1952-09-15 Regular MeetingI (? ??'C7Z Vrl'IG1I-.f't0I1jIV.C., September 15, 1952• The regular week-ly c,eeting of the Board was helc this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. PresenY,: Addison Hewtettj Chyirman, Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, RaifordvT'rask , and Courity Attorney iJlarsden Bellamy. Upon motion of ,ufr. Davis, seconded by Pi,r. 0'Shields, an appropriation of $500.00 raas ? grai.ted the tiui-ln;iripton Chamber of Commerce Agricu-iture Committee toward the expense ? for holding the Third Aimua? Southeasterr.iJorth Cnro,irta Junior Dairy Calf Show here October 2 aiid 3, i•equested by Yr. JoYv. ^n. Fox, Chairmaii of the Charrber of Commerce Cou,mittFe. The Board feeling this experiditure would be to the County's interest in advertising its advantages and resources. Upor. motiori of 1141r. 0'Shields, secor.ded by it4r. Davis, the Baard authorized the purchase s ? ? of half page advertisen.ea:t in the "ihursuay, Segtember 18, ?9j-, issue of the Wilmington ? Star-ieews, Eea£nring the dedication of the State Forts Termina, at Wilmington. The Board r- feeiiug the same would be Lo the County's interest for advertising its advaiitages and . resources. 141r. Jimmy n4oore, Presideiit of the VJilmington Hot Rod ar,d Sports Car Club appeared to ask • the use of ?egion Stadiwn Track, week-erids to ;dovembez 1, 1952, for training boys in safe R?y and successful operation of automobiies, especia,ly those who are inc-lined to speediug, to - ? ?give them an opportunity to b-tow off steam. City Police Sgt. fi.Fi.Sr'illiarns was present to c add his endorsement. Iv1r. Moore said the track would be kept ir, perfect shape and were equipped to keep it sprink"ea to keep the dust dovin. iwir. 0'Shields suggested that Mr. Rhoda Farrow have the track preoared for a tria, run for Saturda,y afternoon to be ? witriessed by the Stadiurn Committee, which was agreedb-te to a,, concerned. ' i,.r. V;. K. i3hodes, yttorr.ey, appea-red to ask that t.'r. Albert Sirr,on be permitted to take over the -lease of P:ir. F. Batson, decedsed. who forweri)? leased tne Stadium from I?ovember i i;o Q? TWay 15th for v?inter training for trotting norses, and raised the question of possib7e damage f to the track by the Hot Rod Cars and what effect the noise would have on the horses. However tnat is a matter to be nand'ed b; the S.tadiun Committee. . ' The following County Fire Pr•otection Program recommended by the five orgaiiized Huran:Vol?wnteer- ? Fire Departments and two in the Process of orgai.izing, was presented to the Board by ? iTr. A'+an A. Perryman,Jr,, Chief of the Wrightsboro Uolunteer Fire Departnent, and upon ? motion of lair. 0'Shie,ds, seconded by Yir. Davis, vas tznanimously adopted: °7All orgai.ized Departnents that have accumulated the amount of w200.00 in their respective commur,ities for the purpose of Fire Protection ?.nd have sho,,N1n good intention to the Inspection Committee of procuring ai.d maintuining a Vc,lunteer Fire Department shal, be paid H200.00. Payn!ent to be r,:ade only on the recommei.dation of the Inspection Corrn,ittee. ' A,, Departmetits obtaiiiiiig aiid .".'.21Ylt:Hlllilig a ti?ack ineetiiig the reciuirements of the , Inspectio:i Cor.,mittee as a. "Ra*ec?" truck_ sha'l be pe-ic; the Q."..OL:3it of 550.00 pe: month. x,, Departments having sild r!ait,tzic,ing equipri,ei,t of trailei type; or equivalent? and organizaticn shall te paid per mor.th subject to the recorir:enclatioi, of the Iiispecticn Conmiittee. . io:axirzur:i mo,ithly paymei?ts to ai.y or.e Departir;er,t for t,he' fii•vt year shall te ?t"'65.00. Balance, if a.ny, ?eit i.. fur,d at ei,d oi year shu'? be diviaed equa??y ?moi?g the Departmeuts in opeiatior, at the end of tkie fiseal yeai-. Each Department =ha^l protect their respective area a= showr, oi: Cow:ty map ai.d agrees . to furr:ish equiprr,ez,t ar.d r,.anporver to other areas in r,?se of emergency. Rmergency to be ., determir.ed by Shet•9.ff's Aepa7tment oz• St.ate ?:ighway Fatrol . In case i=either is 2vailable, Chief of rlre Departmer.t i:i eifecter area sha„ determiize eaergeiicy. It:spection Coi-nitY.ee to be coniposed of three men fron: the Cow.ty Departmei,ts and one County Cornmissioner. T.iis Committee tol=et up standards to be met by participating Departmeiits and monthiy ii.spect-lor.s made prior to payment date." " PossiUle Farticipating Departments of the County Fire Protecti.on Program were shown to be: Ogden Volunteer Fire Department, Castie fiayne, Pk4yrtle Grove, Seagate, Flrightsboro, - 4'linter Park and N;affitt Vi,lage,Volunteer Fire Departments." ` J Other Volur,teer Departments be brought ir: ii caz? meet requirements as of October 1, 1952• The Inspection Committee i.s composed of n;r. h.u.Brown of Seap,ate, n4r.E.B.Vr'ri.ghtt Wrightsboro, iair. Ivey NicGee of Caetie fiayner ar,poii.ted by the Orgai.ization. ' Upon motiot7 of Mr. 0'Shields, secoi,ued by iJir. Lavis, It:r. Raifurd Trask was named by the Board..., as the Cour,ty's fiepresentative on the Inspectioti Cemmi-ttee. Each ur,it partic5pating,to have ,r9r"`?. a represer:tative on the Gei_era, Board} az.d sha,l er,ter int.o a cor.tract agreement with the Cow-ity, to be prepared b5 the Coui.t.y Attor..ey,fbr each ii.dividual iu-ii: before participating' '^ in the Program. , A report wa.s received fron: the St.ate Departr:er.t of Pub't.ic Vle'farF SYION'1T1g that ??? ??-,"429594.75 was ser.t to thi: Cour,ty for Old rlge AssiGtatce, Aid to Dependent C}iildreii? Aid to the Pei•rrraneiit'y and Totally Di=abled, for the mor.th of August. _?SA A iirzncia, report of Associaties Charities for tiugust v;as received and fi'+ed. , .' Meeting of September 15, 19529 coi.tinued ?1) l. m . b • ,/Upon raotion o£ iu;r: Thurstoii C. Ddvis, seconded by i,ur. Raiford Trask, the Boar@ approved wa ease to the Utiiteu States of An;erica of th g , of the second fTOOr, Nevr xirport TermirAT Iv th - ree rooms located on the northwest corner 3ui,dit,g, ;dew 'riar.over Coui;ty Airpart Wflniin tor, or Carwii,a. r , g ,. ., Teo objections were ind- *cated by the Board ? ? t to the Iir.itEp States DiGtrict Engineer granting ,4fi, a permi to Bill Robertson to coc,struct aY. exter,sion to Kure Beach Fishing Pier at Ku re . Beach. . lipor. motion of ic?r. Dv.vis, seeond2d by ic,r. i'rask, tiie Board authorized the sale :of Comty owned lot, pdrt of Allei, iract, Hzrnett tov - , ;nship? 60 X 110 feet ir. size, bought-in for taxes P. rch '9, 195 , , ir, suit for fo:ec,osure ag ainst Vi5'liam Feui.ell et a,s recorded in ,/'• book 48,, at page 397, to dlise Hilly, 389 , , VJatkins Street, Brooklynl N. Y. at a price of 100.00 casn, to enable her to reclaim the , lot iorni:erly ovaned by her aue:t Ptiary Fer,nel?. Ane the Chairn;an ai:d ClFrk of thF Boar•d a re hereby authorized and directed to sign. a deed conveyinp the said property as aforesaid, it, the riarr?e of the County. fvo objectioi.s were indicated by t'r.e Board to the application of R.? .Higgins for a State Permit to seil beer, Rt.21 Box 400. _ • Upon motion of inr. 0'ShiElds, secor.ded by IaTr. Davi?, payment of $500.00 subscriptioi. to the FJilmington Chamber of Commerce provided in the budget, ior ad,vertising purposes) was approve the Bo d f ii it , ? ' „.. ar ee ng 1uou d be to t ie County s advaz.tage for aqvertisir.g its resources ai,d advanta U ti l pon n,o on, du y seconded, Coui,ty bi'ls no. 5-16 to 662 inclusive weze approvcd for paymec.t. x ,? The foliowing good and la.wful persor?s vaere ? f t , drav?n to serve as jurors in the Superi.or Court a or he tria of Criminal cases for the one week term begi.nning 29th September 195and for 'the one week term for the trial of Civil cases beginning October 6, ?952: , VJ.H.Hines, Rt.31 Courty. riallie Simpsoni Rt.l? C?stlE Hayne. °^+ Jas.YJ.Foutitainj 216 S. 6th St. C.C.Bledson,Jr.j Ht.31 Box '^r.2 R.YN.Futch, 40 Jackson Drive. S.E .Cooper, ?i Iu',orningside DrS.ve. • R.L;.BacYer, 208 i?orthern Boulevard. R.N.hobbs, 1608 Castle St. • R?Oph Furr, 402 T?. ?6th St. A T J h Rt B Vr'.I.hiver.bark nt.21 Box 3008. - A - . . o nson) ,31 ox.59. Roy iiollai.d, ,G Prii.cess St. R.2.iiodge, ?0? Davis Drive, Yiiss D:argaret Grahamq % H.F.VJilder. Robert E. r^oui.taiii, 30£3 Hari,et.t a"t. L.Warkatos, 1007 ;e;arket St. Hlex Cash, -10-11 S. rront St. Francis 0. I-:arriss, 507 S. 6th St. Ecai. D. Watts, 405'Northerr, Boulevaro. I..F.t:iftnews, 5r.1 2020 Metts Ave. Thomas Blackham, 12-1?..Chestnut St. ic.iss Dorothy Davis, 1617 Priiicess :.:t. A.N.Goodsonj Box 20, C?ro,ina Beach. J.1'v.1i?li„iarns, 2871A, Adams St. Coy Barne<, Rt.l. j.iFi.Smith, 9-H, Nesbitt Courts. H.B.Sorftersett, 702 o. l5th St. Dani.el Si,via, 2117 Pai•k Road. S.D.Chin7.is,Jr.9 C 25, Box ?9C. a•?en B. Bennett, 304 P,?orth Carolina Aver.ue. wYm.?,J;7iite, 41? S. 6tn St. H.F.Vdolfe5 304. S. 2rid St. P.E.Peterson, 1410 S. Jth St. Jas.G.Stoices, 307 Chestnut St. Jos. IYi. ;S'inner, Rt.2t Box 264. Y;m.C.Evans, 207 Nun St. R.A.Harts, 909 S. Fiorit: St. G J S ith ?1, th St ? Char'ie M. Carro?? 1, 5 Da.wson 5t. ? . . m son, , i . 5 Prood row Register, l9 S. Front St. biark Hines, Rt.2) Bor. Ill. . John E. Southeridi.o,3s.2 -14 ct.@7 *ake Forest. Roy L;eredith,Jr.j 409 Church St. Fierbert E. Robirisg or.? 2934A, Jefferson. St. - G.A.Hai-dwick, 60 Pinecrest Farkway._ A.Fi.Lewis, 306 Virginia tivenue. Luther J. Lai,ier, Rt.2. I7avid L. Smith, 10 Y?66i'lari Avenue. J.F.Anp•ewnite, Box 185. C.B.Temple, Rt.39 Box 250E-. Johr, H. Dudiey, Sr., 610 Colwell ave. G.C.Gilbert, 2020 Pei.der Ave. T.M.Vva.tsonj Rt.37 Box 103. iN.H.Pryde? Rt.3. - Norwood Futre-lie, -1806 Caro•ina Ave. John :Rivenbark, 715 Surry St. , Stacy Batson) Rt.i1 Box 288A. Floyd H. iiowells 2106 M.arket Street. For the Civil Term beginr.i.ng October 6th 19 52: • F.H.Hic',cman, 114 Renwood Ave. j .'r:.iyic'vvatty,P.O.Bor. 907. Yaricy G. Fiich? 1919 Pender 'ave. T_.T.Boswell, 315 S. l5th ot. • n.Fi.Bawden, 826 Grece St. :;enry A. "iruelove, 404 Che.stuut 5t. Y.O.Bostrom, 205 i+. Eoulevard. Geo.T.Fiich, 50-z S. 18th St. W.J.Swa,an, iit.3, Bo:: 268. .;..i.razrar, ?607 Orange St. K.F.L°,clan;b, -1615 Grace St. 4'Jm.5.Beery, 106 Tv'. i7th St. , Dor,ald Godbold, 1917 Castle St. W.H.Tatum, *724 iv. B:onroe St,! - Geo.Sloan1jr.t 2827 Adares St. Chas.H.IJ[ckrver1 1109 fviercer Ave. d.? .Boven $ 122 Brcokwood Ave. E? wood C. Be„, 61 Vies t Drive, * ake FbY,e;st a. Boni;ie Cooper, 6,£3 &. ,3rd St. Ai,Ylie ?4orgar,, 33'7 ;viarket StreeY, Road. " Ievi Be2ryj '712 S. Jth St. ' Sani JOY1P.5q 3720 I?iarket St. H:W.Goiel 1 Court S, *ake rorest-. 4'1'i-ilie A. Fields, 232 CalY,oun Drive, blaffitt Village , V,'.T.Hal '+t ii, 5 OrangeSt. J.GJ.Sand, in, l6 Ct.I? 2.ake ?'orest. Leon Somersett, Highwood Park. fiaggie H. Cook$ 418 S. 3rd, St. . VJ.c.Burnette, Rt.21 Box 193. G.D.Renfrow, 31< N. 5th St. 4'i.I.Gideonj Rt.31 Box 23']. R.T,.Petet, 221, S. Frorit St. Spencer S. Conbs, 103Ws Commu.dty Drive. O.A;.Hobbs? -120 S. Harrison St. - H.L.Darderiq 115 S.35th St. " fi.?.StaY,7ey, 405 Castle 5t. Alton T. GausEg 413 Church St. J.V1."uda,ton, P.O.Boh 302. ' Jas.H.Smith, 3 Ct.iv, Lake Forest. John J. Williair,s, i'D ?r? Box 36. , P.ichard B. Hhodes? 406 S. 4th St. _, VJm.R.Ree, 5,2 S. 6th St. _ S.J.Roberts, 2R, ierrace Yi'alk. G.R.Woodcock, Et.I . J.D.Jones, Rt.2, 3ox 197B. Mrs. Sina B. Hursey, IIox 91, 4drightsvi,1e Beach. Aaron "vrayg 2708 Jackson Street. Jas.J.Dprby, 202 Bordem Ave. Lavarence S. Hubbard, jr.? 1003 tu;arcer Ave. P.H.Shepard, 718 S. 6th St. Joe P+icDCarter? C339 Box 347A. ' A.T.Bancroft, At.2. u"e.B.Hichardson, 3009 DSarket St. Ted R. Williams? Kure Beach. C.C.biilliner, nt.2? Box 205B. C.V.MCDaiiiel?2021 Larnett Ave. R.F.Kir:g, III S. l5th St. Jos.P.Leter.dre, 22-18 S. 4th St. H.H.tu,i7liken? Rt.3. E.P.Davis, 412 Caro-'ina Ave. Jor.ah F. Taylor, 7 Ct.Q, Iake VillaFe. Hugh G. inmarz, Box. 715 Caro-iina Beach. The meeting thet; adjouri,ed. C : e ' _ <is $? - Cle:k. ?