HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-09-22 Regular Meeting?66
Wilmington, N. C., 5eptember 22, 1952.
The regular vaeek•y n;eeting of the Board was held tnis day at 10:00 o'clock A.M.
Preser.t: !?ddisot, Hewlett, Chaii•maii, Claud 0'Shields ? i hurstoi? C. Davis, Hal J. I,ove
and r"`taiford Trask.
B1ue Prints of the fir:al plans of the airport admi.iiistratioi? buildir:g ar.d coi,troi
towers? Bluethei,thal rield,t°rs Built°° vrere received from Leslie E. Boney, Architect.
tipor, motior, of I?r.- Davis, seconded by L;r. 0'Shie,ds, nayment of $13-1.25 f,remiwn for a
three-year Robbery anq Safe Burg-lary Insurar.ce Poyicy vrith the Ti°avelers Indemiiity Co.,
of Hzrtford, Conn., for the .Clerk of the Superior Court's Office, was approved.-
_ ti circulat5on ai.d fir.ancia1 report of the Ylilrai?igton Public libzary arid Bookrnobile for
August was received ar.d iiled.
A request of R.L4.i:ermon, Atty., that Iuir. lJ. D. Stokle3r Ue refurided the purchase price of
f*130.00 he paid for tvro a.cres of land on US 17, West of the nine mile post, Harnett
? township, he purchased ?'t?a tax sale'.on or about .7une 22, 1951, ir. an actior, entitled
New Hai,over Couiity vs Vii•ginia Dore at a,., for the reason he was advised by the tax
-?1?- collector that the tayes oi. this property had been paid ar.d vias paid up to date prior
to the time the property vras offered for sale for taaes; and while the descriptioil
of the property owned by the part.y that, occupies it is not (If1P exact description as set
out by b4r. G.C.McIi.tire, Commissiorier who sold the same ior taxes ut,der a_judgment of the
Superior Court. Stating furthez• that tiie Back Tax Collector says that it is his beiief
that it is the sanie property. Therefore, inasmuch a= the Coui.ty h2,s receiveu the taxes on
tnis property, aiid 'ne, W.D.Stok,ey, not wishii.F to bring sr. action against the party,
,i,sked that the L.130.00 paid for the san:e be i•efui;ded to kiim. tipon motioi. of L4r. 0'Shields9
Lhe matter vjas rEierred to a co;c:,ittee of the Cnai.nnari) County %:uditor and County Attorney
with novier to act.
Aletter was received iroiy, Y.r. John i,. i:?orris, Vice Fresi2ent oi ivatioi.al hirlines,
? expressing his appreciation and corifidence ir. fi.E:Boyd,Sr.?' har;diirig trie matter of
Intervei,tion ii-, the case of the proposed n:erger of Colonial tiirlines with iqat5.onal or
Eastern, (CAB Lock_et 5666), was re:ceived and filed.
Upon motioi, of Lir. Davis, sPCOnded by icir. Tove, paymeiit of $73.29 to J.D.Dixon for savring
`QVh pinne logs into 2,095 feet of lwnber at $35.00 pe: thousaiid feet, was approved. The said
logs were takes. from, trees removed fron the highway right of way widei:ing at and r.ear Hugh
;;,acFae Park.
A copy of a r.,otioti iri the matter of Doris Simmotis Sinclair at als., Petitioners vs James
Simmons at als., 5pecia', Proceedings for partition o£ property described in the petition
ar.d the sale tiiereof, oui: of which proceeds the tax ? iei, wi," be paid, was received and
referred to the County Attorney. '
Upon miotion of Wir. Davis, seconded by P.ir. Love, Mr. Lloyd 0. ul`p,ton, 24 years. of age,
Rt.3, Harnett towi,ship, was exempt frorr, the paymetit of poll taxes or? account of an
? epileptic condition rendering hini unable to earx, a'iving.
Upon n:otion, duly secot.ded, paymer;t of $:256.9'+'to ',,Ir. W. J. 3atsor, for dysiaraite ar.d labor
used in blasting rock in coy.nection with the C2ro,ina Beach Draii,age project ? vJas approved.
?-?kReports of the Count;r E?ectrical Insnector ror ?u'y as.d rupust vaere received and filed.
A request of the ruo:dei,s arid Vesti•y of Sait.t james ?arisri that'tlie property ir, b'+ock -154
pui chased froi.; tiie 47ootei. iiei. s by deed dated J ai.uary 17,' 95' ?^ on optior to purchase
l0? qated rovember 17, 1950, vrnich aesessmert was divided at neeting cf July 28, 1952, or a
??• basis of two thirds tar, free, ai;d one third tarab'e for the year 1952, partiy used for
church purposes, be made retroactive ii. eifect for the. qeai• 195t, was upon moti.on referred
to the Cour:ty nttor,.ey with novrer to act. The matter of repairii.F the rreick i.n the r?of oi the Health Buildii-g, 27 'North 4th St.,
I_?which was built with the 2id of.Feaeral Fw;ds, was.postpon2d w'itil Lir. Fodrd, Arcni.tect,
who is sicK in the hospita-I wi- be able to meet for a discussion of the matter.
Ivlr. 0'Shileds report.ed that the Colored ?ibrary wa.sa making preparatiotis to nove into new
quarters in the new Cotnmercial building or. Red Cross Street between 6th a,nd 'Jth Streetsg
--=-\?? ; rasmuch as its proposed budget vrith i he City and Coui.ty is ii: a tentagive state, rai.sed
the question of its authority to take such steps, whicli would i,=cu.r 2dditiot,al expei:se.
Ivir. I?alph Hortoti, Cour.ty Commissioner ivominee, suggested that ?he bur:ber receritiy sawed
from '+ogs tak.en from the highway right of way at n?adf?ae Park be dressed and kiin-dried to
^ft5 insure against rotting, advised that the san;e could be dons by the Cape Fear T,umber Company
or by VJ.E.Starnes Lumber Compary at a cost of $10.00 per thousar.d feet. The matter was
referred to the Chairman-for consideration and vaith power to act.
. "
L'??on motion of i:':r. Trask, seconded by ?ir. Dav-s, the Cowzty Auditor,was insi.ructed to
advertise far bids for the purcklase of tti;o tiactors to replace the tcao o"d tractors at ?
Bluethenthal airport, subject Lo the appi•ova' of tbe Civil xeroiaui;ics Administration.
tv1r. Fiaiford 'I'rask reported Y,hat a chsck' of ni.i,e school huses by State Highvaay Patrolmen
found that taro o£ the tuses ?ve^e ovez•cor:de(, ar.ci tha'u children were standing in the aisles,
- was referred to the s-chool autilorities for ir.ve.st?@ation.
Mr. Claud 01Siiie'ds reportir,E ior tlie Stadium, Cormittee, said that tne committee naitr,essed
a trial run of the ,Hot Rodders on t,he Stadiwr T?ack uaturday afterr.oon. Sor?e dust was on
--?'?' the north end, and if wind vaas strong would bloio dust on the nea.rby residents. There was
no noise.
The meeting thei. adjourned.
y,4 Cierk.