. Davis, secor.ded by ;;,i. rove, t.Yie Stacip Defiance Chapter of the Daughters • e of the American Hevoiution was grarited a doriation of $50.00 for page advertisement to aid in financing the publicatici, of tiieir histori.c booklet, the Board feeling it would be to the •advai:tage ir, advertising the advai.taeec and reasources of the Courity. Upor; motior: of Mr. 0'Shields, second=d t;y "nir. Tove, George lr. Grady was granted an abatemer.t of ta"xes or. 1.3 acres of ?and chargen against nirt ii. Harnett tovinship and the same ordered cancelied oi, the taa records account mf double charQe.'The same -land is :locatefl and'charged in Cape Fear township ar,d listed and tahes paid regu,arly. A,so charged ii Harnett towtiship in error. I Jpot. motiori of Mr. 0'Shie,dsj seconded Ly Mr. Davis, ?i,250.00 was appropxiated out of the advertisement fuzid for entertainment expense ir: coi,nectior: with the dedication of the -' north Carolina State Fort Termina" at Wilmington,iu.C.jfiursday? September 18, 1952. .L.- iyo objections were reaised by the Board to the application of J.VJ.Ellison ar.d luIrs. Theda '. iAcGee for a state permit to se-1 beer af 4400 Oieauder Drive and Rt.31 Bor. 442, respectively. A report of the Fuilmington Public *,ibrary and Bo.okmobile for Juiy was recelved and filede ? The Cowity's 1952-1953 Budget Appropriations, after due notice given by advertisement•in. ?.? a ccordance with the law, vrere finally adopted, aiid upon motion of 2vir. Davis, seconded by /g? Mr. 0'Shields, the following appropriatiou resolution vras adopted, a„+ members voting _ affirmatively: , APPROP£tIATIOPd RESOr,UTION Section 1. Be it resolved by the Board of Coui.ty Commissioners of leva F3ar.over Cotu,ty, North Carolina, this 25th day of August 1952, ?,hat the expense for County Goveriur,ent, I its activities and institutior,s, for the iiscal ;?ear ending June 301 19531 the amounts . of the fo,"orving schedule, or so much oP each as may be iiecessary, are hereUy appropriated: q F W9.lm3rig$ott, N. C. Septomber 3, 1952 A specfal meeting of the Counc32 of the City o£ Y'f2mingtoa met oa the above date 1n the Couneil room at Ctty Ha1_1 at 10s00 o'clock AM. PreaeaEt 6tayor rhitep - preafding, Counc3lmen Wade, Capps' Doran and Lane; City rganager Benaon and City Attor ney Carypbell. Rev. T. J. Stephensong Pastor Temple Baptiat Church opeaed the megt- ing with pacaqer. , s Mayar 4Jhite announced that the meeting had been called for the pir- pose of condueting a, uearing to det•erm3tte if the Zon3ng Oxdinance shall be amended . and for suah other businesa properly comirg before the Counail. The C3ty Attorney negd nat4ce of puB7.3cation in reference to the heariag, and Ma,yar 6Ph2te thereizpon9 called upon anyone 1n the aud3enae deairing to be heard on 4,ha subje ct. tlpon requeat, Mr. fiugh 64orton., Real Eatate representative oP the propart9 to be reaone8 explained to the delegat4on preaent Yshat had elresdy beea done and what is eontemplated if the property on Olearnier Drine rea4 of the RR • 2racka ia reaoned. A map vsas pxesented showing the exect lxation of the pzroperty to be rezoned and and laying out oY residential lots to the eset of the seid prop- erty along 1.73m3sa Dr3vee Mr. L'orton expiainod thst the property if rezoned Prom residential to coaanerc3a1 w'a.12 be piachaaed by I1s. R. H. Page for the gtapose o£ conatrueting a modern newepaper plant thore;?i; which he feels ie a very wholesome undorta&ing; that, the newapapex can render botter service by eouipping themaelvea w3th a modern plant, and render this service more economically for the beaefit of the ccmmun3ty; thet, the plartt wf21 cost approx-imate2y $300,,000.00 and tsill be an ?• asse't to the communitq; that, an architect ia to be emploqed to flirniah drawings thzit vill be in keep•lng with the ne4ghborhood adjacent to the property, tvr. Mortor? also told the group that there ient much one san do with residential property beck- ed up to rRi.lroad tracks; that, the building proposed will be a wholesome bufPer getvreca the resfdontia2 section and the luainess aection; that, the map will Ue racorded and will eonta4n residentiel restrictions similar to the Willette Den- elopmerit in Country Club Pines. Mr. Dan Penton, one of the ownors.of the property under diseuseion told the group that there being induetrial property on sII sfdea o£ this property with the esception of the esatern aide, he feols that this ia sn umisua], case, that, the progosed building va311 be htLrac23.ve axx3 that the ather portion of the property wi12 be dfvfded into oery desirable 3-esidentiel ],ots; that 25' additional ha8 been given for the purpose of widening the narrosa stspeta, such ae Cemmelie, &timose Driva, end fa•v2ec; of a1i thet has gone on before concerniag this progerty, feeis that the map is a verq feasYble one and vory deoirable thiag for the Counctl to chsnge the sta•bed portion of the property to comreerciel and permit the aee+spaper plant to be constsucted thereono . - Councilman 14ade stated thet he feels that the question in the minda of the opposing c4tizens fs thato if for aome reasan the property 3s resotted to com- merc2a% and the newepepc+r pAant ia not canEtructed therean, or in later.years per- : .haps.it will not be uaed for this purposo, what kind of buslaesa may be op9reted at this location, ta which Mr. Pdorton replied, that the bus4ness proposed wou].d not be easily cottverted so as to make it poss4ble to operate any other kind of .. busine3s. L1re T. D. Lrn?e, Chairman of the Pdjustment Board proceee3 to autr ].ine to the ittterest;ed gt°oup the prxedure of the said Board in eoLion upon re- questa for rezoning. He tald them that the membcnrs oP the Adouatment Board appoin- tea by 'che City Cauricil received the request to change t1ro# xeeidentiel to etmmer- efal the portion o£ propertq outline8 in the mep baPore the Council, that the matter Aas not handled in a haphazaxd manner, but the Board went out to the prop- esty sad made 4mteatigation of same 3n cumpaiLy with the Anterested paople in the said property, and it was made verq plain what the property wea to be uae9 for; that, "vlte Hoard ae not constftuted ia very favorabl.q inc2lned taward the people having investments in homes and the Board recommende8 favorably on the requeet only £Er tho'specifS.c gurpose for whicfi it e+as requeated, to-wit: to ereet a mor3ern aewspaper plsnt, to be landscaped and nothing elese wsa recommended; and at the swx time the board recoamnended that the portion of property left be di- vided into s¢tteble resAdential-lots, to act aa s buffer zone for the people in this a:eap"rri'th eomparable restaictione es those in that ares. Couneil.man Cappe inquired 6f the Gitq Attorrtey how far the City Counc3l could go witfi the recommendations of the Boatrd of Ad3u-staettt... The City Attorney replied that the Counci2 had only one matter before it, it could either apprave or re3ect the recommendation. Iiear3rz Rezoni Oleand, Dr. & Mimosa n .. 2 .. \4 fis, Johx? Bright Hill pointed out the 3nveatments the proup of oppo- nettts had in the adfacent property to -he propert,y tnder discussion, and stated thia morning is the first tiffie he had viewed the map o£ the propertq before the Cduncil; that, as far as he is concerned, and it is his thinking that the majority of th3s group_rjould rather have a necoap.sper p2ant out bh-re than a bag £ectorq, linen plant or somo kind of laundry., Mr. John Fox preaented a patition signed bp a lsrge number of residente 3a the vlcinity of the eaid property, protesting any change in the 2on- ing Ordinance as it relates to the property aforesaid. The neat opponent to speak was I^r. Pd. N. DeChair.psp 2208 11,1mosa P].aca, who stated that, after care£ul eurvey of the citq he ha8 aelected his presetrt home sito and had enjoyed it over a period of yaars; that, he would like very muoh to have a bettar aewapaper, und he ia wi114ng to cooperate with the ttessspaper otvnersj, but ho Yiad elways been and alwsys wonld be opposed to arjy change in the zoning or83nanco aad he, nould be one of the residents who expects to fight anW ehange proposod in the location. He also presented namea oP Ns. •°.. C. Garrabrandt end 11-3se Rlisa Symmos mho wished to,voice ob3ection to the proposel. Mr. Rye Page, Jr.p explained the operation of the psroposed bueinesa and etatad that the press wwld not be objeetioDable; that, the building would be so•;nd p:roof and would not be offensive in any waq; also, that they had eutgrovm the pre;ent businesa %nd feel that a lerger plant vill havo to be selected, end the one propeaed would be a credit to I'i1m4ngton. Mea3ra. Bernhill, Cainp and others voiced oppo8ition to the chatt- ging of the property a£oresefd from reaidentisl to commerclal. Pl's. 1.°orton stated that he had just talked tv3th lGr. Page and he ad- viser3 that-if the requeat 3s approved for their use of the property aforeeaid aa e sfta for a narvWper plant, and 3f by some remote chance they do not build the plant, theq prom3se to come back to the City Cottncil and soek advise and guidance ae to how the property could be best used. Cavncilman 7'ade stated that 3nasmuch se the two groupe aro as Par apart in theAr think3np as they were in the bogirm4ng,'and in order to expedite the rmtter, moved that a committee frem both gaoups be appolnted for the purpose of get- ting togother at the earl4eat praotical moment a3th thelr Attorneys and upon gree- pent, the Council hold itself in readinees to receive the report at a epecial meet- 3ng for the purpose of taking final actfon. The City Attorney to be made available for ary information he can give to the ecmnittee, and that if the committee caree ta come back th4s afternooa, the Counci].rri11 be glad to hear the aaid committee. The motion vea seconded by CouncYlmen Capps snd unenimonslq adopted. After further discussioa, Councilman 14ade flurther moved thst the services o£ the Citq Attorney and repobt of the Board of Adjustmeut be made avail- abls to this foint camaittee. The motion was aeconded by Couacilman Capps aad un- animously adopted. - - - ^ 1'he Councll at this time joined in a meetiing with the Coumty Comm33s4onera... 11:25. Thoso present from the Covnty wers: 1Vr. Addison Hewlett, Chrm., Commissioners Davis, x.ove, O'Shie].c3s and Horton. Maqmr tilhit4 annaunced that the p=poae of the 3oint meeting was to discuas 3oint matter of interest to the two bodiea. Theroupon, the City Pranager went over the report of the Colored Iibrary preeiously auUmitf.ed by Prof. Rogera to the City Councfl and the reaommen- 3etlons ;nado by the T:usteea of the Colored LiUrary Board. He pointed out that $1n000.00 each fron the City and Countq had boon approved For the sa4d Llbrary while the amount requeatod vas $2,500.00 each From the Citq and County, wit,# suggostions aince the removal of the library to more adeqvate quarters that a sys- tem be aGt up for the operation oP the Colared Library eimilar to the rhite Pub11c Library9 and reports be eubnitted periodice,l.l,y, trusteeo appointed with stsggering terms, etc. Councilma.n t"ade mrnred that any sub3ect matter which the members oY the tvro bodies may have 3b hand be rePerred to the tfayor, City CSanager, Cha3rmaa of the County Commias4oners and the County auditor r+ith power to sct 4n the approprietion and operation of the Colored L3brarg, as to reportay botg on monthly end annual beds; the number of truetoss and appointment t2eereaf. The motion was eeconded bq Commiesion- er 0'3hl.elde and unan3mously adopted. The City friannger stoted in clsrification of thg`mot4ont it,wae hie understanding that thE,motion saf21 authorize the eommfttee to act 1n reference to the setting up of the book-keeping aystem and reports as to the trustees, the committee will bring back suggestions to the tro bodiea Por acti.on. Hearing res O1.D I.'im.Dr. Joint Meeting Colored Library ? , 3 _ The City AtCorney brought to Caunci.2'e attention.the statue oP the Jemes "alker Pdemorial Hosp3tr.1 case vs C3ty o£ ''3Imingtion and Ner+ fianover County, and stated that the eame requ3red apprcpriate eone3deration bc,esuse of tfle lan.puage fn tho 3udggment as Pollons: thato the Co•ancil of the CYty oF CJilmington I9orthrith' meet with the Hoard of Commiasioners of 1lTavi Hanover Couxtty to make proviaiotta for the financial support £or hospital nee8s to continue 4t's operation in sn ePficiettt manner for year 1952-53, sid that the said Counc4.1 paq during the fiscal ;/ear not leas thea $7,500.00. He further atated that the City Council hed appea2sd from thia fudgement in 41;'s entire•ty crharR it adveraly effected the city qnd contemplated pursw.ng the appeal, ar.d he therefore, presented this matter to the Joint bodiea. Couacilman Capps moved that, the Sudgement entered Friday of last week izt the cese of Jas. Walker PGem. Iiospital na City of 'ilmingtoa conta4ned a provision in 1tg adjudfeation that the City Cauncil and County Board forthwith meet to considsr the matter of flnanciel support for the current fiscal year for satd hospital wtth a minlmum paymsnt reqvired by the City during the f3seal qear in the amount of $7500. Purcuant to this provision o£ the 3udgement the Boarda goint],q met at 11:25 AMs 77edneaday September 3, 1952 and aince both city and county?are appealing 4rom said 5udgement, it is tho coasensus o£ the joint boarde that further cona,'ideration of the mak3ng oP payments thereunder be doferred until the eppoals arne dispoaed of in Supreme Covrt. The motion was seconded by 8easse43mea Coffiniseioner Davis and tu1- animously adopted. '-' After a discusaion of the feas3bi73ty of clos3ng the Citg-County Tax Off3ce on Saturdaqa, it was agreed upon recommendation of 2he County Coffinies- 4onera to contirnie t31e irrangement naw in practice ard keep the esid office open on Saturdeys w4th a skeleton personnele I The joinL• meeting adjourned and the C4ty Counc3l cont 8 wlth 4t'a businese. Mrs. 84shop r'i113sj, 2112 Nerket St'reeto, apeaker for a delegatfon of reaidents prasent read a letter repreaenting the neighbor,hood on Pdarket Street nenr 21st Stseet, protea43ng aqy contempletod ehange in the zoning of that area. BArg. Niahoe, 2114 14arkot Street read an editorial v,hich appeared in e recent newapaper dealing with e recont proposal to erect a 8loriat shop at 21at and h:arket Street on e omal7. trac4 0f land adJaeent to the areek. Crnmcilman Wade etated tliat he would like to re-iterate hia motion of some tima ago, au•tharizing fi.he C3ty fufanager to negotiate for the purahase of this property whieh is ad3acent to Wsllacs Park to be used for park purpoaea, and that every ePForC on the part of thia Council be made snd direoted toward the ecquiremeirt oP thia paoperty far the city. The motion was secon8ed by Counci2man Cappa. The City Manager explain€+d thst he had made many eFforts to pur- chase th3s proporty, that he had made aeveral contacts and written tdr. K. B. Sidbury, owner of tho property in an effort to purchaaa same for the city but with uneatis- factory reaults; an8 on P'ey 160 he noticed advertisement bq th0 Federal Governmetb of th3a propertq, and appoared st the eale $t the Gmart Nouse, and the eale was postposed from time to time, end recent3.y Mra. Sid6ury una perraitted to cfispoae o£ thts property. Upon receiving thls information he immediately coatacted her agonA, Mr. Risrahall and r,as advfsed that the property had been so1d. He £hrther etated thet he ar'viaod Nr. d?arehall oP the city's interest in the property to be - used as a vital par't of relleoe Park ancl that the City standa rea8y to paq the amount of the present sa2e prica of $1250000. Councilman Wade's motion was put to a vote an8 was unanimaindly adopted. It appesred tihat sincs the rteatbrook Floriet property on Nfalwet Street 3s being taken by the Board of Eduostion for School purposee, thatp A`.r. end 6Rrse Nostbrook had been negotiating with the property ovmers Yor thatract of laM on Burnt P?ill Creelc faca.ng Market Street at 21st for the purpose of conatruating . and operating a florist shop at that lxation. Following flurther objection fran the delegation preeent to the operation of a florist ehop or any othpx kind of bus3ness at thia locatlon# Coun- cilman Wade moved that a committee of not more than three from this Council confer mith the Westbrooka s.nd advise them o£ the ob3ection and the plana of the Council to fu1f411 4t's plens to obtain the proporty on an honorable baeis# conveying to the Weatbrooka thtat the City is attempting to acqui.re the propsrty for park pur- poAes; and if thie dces nat qork, the Council wi11 fiave to resort to other methode. The motion was saconded by Councilmar? Doran?1 luuanimously adopted. Counci7?mn S4ade aseure8 the delegation that the Couacil"88 ?rerythittg posa2ble to protect the 4ntereata of the reaidents in th3e community in thie subject matter. Nr. T. D. Lrnre,, Chrm of the Adjustment BoW appoered en8 sdvised the Counoil that the trto g-eups interested in the rezoning oP'the tract of Za{td horainbefore diacussed, re: Oleander Drive and V.imoea Drive, had deaided to app- oirtt s arnmnittee to maet and attempt to get together and meet r+ith the Counoil on Septemher 10, am3 report their depision .'Cn the matter. Thia Wae agreed to;by Council. - 4 I Mr. Alton A. Iznnon and Mrs Aaron Goldberg, Attorneys we*_?e present in the inteseat of the case of 914 Gwynn Street, which case innolves the proposed exten- s3on of 2' of an enclosed porch over the property 13ne next door. Fayor ?'lzite eas excuaed £rom the meeting. Follor+ing a lengthy argument on tha aboae ceaet and the inability of t;ho p.lsntiff and defendent to get together, and also the questSon of the biolation of the Zona.ng Ordirtanceo Councilman Wade eaicod the City 18anagar if the CommitteA appolnt- ed to innestigate the premises ras ready to make a reporte Thoreupon# the City f9aneger stated that hea ,9he C3ty Atterneq, LSayor end Bu3lding Inapector had been out and visited the premises. That, he had no wrYtten report, but his findinge personally aere that, the construction s:lready begun was in oiolation of tbe Zoning Ordlnance; thatt the violat5.on ie Qppoaed by the propertq ovmer adjsaent thereto, end since it ia oppoaed and is a iriolatioa of the odc3iasnce, he oennot see how ho can reoommend the continvation oP saAd oonstruction. Councilman Wede moved that the matter be oont3maed with the aomnittee and request thet they make formal report at next meeting. . The City Attorney adoised that, ugon h3s irroestigat3.on o£ the premises, he hed made careftal study, and it was hia 3udgemant that this ie n hardehi.p case atid that it ahould be campleted; that, any other change would conetitute an expendittre t&at could not be justiP3e d. Upon inqu2ry, E. J. Hale, Euilding Inapector told the Councll that hia interpretatio3i of the ordinance is that the main bodq of the house is the part that effects the building 1ine; and thet he £ound that thie house is at least aa much as 7' in violation of the o^dinance. IIpon further inquiry, he etated that he had no epeci£ic recommendation to make. • Rev., Rirton and Rev. Bsakero111e appealed to the Council i.n behalf of Sarah 77i111ame, 914 Gwqnn Sftreet. Upon further opposition of tha plaintiff to the coaetruatioin in' that it will cwt off the view as well as air and light fYom her houee, it Aas the consenaus of the Couneil that both sides have their merita, and Counoilman F'ede'a motion was put to a vote and vrae unanimously ndopted. He stated that.uhat the taj- or3ty recaamiends he will support. 914 Gm3mn St. viola. soning OS'Q s 4% if n Upon preaentation by the C4tq Manager oF a petftion sigtted by Request reeidonts stating that they had no opposition to dr. Gullege request to enlarglag enclose a d3n3ng room and enclosAng a porAh at 2179 Brandon Road, Councilman Lane moned porch that the roqueet be app:oved upott report and pet3tYon preaented, on a hardahip approved basis. The motion was aeconaea by councilman noran gna ,msnsmously BaoPtsa. To'r.Gulleg The City Manager announced tha expiration of lease oY J. W. Headrfxe 122 South Front Street an8 recommermted that the 2esao be*renewed and proper contract propared on the eame basis ead rental as heretofore. Councilman Lane moved that the recommendation of the City tdanager be approved ena the Citq Pttorney auth3r3aed to prepare renewal leeae on the same basis of the old leeat at the preveil3ng rental. The motfon Has seconded by Councilman Doran and unani- moue17 adopted. lhe Cfty Manager read a Resolution of the Council of the C3ty of W41mington respecting the location of e Power Plant of Carolina Power and Light Gampany, which wes adopted upon motion of Councilmaa Wade, aecoaded by Councilman Lane as hereafter attached. s3gn oF ' The matter of/Rastern Idotors Inc., 217 No.3rd 3treet being ob- seuxed by trees and :sncier discuasion bq the City tfianager and Dan Sqlvia, wae con- tfmied with the City Manager to Oegotiate v+ith a11 parties ooncerne8 in aa effort to correct the situatioa complained oP, Couneilman P1ade advised the Council that he did not agree aith the action taken by City Council at last mesting dur3ng his absence regarding the aervice-efficleney paq sqstem fbr the Fire Dopartment, and indieated his inten- t3one to re-open the matter at next Cowncil meetiag for diacuesion and clarit`1ca- ti.on of his position. The Clesk was authorize8 to aend flowers to 1,leyor Thite'a Lmother Pho Sa ill. There being no flurther bueineas, the maeting 8ajaurnea.- 2a,7.0 Reepeot4li].ly submfttsd* Merq B. Southerland City Clerk ? 361 '&Ieeting of August 25, '1952? continued. , Section 2.:That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for the General Fund ............................................. S 35,9807.09 Section 3.iThat the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for g ture and Economics ..................................... 16,069.00 '`•? Sectior. 4. That for the said fiscal year there are hereby appropriated for ? the Bond Fund County i3ome ? '11022.50 - ? Schoois 2.292_52 _ .........:... z„ .. ? Section 5. That for tne said fiscal year th8re is hereby anpropriated for Salaries ...................................................... Section 6.J That for the said Fisca, year there is hereby appropriated for ` Aid to the Blind ............................................. Sectioi, 7. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for „ 3,375.00 77,614.00 ,,,a69.oo Aid to Dependent Ci,_,dren .................................... 249,600.00 Sectios. 8. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for A1d to the-Permanently « Total ly DisaUled ... .............. ... 52t608.00 ? Section 9. That for the said fisca' year there is hereby appropriated for 0?d Age Assistance ........... ............... .............. ... ? 389,760.00 Sectioi-, 10. That £or the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for Vrelfare Department ........... ............... .............. ... 74,477.00 Section '17. That for the said fisca' year there is hereby appropriated for ' Port Deveiopment......... ..... .......................... ... ... 121000.00 Sectioi: 12. That for the said fisca, year 'Ll-here is hereby appropriated for ; Coux;ty Home ............. ..... ............................. ... 549971.83 Section '13. That for the said fisca- year• Lhere is:hereby appropriated for Health r^und .................................................. 32,587.00 Section 14. That for the said fiscal yeat there is hereb; apl,ropriated for fiospital Fund ................................................ 82,000.00 Sectior. 15. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for JoYu, C. iVesse-v Tuhercu,osis Sai.atoriur.? ...................... 42,500.00 Section 16. That for the said fiscal year there are hereby appropriated for , School fiepular Term i? 27G1600.00 .. School Supp' ctneT:t 29' ,800.G0 3chool Buildii:gs ?1613,3i0.00 Veterans Program 25$000.00 " FJi.lmii;gton College 96 ,800.00 , School Per,sions -01028.35 Schoo, Books 16.000.00 ................... _R_s3294598._A_L Total ....................................... $3?8909376.27 Upon motion, duly seconded$ the Board having fotu:d that a state of erriergency exist c? in the preparation of the 1952 ta?: books ar.d an additioi.al accounting machine being •4*,t' required to complete the same, $5,005.00 was appropriated out of_the emerger.cy fund _ to purchase a machine. Dionday September ist 1952, being a'egal holiday ( T.abor Day) atid-£aliing on the date for the r.ext regul8r meeting of the Board a recess was taken ux.til Vredtiesday, September 3, 1952•9 10:00 o'clock A.M. ?.F.Srni :h: Artirj& Cl2Tk. • Vri•miripton, i\ . C., 5eptember 31 ? 952• • Fursuant to recess taker; August 25, ?952, the Board met at ?0:00 o'clock A.M. Present: kddison Hewlett, Chaix•nai:, Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Ha'+ J. Love, ? ,?yh9^?,nd i3aiford Trask newiy appointed by the Cterk of the Superior Court to serve-out the ur.expired terrr? of i«r. .Tas.i4".Ha,l , Resigned, aiid County Attorney idarsden Rellamy. iJir. James M. Haii laaving resigned as a member of this Board or, Tuesday, August 26, '1952 ? ai.d Nr. Naiford Trask County Corami.ssioner nominee ir, the may 1952 pri.mary, having been appointed by the Clerk of the Superior Court tr) serve-out the tunexoired term of Tv9r. James Iv;. Hal", resignedg ar,d Mr. Trask havii,g qualified by'taking'tkie-:oath of office before the Clerk of the Superior Court, was present ai.ci exter.ded a hear•ty vreicome by the Chairman and other members to serve with this Body as or,e of its rr,embers, . ?