1952-09-30 Regular Meeting36? t4eeting of September 29, 19j2, continued. L.E.Li7.es, 18 Vance St., I,iaffitt Vi,a ge. J.W.Long, 227 17i1iar.,son Drive. • . Vtm.N.Shearer, 709 Princess St. 4w.H.Batton? fit.3, Box 235• Jas,T.Batt;on, Rt,3, Box 147. Sam D. Bissett, 2504 Pris.cess St, Road. C'arer.ce I.. Swartz92&'7? jeiferso;. St. Adolph 0. Solomon 304 Coloiii2, Drive. 14, Herzberg, 25'17 Prit,cess St. :-ioad, , ii.'ti.Stone 419 S. i9th 5t ivirs. Daisy flobbs tvtil,s, 414 Castle St. , . lq.J.Heeves, 19G, ;;esbitt Courti. Vr'.A.Mari.ne, 4,1 S. l7th St. • ri.C.Farker, r'5 Castle. St. Aybert id2t1:S, 'G' W1"1flfI,SOY. L1'iti2.TiiV NY.J.t'i23s'ey, itt.2. C.vi.Sar;ders, 2116 Barr.ett Ave, k.F.G,ei.n, 246 Fir;ecrest Farkway. J.,*..Gafineya Rt.?, Box 76A. ii.F.Lee, 14 Ive1% C]SClP. Ferry E. JaicES,,Jr., ;j r,ee Erive. L.K.I`eredi.th, 1 29 Viard SL., liaSfitt Village. T,.P:`.Lleweliyr., fit., , Box 250A. Robert C. iviei°rit;t, 116 P:Sarion Drive. Leon R. Lewis, 231 Calliow, Drive, ;?affitC V. Jon), A. Blaiiton 401 S. 5th St. _ i?..H.I,a.ughiin, P.G.Box 966. i.I:.Sel 1 er:, 109 u?ooster Et. ine meetir.g L'nen acljouriied. Clerk. Wilmington?Tt.C.l 6epbbmbes,30s,7952. A joint meeting of the Coul;ty Commi`ssioners, Board of Education, City Councii, City Police, ar.d the Sheriff vias he?d in the offices of the Countl? Co?,missioners at 8:00 o'clock P.M. There were present: County Commissioners: Addisor, Hewlett, Chairman, i'hurston C. D?vis? Claud 0'Shields, _Raiford Trask, and County Commissioner Pvomii.ee F'alph Horton. Board of Education: Johi! T. Goggardt J, S. Craig, 1:,T.Lander,, E.la.Laney, J.C.Hoe, and Johz, ina.rshali, Schools Busir.ess io:ai.ager, ii.;vi.Fcolai.d, Supt., of Schools, Coach Ieon L.Erogden? iNm. E. 3rock) J.6i.Grise, Asst. Supt,, of 5chools, Dale K. 5pencer, Principal New fiariover High Sciiooi ai_d C.G.Berry, oecretary .?ew I_ar over County Atnletic Association. City Counc3l : Mayor E.r ,White ai p City hlanager J.R.Ber.sor.. City Fo?.ice Deot. L'hief j.J.Padriek; Lt. E.F'.i+ui1'iamso:.. Sheriff Dept. Yi. B. Rsgister. Addisoi. fievalett, Chairman of L;ie I3oard of Courty Coi.^rnissioi,ers presiding. The meeting vuas ca,ied for the purpose of irivestigating disorders that were alleged to , 0s have taket_ place at tegioY: Stadiun during a footba!i game last Friday t,ight, September 26, wnen, it vias said, oti-duty City Police Officers assigned to the Stadium for'duty w.eie baxr•ed er.trai,ce which appeared to have arisen out of a possi.ble misunderstanding whei, officers were asked to -ieave tneir sigr.atures on a piece of paper at the gate to enable the Athletic Association to ascertain the names ar.d number of officers going ii,to the Stadium, which appeared to nave stemmed from an increase in charges made bq the police from $5._00 to 010.00 per night for their services to mair.tain order at the Stadium. It v;as renorted that at the rriday nigtrts gamelfist fights, pea-shooters were much in evideiice a burning torch vras throv;n i,?to t,he. starid buri,irig the yotu,g son of Ivfr. naiford Trask in the face ( not serious), meta, Ui•aces Njere ur>-screwed from the seats ar.d throvri about. A number of wine_ aid whiskey bottles were found ur.der the stand, all of rvnich was termed by ;vSr. Davis as a most d.eplorab"e condition. after cor.siderable discussion iv'ir. Trask asked how mar,y police o-ificers viould it tahe,to maintain ordei• at i.he Stadium. icir. Ber,son said 5 frorr? the City to, be n;atched b,y the Cownty. Whereupor. 2vIr. Trask tYiought that 5 from the City and 5 from the 5heri#'f's Depa"rtment pius,ROTC students wou-id provide a good set-up. Lr. Hoggard said IJr. Trask's suggesticr. was a good one, aiid the ciiscussion canie to a close when L".ayor NJhite said the occurance last Friday night was most wifortunate and regrettabie and lets forget it, axid moved that the 5heriff, Athietic Asscciation, State Patrol and Police Departmer.t get to gether and work-out some rnutual satisfa.ctory workabie tu-,derstai:dii.g by which peace, law ai.d order wii, prevail during ever.ts at the Stadium ir, the future. The meetii,g then adjourned. - WilminEtoii, P%, C,, October 6, 1952• The regular vreeicly meetinp of the t3oaid was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: C'+aud G'Shi.,eds, Vice Chairmar., Thur•stot, C. Davis, Raiford Trask, ar.d Cour;ty kttorr,ey Marsder_ Be, lamy, ax.d Cout.ty Kuditor C. F. 5mith. '-QS? P:ioi,tkily reports o£.. the activities of the iiome Der??ox.stratior? figents, Cour.ty Farm Ager?t and ?YnN?4-H Clubs, Veterdr.s Serviee Officer, aureau of idei:tification, and the Grand jury's report for September v;ere received arid filed. ` ? A.n ir,vitatioi. was e,:te;.ded to the Eoa.rd men.-,bers ar.fi their wives to attei.d the Fell Achievment Lay Yrogram or. Gctober l5th 1952. A report was received from the Dark Tax Co-ector showirg that .17,309.07 was colTected for. ? rAY? the Ci.ty ar.d 5v7,271.02,; for the Coiu:ty, making a tota' oS $14,580.09 back taxes collected for the moi.th of September. . l