1952-10-06 Regular Meeting36? t4eeting of September 29, 19j2, continued. L.E.Li7.es, 18 Vance St., I,iaffitt Vi,a ge. J.W.Long, 227 17i1iar.,son Drive. • . Vtm.N.Shearer, 709 Princess St. 4w.H.Batton? fit.3, Box 235• Jas,T.Batt;on, Rt,3, Box 147. Sam D. Bissett, 2504 Pris.cess St, Road. C'arer.ce I.. Swartz92&'7? jeiferso;. St. Adolph 0. Solomon 304 Coloiii2, Drive. 14, Herzberg, 25'17 Prit,cess St. :-ioad, , ii.'ti.Stone 419 S. i9th 5t ivirs. Daisy flobbs tvtil,s, 414 Castle St. , . lq.J.Heeves, 19G, ;;esbitt Courti. Vr'.A.Mari.ne, 4,1 S. l7th St. • ri.C.Farker, r'5 Castle. St. Aybert id2t1:S, 'G' W1"1flfI,SOY. L1'iti2.TiiV NY.J.t'i23s'ey, itt.2. C.vi.Sar;ders, 2116 Barr.ett Ave, k.F.G,ei.n, 246 Fir;ecrest Farkway. J.,*..Gafineya Rt.?, Box 76A. ii.F.Lee, 14 Ive1% C]SClP. Ferry E. JaicES,,Jr., ;j r,ee Erive. L.K.I`eredi.th, 1 29 Viard SL., liaSfitt Village. T,.P:`.Lleweliyr., fit., , Box 250A. Robert C. iviei°rit;t, 116 P:Sarion Drive. Leon R. Lewis, 231 Calliow, Drive, ;?affitC V. Jon), A. Blaiiton 401 S. 5th St. _ i?..H.I,a.ughiin, P.G.Box 966. i.I:.Sel 1 er:, 109 u?ooster Et. ine meetir.g L'nen acljouriied. Clerk. Wilmington?Tt.C.l 6epbbmbes,30s,7952. A joint meeting of the Coul;ty Commi`ssioners, Board of Education, City Councii, City Police, ar.d the Sheriff vias he?d in the offices of the Countl? Co?,missioners at 8:00 o'clock P.M. There were present: County Commissioners: Addisor, Hewlett, Chairman, i'hurston C. D?vis? Claud 0'Shields, _Raiford Trask, and County Commissioner Pvomii.ee F'alph Horton. Board of Education: Johi! T. Goggardt J, S. Craig, 1:,T.Lander,, E.la.Laney, J.C.Hoe, and Johz, ina.rshali, Schools Busir.ess io:ai.ager, ii.;vi.Fcolai.d, Supt., of Schools, Coach Ieon L.Erogden? iNm. E. 3rock) J.6i.Grise, Asst. Supt,, of 5chools, Dale K. 5pencer, Principal New fiariover High Sciiooi ai_d C.G.Berry, oecretary .?ew I_ar over County Atnletic Association. City Counc3l : Mayor E.r ,White ai p City hlanager J.R.Ber.sor.. City Fo?.ice Deot. L'hief j.J.Padriek; Lt. E.F'.i+ui1'iamso:.. Sheriff Dept. Yi. B. Rsgister. Addisoi. fievalett, Chairman of L;ie I3oard of Courty Coi.^rnissioi,ers presiding. The meeting vuas ca,ied for the purpose of irivestigating disorders that were alleged to , 0s have taket_ place at tegioY: Stadiun during a footba!i game last Friday t,ight, September 26, wnen, it vias said, oti-duty City Police Officers assigned to the Stadium for'duty w.eie baxr•ed er.trai,ce which appeared to have arisen out of a possi.ble misunderstanding whei, officers were asked to -ieave tneir sigr.atures on a piece of paper at the gate to enable the Athletic Association to ascertain the names ar.d number of officers going ii,to the Stadium, which appeared to nave stemmed from an increase in charges made bq the police from $5._00 to 010.00 per night for their services to mair.tain order at the Stadium. It v;as renorted that at the rriday nigtrts gamelfist fights, pea-shooters were much in evideiice a burning torch vras throv;n i,?to t,he. starid buri,irig the yotu,g son of Ivfr. naiford Trask in the face ( not serious), meta, Ui•aces Njere ur>-screwed from the seats ar.d throvri about. A number of wine_ aid whiskey bottles were found ur.der the stand, all of rvnich was termed by ;vSr. Davis as a most d.eplorab"e condition. after cor.siderable discussion iv'ir. Trask asked how mar,y police o-ificers viould it tahe,to maintain ordei• at i.he Stadium. icir. Ber,son said 5 frorr? the City to, be n;atched b,y the Cownty. Whereupor. 2vIr. Trask tYiought that 5 from the City and 5 from the 5heri#'f's Depa"rtment pius,ROTC students wou-id provide a good set-up. Lr. Hoggard said IJr. Trask's suggesticr. was a good one, aiid the ciiscussion canie to a close when L".ayor NJhite said the occurance last Friday night was most wifortunate and regrettabie and lets forget it, axid moved that the 5heriff, Athietic Asscciation, State Patrol and Police Departmer.t get to gether and work-out some rnutual satisfa.ctory workabie tu-,derstai:dii.g by which peace, law ai.d order wii, prevail during ever.ts at the Stadium ir, the future. The meetii,g then adjourned. - WilminEtoii, P%, C,, October 6, 1952• The regular vreeicly meetinp of the t3oaid was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: C'+aud G'Shi.,eds, Vice Chairmar., Thur•stot, C. Davis, Raiford Trask, ar.d Cour;ty kttorr,ey Marsder_ Be, lamy, ax.d Cout.ty Kuditor C. F. 5mith. '-QS? P:ioi,tkily reports o£.. the activities of the iiome Der??ox.stratior? figents, Cour.ty Farm Ager?t and ?YnN?4-H Clubs, Veterdr.s Serviee Officer, aureau of idei:tification, and the Grand jury's report for September v;ere received arid filed. ` ? A.n ir,vitatioi. was e,:te;.ded to the Eoa.rd men.-,bers ar.fi their wives to attei.d the Fell Achievment Lay Yrogram or. Gctober l5th 1952. A report was received from the Dark Tax Co-ector showirg that .17,309.07 was colTected for. ? rAY? the Ci.ty ar.d 5v7,271.02,; for the Coiu:ty, making a tota' oS $14,580.09 back taxes collected for the moi.th of September. . l r- 3'7,0 ideetii,g of October 6, 1952, continued. ?S The following sealed bids for the purchase of three automobiles for the Sheriff's Department, as aqvertised, were received ai,d publicly opened aizd read: Cape Fear n3otor Sales : We wil-i furs.ish you three -(3) 1952 Ford Dfain-iine Tudors, sia cylinder fnotor, less i?_orth Carolina 5ales Tax and Federal Excise T<x, for the sum of ?:`690.00 with the three (3) 195'+ Ford trape-ins. We cai, furnish you three (3) ' 957 Ford Llainliue Tudors, with our farrous V-8 motor, for the sum of $885.00 ai.d your trade-ins. Delivery en the above ur.its car: be?made vaithin thirty days. Fiar.ey Chevrolet Co: tue propose to f'urnish three 195" Cnevrolet Special Tovm Sedans ai_d ta'r.e ii; traue your thrFe present cars for a riet cost t6 i=:ar,over Coui.ty of $, ,489.33. Delicery ori these uiiits would be tnii•ty days ox- less. L;:oi. mot?'ot, of :;r. TI'a5k, secar.C1P.C }; YI'. Dpvis, t.iie bid to furniGh three 1952 Ford tr:aii.line 1,ty,,,iudors, HJith V-S n,otors, subrnitt-d b, Cape P'ear i;'otor S,,ies at a iiet cost 'of $:885.00 and three 195l rord irade-ins was acceptea, they'beir.F the'lowes't bid'ders. The Board having found that a state of energency exist in the operation of the airport Q\ ?iby reason of the urgent ar.d imperative need oa truck, upor, motiori of i?ir. Trask, seconded ? ???? by ;.r. iMVis, authorized the purchaselout of he proPits received from the drii,k consessinns at the airport, Oi,e three-quarter tor. pick-up Chev:olet Tr•uck from Raney-Chevrolet Compariy, at 2 cost of $l,042.00, that, ar.,ount neir.g the lovrest pri-ce quoted alter other dealet°s had been contacted. - ? ax his o to h , ch k ? 1e 5 ?f c a2 , i C e ? TrasY, by T . se cor.ded of Iv:r on ?vhich vaas upot Davis mot e ec subject to t acc pted - of the Cou: ty Huditor: - Listed as per i>bsti•act neai Estate « Persoiial Fr•opei•ty, ? 967,705•11 2dot Listea Property 47,624.02 ,i0, ,? ' Less -Abatemet.ts, 4 26.0 i 1,010,753.10 Listed aid Co?lected by the iay Collector, 29678.34 Pes?alty Collected, - 3,387•20 9dv. Cust Collected rr50 ?? y„ '0i6'b,? 14 iieal Estate Sold for Taxes, 391 834•97 Not I.isted Penalty Soldz 06 00 , 91080.93 . Ii.solvents, 1953 Polls `u 2.00 $ 3,9 - ? Dog s, 395•00 $$631.00 Personal Property @ 1.10 9.494.92 137795•9' Taxes Frepaid, - 270,172.9P • 607•35 ' Discour.ts Allowed, 1 . Co,lected by the Tar, Collector and deposited ir, the 81 -147 681 47ilmir.gtor. Sav?rgs ar.d Trust Compai.y, . . . 11015909.91 . 10/31/5' Tide 1'tater Povaer Company Heceipt ;r 3'74 ,3$ City received Credit or. tax recei.pt S"1 293 1 , should have been credited to the Cou;ity, City ' 29? ?8 due Coui.ty refund on above - - • u *110169933•29 59.15 Over /s/ C.ii.P.'orse - City and Cow:ty - "iay Coi?ector. The 1952 tax books vaere then, presented to the Board by ttie Coui.ty1 i?uditor, ar.d upoirr seconded b?? Idr. Trask, accepted ax;d t motion oi Tvir.. Davis urned c?ver to the Ta;; Col?ector , for coil ecti.on. it ras further or3ered tnat a,*, t2x payers who have faiied to list ? thei r property for the year 195? T dnd who are charged with a penalty for f8i,il;g to 'ist . ? such property ar.d who corr:e forv,ard and settie their taxes on or Uefore Jai uary 'I, 953s sha", be allowed to pay the a:r?our:t oi the taxes without th e peT.alty. lipon motion of f,.r. i)2viS, seCO::.aed b? i,'r. Trask; Charies. KcDaniel Jones d physically helpless aid tao oi.e to stay itiitii hin S1T; zen disabled citi Cp the Qeath of his v+ife ? C . , Septen;ber ? 8, 1952, v,as or. 3ecoc,meiiuai:io,, of the Supt., of Fublic WelSaie, adritted i;o ? the Coui?ty Home as a pay patierit at w;30.00 ne: n:oi.tti. Upon motion of ;'.;r. Tra.sk, secoi.ded b; I'r. Davir, the Isoarc3 an,er..ded its act.ion of September by not requiTing adver•tisemer.t ' to be made for t'rie $ 1 952 ?ease of the Cape Fear Arti.llery ? d o 812 1 1 ? Sti-eet. r t t li ? sam 00e00epercmonth ii? ate?2 rth basis m o coiunittee?on a the of moiith the wit} a ccordance . , o as per his bid, which ii. the opinior; of the Board is 'Uhe b est contract obtainab'+eg vias aceepted, subject to the approval of the City Courici, , ar.d prepGsaxign of the reiital agreemer. was' referrea to.the Couiity aiid Cit;y Attorneys. , 37 • Meeting of October 6, 1952, continued. a ? A request of Mir, J. A. FIewett that the y?46, , ta7:es ?0.1- error for the year l951 and prioi, 37 paid by him ir? September ?952t in ? for the reason he has sitice beenadvisedbythe?e aminirgdattorneyrthat?heYhasPciobtit?eunded to the said lot, the same haviiig previousl; been foreclosed by f;irby Sidbury, was referred to the County httortiey for opinion. Upon motiot, of Mr. Davis, seconded by ivir. Trasks the _Board authorized and directed that our boilers at the CoLU.ty iiome be fired by hired heip instead of trusties ir, the future, one during the ciay a.nd one at night, requested by the fiartford Steam Boiler Company , who carry our ii,surar:ce on the same. ' Ui;on motioi, of i:?r. Davis, seconded bz Mr. Trask, payment of ?25.00 to Dr. Vd.Ivi.Coru.or, phys3cian and pathologist at James 'Walker l,?emorja, Hospital t for testifying as an expert , witt.ess ii, ilhe case of State cs Browi: 'r_ough, as.d $50.00 i;o John J. Burney?Jr.j Attorney appointc,d by the Court to represent the defendet,t iri the case of State vs Cora EtYtei Hendersonl vaere approved ori the oraer of the 'ronorable 'J+.H.S.3ergwyn, Judge Presidir,g. Upon motion oS ;air. D-avis, secor.ded by Yr. Tra-sk, the Board authorized ar;d directed the paymei.t of M .00 to bir. M.H.L'ar;der, C.E., for preiininary survey an8 map of County ovrned iats east of the Legion Stauium. Any member of the Board, ur.d the Cour,ty Kttorney and the Couc.ty Auditor, vTho may find it , ??`1?., convei:ient, were author'zed to att:end the annual Supervisors rneeting of the Tax Supervisors Associa.tion to be held at the Institute of Goverr:ment at Cnapel Hill on : ovember l3th through the l5th 7952. audit report of the Board of HeaTth for the fiscal year eridirig'Juue 1952, prepared by ,--a' Tvir. Aarry W. Cherry, CPA., was received and filed. The meeting ther? adjourned. le rk . ' v:i I mii.Ftoi., ?t . C., Octcber 13. 195r?.- The r•egular wee;r'y ,,eeti;.k of t'ie Boui•ci wds helci at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Freseiit: bddisoT. riec:ieLt, Cha;rmai., C•aud 0'ohie•czs, itiurstoi. C. Davis, Hal J. Love, , RaiPord Trask ai u Couity A,i,uri:ey I°arsdei. Be'lae:y. , Upon motior., 'ulilliam H. Guy,.:,r., 2536 Buri.et.t. iiou,evard, u,iln:iigtoi. to?,.Jnship, was granted ?qyL aL, abaten;ei.i; oi ta)es cw. tu the Cicy oi.'y, for 195?, o,, a valuatiox, of 4290.00 or, a1941 . Chevrolet auf.or,obile kept ii. possess-oi of h:is wi,'e ir ila,ri.ett: towi.ship where she resided dt;ring hi.s stay ii. the i avy. _ tipo: motiou of I.,r. •ovE; secoi,de6 by i i. ?'2as'?, I.Ir. 0. G. Vvhitiock was granted an abatement --?' of ?;5.6: ii.tejest ur.d .GG sales cost oz Eari.ett toivr_ship pronerty for '195, , which he st3ted he came ii, to prepay, bu? the Auditors Office dio 7.ot i) clnde the said property veitn ni: list io; prepayments. ;v',r. S;?muel D. Ci1ii.i..is,Jr., ir. the ravy N!ar grai;ted an ' abaten,er.t of tayes on a valuatiot, of ?l,G75.00 persona, properi:y ai.d ??.00 polHarnei;t i;owiship, aecount oi duplicat:e , isi:ii,g. It ?,,ac shovrn he list,ed his aut:omobile ai d other persoi.a, property for 1952 or: January ?, 2nd the same was listed agai7, by his wife or. hugust 111 '552. ivYr. G. E. HP-at:.ett Cape Fear "'oi,)r.ship, was grar,ted ar. abat.ement of po,, taxes foi- Harnett account of double listing, poll tsae: having also beer listed irt Cape Fear for the year 19?')2. Amos Fiughes, Harr,ett Lovz't.ship, v.las graY,fied an a.batement of tayes or. one female dog listed i:. ex ror for the year 1951. Iie iOHS charged vrith two female dogs says he has or.ly„one fer,iale and ui.e male dog. KabeL-C_. Cooroer, 'vrilniiretor. tou+nsh5.p, was gra.nted an aba.temerit of taxes or. a va-luation of $6110.00 oi. a1y49 Buick autouobile charged in error at $', i,700.00, shou?d have beeti ?,LI )090.00. •. ' Upor. mot:ion of Ivir. 0'Shields', seconded b•y, I,1r. Love Col• H. E. Boyd was authorized to attei.d merger hearing, iii Vdashington, D. C., latter ?art of tYiis mot-ith regardizig two alterr atives- -,-?rferger of Coionia'r and F.astern kiriines or Coloni.al and Eational Airlines. , Upoii motion of Mr. Davis, seconded b; Wr. I?oJe, Uack tax.es charged agairist ?ot part of Fe, i e? l , H?rnett towi ship, ir, the ?r?oL.i t of r;82.20 for the years 194" to 1943 ar.d 1944 thr.ough 1951? iai the r.arr:e of Flag W. 4di'liams, s ordered caz.ce,led on accow:t of doubie cilarge ?rid the suit for tayes brough;; aoair_st nir,. orderFd stopped, oi`; anvise_?if the Coui,ty'titty. ?roperty is liste,3 by Lawrence 3e3:ki.is vaho i?as paid the 'taxes o,? the same through the year 195' • aletter iwas receircd iror.? L:r. ??hr. ii. ?o):? Cnairr,as: of the Arriculturai CommiGtee of the ' ?pMr??hanber of Cornmerce, explFssit.a tnai.ks io ?7embers of the Doard for their cor,tributior. te the Daii•y Cali Snow. . . " Notice was received fror.i Dr. j nhr. T. Hog?;ard that a meeting of the ABC Con,posit.e Eoard would October 2?? ?Q)?. ---pi-c--be helti ii, the Cou.i_t,y Commissioiiers oif'ice at 3:00 o`clock P.T?:.9 Upon motioe. of Lir. 0'Shie'ds, \ secoi:c]ed b? ivlj . 7oae, aii offer of the heirs at law of J.R. ar.d Annetta Berry, tkirougn their Htt,oriieY ;%?r. r,dFar L.Y"ow, to purchase City-Coui.ty ovrned 1.ot 1 1 block 6) f.:ercer P,ace at a nrice cf ?250.00 ?vas accepted ?atid the Ch?irman and the Cleric of the Boaru re nereby authorized ai,d directed to to si.gn a deed Sor same ii, the name oi' the Cour,ty A1 etter of iiiv9tation to atter,d a meeting ir. Sal isbury oli. October -1 71 1 952, w'itn referei cE ? P,,,to fiurai Fire Pxotectioi.. The Board decided that id,r. rial J. Love attet.d if he is ir, i,hat territory at that time. H letter was received froru pr. NI. N. I,eary advising that at a meetir,g of the Board of Trustees ?No? of Corrmur?ity Hospital Septeniber 24 1 19527 the Boa-rd reaeived the resignatior: oS t,ir. E.Haynor Vviison, effective October 11 1952• P,'ir. 0'Shie,ds questioned delay in replacing resigned men ar.d suggested a joint meeting before appoir.tments are made, neplacements shouls be n:a.d? without delay. ?