1952-09-03 Regular Meeting? 361 '&Ieeting of August 25, '1952? continued. , Section 2.:That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for the General Fund ............................................. S 35,9807.09 Section 3.iThat the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for g ture and Economics ..................................... 16,069.00 '`•? Sectior. 4. That for the said fiscal year there are hereby appropriated for ? the Bond Fund County i3ome ? '11022.50 - ? Schoois 2.292_52 _ .........:... z„ .. ? Section 5. That for tne said fiscal year th8re is hereby anpropriated for Salaries ...................................................... Section 6.J That for the said Fisca, year there is hereby appropriated for ` Aid to the Blind ............................................. Sectioi, 7. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for „ 3,375.00 77,614.00 ,,,a69.oo Aid to Dependent Ci,_,dren .................................... 249,600.00 Sectios. 8. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for A1d to the-Permanently « Total ly DisaUled ... .............. ... 52t608.00 ? Section 9. That for the said fisca' year there is hereby appropriated for 0?d Age Assistance ........... ............... .............. ... ? 389,760.00 Sectioi-, 10. That £or the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for Vrelfare Department ........... ............... .............. ... 74,477.00 Section '17. That for the said fisca' year there is hereby appropriated for ' Port Deveiopment......... ..... .......................... ... ... 121000.00 Sectioi: 12. That for the said fisca, year 'Ll-here is hereby appropriated for ; Coux;ty Home ............. ..... ............................. ... 549971.83 Section '13. That for the said fisca- year• Lhere is:hereby appropriated for Health r^und .................................................. 32,587.00 Section 14. That for the said fiscal yeat there is hereb; apl,ropriated for fiospital Fund ................................................ 82,000.00 Sectior. 15. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for JoYu, C. iVesse-v Tuhercu,osis Sai.atoriur.? ...................... 42,500.00 Section 16. That for the said fiscal year there are hereby appropriated for , School fiepular Term i? 27G1600.00 .. School Supp' ctneT:t 29' ,800.G0 3chool Buildii:gs ?1613,3i0.00 Veterans Program 25$000.00 " FJi.lmii;gton College 96 ,800.00 , School Per,sions -01028.35 Schoo, Books 16.000.00 ................... _R_s3294598._A_L Total ....................................... $3?8909376.27 Upon motion, duly seconded$ the Board having fotu:d that a state of erriergency exist c? in the preparation of the 1952 ta?: books ar.d an additioi.al accounting machine being •4*,t' required to complete the same, $5,005.00 was appropriated out of_the emerger.cy fund _ to purchase a machine. Dionday September ist 1952, being a'egal holiday ( T.abor Day) atid-£aliing on the date for the r.ext regul8r meeting of the Board a recess was taken ux.til Vredtiesday, September 3, 1952•9 10:00 o'clock A.M. ?.F.Srni :h: Artirj& Cl2Tk. • Vri•miripton, i\ . C., 5eptember 31 ? 952• • Fursuant to recess taker; August 25, ?952, the Board met at ?0:00 o'clock A.M. Present: kddison Hewlett, Chaix•nai:, Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Ha'+ J. Love, ? ,?yh9^?,nd i3aiford Trask newiy appointed by the Cterk of the Superior Court to serve-out the ur.expired terrr? of i«r. .Tas.i4".Ha,l , Resigned, aiid County Attorney idarsden Rellamy. iJir. James M. Haii laaving resigned as a member of this Board or, Tuesday, August 26, '1952 ? ai.d Nr. Naiford Trask County Corami.ssioner nominee ir, the may 1952 pri.mary, having been appointed by the Clerk of the Superior Court tr) serve-out the tunexoired term of Tv9r. James Iv;. Hal", resignedg ar,d Mr. Trask havii,g qualified by'taking'tkie-:oath of office before the Clerk of the Superior Court, was present ai.ci exter.ded a hear•ty vreicome by the Chairman and other members to serve with this Body as or,e of its rr,embers, . ? 36L ? Vieeting of September 3, 1952, continued. l? O. The fo7lowing resolution ii: recognition of the long aiid valued service rendered this S?'?r County by Mr. Jams Y. Hali was presented by tJfr. Thurston C. Davis and unanimously adopted: WhEREA5 Doctor James M. Hali has been a member of the " Nea Hanover Couilty Boaro of Commissioners for the past tweiity-four years; A10 'JMEEAS Dr. Hall laas`• faithfully served the Courity unselfishiy, impartially, and witki fairness and justice to ali; APiD PvHEREAS Dr. Hal I has served his terirs of oiiice with dignityg decorum, az.d to the oest advar.tage of tnis Cou,.ty and the people who live thereir:; AhD 1AIHEiiEA5 br. Iia, 1 1 through hi.s advice, coui:se.l , utiraerstandi.r.g and persot,al integrity, has assisted in the growth, progress az.d prosperity of this County; AND 'uJHEi?AS Dr, iirl" has.E,vesi oi his efforts ii, service to his cour:ty over and aLove ?he cal, of oifice; AiiD 'uv'HEREAS Dr. Hall hes fostered, r;urtured and promoted activities havii.g for their ultinate goa, the welfare of the people ai:d the bettermer.t of the Cow.ty as a whole; BE IT THEF3ErORE RESOLVED that the Iqew fiariover County Board of Commissioners ira session this tYiird day of Septeir;ber, 7952, Publicly express its appreciati.ori of _ tne-long and va-lued service of Dr. James IJi. Hali as a Cou;ty Conunissioner, ar.d that this resolution be spread on the mir.utes of tYiis meeting, with a copy of said _ resolution beii.g sent to Dr. Hall and given to the press and radio. 14r. VCa"lace Murchison appeared i.o ask for a reduction /I Ul/ A' exander Sprunt at.d Sor,s ir, blocks 202 and 216 which out of line vaith siroi'lar property or: the water-front. to and his remarks to B.r. i?.urchisoi;'s, A decision of ' af'ter confexer,ce with a,' the manibers oi the Board. of he A; ;he the assessnier.t ot-i the property of claims is assessed too high and c. Feter Browr. Ruffir. was presei.t matter was proir,ised Mr.f6uxchisora ?A report of the Back Tax Collector showir.g $2,612.E0 co,lected for the City and $3,160.74 ? for the Cour,ty, r-.aking a total of $5,773.54 back ta?:es co'leeted for the mor,th o£ August. .v A copy oi a petitio,_ o° In_.ervez.tioi.; Civil Aeior.anti.cs 3oa2d Docket i,,o. 56661 filed in \ behalf of the City of 3Ji'mii:gton ar.d L'ne Coui,ty of ICew F.,?i otier, pursuai;t to Easterr, Air ?7.ines' Fii_ir,e ar. agieerr?er:t wi.th the Ci.vi, Aercxautics Eoard for ai,proval of an agreemei,t for the acquisitioiz of the assets-of Color,ial 4ir,irie5. was received from C01or.el fiei.ry E. t3oyd,Sr., Ix.dustria, Traffic Wat,ager of the Ci.ty of Wi"mir;gton and ordered filed. . iVo objectior.s were ir.dicated by 'uhe Bvard to ihe L'r.ited States District &.gir.e.er granting permission to the north Cax•o,i.iia State riiphw,?y ai.d Fublic ti+oi;ks Commi.ssion to cor+struct a hiphway bridge across the Cape Fear :iiver at Fayettevi'le, approximately 0.8 mile upstream of the existing bridge. Us%on motion of ;dr. Davis, second?d by tvir. G'Shields, ivirs. rar;r.ie G. "L'aylor wa° granted an abatemer:t of $5.94 r,ot -listEd per;alty charged against lot 25 in blocY. E Wriphtsville Beach for the year 1951. It appeared she listed other property in the City and was ur,der the irpression the beach property was inc'luded. Tv;r. Marsden Bellamy, County Attorizey, gave a report oc: the recent court action in the suit of Jas.Wa•ker Memoria, Hospital vs Neir fIar.over Cour.ty et a,. Ur,on motion of Mr. Davis, secor.ded by Tyir. 0'Snields, payment of a bill for ?'>1,000.00 to Reed, Fioyt ar.d Ylasnburn, New York Attori,eys, for services in the ma.tter of issuance --?"" of $1 1000?000.00 schoo" bui", ding bonds, series A, dated dutie ?957, ar.d opinioi, a;?provi.r.g the bonds, was approved. ,,? Upon rriotiot, of Pjir. Lavis, seconded by ivir. *ove, i+ir. C?aud 0'Shi.leds, was appointed Vice °--CC CYasirmaii of the Board to succeed Ii.r. James iv4. Ha" , resigned. Upot, motioc, of Dir. Davis, secvi,ded by lvir. Love, the payraer,t oi ul 9000.00 to the Treasurer of the Ui.ited States, v:iii.ch represei,ts 'bhe Cour,ty's Coi,tribution toward the cost of $4,700.00 for Gover;merit, cooperative study of beacn erosioi, at Carolina Beach, was authorized. A report of the Bureau oi Idet.i,ification and t}?e veterai,s Service Officer for August were Jreceived ac,d £iled. i A commur,icatioi, vras received i'ron, Mr. A. Sc,hiegel urEing favorable action on a request of ? the 5tate Highway Commi ssion to insta'+l a cautioi, light over rIighway 117 at the Catholic S School near C,-stle Hayne for the protectioi, of the scnool children. Instructions v+ere given - to write the Hig-hway DePartwet.t coi.certiinj- tPiis ;equest vJhich vaas fileci with them some months ago. b'r. t,Sarsden Bellamy, Cou.ly L.ttorney, reported on the ownersnip of the old bridge keepers cottage at the Northeast River Bridge, and the matter was referi-ed to the Chairmari to take ? up with Dr. Jordan,Chairman of the State fii€hvray aiid rublic r+orks Commissi.on. 6pori motion of N.'r. 0'Shields, seconded by iir. Da.vis, payment of $393•75 to IYir. vJ.0 .3atson for dynamite ai,d services in blasting canel in coT,necti.on ieith the drainage work at Garo7ina , '?-- Beach, was approved. IIpon motion of iulr. 7.ove, seconded by Dir. Davis, I4r. J. H. Robertson was granted an abatemer:t '? of not 'tisted per,a'+ty charged against '+ot 22 ii, block 12 Kure Beach for the year 195' • e)63 ivleeting of'September 3, 1952, cor.tinued. A communicatioti was received from Iu'ir. T.ouis T. fi4oore, Chairman of the New Hanover _Historical Commission conceri,ing the preservatioii of old copies of the Wilmir.@ton 10essengar that a.Ie stored ira store-room of the Court House. The Board feeling ' tney should be preserved, upon motion of ;iir. Love, seconded by Mr. 0'Shiel_ds, authority was given to have tnem turned over to the Wilmingto;i Pub" ic library. ' Idr. Louis T. i,;oore requested_ that the Superior Court Hecords be put ir, order year by ? G qear back to the 18th Century for the convenience of those who viouid v;ish to examine the records over a giveii period of time. ilo Action was taker., but Yt.was;:suggested that Mr. Yioore ta"k to the Clerk of the Superior Court. Upon motion of tJir. J.,ove, seconded by 1?4r. Davis, the questioi; of abating the taxes charged ? ? against Chas.L.BryanL..on. 5f acres of land,-i'ederal Point tovanship, for 1952 and prior years, ?qX account of double charge,saine included:in 11 acres.'listed by-Cizffie,SandSrs;- the matter of correcting the same was reierred to a co;nmittee of the ChairmaT_, Coui,ty Auditor and C1erk 'with power to act: _ The meeting ther: adjourr.ed. C.F.Smith. P.ctine Clerk. 4xi.lmington, tv. C., September 8, 1952• The regular weekly nieeting of the Board ?tias field at 10:00 o'clock F..M. Preser.t: P.ddiso,l HewletY., Chairman, Claud 0'5hileds, Tiiurston C. Davis, Hai J. Love, Iiaiford Trasn ar_d Cour,ty Ai:Lorr.ey hrarsdei- BeilaiTjy. , iv'r. Richard F. 2s4eier, Presider.t of the Sotztheasterri Plorth Caxolina Beach gssociatior. _ ?a. ppeared to ask _for an appropriatioi, of $.l ?000.00 toward the experise of the 1952 Fishing Rodeo. PVir. Hudiburg, Secretary of the association pointed-out that the mai-ling of booklets alone would cost from 12¢ to 20¢ each . Upot. motioi, of Mr. Davis, seconded by Ivir. Love, the Board grar:ted ai, appropriation of $750.00 oui; of the adver.ti.sir,g fund feel.ir.g the contributioii wou'vd b(r to tiZe advai:tage of the Cour.ty in advertising its resources and acivantages. _ birs. Alice Strickland, City t,.ailaFer oi earo-iitia Beach, appeared to ask the Commissioners ?to request the State Hignvia; ac,d Pub, ic Woi'KS Con;mission to build a road from. Carol ina Beach "to the i,ew Iniet just dredged from the Gceaii to the Sound north of Carolina Beach. u;rs. Stricklai.Cl Ni3S requested to nave a petition prepared ori State Form R-10, signed by the property owners abutting on said proposed highviay, and submit the same to this Board . for coriside?•a'uion. Reports were received from the County Farm and Home Demonstratior, Ageiits for August and filed. Upon notior, of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, the Board autnorized the payment of ? ?-150.00 to the State Hospital at Raleigh, for thirty days treatmer.t each for J.E.Hi??? ?HVI Peari Lee Henry arid J.L.King, Cour,ty indigent Ii:ebriates, on certificate of the C1erk of the Superior Court. Do objections were ir,dicated by the Board to the appiicatioi, of G.T.Congleton for a State Permit to se-, beer at Riverside Cafe, Ht.1, Box 421 Castle fiayne. Upon motior. of Mr. Davis, secotided by Irir. T.ove, the Board authorized and directed the canceilat5.on of all taxes due on lots l5 and 17 ir, block T? aiid lot 18 in block S, Me'rightsville Beacn charged against Isirs. ,",largaret V. Crorny7 at:d the said 'ots ordered .?a? cai.celled on tax assessment records on account oP beiiig us.der water and of no value. The same havir.g been officially cance "ed and marked off the tax records by the iown of Wrightsvi.lle Fseach. , ?p A copy of ?he mii:utes of ?he n:eeting of the Board of Trustees of Community Hospitai of dune 18` ?972, here received ar!d ri.'ed. ? V1ith referer:ce to the-Insta,latior, of a cautior, light over the highway at the Catholic 5chool r,ear castle haytie, which was declined by the State Highway Commission$ iiistructions were giver, to furnish ;ur. S'+agle with a copy of the letter received from the Third Division State Iiighway Con;rissioners ol'fice, declining to grant the reauest, and varite Mr. Clark, Third Division.Highlvay Cimmissioner further concerning the sar.ie. ' lr.structions were given to virite 'i:°r. R. B. Davis to furnish the Board vaith a revised ?((JS- petition for the improvements to Porters Neck Road extei.sion. ' Inasmuch as P,4r. Adams has indicated that rio further use of the Armory Bui^ding, 814 2farket ??;?MStreet, by the R;ilitary Organizatior?, wil, be iiecessary pt this time, and or.e, offer to "\ ??lease the building having been received, upon motion of btr. Love, seconded'by TwYr. Davisg instructior.s were given to advertise f.br sealed proposals for renti.ng and use of the sawe? if agreeable with the City. ' " • Upon motion of Wir. uavis, seconded by lv1r. 0!Shields, Dr. R. T. Sinclair,Jr., was appointed ,Q as a member of the Board of Directors of Comn:unity Hospital to serve-out the ur.expired term of Dr. John C. 4vessell vchose resigt,atior, will become effective as oS October 1, '1952, ? subject to approval of the City oE 4+`ilmli:gtoi.. Upon motios, of Mr. Da'v.is, secondeci by b:r. 0'Shi.elds, the Board autnor•ized the sale of ?.Wa parcels of ivew'Fanover County lai.d 'ying vrestwardly of the Atlantic Coast T.ine Tracks -?J2? on the Gordor, noad near the State Camp, one parce! to Mr. H.C.Garrison at a price of $300.00 contai.iiing 1 .03 acres, ai.d one parce, to Bwr. i:irby Dani.el s containing .32 acre, at a price of $75•00• And the Chairman and ClerY, ol' tiie Eoard are!hereby authorized and directed to sign deeds conveying the same to the said parties, on behaif of the County. ?k'4 Jpot-i motia-i of b"r. Love; secoi:ded bj C'5hi'.eds, Couiity Bi'ls IQos. 354 to 515 ir.c,, / tvere approved for p8ymel:t. ? The meeting, then adjourned. e55;? /!, A9w--4C, E Z'1S . A - A